The Development of Evidence Based Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness Dissertation submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Department of Communication and Psychology Aalborg University, Denmark 2014 Julian O'Kelly Supervisors Associate Professor Wendy Magee Professor Hanne Mette Ochsner Ridder J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 i Declaration I confirm that this thesis and the research it presents has not previously, in part or in its entirety, been submitted for examination at an academic institution of higher education in Denmark or abroad. Except where otherwise indicated, this thesis is my own work. 27th November 2013 ……………………………………………………………………….................... Date Julian O’Kelly J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 ii Research Environment The research detailed in this thesis was funded primarily through a three year full time PhD Mobility Fellowship from the Doctoral School of the Humanities within the Department of Psychology and Communication at Aalborg University. Additional funding was provided by the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability and the Music Therapy Charity. The study was undertaken at the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability, a large specialist unit providing rehabilitation and long-term care for individuals with acquired brain injuries and neuro-degenerative conditions, with dedicated education and research departments. The hospital was founded in 1854, and is the oldest independent hospital and medical charity in the UK. The author was seconded from the post of Head of Music Therapy to undertake this research. Acknowledgements Many individuals were indispensable in terms of the support they gave to ensure the completion of this project. Firstly, the biggest thank you must go to all the carers who gave approval for their loved ones to participate in the study as patient subjects, the patients themselves, and the healthy volunteers who gave their time to provide healthy comparison data. Conducting research in a clinical setting necessarily involves negotiation and good communication with multi-disciplinary colleagues. In particular, the music therapists, occupational therapists, and nurses working with the patients recruited to the study deserve heartfelt thanks for co-operating with me as I scheduled sessions and sought information about patients. The study benefited from technical assistance offered by several individuals. Neurophysiologist Dr Leon James gave invaluable support in EEG electrode placement methods and the use of MATLAB software. Dr Ramaswamy Palaniappan provided software support and on-going advice in the use of bespoke MATLAB programmes to analyse the neurophysiological measures used in the study. Professor JÓ§rg Fachner brought to the study advice born of his many years of experience in applying EEG methods to music therapy J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 iii research. Finally Jana Tamborin volunteered her time as the study’s independent observer for behavioural data. The study’s primary supervisor, Associate Professor Wendy Magee gave many hours of patient supervision and guidance throughout the study. Her experience as a clinician, author and researcher in the field of neuro-disability meant that the study benefited immeasurably from her support. At Aalborg, Professor Hanne Mette Ochsner Ridder provided on-going supervision and guidance in relation to the various protocols involved in the fellowship scheme, for which I am immensely grateful. At my workplace and site of the research, line manager Dr Sophie Duport gave a consistently high level of support, advice and encouragement. At the final stages of submission Jan Brooman and Catherine Hazell also deserve thanks for their contribution in proof reading and Stine Lindahl Jacobson for translating the thesis abstract into Danish. In terms of acknowledgements, it is essential to highlight that the existence of the PhD Mobility Fellowship, and hence this study, is in great part a result of the late Tony Wigram’s pioneering and tireless support of music therapy both at Aalborg and internationally. Finally, this work has in many ways been made possible by the love and encouragement of my partner Joanne, and has been in many ways inspired by my daughter Evie, born during the data collection for this thesis. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 iv Abstract By improving arousal and awareness for those with disorders of consciousness (DOC), music therapy may contribute to the assessment of whether individuals are in vegetative states (VS) or minimally conscious states (MCS). However, supporting evidence is lacking. The purpose of this thesis is to address a primary research question: can music therapy effect neurophysiological and behavioural changes suggesting arousal and awareness to contribute to the assessment of patients with DOC? The thesis comprises three peer reviewed papers. The first explores relevant music therapy and neuroscience literature, highlighting how interdisciplinary dialogue is mutually beneficial. The second asks: what do concurrent music therapy and global assessments reveal about DOC patients’ responsiveness to auditory and musical stimuli? An audit compared 42 music therapy assessments (MATADOC) with concurrent multimodal assessments (SMART) using standardised measures for each. Statistical analysis highlighted that whilst MATADOC has higher sensitivity within auditory and visual domains, SMART has higher sensitivity in the motor domain. Findings support the use of the music therapy assessment in contributing to the understanding of a patient’s level of awareness. The third paper addresses further questions: what information will a neurophysiological and behavioural examination of DOC and healthy responses to music therapy and other auditory stimuli reveal in relation to (i) contrasting responses across and within healthy, MCS and VS cohorts, and (ii) comparison with standardised behavioural assessments? A multiple baseline within-subjects study compared electroencephalogram (EEG), cardio-respiratory and behavioural responses of 20 healthy, 12 VS and 9 MCS subjects to music therapy (live preferred music and improvised music entrained to respiration), pre-recorded disliked music, white noise and silence. Post-hoc ANOVA tests indicated that preferred music produced the widest range of significant responses (p ≤ 0.05) across healthy subjects, particularly for respiration rate and EEG amplitude. Significant EEG amplitude peaks were found in frontal areas in MCS and VS cohorts (p ≤ 0.05) in response to music therapy, suggesting increased arousal. These cortical responses may also indicate selective attention. Furthermore, behavioural data showed significantly increased blink rates for preferred music in VS patients (p = 0.029). In conclusion, this thesis has developed our understanding of the role of music therapy with DOC. Neurophysiological and behavioural evidence indicates that music therapy improves J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 v arousal and awareness, providing empirical support for its role in optimising the conditions needed for assessment and rehabilitation. Further research is indicated exploring how these effects may be harnessed to improve clinical outcomes for DOC patients. Dansk Abstract Ved at forbedre arousal og bevidsthed (awareness) hos mennesker med bevidsthedsforstyrrelser (Disorders of Consiousness; DOC), kan musikterapi bidrage til at vurdere om patienter befinder sig i vegetative (VS) eller minimalt bevidste tilstande (MCS). Der mangler dog understøttende dokumentation for dette. Formålet med denne afhandling er formuleret i det primære forskningsspørgsmål: Kan musikterapi medvirke til neurofysiologiske og adfærdsmæssige ændringer, hvorved arousal og bevidsthed kan bidrage til assessment af patienter med bevidsthedsforstyrrelser? Afhandlingen består af tre peer-reviewed artikler. Den første udforsker relevant musikterapiteoretisk og neurologisk videnskabelig litteratur, og fremhæver hvordan tværfaglig dialog er til gensidig gavn. I den næste artikel stilles spørgsmålet: Hvad kan sammenlignelige musikterapeutiske og globale assessment-redskaber afsløre om DOCpatientens reaktioner på auditive og musikalske stimuli? Ved hjælp af standardiserede målinger blev 42 musikterapi-assessment-vurderinger (Music Therapy Assessment Tool for Disorders of Consciousness; MATADOC) sammenlignet med multimodale assessmentvurderinger ('Sensory Modality Assessment and Rehabilitation Technique; SMART). Den statistiske analyse viste, at mens MATADOC har højere følsomhed i forhold til auditive og visuelle domæner, så har SMART højere følsomhed inden for det motoriske domæne. Resultaterne understøtter brug af musikterapeutisk assessment som et bidrag til forståelsen af patienters bevidsthedstilstande. Den tredje artikel omhandler yderligere delspørgsmål: Hvilke oplysninger vil en neurofysiologisk og adfærdsmæssig undersøgelse af bevidsthedsforstyrrelser samt raske personers reaktioner på musikterapi og andre auditive stimuli afsløre i forbindelse med (I) kontrasterende respons mellem raske, MCS- og VS-deltagere, og (II) sammenligning med standardiserede adfærdsassessment-vurderinger? En multiple baseline within-subject undersøgelse sammenlignede elektroencefalogram (EEG) , kardio-respiratoriske- og adfærdsmæssige reaktioner på 20 raske, 12 VS- og 9 MCS-deltagere som fik musikterapi (live-spillet foretrukket musik og improviseret musik tilpasset deres vejrtrækning), som lyttede til indspillet ikke-foretrukket musik, hvid støj og stilhed. Post-hoc ANOVA-analyser viste, at J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 vi der ved foretrukket musik var den største grad af signifikante responser (p ≤ 0,05) blandt raske forsøgspersoner, især for åndedrætsfrekvens og EEG-signaler. Signifikante udsving i EEG-målingerne blev fundet i frontale områder hos MCS- og VS-deltagerne (p ≤ 0,05) som reaktion på musikterapi, hvilket tyder på øget arousal. Disse kortikale reaktioner kan også indikere selektiv opmærksomhed. Desuden viste adfærdsmæssige data signifikant flere blink ved foretrukket musik hos VS-patienter (p = 0,029). Det kan konkluderes, at denne afhandling har udviklet vores forståelse af musikterapiens rolle hos mennesker med bevidsthedsforstyrrelser. Neurofysiologiske og adfærdsmæssige data indikerer, at musikterapi forbedrer arousal og bevidsthed, hvilket giver empirisk belæg for musikterapiens rolle med henblik på at optimere de nødvendige betingelser for assessment og rehabilitering. Videre forskning bør undersøge hvordan disse virkninger kan udnyttes til at forbedre de kliniske resultater for patienter med bevidsthedsforstyrrelser. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 vii Contents Research Environment ..................................................................................................................... ii Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................... ii Abstract ............................................................................................................................................ iv Dansk Abstract ................................................................................................................................. v List of Publications ............................................................................................................................1 PhD Thesis Papers ...........................................................................................................................1 Peer Reviewed PhD Related Conference Presentations ............................................................1 Other PhD Related Presentations ..................................................................................................2 Table of Abbreviations Used.............................................................................................................4 1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................5 2. Theoretical Framework .................................................................................................................7 2.1 Neuro-rehabilitation ....................................................................................................................7 2.2 Evidence Based Medicine .........................................................................................................7 2.3 Physical Rehabilitation Medicine ..............................................................................................8 2.4 Music Therapy .............................................................................................................................9 2.5 Consciousness ............................................................................................................................9 2.5.1 The Humanist Perspective ...............................................................................................10 2.5.2 The Behavioural/Pragmatic Perspective ........................................................................10 2.5.3 Consciousness and Disorders of Consciousness ........................................................11 2.5.4 Arousal ................................................................................................................................12 2.5.5 Awareness ..........................................................................................................................15 2.5.6 Awareness or Consciousness? .......................................................................................15 2.6 Diagnostic Criteria ....................................................................................................................17 2.6.1 Coma ...................................................................................................................................17 2.6.2 Locked-in Syndrome .........................................................................................................17 2.6.3 Vegetative State (VS) .......................................................................................................18 2.6.4 Minimally Conscious State (MCS) ..................................................................................21 2.7 Assessment of DOC .................................................................................................................23 2.7.1 Music Therapy and DOC Assessment ...........................................................................23 2.7.2 Neuroimaging and DOC Assessment ............................................................................25 2.7.3 Behavioural Assessment of DOC ...................................................................................26 2.8 Sensory Stimulation and Regulation......................................................................................27 J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 viii 2.8.1 Sensory Stimulation .......................................................................................................... 28 2.8.2 Sensory Regulation .......................................................................................................... 29 2.8.3 Neuroplasticity ................................................................................................................... 31 3. Aims of the Thesis ...................................................................................................................... 32 3.1 Research questions ................................................................................................................. 32 4. Overall Research Design ........................................................................................................... 33 5. Methodology ............................................................................................................................... 35 5.1 Search Strategy ........................................................................................................................ 35 5.2 Recruitment ............................................................................................................................... 35 5.2.1 Ethical Considerations ..................................................................................................... 37 5.3 Data Collection ......................................................................................................................... 38 5.3.1 Materials ............................................................................................................................. 38 5.3.2 Procedures and Protocol ................................................................................................. 38 5.4 Data Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 40 6. Overview of Results for Paper III................................................................................................ 42 6.1 Results from Healthy Data ...................................................................................................... 42 6.2 Results from Patient Data ....................................................................................................... 43 7. Summary and Background of Papers ........................................................................................ 44 7.1 Paper I........................................................................................................................................ 44 7.2 Paper II ...................................................................................................................................... 45 7.3 Paper III ..................................................................................................................................... 46 8. Discussion .................................................................................................................................. 48 8.1 Sub Question 2 ......................................................................................................................... 48 8.2 Sub question 3a........................................................................................................................ 50 8.2.1 Healthy Neurophysiological Responses ........................................................................ 50 8.2.2 Patient Behavioural Responses...................................................................................... 52 8.2.3 Patient Neurophysiological Responses ......................................................................... 53 8.3 Sub question 3b........................................................................................................................ 57 8.4 Primary Research Question ................................................................................................... 59 8.5 Limitations ................................................................................................................................. 60 9. Conclusions ................................................................................................................................ 62 10. Summary ................................................................................................................................. 64 Reference List ................................................................................................................................ 74 J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 ix Appendix I ...................................................................................................................................... 89 Appendix 2 ..................................................................................................................................... 91 Appendix 3a ................................................................................................................................... 96 Appendix 3b ................................................................................................................................... 97 Appendix 3c ................................................................................................................................... 98 Thesis Papers I, II & III ................................................................................................................ 100 Note on Publications and Copyright ..............................................................................................100 Paper I .............................................................................................................................................101 Paper II............................................................................................................................................103 Paper III ..........................................................................................................................................105 Figures Figure 1: Relationship between Arousal and Consciousness .............................................. 14 Figure 2: Study Protocol ...................................................................................................... 40 Figure 3: Healthy Respiration Rates and Beats per Minute Compared ................................ 51 Tables Table 1: Significant Change in Patient Physiological Measures……………………………….56 J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 1 List of Publications PhD Thesis Papers Paper I: O'Kelly, J., & Magee, W.L. (2013). Music therapy with disorders of consciousness and neuroscience: the need for dialogue. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy. 22(2), 93-106. doi: 10.1080/08098131.2012.709269 Paper II: O'Kelly, J., & Magee, W.L. (2013). The complementary role of music therapy in the detection of awareness in disorders of consciousness: an audit of concurrent SMART and MATADOC assessments. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 23(2), 287-298. doi:10.1080/09602011.2012.753395 Paper III: O'Kelly J., Magee, W.L. James, L., Palaniappan, R., Taborin, J., & Fachner, J. (2013). Neurophysiological and behavioural responses to music therapy in vegetative and minimally conscious states. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 7:884. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00884 Papers I, II and III cannot be provided in full in the online version of this thesis due to copyright restrictions, however details for downloading each paper, including the free open access copy of Paper III are provided on pages 101-105 of this thesis The level and nature of the co-authors contributions to each of the main PhD publications is detailed in Appendices 3a-c. Peer Reviewed PhD Related Conference Presentations O'Kelly, J., Magee, W.L., James, L., Palaniappan, R., Taborin, J., & Fachner, J. (2013, August). The development of evidence based music therapy for disorders of consciousness: Comparing healthy neurophysiological responses to individuals in vegetative and minimally conscious states. In M. Schutz, & F Russo, (Eds), Programme and Abstracts, Biennial meeting of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition (p. 104), Toronto, Canada: Ryerson University. Moore, K., Hanson-Abromeit, D., Magee, W.L., & O’Kelly, J. (2013, August). The theory, practice, and measurement of music therapy: Developing evidence from diverse practice. In M. Schutz, & F. Russo, F (Eds), Programme and Abstracts, Biennial Meeting of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for Music J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 2 Perception and Cognition August 8-11 (p. 104). Toronto, Canada: Ryerson University. O'Kelly, J., Magee, W.L., James, L., Palaniappan, R., Taborin, J., & Fachner, J. (2013). Music therapy applications for promoting arousal and emotional responses in those with disorders of consciousness. Preliminary analysis of a neurophysiological and behavioural study. In G. Luck, & O. Brabant, Programme and Abstracts, 3rd International Conference on Music and Emotion. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Music and Emotion (p. 31). Jyväskylä, Finland: University Press, University of Jyväskylä. O'Kelly, J1. (2013, June). A neurophysiological study of receptive music therapy with healthy adults and individuals with disorders of consciousness: Implications for practice. Paper presented at the Music Therapy Advances in Neuro-disability, Royal Hospital for Neurodisability, London. O'Kelly J., Magee, W.L., James, L., Palaniappan, R., & Fachner, J. (2013, April). The development of evidence based music therapy in the assessment and rehabilitation of those with disorders of consciousness. Poster presented at the British Festival of Neuroscience, Barbican, London. O'Kelly, J., Magee, W.L., Palaniappan, R., & James, L. (2012). Preferred music and entrained improvisation: A neurophysiological study. In K. Brabant, J. Johansson & J. Fachner, (Eds.), Programme and Abstracts, 7th Nordic Music Therapy Congress. Paper presented at the 7th Nordic Music Therapy Congress, Music Therapy Models, Methods and Techniques (p. 34). Jyväskylä, Finland: University Press, University of Jyväskylä. Other PhD Related Presentations O'Kelly, J. (2013, November) Music therapy with neurodisabilities and disorders of consciousness: discoveries, challenges and opportunities. Paper presented at the University of Roehampton Psychology Research Seminars. University of Roehampton, London. O'Kelly, J., & Magee, W.L. (2013, June). Music therapy advances in neuro-disability: International perspectives. Paper presented at the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability Open Lecture. Royal Hospital for Neurodisability, London. 1 Plenary speaker, Chair of Scientific Committee and conference organiser J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 3 O'Kelly, J. (2012, November). Music therapy with disorders of consciousness: The search for evidence. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Music Therapy and Disorders of Consciousness, Elizabeth Seton Paediatric Center. Yonkers, New York. O'Kelly, J. (2012, September). Music therapy applications for enhancing social relationships for those with complex disabilities. Paper presented at Heading Forward Tyne and Wear NHS Trust one day Conference, Newcastle. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 4 Table of Abbreviations Used Analysis of Variance ANOVA Autonomic Nervous System ANS Ascending Reticular Activating System ARAS Baseline Silence BLS Coma Recovery Scale-Revised CRS-R Disliked music DM Disorder of Consciousness DOC Electroencephalogram EEG Entrained improvisation EI Event Related Potential ERP Evidence Based Medicine EBM Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging fMRI Glasgow Coma Scale GCS Heart rate HR Heart rate variability HRV Hi frequency HF Liked/preferred music LM Low Frequency LF Music Therapy Assessment Tool for Awareness in Disorders of Consciousness MATADOC Minimally Conscious State MCS Physical Rehabilitation Medicine PRM Positron Emission Tomography PET Respiration rate RR Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability RHN Root mean square of successive differences RMSSD Sensory Modality Assessment and Rehabilitation Technique SMART Skin Conductance Level SCL Spearman Rho rs Traumatic Brain Injury TBI Vegetative State VS The Wessex Head Injury Matrix WHIM White noise WN J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 5 1. Introduction In the care of those with disorders of consciousness (DOC), diagnosis, misdiagnosis and treatment are critically important issues for clinicians, family members and of course the individuals with DOC themselves (Andrews 2005). Assessment of awareness and rehabilitation treatments are often confounded by ambiguous responses resulting from fluctuating arousal levels, perceptual and motor impairments (Majerus, Bruno, Schnakers, Giacino & Laureys, 2009). These issues are particularly critical for the nature and level of care patients receive. In my experience of working within the UK healthcare system the differences in treatment paths for those with a diagnosis of vegetative state (VS) who retain sleep-wake cycles but lack awareness, and minimally conscious states (MCS), where some form of awareness is observed, are significant. Individuals assessed as MCS may be entitled to a high level of multidisciplinary input aimed at optimising their rehabilitation potential, however for VS diagnoses, high dependency and a lack of adaptive capacity preclude such input. My case load as a music therapist over the last 13 years has included both ‘unresponsive’ palliative patients in the final stages of dying, and those with DOC who provide the focus of this thesis. In both cases I have witnessed individuals appearing to be more responsive to others and their environment when I performed their preferred music. This has led me to question how and why music should be effective in engaging with these individuals where other stimuli appear less effective. Music therapists have made claims with regard to ‘reaching’ or ‘contacting’ those with DOC (e.g., Aldridge, Gustorff, & Hannlich, 1990, Gustorff, 1995, 2002; Herkenrath, 2005). However, existing studies are based on small numbers, and lack control measures or randomisation (e.g., Aldridge, Gustorff, & Hannlich, 1990; Ghiozzi, 2005). Thus, robust evidence-based explanations of why music therapy might be effective are lacking, as are investigations as to which techniques might be most effective. Whilst my personal experience, the literature, and media stories2 involving music awakening those in coma or DOC are compelling, there are no rigorous studies to counter the argument 2 A Google search using the terms 'music' 'coma' and 'recovery' produced 130,000 hits, with a wide range of newspaper articles reporting cases of individual 'brought out ' of coma through listening to their favourite music. Items such as a recent UK Guardian newspaper article “Robin Gibb stuns doctors by waking from coma” (Michaels 2012) rarely report any scientific explanation for such occurrences. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 6 that these ‘miraculous’ responses might simply be co-incidental, part of the patient’s natural recovery, or unrelated to the nature of the music presented to them. It is also hard to avoid the impression that music therapy is sometimes called upon here in a rather ad-hoc fashion, with a type of ‘last resort’ rationale. This study aims to systematically address the lack of evidence base underpinning music therapy with those with DOC through a series of investigations within an evidence-based framework. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 7 2. Theoretical Framework To contextualise the research reported in this thesis, it is important to outline the main theoretical and professional models which inform the research environment of the study. The following sections will outline concepts directly relating to DOC care such as ‘neurorehabilitation’, and detail the most pertinent aspects of wider concepts such as consciousness in relation to music therapy practice with DOC. 2.1 Neuro-rehabilitation The material for this thesis was collected from patients and staff within a neuro-rehabilitation unit in the UK. Neuro-rehabilitation has been defined as: "an active and dynamic process by which a disabled person is helped to acquire knowledge and skills in order to maximise physical, psychological and social function" (Barnes, 1999, p. 929). In neuro-rehabilitation, dynamic aspects of care are emphasised, as are the active involvement of the individual with impairment, the family, multi-disciplinary teams and social services in the rehabilitation process (Barnes, 1999). Two primary conceptual frameworks inform clinical work in neurorehabilitation – ‘Evidence-Based Medicine’ (EBM), and the more eclectic approach of ‘Physical Rehabilitation Medicine’ (PRM). 2.2 Evidence Based Medicine EBM is defined by Sackett, Rosenberg, Haynes, and Richardson as “the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients” (1996, p. 71). EBM bases practices primarily on evidence that purports to separate science from other activities, such as those based on unsystematic or intuitive methods (Kuhn, 1996).The framework broadly conforms to a positivist, epistemological approach, which places importance on clinical interventions based on the latest rigorous clinical research, ranking systematic reviews and randomised control trials at the top of a hierarchy of evidence, followed by ‘lesser forms’ of evidence such as case studies (Sackett et al., 1996). Ruud (2005) outlines some of the core characteristics of the positivist, EBM approach which may be advantageous for exploring and communicating about music therapy in the EBM/PRM environment. For example, he details one of the important characteristics of ‘empirical positivism’ as reductionism whereby complex or generalizing statements such as ‘x patient became more aroused’ need to be traced to more basic and objective observations such as ‘x’s heart rate increased by ‘y’ amount indicating an increase in arousal’. In this J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 8 sense, the descriptor ‘reductionist’ need not be seen as pejorative, more as an important requirement for music therapy research and practice in this field, where communicating meaningfully about clinical issues to a wider multidisciplinary audience is of paramount importance. Aside from clinical considerations, for modern neuro-rehabilitation providers, the importance of basing clinical work on the best available evidence may be crucial in terms of receiving funding from regional government agencies and referring general practices, who in the UK make spending decisions partly based on the evidence-based rigour of care providers. 2.3 Physical Rehabilitation Medicine In relation to neuro-disability, EBM has limitations in terms of its emphasis on randomized control trials which, whilst ideally suited to pharmacological studies, are difficult to apply to neuro-rehabilitation interventions. Such interventions are often ‘relearning’ techniques led by a range of clinicians, sometimes collaboratively, in different settings (Homberg, 2005). In its reliance on evidence from clinical trials and objective measures, EBM has also been criticised by the phenomenological movement as ignoring the legitimate and important aspects of the patient’s self-understanding and experience of illness (Goldenberg, 2006). Similarly, Aldridge (1991) points out how the scientific foundations of modern medicine ignore aspects of spirituality and notions of healing valued by patients and religious traditions. The Physical Rehabilitation Model (PRM) addresses some of the limitations of EBM by acknowledging the complexity of disability, the interaction of one’s disability with personal factors and the environment, and the need for interdisciplinary input to address this complexity effectively (Stucki & Melvin, 2007). PRM has been defined as: ..the medical specialty that, based on the assessment of functioning and including the diagnosis and treatment of health conditions, performs, applies and co-ordinates biomedical and engineering and a wide range of other interventions with the goal of optimising functioning of people experiencing or likely to experience disability. (Stucki & Melvin, 2007 p. 288) The role of the patient themselves is core to most rehabilitation models. Aims of interventions need to be to be informed by a joint decision-making approach, thus patient-centeredness is J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 9 an important prerequisite of PRM (Gutenbrunner, Meyer, Melvin, & Stucki, 2011). However, translating this philosophy to the care of those with DOC naturally poses challenges, given the profound communication impairments typical with this population. Similarly PRMinterventions may focus on aspects of quality of life, e.g., improvement in functions or perception of wellbeing (Gutenbrunner et al., 2011). With DOC patients, who lack capacity and communication skills, treatment decisions aimed at improving quality of life can only be based on observable behaviours and symptoms, such as spasticity and excess saliva, and measured by their success in addressing these symptoms, whereupon clinicians can only make subjective assumptions regarding quality of life. 2.4 Music Therapy There are a variety of music therapy definitions reflecting the range of perspectives existing internationally. One authoritative definition from a neuro-rehabilitation framework proposed by Magee is: "..a clinical intervention that can be defined as the planned and intentional use of music to meet an individual’s social, psychological, physical and spiritual needs within an evolving therapeutic relationship." (2002, p. 179). Whilst this definition does not exclude social or spiritual concerns, it highlights the ‘planned and intentional’ use of the ‘intervention’ of music therapy. In other words, the definition can be seen as eclectic, through the inclusion of evidence based thinking, without disregarding the holistic approach to patient care, where interpersonal phenomena are acknowledged as core to effective practice. A survey of all the literature on music therapy in neuro-rehabilitation as a whole is beyond the scope of this thesis however; a comprehensive literature review of the field is available elsewhere by Gilbertson (2005). Both the following section and Paper I will focus on a discussion of the key music therapy approaches and rationales for music therapy with DOC. 2.5 Consciousness There exists a wide range of contrasting epistemological and ontological perspectives as to the nature of consciousness. However, given the focus of this thesis, it is appropriate to focus on perspectives informing the music therapy literature, rather than an expansive outline of the many philosophical and historical debates in this field. Here, the primary approaches one finds may be summarised as 'humanist/music centred' and 'behavioural/pragmatic'. These approaches are outlined below, and in more detail in Paper I of this thesis. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 10 2.5.1 The Humanist Perspective In relation to music therapy with DOC, the humanist perspective postulates an elementary consciousness common to all DOC, which Herkenwrath contrasts with more bio-medical perspectives: ..are statements on orientation potentials, cortical processing of perception and adequate reactions enough for a comprehensive description of human existence? The spirit, the self, the ego of a man is more than neuronal activity, and human consciousness is so manifold that it cannot be reduced to the functionality of the brain nerves. (2005, p. 158) Core to humanist thinking is the concept of 'dualism', which refers to the two entities of the mind ‘res cogitans’, or non-extended and thinking and, 'res entensa’, or relating to the body, extended and physical (Descartes, 1641, translated in Descartes 1985). Dualist thinking poses one of the enigmas of the study of consciousness which continues to be debated, termed the ‘mind – brain’ problem. Essentially, the ‘problem’ centres on the difficulty we have in relating the non-physical subjective phenomena of the mind to the objective physical contents of the brain. It is often challenging to explain in words what happens in music therapy, which to a great extent comprises non-verbal phenomena such as musical and feeling states - an issue described as the 'music therapist’s dilemma' (Ansdell, 1996, p.5). Furthermore, and depending on one's personal or theoretical perspective, one may readily accept the possibility of spiritual phenomena separate from the purely physical world, especially in relation to 'peak' musical experiences. However, with perhaps the exception of palliative settings, clinical or research discussions using dualist, metaphysical or humanist concepts such as 'soul' or 'spirit' do not sit comfortably within an EBM/PRM framework. 2.5.2 The Behavioural/Pragmatic Perspective With the rise of behaviourism in science, and the EBM framework which pervades modern health care delivery, dualistic theory has largely been marginalised in favour of the view that consciousness should be defined by brain function, mirrored by the structure of a set of neural processes, and consequently, DOC by the lack of these functions and processes. This thinking, variously referred to as ’positivist’, ’reductionist’, ‘materialist’ or ‘physicalist’, is outlined in formalised approaches developed by behavioural psychologists Watson and Skinner from the early 20th century onwards. Watson stressed the primacy of the relationship between cognitive input and behavioural output over inner or subjective experiences, J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 11 providing the primary focus for a more scientific, psychological model of consciousness (1913). Through reviewing the literature, the term 'Behavioural/Pragmatic' was considered appropriate to denote the shared perspective of the 'non humanist' music therapy literature in this field. The term was given in view of the language and focus of the literature in which EBM, behavioural concepts and pragmatic considerations inform the work, and a more biomedical concept of consciousness is tacitly implied. For example, authors frequently discuss music therapy practice in relation to 'interventions', 'operant conditioning techniques’, or 'behavioural assessment', and other terms readily accepted within an EBM frame of reference (e.g., Baker & Tamplin, 2006; Boyle & Greer, 1984; Boyle, 1994; Daveson, Magee, Crewe, Beaumont, & Kenealy, 2007; Magee, 2005). Within the neuroscience and neuro-psychological literature, we find the term consciousness used in reference to a range of function and concepts, from basic processes such as perception and attention, to less concrete concepts such as 'hope' or 'desire'. Three meanings of consciousness have been delineated by Zeman: (i) Consciousness as the waking state – comprising our ability to perceive, and interact with, the environment purposefully (ii) Consciousness as experience - the qualitative, subjective phenomena of experience (iii) Consciousness as mind, or mental states with propositional content relating to hopes, fears, and beliefs (2001, pp. 1265-6). The first of these meanings will frame the majority of discussions of consciousness in this thesis. This is not to deny all those with DOC the capacity for subjective experiences, hopes or fears, as will be discussed in the following sections. However, given the complexity of disability found with DOC, such concepts, often predicated on speech or movement for their expression, challenge authentic representation by current assessment and research methods. 2.5.3 Consciousness and Disorders of Consciousness One of the first definitions of consciousness one may glean from a biomedical perspective is found in lectures of the pioneering psychologist/physician and philosopher William James. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 12 James described consciousness as predicated upon 'awareness of the self and the environment' (James, 1902, cited in Hirschberg & Giacino, 2011, p. 774). Eighty years later, Posner and Plum used virtually the same definition in their landmark publication 'The diagnosis of stupor and coma’ as: “the state of awareness of the self and the environment” (1982, p. 1). However, they also developed the concept of consciousness as comprising two core characteristics: arousal (used synonymously with 'wakefulness’ in the literature) and awareness, on which the differential diagnoses of MCS and VS hinge. In addition they proposed the term 'persistent vegetative state' (PVS) to refer to a condition of wakefulness without awareness. Over two decades later, the Multi-Society Task Force on PVS provided greater clarification on the relationship between awareness and arousal, i.e., that wakefulness may exist without awareness, but not the converse, and that VS represented a wakeful state, but with a complete inability to experience or have awareness of the environment (1994). Evolving from the basic definition of Posner and Plum (1982), a definition of consciousness which seems implicit in current DOC clinical work and research is provided by Giacino: “consciousness refers to three basic elements: wakefulness, the capacity to detect and perceptually encode interoceptive and exteroceptive stimuli, and the capacity to formulate goal-directed behaviour” (1997, p.106). This definition informs the way consciousness is clinically assessed with DOC, which usually comprises behavioural observation of a patient's ability to perceive the external world and interact with it, through evaluation of voluntary, purposeful, consistent and sustained responses to stimuli across the senses i.e., responses to visual, auditory and tactile stimuli (Majerus, Gill-Thwaites, Andrews.K, & Laureys, 2005). Observable behaviours such as 'goal-directed behaviour' are amenable to standardised behavioural assessment, using a range of assessment tools detailed further on. The differential diagnoses of VS and MCS will be outlined in detail later; however, before appreciating current clinical practice in DOC assessment, it is useful to explore the range of current thinking on consciousness, arousal and awareness in this field. 2.5.4 Arousal In the medical model, the level of consciousness may be also described as the level of arousal (Laureys, 2005), which is determined by the level of functioning in the sub-cortical arousal systems in the brainstem, midbrain and thalamus, evidenced most clearly by the opening of the eyes. Work in the 1940’s by Moruzzi and Magoun first highlighted the involvement of a structure in the brainstem known as the ‘ascending reticular activating J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 13 system’ (ARAS), residing in part of the upper brain stem, in our sleep-wake cycles and arousal levels. The ARAS was delineated as responsible for the transmission and modulation of nerve impulses from the sense organs to areas of the brain such as the thalamus, hypothalamus, and cortex (Moruzzi & Magoun, 1995). Our understanding of the ARAS has progressed from a monolithic system limited to the ’reticular’ nuclei in the brain stem, to an extended model where activating structures extend as far as the spinal cord, forebrain, and cerebral hemisphere (Robbins, 1997, Zeman, 2001). It is also noteworthy that the ARAS is implicated in a range of behaviour beyond wakefulness, such as mood, motivation, attention, learning, memory and movement (Robbins, 1997). Primitive arousal function is believed to provide the foundations for all motivated behavioural responses, cognitive functions, and emotional expression (Pfaff, Ribeiro, Matthews, & Kow, 2008), and may be considered as a state of readiness to act, comprising responses to the environment such as predictable reflexive reactions to stimuli (Cohen, 1993). However, because of the multidimensional nature of arousal, it is a challenging construct to analyse empirically (Robbins, 1997). Parallel to our understanding of the ARAS has been the developing knowledge of electrophysiological correlates of arousal, as measured from the scalp using electroencephalogram (EEG) methods. As early as 1929, Hans Berger, the pioneer of EEG recording, distinguished two different electrophysiological rhythms of wakefulness: ‘alpha’ at 8-13 Hz, which represented ‘passive EEG’ and ‘beta’ or ‘active EEG’ at 13 Hz <, which is representative of 'mental exertion' (Berger, 1929, cited in Zeman, 2001). We are now aware of additional rhythms including ‘theta’ (4-7 Hz) and ‘delta’ at 3.5 < Hz, which when topographically widespread at higher amplitudes indicate reduced arousal in adults (Zeman, 2001). More details on EEG methods relevant to DOC research may be found in the introduction and methods section of Paper III of this thesis (p. 3). With the addition of positron emission tomography (PET) analysis, we are also able to differentiate different levels of global cerebral glucose metabolism in these states. For example, deep sleep is accompanied by a 20% fall in metabolism, particularly in the rostral brain stem, thalamus, prefrontal and cingulate cortex (Hofle et al., 1997). Arousal occurs across a continuum including none (i.e., coma, brain death), vegetative and minimal, through to alert wakefulness (Demertzi, Laureys, & Boly, 2009). Individuals in coma and DOC may be considered as being in a state of ‘hypoarousal', where the level of arousal is insufficient to process incoming stimuli, and the brain is unable to distinguish relevant from J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 14 irrelevant information (Heilman, Schwartz, & Watson, 1978; Testa Flaada, 2011). A useful graphical representation of the role of arousal in different DOC and levels of consciousness is provided by Laureys (2005): Figure 1: Relationship between Arousal and Consciousness Reproduced from Laureys (2005) with permission It is noteworthy that the relationship between arousal and consciousness is not a simple linear one, i.e., increases in arousal do not necessarily equate to increased levels of consciousness. Studies with healthy individuals have shown how in some circumstances, increased arousal may cause a decrease in attention (Easterbrook, 1959; Cohen, 1993). Baker draws our attention to traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients experiencing post-traumatic amnesia, who may experience over-arousal (hyper-arousal), where an oversensitive filtering system may reject both relevant and irrelevant information relating to stimuli (2001). Whilst the relationship between arousal and awareness and attention with DOC has not yet been fully established, it is likely there are optimal relationships between the components which may be influenced by internal and external stimuli, or the lack thereof. This will be discussed further on in relation to sensory stimulation programmes with DOC. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 15 2.5.5 Awareness Arousal is considered as the essential pre-requisite for the second condition, awareness, which has been related to the contents of consciousness (Giacino & Whyte, 2005). Awareness has been described as comprising all subjective perceptions, feelings and thoughts (Posner, 2008). It is considered by mainstream neuroscience as dependent upon the functional capacity of the cerebral cortex to facilitate perceptual experiences (e.g., perceiving colours), bodily sensations in response to stimuli, moods (e.g., tiredness, boredom) and phenomenal aspects with emotional reactions akin to 'self-awareness’ such as regret or joy (Demertzi et al., 2009; Haugeland, 1985; Majerus et al., 2005). However, there exists some debate as to the relationship between awareness, self-awareness and consciousness, as the following section details. 2.5.6 Awareness or Consciousness? Providing a consensus definition of awareness is challenging, due to its synonymous use with ‘consciousness’, which also lacks consensus definition in the literature (Aspen Neurobehavioral Conference Workgroup, 1996). Moreover, a debate focuses on whether one takes the view that to hear, see and feel, or otherwise experience something, denotes consciousness, or if a more sophisticated self-awareness of these sensations is necessary. Some authors suggest there is separation between the concepts of awareness and consciousness. For example Tulving (1993) proposed consciousness as referring to the basic ability to detect sensory events and the capacity for subjective experience, whereas awareness included the specific utilisation of subjective experience through the interpretation of perceptions, and directed acts defining the subjective experience. It seems the gradation between consciousness and awareness is incorporated in the definition of consciousness by Giacino noted previously, i.e., "wakefulness, the capacity to detect and perceptually encode interoceptive and exteroceptive stimuli, and the capacity to formulate goal-directed behaviour" (1997, p.106). The above conceptual differences naturally have implications for how behaviours and neurophysiolgical responses of VS patients to environmental and other stimuli are interpreted. Added to this, there exists a range of opinions as to how much of the cerebral cortex is required for awareness, self-awareness, and, by implication, consciousness to function. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 16 An argument for acknowledging consciousness at the basic level of sensing is proposed by Merker (2007) in a review of studies supporting this view. He cites animal and human studies which have utilised local brain stimulation of sub-cortical regions by means of depth electrodes to find ‘coherent' behavioural responses such as orienting or defensive behaviours occurring, despite the lack of higher-cortical connectivity (e.g., Brandao, Anseloni, Pandossio, de Araujo, & Castilho, 1999; Holstege & Georgiadis, 2004; Schuller & Radtke-Schuller, 1990). Merker also highlights the case of children born with hydranencephaly, often caused by a stroke of the foetal brain, where areas including the cerebral cortex, thalamus and basal ganglia are massively compromised, leaving skull cavities filled with cerebrospinal fluid. Despite the absence of the network of cortical connections an integrated model of consciousness would imply, there appeared a variety of behaviours which he felt could only be described as conscious in these individuals. For example, from spending time with hydroencephalitic children, and reviewing 26,000 emails from family carers, Merker could report that the children were able to "show responsiveness to their surroundings in the form of emotional or orienting reactions to environmental events, most readily to sounds", "express pleasure by smiling and laughter", and "show preferences for certain situations and stimuli over others, such as a specific familiar toy, tune, or video program" (2007, p. 79). It is apparent from mainstream neuroscience and neurology literature that the above, more primal, level of functioning is not universally accepted as denoting consciousness. For example Damasio (2010) believes consciousness only begins when the “self comes to mind”. He might segregate the behaviour described by Merker as indicative of the ‘protoself’, the first necessary stage in the functioning of full consciousness in humans. He describes the ‘protoself’ as involved in "the generation of primordial feelings, the elementary feelings of existence", which needs two higher states to develop into full consciousness. These states comprise the ‘core self’, which "unfolds in a sequence of images that describe an object engaging the protoself including its primordial feelings", and the "autobiographical self defined in terms of biographical knowledge pertaining to the past as well as the anticipated future" (2007, pp. 22-23). From a contemporary neuro-scientific perspective, consciousness has been described by Laureys and Schiff as an "emergent property of the collective behaviour of widespread frontoparietal network connectivity modulated by specific forebrain circuit mechanisms" (2012, p.478). Modern cerebral activation studies using positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) are providing us with important J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 17 information regarding consciousness. Through studies of patients in VS we are able to see how the connectivity has broken down between areas of the brain which were normally interconnected, particularly between the primary cortical areas and multimodal associated areas e.g., the pre-motor and prefrontal areas (Laureys, Owen, & Schiff, 2004). In summary, consciousness, as it is conceptualised in current DOC research and clinical literature, is considered to comprise arousal, which relates to the level of consciousness, and awareness, which relates to the contents of consciousness. Whilst arousal is a multidimensional concept with no agreed unitary measure, the mainstream clinical concept of consciousness requires evidence of functional, goal directed, behaviour. However, consciousness is a concept with a range of perspectives in relation to its nature in DOC and relationship with awareness and self awareness. These conceptual issues are important to bear in mind in relation to consensus DOC diagnostic criteria detailed in the following sections. 2.6 Diagnostic Criteria 2.6.1 Coma Coma may be considered as the total loss of consciousness, where there is a “total absence of awareness of self and environment even when externally stimulated” (Posner & Plum, 1982), and where patients do not open their eyes, obey commands or utter any understandable words (Ponsford, Sloan, & Snow, 2013). This study will not feature work with patients in coma, although there does exist a tradition of music therapy input with individuals described as in ‘coma’ (e.g., Aldridge et al., 1990; Ghiozzi, 2005; Gustorff, 1995; Gustorff, 2002; Tamplin, 2000). As discussed in Paper I, it is not always clear from the literature whether subjects are actually in VS or MCS or coma as defined here. 2.6.2 Locked-in Syndrome As with coma, this study will not detail work with 'locked-in' patients, who also fall outside the boundaries of DOC. The syndrome, typically caused by lesions in the lower brain and brain stem known as the ventral pontines, is characterised by quadriplegia and anarthria, but with a preservation of full consciousness and cognitive skills, including an awareness of self and one’s impairments. Communication may be facilitated via vertical eye movements and blinking (Leon-Carrion, Van, Dominguez-Morales, & Perez-Santamaria, 2002; Smith & Delargy, 2005). Given the focus of this study, it is noteworthy that locked in syndrome may J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 18 be erroneously assessed as VS, due to the lack of behavioural responses to the environment common to both conditions. Because of the range of challenges to accurate assessment of awareness, the time taken to diagnose, and thus to differentiate the condition from VS, may take from an average of 2.5 months to 4-6 years in the extreme (Majerus et al., 2005). 2.6.3 Vegetative State (VS) VS may be differentiated from coma primarily by the complete lack of arousal function in the latter, and the partial or full preservation of sleep-wake cycles, autonomic and brain stem function, and sub-cortical reflexes found in VS. Current medical diagnoses of VS and MCS are guided by the nosological criteria agreed by the Aspen Neurobehavioural Conference Workgroup set up to address the inconsistent and even contradictory literature in the field (1996). The Workgroup, or 'Multi-Society Task Force’, comprised international experts from bioethics, neurology, neuro-psychology, neurosurgery, nursing, physical medicine and rehabilitation, who reviewed and discussed the literature on DOC in relation to their clinical experience, reaching consensus statements regarding the diagnosis and prognosis of the conditions. The definition of VS provided by the group is: “a condition in which awareness of self and the environment is presumed to be absent and there is an inability to interact with others, although the capacity for spontaneous or stimulus-induced arousal (i.e., wakefulness) is preserved” (p. 7). Further diagnostic criteria agreed by the Task Force included: ďˇ No evidence of sustained, reproducible, purposeful, or voluntary behavioural responses to visual, auditory, tactile, or noxious stimuli; ďˇ No evidence of language comprehension or expression; ďˇ Intermittent wakefulness manifested by the preservation of sleep-wake cycles; ďˇ Sufficiently preserved hypothalamic and brainstem autonomic functions to permit survival with medical and nursing care. The poorest prognosis in VS has been observed for those with post traumatic VS, in particular those with non-traumatic etiologies (Georgiopoulos et al., 2010). Where individuals have been assessed as in VS for more than one year, a further classification of ‘persistent J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 19 vegetative state’ (PVS) has been used widely, given the perceived low probability of the recovery of consciousness after this period. However, the use of the prefix 'persistent' or 'permanent' with VS is not currently advocated, as this depiction of the condition suggests irreversibility. Instead, a description of the cause and length of time is recommended (i.e., ‘traumatic VS for 4 months’) (Giacino et al., 1997). The ‘irreversibility’ of PVS has been challenged by the evidence of unexpected recovery and the purported effects of various interventions. For example, recent studies illustrate the possibility of late recovery after four months (Andrews, 1993) or one year (Childs & Mercer, 1996), where patients have received cranioplasty and long-term rehabilitation programmes (Sancisi et al., 2009), or received intrathecal baclofen administration (Sara et al., 2007). Furthermore, where patients diagnosed as PVS have been given electrophysiological monitoring (Faran et al., 2006), or more sophisticated brain scanning interventions such as fMRI (Monti et al., 2010; Owen et al., 2007; Owen, Schiff, & Laureys, 2009), evidence of consciousness has been indicated, contradicting the findings of purely behavioural assessments. The neuropathology of VS has been explored through both post mortem and scanning techniques. A post mortem study by Adams, Graham and Jennet (2000) of 49 patients who were in VS due to acute brain insult, revealed 71% had a structure of diffuse axonal injury, where the thalamus was abnormal in 28 of these cases, with abnormal thalamus in 96% of cases surviving over three months, a finding supported by a later study by Jennett, Adams, Murray and Graham, (2001). Laureys, Owen, & Schiff (2004) reviewed studies of cerebral metabolism in VS to conclude overall cortical metabolism is 40–50% of the normal range of values. Laureys, Perrin, Schnakers, Boly and Majerus’ review of functional connectivity studies highlighted the existence of residual cortical activity in VS patients, but suggested this was normally restricted to a 'low-level' without 'higher-order' integration, which they considered as necessary for conscious perception (2005, p. 727). Contrasting levels of sophistication between MCS and VS are particularly noted for auditory processing. However, more positive suggestions as to the sophistication of cortical processing in VS are available, for example studies point to isolated fragments of intact behavioural responses (Schiff et al., 2002), semantic processing, learning processes (Kotchoubey, 2005, 2006) and a range of contrasting 'arousal profiles' observable in response to multi-modal stimulation J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 20 (Wilson, Brock, Powell, Thwaites & Elliott, 1996). More details on these contrasting views are provided in Paper I (pp. 95-97). There is a lack of consensus as to whether patients in VS experience pain. In studying responses to noxious stimuli (electrical stimulation of the median nerve), Boly et al. echo Laureys et al. (2005) in regard to a 'disconnection' for pain perception, where: "functional connectivity analysis showed extended functional disconnections between primary somatosensory cortex and fronto-parietal association cortices in VS patients compared to controls" (2005, p. 287). However, Kassubek et al. found a “residual cortical pain processing matrix” in seven PVS patients of hypoxic origin, which might point to some pain perception, although in the absence of behavioural evidence the authors admit this can only be a hypothetical interpretation (2003, p. 91). Further support for the possibility of pain perception (alongside other high level processing) in some patients diagnosed as in VS may be drawn from Celesia’s recent review of neuroimaging studies of nociceptive or emotional affective stimuli. The study reported 35% of VS research subjects had activation of primary sensory cortices and higher-order associative areas, and 5% activation of cortical regions associated with mental imagery or high-level language stimuli such as decoding ambiguous phrases (2013). Panksepp, Fuchs, Abella Garcia and Lesiak, (2007) suggest a distinction between ‘affective consciousness’ and ‘cognitive consciousness’ (p. 7) may be observed in those in those they describe as PVS, noting how these patients may have preserved mechanisms of thirst and hunger. They suggest that instinctual emotional reactions, or pain ‘reflexes’ observed in PVS patients may represent some form of ‘mentality’, with or without cognitive awareness. Using a functional evolutionary perspective, and resonating with Merker’s observations noted previously, Panksepp et al. believe evidence of ‘primary–process affective states’ may be observed in the activation of medial and ventral brain regions associated with ancient affective forms of consciousness, established before organisms were afforded the capacity for reflection on one’s experiences. By extension, they afford the possibility that VS patients are capable of experiencing forms of suffering. The heterogeneity of pathology in VS should guide us in resisting any generalised statements on pain, or indeed other types of processing, be they perceptual, emotional or cognitive. This, coupled with the previously noted likelihood of misdiagnosis, and potential for late recovery in VS patients, illustrates the need for an open mind on their capacity for sensory perception, and consequently the wider field of cognition, awareness and J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 21 consciousness. This sentiment is perhaps tacitly supported by the lack of the term ‘consciousness’ in authoritative definitions of VS (Multi Society Task Force, 1994; Aspen Neurobehavioral Conference Workgroup, 1996). Given the subtlety of behavioural indications of awareness, and the complexity of the condition, skilled and frequently prolonged assessment by multidisciplinary teams capable of closely monitoring VS patients’ medical needs, and being watchful for any signs of awareness, is crucial (Andrews 2005). Repeated and reliable assessment and longer term follow-up by individuals with inter-disciplinary skills is also advised (Wilson, Harpur, Watson, & Morrow, 2002). Giacino et al. (2002) recommend the use of a range of different assessment tools to elicit responses with a range of different stimuli, which is supported by the findings of Paper II (pp. 293-297). Most importantly, VS patients require a high quality of nursing care to prevent avoidable complications such as pressure wounds and infections in their dependent state. 2.6.4 Minimally Conscious State (MCS) The Aspen Workgroup defined MCS as: “a condition of severely altered consciousness in which minimal but definite behavioural evidence of self or environmental awareness is demonstrated” (1996, p. 13). In contrast to coma and VS diagnosis, those in MCS display behavioural signs of awareness, which, though often inconsistent, may be differentiated from reflex or spontaneous behaviours. The definition, first formally published by Giacino et al. (2002), evolved from the previous classification of ‘minimally responsive state’ (American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, 1995) as it was considered this term did not sufficiently differentiate the population from those in VS. The description of the condition by the Aspen Workgroup details a diagnosis which must include evidence of one or more of the following behaviours: ďˇ Simple command following; ďˇ Gestured or verbal yes/no responses; ďˇ Intelligible verbalisation; ďˇ Movements or affective behaviours that occur in contingent relation to environmental stimuli and are not attributable to reflexive activity. Any of the following examples provides sufficient evidence for contingent behavioural responses: I. Episodes of crying, smiling, or laughing in response to the linguistic content of comments or questions; II. Vocalizations or gestures that occur in direct response to the linguistic content of questions; J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 22 III. Reaching for objects that demonstrates a clear relationship between object location and direction of reach; IV. Touching or holding objects in a manner that accommodates the size and shape of the object; V. Pursuit eye movement or sustained fixation that occurs in direct response to moving or salient stimuli; VI. Ambulation or wheelchair propulsion with avoidance of environmental obstacles (Aspen Neurobehavioral Conference Workgroup 1996, p. 14) Although in MCS some cognitive ability is evident, patients are similar to those in VS with regard to their inability to take part in meaningful activities of daily living. In contrast, however, the evidence of awareness and cognitive ability in MCS indicates the need for interdisciplinary rehabilitation. These efforts tend to be directed towards enhancing adaptive learning and stimulating axonal growth and neuro-plasticity (Lancioni et al., 2010; Schiff, 2005). However, despite a wide range of interventions currently utilised in this endeavour, there is little evidence yet to show any treatments which can improve functional outcomes (Giacino & Whyte, 2005). In terms of neuro-pathology, the previously noted study by Jennet et al. (2001) found diffuse axonal injury slightly less common in MCS than VS patients (42%:50%), and thalamic lesions significantly less common in MCS compared to VS (50%:80%). Laureys et al. (2004) also report a greater spread of cortical activation to stimuli in MCS compared to VS. Significantly, in relation to the focus of this study, the authors found that auditory stimuli with emotional valence (infant cries and the patient's own name) stimulated widespread activation compared to meaningless noise, to a level comparable to healthy controls. Analysis of cortical electrophysiological data from EEG recording also highlighted cognitive potentials showing preserved auditory (P300) responses to the patient's own name. As with VS, there exists considerable heterogeneity within MCS, leading Bruno, Vanhaudenhuyse, Thibaut, Moonen, and Laureys to establish criteria for the 'grey areas' between VS and MCS, with the categories of 'MCS+' where behaviours such as command following and verbal and gestural yes/no responses exist, and 'MCS -' where less sophisticated responses occur, such as visual pursuit or contingent behaviours to emotional stimuli e.g., smiling when presented with appropriate stimuli (2011). MCS is described as transitioning into higher levels of consciousness once the individual is consistently able to reliably and consistently participate in interactive communication such as verbalisation, J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 23 yes/no signals, or functional object use requiring the discrimination and appropriate use of at least two common articles (e.g., a comb or mug) (Giacino & Whyte, 2005). 2.7 Assessment of DOC The differential diagnoses of VS and MCS have significant implications on the nature of ongoing care a patient receives, with the potential for the ’warehousing of patients’ (Fins, Schiff, & Foley, 2007) when no rehabilitative capacity is assumed. Distinguishing between VS and MCS is crucial for decisions regarding treatment, prognosis, resource allocation and medicolegal judgments (Andrews, 1998; Giacino et al., 2002). Fortunately, the field of assessment and diagnosis is evolving as a result of the developments in brain scanning, and the on-going refinement of behavioural assessment tools guiding assessment, diagnosis and treatment. 2.7.1 Music Therapy and DOC Assessment Music has played an important role in every culture since antiquity, and a relationship between music and medicine has been postulated to date back to Palaeolithic times (West, 2000). More recently (as will be detailed further on), an assessment tool to support DOC diagnosis and guide the clinical work of music therapists has been developed and standardised known as the ‘Music Therapy Assessment Tool for Awareness in Disorders of Consciousness ’ or 'MATADOC' (Magee, Siegert, Lenton-Smith, Daveson, & Taylor, 2013). However, as Paper I details (p. 95), despite its documented use for over thirty years, there exists very little empirical evidence to directly support music therapy in assessment or rehabilitation work with DOC. Indeed, it is precisely this lack of evidence which has provided the impetus and motivation for this thesis. Thus, the rationale for using music and music therapy in the assessment of DOC is explored in Paper I (pp. 98-99), with new evidence to support music therapy in this field provided in Papers II and III. In the context of discussing other means of assessment with DOC, and to understand why music should be any more effective than other stimuli in supporting DOC assessment, a brief survey of some of the relevant research into human processing of music is useful here. Beyond stimulating the auditory pathway, music has been shown to influence physiological states in terms of affecting cerebral blood flow (Bernardi, Porta, & Sleight, 2006; Blood & Zatorre, 2001; Evers, Dannert, Rodding, Rotter, & Ringelstein,1999) and inducing psychophysiological responses such as: changes in blood pressure (Bernardi et al., 2006; Khalfa et al., 2008; Krumhansl, 1997) , heart rate (Bernardi et al., 2006; Blood & Zatorre, 2001; Khalfa et al., 2008; Krumhansl, 1997; Roy, Mailhot, Gosselin, Paquette, & Peretz, J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 24 2009), respiration rate changes (Bernardi et al., 2006; Blood & Zatorre, 2001; Khalfa et al., 2008; Krumhansl, 1997), and electrodermal responses (Koelsch, 2005; Krumhansl, 1997). There is some debate as to what extent responses of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) to music are unconsciously entrained to the tempo of music listened to, or are more related to conscious functioning, i.e., emotional responses, particularly in relation to respiration rate (RR). A range of papers implicate RR increases with unconscious entrainment to musical tempo, or the 'bottom up' process of 'tempo entrainment' (Bernardi et al., 2006; Etzel, Johnsen, Dickerson, Tranel, & Adolphs, 2006; Gomez & Danuser, 2007; Khalfa et al., 2008). In contrast, RR increases have been related to more cortically mediated, emotional, or 'top down' processes. Salimpoor, Benovoy, Longo, Cooperstock, and Zatorre (2009) studied ANS responses in 217 individuals to music rated as pleasurable by the subjects. After accounting for musical structural elements such as tempo, the authors were able to attribute increases in skin conductance level, heart rate (HR) and RR more to 'top down' processes associated with pleasurable and rewarding experiences. In relation to DOC assessment, ANS responses to musical stimuli may provide crucial prognostic information. For example, Wijnen, Heutink, van Boxtel, Eilander, and de Gelder (2006) illustrated that heightened sympathetic, or arousal responses to multimodal stimulation correspond to the recovery of consciousness in DOC. Furthermore, Riganello, Candelieri, Quintieri, Conforti, and Dolce (2010) have identified a frequency parameter of heart rate variability, namely the ‘normalised low frequency’, which may correspond to residual emotional reactions to music (symphonic compositions of varying complexity) through comparison with responses of healthy controls. Listening to music causes widespread cortical activity in limbic and paralimbic cerebral structures thought to be involved in reward/motivation, emotion, and arousal, such as the amygdala, orbitofrontal cortex, ventral striatum, hippocampus, parahippocampal gyrus, temporal poles, insula midbrain and ventral medial prefrontal cortex (Blood & Zatorre, 2001; Koelsch, 2005). Studies have also suggested that music provides positive influences on cognitive functioning (Rickard, Toukhsati, & Field, 2005), particularly in the elderly (Mammarella, Fairfield, & Cornoldi, 2007). The positive effect induced by ‘happy music’ may increase semantic access and the breadth of attentional selection in healthy individuals (Rowe, Hirsh, & Anderson, 2007), and decrease visual neglect in neurological patients (Soto et al., 2009). Neocortical responses to music may also activate higher functions such as sensory perception, motor commands, conscious thought and language (Koelsch, 2005; Peretz, 2002). In relation to music and DOC assessment, Jones, Vaz Pato, Sprague, Stokes J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 25 and Haque (2000) found preservation of auditory evoked potentials relating to complex tones could establish discriminative hearing in patients with severe brain injury, whose ability to communicate was negated by severe motor disability, although the authors felt this insufficient to suggest conscious awareness on its own. In summary, the non-verbal, emotionally powerful and personal qualities of music, combined with its ability to activate widespread cortical activity indicate music therapy may provide a unique contribution to assessment of DOC. This contribution may be made possible by the ability of certain musical stimuli to support arousal to optimise conditions for assessment of awareness, and the potential of music to elicit intact emotional, memory or other processing through its dynamic effects. However, as Paper I details, there is a need to support the clinical applications of music therapy assessment and rehabilitation for those with DOC with more empirical, scientific research drawing on recent advances in 'music neuroscience' and neuroimaging technologies. 2.7.2 Neuroimaging and DOC Assessment The lack of defining pathological markers of VS or MCS poses various challenges for clinicians. Clinical assessment must be informed by presenting behaviour and clinical history. Herein lies a core factor contributing to misdiagnosis rates, i.e., the fallibility of clinicians in determining whether behavioural responses, often inconsistent, incomplete or unclear, represent conscious or unconscious behaviour (Coleman, Bekinschtein, Monti, Owen, & Pickard, 2009; Gill-Thwaites & Munday, 1997). Behavioural responses to commands are frequently masked by brain damage causing expressive or receptive aphasia (Majerus et al., 2009), or combinations of brain and physical injury limiting patients’ motor responses. Reflexive responses to stimuli such as sudden noise may also contribute to misdiagnosis (Magee, 2007). For these reasons multimodal approaches are advocated by leading authorities in the field, where magnetoencephalography (MEG), EEG, positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) methods may reveal activation of brain regions indicative of conscious, cognitive processing and volition in relation to verbal commands, or selective attention in 'odd ball' experiments. Detailing the plethora of studies using neuroimaging methods to reveal conscious behaviours with DOC is beyond the scope of this thesis (for reviews see Laureys & Schiff, 2012 & Celesia, 2013). A study by Monti et al. is typical, which revealed the case of an individual able to display evidence of imagining playing tennis and walking round her house, through activation of the supplementary motor area similar to healthy levels. This led the authors to J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 26 claim we may detect covert wilful or voluntary responses, without the need for observation of behavioural responses such as speech or movement (2010). The interpretation of neuro-imaging data in this way is not without its critics. For example, by exploring the underlying assumptions of several fMRI active and passive paradigm studies, Nachev and Hacker suggest the claims of detecting ‘covert consciousness’ in such a manner, is: “not supported by the extant data because it relies on critical assumptions, obscured by conceptual unclarities, that are either untested or untestable” (2010, p. 68). The authors list a range of inconsistencies in studies claiming to reveal covert consciousness using fMRI paradigms. For example, they suggest that many studies are guilty of “affirming the consequent” by assuming contrasting neural activity seen concurrently with different commands ('imagine playing tennis' versus 'walking round your house') in both healthy and PVS subjects, should necessarily directly relate to distinct corresponding relationships. They point out that the converse, i.e., that all neural activity in a certain area must relate directly to the same mental activity, has not been demonstrated by the authors, and that brain activation may simply represent automatic responses to the presented narrative. TurnerStokes et al. also point out that as many as one in five healthy individuals are unable to generate fMRI activity on motor imagery tasks, which questions the validity of assumptions made regarding 'negative' results in such studies. Furthermore they highlight that fMRI methods require that patients are able to lie still, and are without metallic implants such as shunts, limiting their applicability to significant numbers of DOC patients (2012). 2.7.3 Behavioural Assessment of DOC The principal tools used in the behavioural assessment of DOC include the Coma Recovery Scale-Revised (CRS-R) (Giacino & Kalmar, 2006), the Sensory Modality Assessment and Rehabilitation Technique (SMART) (Gill-Thwaites, 1997; Gill-Thwaites & Munday, 2004), the Western Neuro Sensory Stimulation Profile (WNSSP) (Ansell & Keenan, 1989), the Wessex Head Injury Matrix (WHIM) (Shiel et al., 2000) and the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) (Teasdale & Jennett,1974). A recent systematic review of behavioural assessment scales used with DOC concluded that the CRS-R performed best in terms of content validity and inclusiveness of the Aspen Workgroup criteria for DOC (1996), and was to be used with ‘minor reservations’ of the authors, with the SMART and WHIM receiving a verdict of use with ‘moderate reservations’ (Seel et al., 2010). Given the contrasting strengths of the tools, and heterogeneity of the J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 27 DOC population it is recommended that a combination of different tools should be used in assessment (Giacino et al., 2002). A detailed account of each of these tools is beyond the remit of this paper; however SMART, the CRS-R and the recently standardised ‘Music Therapy Assessment Tool for Awareness in Disorders of Consciousness ’ or 'MATADOC' (Magee et al., 2013) will receive further attention in the three papers of this thesis. A core component of assessment scales used with DOC such as the SMART, WNSSP and MATADOC is the use of sensory stimulation to promote contingent behavioural responses indicative of awareness. Sensory stimulation has also been adopted in DOC rehabilitation, but with limited success to date, as the following sections detail. 2.8 Sensory Stimulation and Regulation The brain processes sensory information using a complex network of systems which we are still learning about. In simple terms, the core areas involved are (i) the ARAS, (ii) the thalamus and (iii) the frontal cortex (Wood, 1991). Stimuli modulated in these areas may elicit behavioural responses to an individual's environment, which may indicate that the individual can perceive and start processing external stimuli. Interventions using stimuli in this way may also enhance the recovery process by optimising the patient’s receptivity to rehabilitation input. Treatments designed for accelerating recovery from coma or DOC have been categorised as: pharmaceutical, physical management interventions, deep brain stimulation, hyperbaric oxygen therapy and sensory stimulation or regulation (Giacino, & Whyte 2005). Patients’ responses to these interventions may be crucial in identifying those with the potential for adaptive behaviour capable of facilitating communication and other functional gains. The use of music and music therapy with DOC may be viewed as related to wider approaches advocating either sensory stimulation or sensory regulation to aid diagnosis or raise levels of consciousness to promote adaptive behaviour to optimise rehabilitation potential. Sensory stimulation and regulation interventions have evolved due to the value placed by health care providers on the importance of encouraging the transition from coma to more aroused DOC as soon as possible. In 2000, Tamplin reviewed the extant literature in this area to summarise the three reasons for this rationale: (i) medical: the longer and more deep a coma, the poorer prognosis for the patient J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 28 (ii) humanitarian: early awakening from coma may ameliorate anxiety levels for both patient and family (iii) economic: those in coma require more financial resources (2000, p. 39) To contextualise the use of music therapy with DOC it will be useful to summarise the different approaches of sensory stimulation and sensory regulation, as various concepts relevant to music therapy have evolved alongside the development of these approaches. A shorter summary of these approaches may be found in Paper I, p. 95. 2.8.1 Sensory Stimulation Anecdotal accounts of patients recovering from coma after exposure to familiar objects and relatives’ voices led to the more systematic use of stimulation to aid this process either continuously (e.g., with TV or radio), in the environment (e.g., with relatives’ pictures and familiar objects), or intermittently with tactile, visual or meaningful auditory stimulation. One rationale for this approach was provided by LeWinn and Dimancescu (1978), who highlighted both the negative effects on brain activity of sensory deprivation, and positive effects of enriched environments, drawing on work by Galbraith Jennert and Raismanon synaptic innervations in rats (1978). The argument followed that the more environmental stimulation one provided patients with, the greater their potential for recovery. This logic provides an early example of clinicians attempting to encourage neuroplasticity, a concept which will be discussed later in the thesis. The logic of the sensory stimulation approach was adopted in a study on ‘coma arousal’ by Doman, Dimancescu, Wilkinson and Pelligra (1993), who utilised ‘intense multisensory stimulation’ hourly for 15-20 minutes. Although his treatment group (n: 200) had 69 patients making a ‘good’ (n: 37) or ‘moderate’ (n: 32) recovery compared to the age/sex matched control group where no patients recovered, the findings are questionable given the differential size of the control group (n: 33). A similar study by Mitchell, Bradley, Welch and Britton (1990), trained family members to provide daily 'vigorous' multimodal sensory stimulation at regular intervals, recording that for those in the intervention group (n: 12) duration of coma was significantly shorter than for controls (n: 12). Again, given the size of the samples, this conclusion needs to be viewed with caution. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 29 2.8.2 Sensory Regulation Wood (1991) provides a compelling and influential critique of sensory stimulation programmes based on major flaws he observed in their rationale. He noted through clinical experience how patients exposed to “an undifferentiated bombardment of sensory information” lost the ability to process information through a process of habituation to background noise (p. 404). Wood proposed a new approach of ‘sensory regulation’ which focused on optimising appropriate conditions for awareness rather than simply increasing arousal in the hope of recovering consciousness, noting that standard assessment tools focus on measures of awareness, rather than arousal. Rather than adopting sensory stimulation for the purposes of activating the ARAS to arouse the cortex, he argued for greater sensitivity and focus on achieving the appropriate level of arousal to maintain what Luria (1979), described as 'cortical tone' predating the mechanism now ascribed for supporting 'sustained attention' by Warm, Parasuraman, and Matthews (2008). Posner has further developed a conceptualisation of attention as comprising three networks involved in (i) functions of obtaining and maintaining the alert state (alerting network), (ii) orienting to sensory events (orienting or posterior network), and (iii) regulating thoughts and behaviours (executive, or anterior network) (2008; Posner & Petersen, 1990). The alerting network is particularly relevant to DOC and the concept of sensory regulation, comprising two processes: (i) tonic, or the sustained activation over time, and (ii) phasic, or the nonspecific activation caused by a warning signal prior to a target of attention (Callejas, Lupianez, Funes, & Tudela, 2005). In a series of experiments, Callejas et al. (2005) have indicated that the relationships between these networks dictate the nature and efficiency of attention, indicating, for example, that the alerting network enhances the orienting network by increasing its speed of functioning, but the alerting network may also inhibit the executive network. As noted previously, it is likely that there is an optimum level of arousal to facilitate awareness and attention, and that ‘over stimulation’ or ‘over arousal’ may prove counterproductive in maintaining awareness. A landmark paper by Yerkes and Dobson (1908) postulated that medium levels of arousal are associated with optimal performance, where the relationship between arousal and behavioural performance is curvilinear, (e.g., an inverted ‘U’ shape depending on the difficulty of the task). In this relationship, the upward part of the inverted U represents the energizing effect of arousal, and the downward part is explained by negative effects of arousal (or stress) on cognitive processes like attention, memory, and problem-solving. However, whilst there has been further research exploring J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 30 examples, mechanisms, and explanatory models of this relationship (e.g., Calabrese, 2008a; Calabrese, 2008b; Diamond, Campbell, Park, Halonen, & Zoladz, 2007) a definitive explanation of the correlation has not been established, and it is unclear how relevant these models are for DOC given the level and heterogeneity of cortical damage found in this population. Interestingly for this study, musically induced arousal in individuals with visual neglect has been shown to enhance attention, in terms of facilitating decision-level processes (Soto et al., 2009). Wood encouraged clinicians to be aware of habituation where responses might decrease following stimulus repetition (Thompson & Spencer, 1966, as cited in Wood, 1991) when using sensory stimulation with DOC. He observed studies illustrating how patients’ rate of stimulus recognition decreased under prolonged stimulation, and that background activity can habituate neural responses away from selective attention (Mackworth, 1968 cited in Wood, 1991). Wood concluded that clinicians should consider all interventions, be they personal care, or passive range of movement exercises, as stimuli. In order for interventions to target vigilance and attention he advocated that: “the delivery of any stimuli needs to be carefully regulated in terms of its intensity, frequency, inter-stimulus intervals, duration and target to noise levels” (1991, p.408). Whilst most of the studies cited by Wood (1991) were based on healthy subjects, there has been little subsequent research with DOC to counter the logic of sensory regulation, which is referred to frequently in guidelines for the care of DOC patients (e.g., Gray, 2000; Lombardi, Taricco, De Tanti, Telaro, & Liberati, 2002; Wilson, Powell, Brock, & Thwaites, 1996; Tamplin, 2000). However, this remains a poorly understood field. In 2002, efficacy studies of sensory stimulation and regulation interventions were evaluated in a Cochrane systematic review, which concluded that they were of poor methodological quality, and the range of outcome measures precluded the possibility of quantitative meta-analysis. Only three studies met the inclusion criteria of the review, none of which “provided useful and valid results on the outcomes of clinical relevance” (Lombardi et al., 2002, p. 264). This conclusion is echoed by a literature review by Meyer et al. (2010), which only found strong evidence for pharmaceutical intervention in promoting arousal from coma. Meyer et al. did however provide some support for the other interventions reviewed (including music therapy), concluding that they “showed promise in some aspect of arousal” (p. 722), and warranted further investigation. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 31 2.8.3 Neuroplasticity As indicated previously in the early studies informing the sensory stimulation approach, our evolving understanding of neuroplasticity provides a rationale for the use of sensory stimulation, and ‘enriched environments’ in the rehabilitation of DOC. There is a growing understanding of how the brain is capable of re-organisation and self-modification following neurological trauma (Johansson & Grabowski, 1994; Mateer & Kerns, 2000; Stein, 2009). There are also indications that environment and stimulation programmes may play a role in promoting plasticity for DOC from animal studies. For example, Johansson (1996) found enhanced functional behaviour in rats with focal brain ischemic damage, when provided with enriched sensory environments. This evidence has been cited in the music therapy literature in support of input with TBI (Baker & Roth, 2004; O'Callaghan, 1999). In the music neuroscience and psychology fields, studies are lacking with DOC. However Särkomo et al. (2008) has provided evidence to support music listening to enhance cognitive recovery and mood after middle cerebral artery, and Soto et al. (2009) found that preferred music may decrease visual neglect. In another study, Schlaug, Maechina and Norton (2008) used fMRI methods to reveal that improvements in speech for stroke patients following melodic intonation therapy were matched with improvements in functional connectivity in the sensorimotor and premotor cortices. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 32 3. Aims of the Thesis The overall aim of this thesis is to develop the evidence base for the use of music therapy in the assessment of those with DOC. This is important as evidence is currently lacking to guide appropriate interventions with this population. The thesis addresses this aim in three publications which comprise: Paper I, an exploration of the DOC music therapy and relevant neuroscience literature to establish the rationale for the thesis; Paper II, an audit of concurrent musical and global behavioural assessment records to improve our understanding of the role of music therapy in DOC assessment; and Paper III, a behavioural and neurophysiological study exploring the responses of healthy volunteers and those with DOC to a range of music therapy and other auditory stimuli. 3.1 Research questions The primary research question for this study is: 1. Can music therapy treatment effect physiological and behavioural changes suggesting arousal and awareness to contribute to diagnosis in assessment of patients with DOC? (Papers II and III) In order to answer this question, a series of sub-questions will be addressed: 2. Specifically what do concurrent music therapy and multimodal assessments reveal about DOC patients in relation to their responsiveness to auditory and musical stimuli? (Paper II) 3. What information will a combined behavioural and neuro-physiological examination of VS, MCS and healthy individuals presented with different music therapy treatments reveal in relation to: a) the differing effects of the treatments within and between individuals and diagnostic groups i.e., healthy volunteers, VS, MCS (Paper III) b) DOC patients and their assessment through means of standardised behavioural assessments alone? (Paper III) J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 33 4. Overall Research Design A scientific, empirical approach was adopted when designing this research, as it is both timely and appropriate for the clinical practice of music therapy with DOC. In clinical settings, DOC patients are unable to communicate their experience of music therapy in any way other than through subtle behavioural changes. Therefore the use of alternative research frameworks, such as qualitative, phenomenological approaches, would be primarily limited to the experience of the clinician and/or observers, and their subjective perception of the participants’ experience. In this field, focused, empirical evidence is required, given the limited range and coverage of the literature noted in Paper I, and the demand for more scientific evidence within today’s economic climate. To answer the research questions and aims of this thesis, an appropriate overarching research design was constructed, informed by the Medical Research Council’s (MRC) guidelines on ‘developing and evaluating complex interventions' (Craig et al., 2008). The MRC advocates a circular strategy to structure enquiries focused on multi-dimensional or complex areas such as music therapy interventions. Given the time scale afforded the study, and the lack of empirical evidence in this field, appropriate aspects of the first two stages of this process were selected to form the basis of the research namely 'identifying the evidence base' (development) and 'testing procedures' (feasibility and piloting). In addition to the MRC recommendations, the overall design of the study was informed by Robson (2011), who advocates a ‘combined strategy design’ for small scale research projects where there is little in the way of evidence base or coherent theory to support the use of an intervention or service. Here, an initial flexible design stage of exploratory purpose is advocated for gathering empirical data to reveal likely ‘bankers’ or processes involved in the situation under investigation. The findings of this type of research are envisaged as contributing to a further stage of research advocated by Robson, where a more ‘fixed’ research design might comprise more focused research questions. Similarly, the studies contained in this thesis have been designed to explore a range of responses related to arousal and awareness in order to refine our understanding of music therapy practice in assessment and rehabilitation with DOC. It is envisaged that results obtained in this fashion may contribute to future fixed design research, which might focus on those responses or measures seen as most clinically important. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 34 With the recommendations from these authoritative sources in mind, a flexible, exploratory research design was constructed in three phases as follows: Phase One: review the relevant literature within the fields of music therapy, DOC and neuroscience to identify the evidence base and contextualise the research components of the thesis. Phase Two: explore and compare archived data from music therapy and multimodal assessments in an audit study to understand what music therapy assessment contributes to clinical practice in this field from a purely behavioural perspective. Phase Three: building on the findings of the audit, this phase aimed to underpin clinical assessment practice with evidence based enquiry into the neurophysiological and behavioural responses elicited by music therapy. This phase used a single subject design with a randomized order of conditions that alternated contrasting auditory stimuli. Results may inform future research exploring the utility of music therapy in rehabilitation with DOC, where activities promoting arousal, neuroplasticity and awareness responses play important roles in improving clinical outcomes. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 35 5. Methodology The three papers contained in this thesis comprise the three phases of the study design listed in the previous section. Whilst the methodologies for the audit and neurophysiological/behavioural studies are reported in Papers II and III respectively, this section will elaborate on methodological elements not detailed in the papers, in particular the search strategy informing the thesis as a whole, and fuller details of the methodology adopted in the final study detailed in Paper III. Such a level of detail was not afforded within the space constraints of the publications, but is useful to present here in order to provide the reader with a comprehensive outline of the methods adopted. Readers are directed to Paper II (pp. 290-291) for the methodology of the audit study. 5.1 Search Strategy To develop an understanding of the extant evidence base for music therapy assessment and rehabilitation with DOC, a literature search was conducted using the main electronic database search engines (PubMed, PsychINFO, AMED, CINAHL, EMBASE, Scopus and Springerlink). The terms ‘music’, ‘music therapy’, ‘music AND therapy’, ‘sensory AND stimulation’, music therapy AND assessment OR rehabilitation in combination with ’head injury’, ‘brain damage’, ‘coma’, ‘vegetative’ ,’minimally conscious’, ‘minimally responsive’, ‘low awareness state’, and ’disorders of consciousness’ were selected for the search. Given the relatively recent establishment of DOC nomenclature, in particular the discrete diagnosis of MCS, it was unsurprising that only a handful of publications using consistent terminology relating to music therapy were elicited. With a lack of empirical research which might form the basis of a systematic literature review or meta-analysis, the decision was made to produce an introductory paper (Paper I) to highlight this issue. This introductory paper also drew on the wider literature base found on DOC to inform and establish the rationale for the research components of the thesis found in Papers II and III. 5.2 Recruitment A pragmatic a priori decision to recruit 20 healthy volunteers, 10 VS and 10 MCS patients was made, balancing the need for as large a sample size as possible with both the time constraints of the PhD study, and rates of admissions at the hospital. An extra patient was recruited prior to data analysis to cover the eventuality of any missing or corrupted data within the measures. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 36 To provide healthy comparison data, volunteers were recruited from staff at the investigator’s work place detailed in the Research Environment section of this thesis. Volunteers were recruited via an email sent to all staff outlining the nature of the research and the experiment they would be involved in. Inclusion criteria comprised all male and female staff members responding to the email. Exclusion criteria comprised individuals with known hearing impairment or a high level of musical proficiency. Musical proficiency was defined as pertaining to those who had received musical training to an advanced level and/or currently worked on a regular basis performing music. The literature indicates that those with musical expertise may display different responses to stimuli in EEG measures compared to nonmusical subjects (e.g., Bhattacharya & Petsche, 2005; Ott, Stier, Herrmann, & Jäncke, 2013), and so this exclusion criteria was chosen to avoid the data being skewed. Furthermore, Altenmüller, Schürmann, Lim and Parlitz (2002) indicate that compared to males, females produce greater valence related responses to musical stimuli in terms of lateralised EEG power increases (i.e., positive emotional responses with left temporal activation, negative with more right fronto-temporal activation). Consequently, an attempt was made to recruit equal numbers of both genders to provide further skewing of the data in this manner. Patients were recruited from two specialist DOC assessment and rehabilitation units within the hospital. Inclusion criteria comprised medically stable patients, who were undergoing assessment for diagnosis of awareness using SMART (Gill-Thwaites & Munday 2004; GillThwaites 1997) and MATADOC (Magee et al., 2013) assessments, or had completed these assessments within four weeks of the research session with a diagnostic outcome of VS or MCS. This time period was chosen in order to eliminate as far as possible patients who might have improved or deteriorated in their clinical status since their behavioural assessment and diagnosis. Patients were excluded with incomplete SMART or MATADOC assessments, who were medically unstable, or who had a known hearing impairment. Two patients were excluded from data collection due to their SMART and MATADOC assessments indicating that they were at a level of functioning higher than MCS. Patients were recruited further to completion of (i) a mental capacity assessment by the investigator and a clinician working closely with the patient (ii) written approval from the patient’s hospital physician further to reading an information sheet detailing the study, and (iii) written approval by a consultee (i.e., their named next of kin and/or first contact for the hospital), further to reading an information sheet. The mental capacity assessment and consultee information sheet are provided in this thesis as Appendix 1 and 2. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 37 Conducting research with individuals who lack capacity necessarily involves a host of ethical considerations. The following section elaborates on these considerations as they applied to patients successfully recruited to the study. 5.2.1 Ethical Considerations This study conforms to the Mental Capacity Act Code of Practice for Research (Andrews, Duport, Haynes & Gale, 2005), the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki (2004), and received ethical approval from both RHN and the appropriate UK regulatory body (East London NHS Research Ethics Committee). However, given the sensitive nature of work with this population, it is important to detail the ethical considerations specific to this research. Patients with DOC usually have seating tolerance difficulties whereby their immobility puts them at risk of developing pressure ulcers (also known as ‘bedsores’). By the time DOC patients at RHN have received a full SMART assessment, they usually have a 2-3 hour seating tolerance. Patients’ timetables were carefully considered to ensure that when combined with other treatments booked that day, the experiment would not exceed the patients’ seating tolerance. As an experienced member of staff at the RHN, the investigator was also aware of the patients’ personal care schedules, usual treatment regimes and the staff involved. Experimental sessions were scheduled in liaison with appropriate staff members to cause minimal disruption to the patients’ care. As well as a lack of data regarding the positive effects of music therapy with this population, there is a lack of data regarding contra-indications of musical or non-musical sound. As detailed previously, clinical practice of sensory regulation with DOC, recommends that: "the delivery of any stimuli needs to be carefully regulated in terms of its intensity, frequency, inter-stimulus intervals, duration and target to noise levels" (Wood, 1991, p. 408). In designing the research protocol, the investigator was mindful of these recommendations. As part of the research session, one of the musical methods presented to patients was prerecorded music disliked by patients (according to their closest carers). This method was incorporated as the overriding aim of any assessment with DOC is to ascertain awareness. To facilitate awareness interventions are required that increase arousal levels. As it is unclear which music methods might be best at assisting this process, this novel ‘nociceptive’ method was introduced in addition to standard music therapy methods. This addition is in line with the established use of nociceptive stimuli in assessment protocols designed to increase and regulate arousal levels and awareness such as those found in SMART (Gill-Thwaites, J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 38 1997; Gill-Thwaites & Munday, 2004). SMART incorporates the use of loud sound, bright light and pleasant and unpleasant smelling solutions as stimuli. Whilst causing momentary discomfort, noxious stimuli are deemed essential to the assessment process. Similarly, disliked music might be successful in stimulating an awareness response, including reactions such as crying. By ascertaining awareness in a patient where awareness is unknown, the therapeutic benefits to informing the long term treatment for the patient were considered as over-riding the negative aspects of any short-term discomfort caused. 5.3 Data Collection 5.3.1 Materials Data for healthy and patient subjects was collected in a quiet treatment room within the specialist unit of the hospital. All unnecessary electric devices were removed or switched off to avoid contaminating the EEG and ECG data, and the room was free from interruptions. Fig. 2 provides a graphical overview of the first half of a typical research session protocol for illustrative purposes. Specific details of materials are reported in the following sections on procedure and protocol. 5.3.2 Procedures and Protocol A multiple baseline within subjects protocol which was chosen to provide data on a range of contrasting music therapy, and non-music therapy auditory stimuli, in order to ascertain whether music therapy was able to elicit any responses distinct from other stimuli across cohorts. Stimuli were chosen for their distinct qualities in relation to saliency, musical and non–musical characteristics. Five minutes’ baseline silence (BLS) was followed by the presentation of the four contrasting stimuli which will each be described in turn. Music therapy stimuli comprised of two conditions: (i) Liked Music (LM) Live performance by the investigator, a trained music therapist and professional musician, of the patient’s preferred song music. This method is advocated within the MATADOC assessment for promoting arousal and awareness in DOC patients by eliciting intact emotional and long term memory responses. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 39 (ii) Entrained Improvisation (EI) Live performance by the investigator of a simple improvised vocal melody, featuring the repeated phrase 'Hello (patient’s name) .....hello to music' with a basic supporting accompaniment entrained to respiration. This method replicates a technique used in the MATADOC (Magee et al., 2013) and is also advocated in the humanist/music centred literature detailed in Paper I. The technique is designed to promote arousal and awareness responses in DOC patients in a manner tailored to the patients’ physiological state and limited capacity for processing auditory stimuli. Non music therapy stimuli comprised pre-recorded stimuli produced via audio speakers attached to a laptop with digital audio files of: (i) Disliked Music (DM) Recordings of music disliked by patients by original artists. DM was included to provide any evidence of nociceptive or discriminatory responses indicative of awareness, as detailed previously in section 5.2.1. Audio recordings were chosen in preference to live performance, to ensure the stimulus remained true to its original format, thus avoiding the potential for the investigator to 'dilute' the disliked aspect of the stimulus through their performance style. (ii) White Noise (WN), as a non-musical auditory control. Information about personal music preferences for the LM and DM conditions were obtained at the recruitment stage from consultees in the case of patients, and directly from healthy subjects. LM and EI were performed using a Yamaha NP31 digital electric piano using the option of battery power to minimise electrical artifacts in the EEG data. Volume was maintained within a 50-70 Db range for all stimuli using a Tecpal 331 sound level meter. The sound source location was kept constant by placing speakers for the DM and WN either side of the piano from which LM and EI were performed. Healthy subjects were instructed to close their eyes half way into each stimulus presentation to provide both eyes open and closed data for direct comparison with patient data in both states Data were recorded using a XLTEC 50 channel video EEG and neurophysiological data acquisition system with a piezoelectric respiratory belt, and analysed using Mathworks MATLAB, SPSS (Ver20) and BrainVision Analyzer 2 (BVA) software. Nineteen channels of J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 40 EEG data were obtained using a common average montage and 10:20 electrode configuration. Due to the presence of craniotomies amongst patients, free electrode placement was adopted in preference to skull caps. The investigator conducted the electrode placement himself, with assistance and training from the hospital neurophysiologist (Dr Leon James). Electrocardiogram (ECG) data were collected on the XLTEC system for heart rate (HR) and its variability (HRV) via two chest electrodes together with respiration data collected via the piezoelectric respiratory belt. The process of attaching electrodes and other devices took between 30 and 45 minutes. For the patient cohorts, commands from the auditory function scale of the CRS R (Giacino, J & Kalmar, K., 2006) were presented after each stimulus to observe for signs of awareness which might be considered as related to the arousal or other effects of prior stimuli.To control for order effects, the order of stimuli was randomised, with order series placed in opaque sealed envelopes with envelopes selected by an independent observer for each participant. Figure 2: Study Protocol 5.4 Data Analysis Raw EEG data extracted from the XLTEC system in EDF format for analysis in BVA and MATLAB, with sampling at 512 Hz. In BVA, data was filtered to a hi/low cut off bandpass filter at 0.5 and 30 Hz, to focus on data within the delta to beta frequency range. Independent Component Analysis was performed by the investigator in BVA to remove artifacts, followed J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 41 by Fast Fourier Transformation to produce the frequency spectrum, or amplitude as a function of frequency, for each electrode. Data were segmented to 2 second units and pooled into 21 different electrode configurations to represent different brain regions, e.g., occipital region: O1 & O2 [see Paper III appendix table 1 for details (p. 15)]. The first five seconds of the healthy cohort ‘eyes closed’ EEG data was excluded from analysis due to the high level of blink and muscle artefact during the transition from open to closed eyes. Raw ECG and respiration data was extracted from the XLTEC system in EDF format and analysed in MATLAB using bespoke software designed by a signal processing expert (Dr Ramaswamy Palaniappan) for deriving HR, HRV, respiration rate and variance data. Ongoing training and support was provided during this process by Dr James, BVA Scientific Support and Dr Palaniappan. After exporting to SPSS, one way repeated measures ANOVA analysis with Bonferroni corrections was applied to data. For healthy subjects all data were pooled to provide indicators of healthy responses across measures using ANOVA's around means. Post hoc F statistics were obtained using simple contrasts in relation to BLS to indicate the strength of association of positive or negative change for individual stimuli in contributing to overall ANOVA significance and F statistic levels. Given the clinical and neuro-pathological heterogeneity of those with DOC, within-subject statistical analyses were conducted using segmented data that produced individual ANOVAs for the case material provided in Paper III. Behavioural data using video recordings of patient sessions were analysed by a trained volunteer, who was blinded by removing audio from recordings. 10 second segments were scored for a range of behaviours using a graded system from Wilson, Powell, Brock, and Thwaites (1996) from 'eyes shut and no body movement' to 'engaged in activity' (e.g., scratching). Any additional behaviours such as blinking and mouth movement were also documented. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 42 6. Overview of Results for Paper III As with the previous methodology section, whilst results are reported in Papers II and III, it is helpful here to provide an overview of the diverse range of results obtained in the second study (Paper III). The results of the audit study (Paper II) require less elaboration, derived as they were from standardised behavioural assessment forms alone rather than the range of measures adopted in Paper III. For these results, the reader is directed to Paper II (pp. 291296) and the summary of Paper II in this thesis. 6.1 Results from Healthy Data Further to trailing the data collection methods on 3 healthy volunteers, data was obtained and analysed for 20 healthy volunteers: 13 female (aged 24-52 years, mean 34 yrs, SD 12.5) and 7 males (aged 29-59 mean 41 SD 11), to provide comparison data for the patient cohorts. Missing EEG data for one female subject resulted from a corrupted signal. For healthy and patient data, the principal statistical test applied to all measures was the one way repeated measures ANOVA with Bonferroni corrections, appropriate to the repeated measures design of the study. The ANOVA tests on physiological data revealed significant3 overall change within (i) respiration rate [ANOVA F(4, 56) = 5.8, p = 0.001], where LM produced the largest post hoc contrast with baseline silence [F(1, 14) = 35.7, p < 0.001]. (ii) respiration variance, or peak to peak variance [F(4,56) = 4.1, p = 0.006] where WN provided the largest increase4 [F(1,14) = 11.5, p = 0.005]. For the EEG data, the ANOVA tests for each pooled area revealed clear significance for changes in mean amplitude across delta (δ), theta (θ), alpha (α) and beta (β) bandwidths in most areas, particularly in frontal and temporal regions, but less so for parietal, central, posterior and occipital regions. Post hoc contrasts with BLS highlighted the dominant contribution of LM to significant ANOVA results in the R frontal region with peak increases in β [F(1, 685) =100, p < 0.001] and α [F(1, 685) = 50.2, p < 0.001]. Significant amplitude differences for θ in the frontal midline (FMT) region were particularly noteworthy, where a 3 4 Significance henceforth denoted by p ≤ 0.05 'increases' and 'decreases' henceforth in relation to post hoc ANOVA contrasts with BLS J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 43 contrast between DM decreases and LM increases was most marked compared to other regions and bandwidths [see Paper III, fig 2 (p. 7)]. For more details on amplitude changes within each bandwidth in frontal, temporal and left/right hemisphere regions, the reader is directed to Paper III, fig 1 and table 2 (pp. 5-6). 6.2 Results from Patient Data All patient data were pooled for observation of trends in patient responses. The results were heterogeneous as expected, particularly for physiological measures, however notable exceptions were found within behavioural and EEG data. In VS behavioural data, pooled eye blink rate data reached significance [F(2.3,13.9) = 3.6, p = 0.019], with a peak for the LM post hoc contrast with baseline silence [F(1,11) = 8.2, p = 0.029]. Fig. 4 in Paper III (p. 7) provides a graphical representation of this data. Similar non-significant trends were observed for LM in eye and mouth movement and 'eyes open no body movement' measures. Whilst stimuli producing peak EEG amplitudes in different regions varied between VS patients, mean FMT increased significantly for LM in half (n: 6) of cases where ANOVA's were significant. Pooled MCS FMT data also peaked significantly in 4 cases (44%). It is also noteworthy that frontal α peaked for LM in 3 VS and 4 MCS subjects, where overall ANOVAs were significant between p = 0.05 - 0.0001, which contributed to the significant finding for frontal α across the MCS cohort [F(4, 1850.1) = 36.5, p < 0.001] with a peak for LM [post hoc contrast F(1, 809) = 50.6, p < 0.001]. This finding is illustrated in fig. 5 (p. 7) of Paper III. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 44 7. Summary and Background of Papers The main sections of this thesis comprise three peer reviewed papers designed to address the research questions detailed previously. The following provides a summary of the content and background for each paper. 7.1 Paper I Music therapy with disorders of consciousness and neuroscience: the need for dialogue Paper I was designed to provide the rationale for the studies reported in thesis. A literature search was conducted using the main electronic database search engines to determine the current evidence base for music therapy assessment and rehabilitation with DOC. It was apparent that the range of publications was not extensive, and there was little in the way of empirical work that might form the basis of a systematic literature review or meta-analysis. Within the music therapy literature differences in paradigms persist in thinking about and describing clinical work with DOC, where two contrasting approaches are found with humanist/music centred or behavioural/pragmatic influences. There is, however, a range of findings from the 'music neuroscience' literature with healthy normal subjects and stroke patients to suggest that the qualities of music, in particular its ability to support neuroplasticity, indicate transferable lessons for DOC assessment and rehabilitation (e.g., Särkomo et al., 2008; Schlaug et al., 2008; Soto et al., 2009). It is also apparent that there is a rapidly expanding literature base covering neuroimaging studies with DOC comprising a range of contrasting views of relevance to music therapy with this population. In drawing these findings together, this paper combined a literature review of music therapy with DOC, with setting the case for more dialogue between neuroscience and music therapy, a guiding principal behind the second study (Paper III). J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 45 7.2 Paper II The complementary role of music therapy in the detection of awareness in disorders of consciousness: An audit of concurrent SMART and MATADOC assessments The first study was conducted in two specialist units for DOC assessment and rehabilitation with a total bedded capacity for 27 patients, within one of the first specialist brain injury hospitals to be established in the UK. The aim of the study was to address research question two: 'Specifically what do concurrent music therapy and multimodal assessments reveal about DOC patients in relation to their responsiveness to auditory and musical stimuli?'. In doing so, it was hoped the study could also add to the evidence base in relation to the main research question, i.e., whether music therapy might affect behavioural changes that contribute to the diagnosis of awareness state. The study made use of five years of archived patient records where patients had received concurrent assessments with the multimodal 'Sensory Modality Assessment and Rehabilitation Technique' (SMART) (Gill-Thwaites, 1997; Gill-Thwaites & Munday, 2004) and the ‘Music Therapy Assessment Tool for Disorders of Consciousness’ (MATADOC) (Magee et al., 2013), which focuses on patients’ behavioural responses to musical stimuli. Both tools have diagnostic power to assess for awareness states VS and MCS, with MATADOC having applicability with patients emerging from MCS, and SMART including the categories of ‘MCS/VS’ and 'MCS +' for cases where patients are borderline MCS/VS, or have emerged from MCS to higher levels of functioning. A total of 42 records were retrieved (25 male, 17 female) where assessments were conducted within 4 weeks of each other (mean: 5.45 days SD = 9). Whilst the two tools produced a high level of agreement in diagnostic outcome (Spearman Rho or rs of 0.8), divergent diagnoses and weaker correlations between behavioural response items highlighted contrasting sensitivities of the tools. For example, MATADOC displayed higher sensitivity within auditory and visual domains relative to SMART, but SMART data indicated higher sensitivity in the motor domain. In addition, the important contribution of musical response items in MATADOC, and the tactile response item in SMART, indicated both tools provide unique behavioural data predictive of awareness. The study supports the recommendation of Giacino (2002) that given the contrasting strengths of assessment tools and heterogeneity of the DOC responses to stimuli, combining these tools J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 46 provides complementary data contributing to a fuller understanding of a patient’s level of awareness. This study, grounded in clinical practice and focussed on behavioural assessment, provided a foundation for the more neurophysiological focus of the second study (Paper III). By evidencing that music therapy is able to produce behavioural responses indicative of awareness, a rationale for the investigation of the neurophysiological basis of the findings is provided, in order to develop our understanding and evidence base for this practice. 7.3 Paper III Neurophysiological and behavioural responses to music therapy in vegetative and minimally conscious states The second study was designed to address the primary research question 'Can music therapy treatment effect physiological and behavioural changes suggesting arousal and awareness to contribute to diagnosis in the assessment of patients with DOC?' In doing so the study also aimed to address the second sub-question: 'What information will a combined behavioural and neurophysiological examination of VS, MCS and healthy individuals presented with different music therapy treatments reveal in relation to a) the differing effects of the range of techniques within and between individual and diagnostic groups and b) DOC patients and their assessment through means of standardised behavioural assessments alone? The literature covering neurophysiological and behavioural assessment of DOC and normal human neurophysiological responses to music was reviewed to contextualise this study. The review indicated a number of useful measures such as heart rate variability (HRV) and electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings might be used to assess for indications of arousal, attention and cognitive processes associated with awareness, particularly in relation to auditory stimuli such as music. Thus a rationale for a multiple baseline within-subjects study to address the above questions was made, where EEG, heart rate (HR), heart rate variability (HRV), respiration and behavioural responses contingent to music therapy and other auditory stimuli were compared within individuals and between with healthy, VS and MCS cohorts. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 47 Methodology The study was undertaken with patients and staff at the same unit as the first study, where recruitment comprised 20 healthy subjects (13 female and 7 male staff) with 12 patients diagnosed as VS (6 female, 6 male) and 9 as MCS (5 male, 4 female). Subjects were presented with procedures typically used in music therapy: live preferred music (LM) and improvised music entrained to respiration (EI). They were also presented with baseline silence (BLS), recordings of disliked music (DM), and white noise (WN). Results Post hoc ANOVA tests indicated a range of significant responses (p ≤ 0.05) across healthy subjects corresponding to arousal and attention in response to LM including concurrent increases in respiration rate with globally enhanced EEG amplitude responses across frequency bandwidths and regions. Within patient findings, physiological responses were heterogeneous, however, mean frontal midline theta (FMT) increased significantly for LM in half (n: 6) of VS cases where ANOVA's were significant (p ≤ 0.05), and peaked significantly for LM in 4 MCS cases (44%). Frontal alpha amplitude changed significantly in 3 VS and 4 MCS subjects (p ≤ 0.05) with the latter contributing to the significant finding for frontal alpha across the MCS cohort [F(4, 1850.1) = 36.5, p < 0.001] with a peak for LM [post hoc contrast F(1, 809) = 50.6, p < 0.001]. Furthermore, behavioural data showed a significantly increased blink rate for LM (p = 0.029) within the VS cohort. Two VS cases highlight the occurrence of concurrent changes (p ≤ 0.05) across measures indicative of discriminatory responses to both music therapy procedures. A MCS case highlights how more sensitive selective attention may distinguish MCS from VS. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 48 8. Discussion The following sections will aim to discuss the findings of Papers II and III in relation to the research questions, provided by each main heading below. Whilst there will be some overlap with the text of the papers, the following will focus more on the individual research questions, providing greater detail than found in the papers where required. To answer the primary research question, sub questions 2, 3a and 3b will be addressed initially. 8.1 Sub Question 2 Specifically what do concurrent music therapy and global assessments reveal about DOC patients in relation to their responsiveness to auditory and musical stimuli? (Paper II) Paper II compared archived clinical information on 42 patients’ behavioural responses to musical stimuli in a music therapy assessment (MATADOC) and a wider range of sensory stimuli in concurrent multimodal SMART records. It is first worth noting the high level of diagnostic agreement between MATADOC and SMART (rs 0.80, p < 0.01, 2 tailed). This indicates that behavioural assessment for awareness based on primarily musical stimuli is able to produce a strong agreement with outcomes from SMART, a well-established, multimodal assessment tool undertaken in ten sessions compared to the four sessions required in the MATADOC. This is supported by a study which reports 100% diagnostic agreement from 21 records collected under rigorous research conditions (Magee et al., 2013). A simplistic interpretation of the findings of study one would conclude that the visual, not the auditory, domain provides the most significant contribution to assessing awareness with the highest correlation between visual responsiveness with diagnosis for MATADOC (rs = 0.79) and SMART (rs = 0.55) respectively. This interpretation would only be correct if visual responses (such as eye movement towards an object) could be guaranteed as solely based on non-sounding stimuli. In reality it is likely that auditory responses may sometimes be conflated with visual responses, for example when asking a patient to track a moving object using the verbal command ‘look at the pen'. The higher correlation with diagnosis in the visual domain found for MATADOC also raises questions, i.e., does the musical focus and use of more complex auditory stimuli have some form of synergistic effect on enhancing J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 49 visual responses? This interpretation resonates with the study by Soto et al. (2009), where listening to 'pleasant music' activated spared parietal areas of the brain involved in emotional and attentional processing, to ameliorate visual neglect in stroke patients. Two MATADOC items in particular, 'behavioural responses to music' and 'attention to task', highlighted discriminatory responses that correlated well with diagnosis (rs > 0.6). These findings provide evidence from clinically derived data that music therapy can elicit unique behavioural responses with diagnostic power in relation to the detection of awareness with DOC. A stronger correlation with diagnosis was found in the auditory domain for MATADOC (rs 0.57) compared to the auditory domain for SMART (rs 0.38). Consequently, this study indicates that the added complexity provided by the mix of musical elements in MATADOC (i.e., pitch, timbre, rhythm and harmony) compared to the auditory stimuli used in SMART (i.e., wood blocks) are more effective in eliciting awareness responses. However, given the range of findings detailed in Paper II, there is insufficient evidence to suggest any one domain may be more relevant to diagnosis, or more sensitive in the detection of behaviours indicating awareness. The data suggests that SMART and MATADOC elicit different levels of response in comparable domains, and that the musical stimuli used in MATADOC have utility in eliciting a range of responses indicative of awareness. Finally, it is noteworthy that the correlation between diagnostic outcome and the item measuring arousal for both tools was relatively weak (rs 0.46). This finding may have two explanations. Either, the weak correlation may indicate an inconsistent relationship of arousal with awareness, or, it may reflect that the range of behavioural arousal markers, such as posture, breathing, and eye contact which clinicians rely upon in clinical observations, are vulnerable to misinterpretation, or may be missed altogether. It has been noted that there are inherent challenges in measuring this multi-dimensional domain (Robbins, 1997). The finding presented here suggests that objective physiological measures such as heart rate (HR) and respiration rate (RR) should be observed in addition to behavioural indicators for a more robust assessment of arousal. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 50 8.2 Sub question 3a What information will a combined behavioural and neuro-physiological examination of VS, MCS and healthy individuals presented with different music therapy treatments reveal in relation to the differing effects of the treatments within and between individuals and diagnostic groups? (Paper III) 8.2.1 Healthy Neurophysiological Responses There is a lack of literature on healthy neurophysiological responses to receptive music therapy methods with which to draw comparisons in relation to this question; indeed this study goes some way to addressing this issue. Therefore, it is appropriate to draw comparisons with music psychology and psychophysiology literature as detailed previously. As detailed earlier, a debate exists as to how much ANS responses to music listening are accounted for by unconscious entrainment to musical tempo, or 'tempo entrainment' (Bernardi et al.,2006; Etzel et al., 2006; Gomez & Danuser, 2007; Khalfa et al., 2008), or cortically mediated, emotional, or 'top down' processes, as reported by Salimpoor et al. (2009). In this study, comparing RR in relation to the beats per minute of the musical stimuli indicates that the responses observed accord more to the Salimpoor et al. (2009) model of 'top down' processing than to unconscious 'tempo entrainment'. As fig. 3 illustrates, faster tempi of DM choices were not reflected in faster RR compared to LM, rather the converse (by a small margin). Some caution is needed in interpreting this data, as it only reflects average, or 'tonic' RR and BPM, and more detailed analysis might reveal phasic correlations between shifts in music tempo and RR. In contrast to the arousal response detailed above for RR, the significant increase in respiration variability for WN detailed in Paper III (p. 6) points more clearly to a negative or 'upsetting' response related to WN according to Boiten (1994). Further discussion of valence issues in relation to the EEG data may be found in Paper III (p. 10). In summary, the significant increase in RR found for LM with the healthy cohort indicates an arousal affect where a lack of tempo entrainment points to a top down 'pleasure' response. Given the possibility of top down, cortically mediated mechanisms explaining RR increases, the importance of this response occurring for patient subjects should not be underestimated. For example, where patients diagnosed as in VS respond consistently with an increased RR J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 51 when presented with LM compared to other stimuli, further investigation is merited as to the patients’ level of awareness and sensitivity to their auditory environment. Figure 3: Healthy Respiration Rates and Beats per Minute Compared Key RPM: Respirations per minute BPM: Beats per minute RPM BPM RPM BPM Liked Music Liked Music Disliked Music Disliked Music RPM Ent. Improv. BPM Ent. Improv. In relation to the literature on HR and HRV and music listening detailed in Paper III (pp. 2-3), this study provides little support for HRV time domain5 or frequency domain6 measures providing consistent benchmarks for healthy 'aware' responses to the music therapy methods used in the study. However, whilst the ANOVA tests revealed no significant change across the healthy cohort, ANOVAs conducted on segmented data at the within-subject level did reveal a range of often divergent significant change. For example, two male healthy subjects aged 29 and 31 respectively showed significant change (i.e. ANOVA p ≤ 0.05) during the experimental session for high frequency (HF) within the HRV data, but with divergent post hoc peak behaviour for LM, with LM providing the highest and lowest mean level of the subjects respectively. Thus, it appears that normal HR and HRV responses to music therapy methods are idiosyncratic and divergent between individuals, yet often significant at the within-subject level. However, caution is required in interpreting this finding; as will be discussed in the limitations section of this thesis, the small sample and heterogeneity of musical stimuli need to be considered. 5 as detailed in Paper III (p. 5) these refer to: SDNN: standard deviation of all 'NN' or peak intervals, RMSSD: square root of the mean of the sum of the squares of differences between adjacent NN intervals 6 as detailed in Paper III (p. 5) these refer to LF: Low frequency, HF: High frequency, ULF: Ultra low frequency, LF/HF ratio: ratio of low-hi frequency power J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 52 There is a growing understanding of the role of neuroplasticity in neuro-rehabilitation, or how the brain is capable of re-organisation and self-modification following neurological trauma (Johansson & Grabowski, 1994; Mateer & Kerns, 2000; Stein, 2009). Music is a dynamic stimulus eliciting neurological response through its intrinsic qualities of rhythm, pitch and harmony, and through association in the emotional and memory processes elicited uniquely in each individual. As detailed previously, listening to 'pleasant' and preferred music has been shown to be effective in promoting neuroplasticity to meet functional goals for those with acquired brain damage such as decreasing visual neglect (Särkamo & Soto, 2012; Soto et al., 2009), and improving cognitive function (Särkamo et al., 2010). FMRI and specific EEG paradigms such as mismatch-negativity (MMN) tend to be adopted as functional measures of neuroplasticity (Münte, Altenmüller, & Jänck 2002). Whilst the second study did not include such tests, table 2, figure 1 and 2 in Paper III (pp. 5-7) illustrate how LM produced the most significant EEG amplitude increases, as measured by mean amplitude peaks across bandwidths. Thus LM produced the most cortical activity, for left and right hemispheres overall, with notable dominance in R frontal and temporal regions across frequency bandwidths. According to the literature on the EEG behaviour of healthy individuals detailed in Paper III (p. 3 & 10), these responses are typical for the processing of musical stimuli, indicative of increased arousal, local and long distance cortical activity and connectivity. In summary, for the healthy cohort in study two, the findings of significant globally enhanced post hoc EEG power spectra responses for LM (p ≤ 0.05) resonates with the literature on music listening to support the use of LM for providing conditions appropriate for neuroplasticity. The study also provides a range of normative data on EEG responses to music therapy which are lacking in the literature. Finally, the EEG data coupled with the RR increases observed for LM provides evidence from a normative perspective for the utility of using this music therapy procedure to support arousal and 'top down' cortical activity with DOC. 8.2.2 Patient Behavioural Responses One of the most interesting findings in the VS data in the second study, was a significantly increased blink rate observed, maximal for LM, where the ANOVA [F(2.3,13.9) = 3.6, p = 0.019] comprised a significant LM post hoc contrast with baseline silence [F(1,11) = 8.2, p = 0.029]. This was accompanied by non-significant trends for LM in increased eye and mouth movement and 'eyes open no body movement' measures. The discussion section of Paper III J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 53 explores the literature on blink rate (p. 10), which is primarily based on healthy subjects, to hypothesise that a basic arousal response was observed for VS subjects particularly in relation to LM, but also (to a lesser extent) the other auditory stimuli. Overall, the behavioural data indicates that LM offers the most effective stimuli for supporting arousal of the stimuli tested and echoes the findings of Wilson, Brock, Powell, Thwaites and Elliott (1996), that VS patients exhibit arousal profiles which vary considerably in nature and level of arousal in relation to sensory stimuli. The MCS data suggests a contrasting attention response where blink rate decreased and awareness of the stimuli increased where visual attention was recruited, as illustrated in the third case study in Paper III (pp. 19-21). Here blink rate decreased but spontaneous body movement increased to LM. It should, however, be noted that this was the only subject which gave consistent CRS R responses indicative of awareness, and who also gave these responses after each stimulus. Therefore, the behavioural data in Paper III supports the use of music therapy methods to increase arousal for VS patients, although significant findings were not found for awareness responses within the experimental sessions at the level of standardised behavioural assessment. 8.2.3 Patient Neurophysiological Responses As detailed in Paper III (pp. 9-10), significant post hoc EEG amplitude peaks for LM were found for frontal midline theta (FMT) in 6 VS and 4 MCS subjects, and frontal alpha in 3 VS and 4 MCS subjects (p = 0.05 - 0.0001). These finding suggests that despite the heterogeneity of DOC pathology, LM provides powerful stimuli in relation to eliciting frontal theta and alpha responses within VS and MCS cohorts. Whilst detailed source localisation work has not been undertaken on this data, a review of the literature on FMT points to activation of hippocampal and anterior cingulate cortex regions involved in memory, motivation, decision making, processing information, and attention in healthy individuals (Mitchell, McNaughton, Flanagan, & Kirk, 2008). Given the complex, multi-layered nature of music, these responses happening at beyond chance level are particularly noteworthy. If VS patients were truly unaware of their auditory environment, one would not expect to find such contrasting responses between LM and the other stimuli presented within the same volume and source location parameters. This contrasting response is particularly noteworthy where weaker responses were observed for DM [e.g., Paper III fig 5 (p. 7) and fig 6 & 7 (p. 8). Given DM is a a stimulus of similar complexity to LM in terms of the combination of different timbres, melody, rhythm and harmony, one should not expect to see contrasting responses in VS patients considered ‘unaware’ of their environment, or unable to discriminate, or show enhanced responses across measures to different auditory stimuli. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 54 Fig.'s 1 and 2 in Paper III (pp. 6-7) highlight that weaker neurophysiological responses to DM are also a hallmark of the healthy data, particularly in the theta and alpha EEG frequency bandwidths in frontal and temporal regions. Together, this information points to the possibility that not only arousal, but also some form of selective attention, may be elicited by LM for some VS and MCS patients, which may even suggest diagnostic error in cases where these divergent responses are most pronounced or sustained. It is noteworthy that less discrimination between music therapy conditions and white noise characterised pooled VS data in a manner resonating with the concept of 'hypoarousal' detailed previously, where subjects are unable to distinguish relevant from irrelevant information (Heilman et al.,1978). Similarly, as detailed previously, discrimination evidenced by heightened cortical activation in fMRI studies to auditory stimuli with emotional relevance has been considered a defining feature of MCS (Laureys et al., 2004).Thus, harnessing EEG technology alongside music therapy assessment in this manner may provide complementary data for clinicians to draw upon when assessing for awareness and prognostic indicators. Further research might explore the reliability of contrasting responses to LM, DM and WN in predicting VS/MCS diagnosis. As noted previously, compared to EEG, more expensive and invasive assessment technology such as fMRI is not applicable to all patients. Thus a novel, and widely applicable, assessment method is suggested by these findings, which merits further investigation. In summary, the EEG results provide compelling, albeit pilot level, support for LM promoting responses associated with both arousal and awareness at the neurophysiological level. Indications that LM is also capable of eliciting selective attention, and the potential of this response acting as a diagnostic or prognostic marker, merit further enquiry. Paper III reports that whilst pooled physiological data (i.e., HR and RR derived data) did not produce significant findings, significant change was observed in relation to these autonomic nervous system (ANS) measures at the within-subject level. As with the healthy cohort, the direction of change was often heterogeneous. Table 1 details the numbers of patients for whom significant change was found at the individual level from ANOVAs conducted on segmented data for HR, HRV comprising HF, low frequency (LF) low/high frequency ratio (LF/HF), and root mean squared of successive differences of peak values (RMSSD), respiration rate (RR) and standard deviation of normal to normal respiration peaks (SDNN), or respiration variability. The table illustrates the heterogeneous post hoc peaks found for all conditions (including BLS) across measures where ANOVA significance was found. Thus, J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 55 whilst a follow up study may find the significant ANS responses found for any auditory stimuli, (particularly in relation to sympathetic nervous system increases) to be of prognostic value as indicated by Wijnen et al. (2006), music therapy methods produced results in only a handful of patients that resonated coherently with the literature on healthy responses to music listening detailed in Paper III (p. 3). The most notable of these responses was found in the time domain of HRV (RMSDD), where increases in RMSSD have been associated with relaxation related positive valence (Cacioppo, Tassinary, and Berntson 2000). In this study 3 VS and 3 MCS subjects displayed predominantly peak levels of RMSDD for LM and 1 MCS subject for EI. However, overall the heterogeneous findings for physiological measures across cohorts casts doubt on their utility in providing reliable markers of responses particular to music therapy methods, which might be useful in assessing for discriminatory attention or processing suggestive of selective attention or awareness. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 56 Table 1: Significant Change in Patient Physiological Measures Patients with Significant Post Hoc Peak Mean ANOVA's (p ≤ 0.05) (n of patients in brackets) VS 9 WN (3),LM (3), BLS (2), DM (1) MCS 5 WN (3), LM (1), BLS (1) Heart Rate Hi Frequency (HF) VS 4 BLS (2), WN (1), WN, LM, EI & DM tied (1) MCS 3 EI (2), WN (1) Low Frequency (LF) VS 6 BLS (2) WN(2), LM (1), EI (1) MCS 3 WN (2), WN & LM (1), LF/HF Ratio Frequency VS 3 WN (1), EI (1), BLS (1) MCS 2 WN (1), DM (1) VS 5 LM (2), DM &LM (1) DM (1), BLS (1) MCS 4 LM (3), EI (1), RMSSD Respiration Rate (Respirations per minute) VS 2 LM (2) MCS 2 LM,EI, DM, WN tied (1), DM (1) Respiration Variance (SDNN) VS 3 LM (3) MCS 2 DM (1) In summary, the findings of study two (Paper III, pp. 10-11) provide one of the first examinations of the neurophysiological effects of music therapy with healthy individuals, indicating 'top down' mechanisms driving RR increases with concurrent widespread cortical activation for LM, but less consistent effects for any of the auditory stimuli used within HR and HRV measures. Within the patient cohorts, a significant increase in blink rate suggests an arousal response for VS patients in relation to LM. A range of frontal EEG responses across bandwidths and cohorts further supports an arousal effect for LM. Aside from noticeable amplitude differences at baseline levels, greater discrimination between LM and both WN and DM within frontal regions for the MCS cohort similar to healthy responses J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 57 suggests a potential aid to assessment of awareness is indicated by combining music therapy and neurophysiological assessment. The study's findings provide pilot level support for the use of music therapy in both promoting arousal and eliciting neuro-physiological responses suggestive of awareness. Further exploration of the EEG data using MMN and source localisation methods is indicated in order to underpin these findings with more detailed information on the topography of responses and functional measures of neuroplastic change. 8.3 Sub question 3b What information will a combined behavioural and neuro-physiological examination of VS, MCS and healthy individuals presented with different music therapy treatments reveal in relation to DOC patients and their assessment through means of standardised behavioural assessments alone? As detailed previously, the diagnosis of VS as defined by the Aspen Workgroup (1996) as “a condition in which awareness of self and the environment is presumed to be absent and there is an inability to interact with others, although the capacity for spontaneous or stimulusinduced arousal (i.e., wakefulness) is preserved” (p. 7). Furthermore, the task force stated that there should be "No evidence of sustained, reproducible, purposeful, or voluntary behavioural responses to visual, auditory, tactile, or noxious stimuli" and "no evidence of language comprehension or expression" (p. 8). More recently, alongside the proposal for the term 'unresponsive wakefulness syndrome' to replace VS (Bruno et al., 2011), the conditions of MCS + and MCS- have been proposed by Laureys et al. (2010) to denote high-level behavioural responses (i.e., command following) and low-level behavioural responses (i.e., contingent responses such as appropriate smiling or crying to emotional stimuli) respectively. In relation to the above DOC nosology the findings of Paper III make interesting and thought provoking reading. Within the VS cohort, significant increases in blink rate were observed for LM. This was accompanied by half of VS patients (n: 6) displaying significant post hoc increases of FMT, with 3 VS patients responding similarly with significant increases in frontal alpha power. Two VS subjects also displayed significant increases in RR for LM in a similar fashion to the healthy cohort. In some cases (e.g., the case studies in Paper III), these heightened responses for LM occurred concurrently in individuals. As detailed earlier, change occurring J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 58 at peak levels in relation to the uniquely dynamic and multi layered stimuli of LM indicates some form of awareness in terms of selective attention was elicited. These covert responses are not given at the behavioural level detailed previously for 'MCS-' (Bruno et al., 2011), and cannot be described as 'purposeful' in themselves. However, they are significant at the within-subject level post hoc, sustained throughout the stimulus presentation, and their prevalence would suggest they would be reproducible. Furthermore, whilst it is unclear whether heightened responses observed for LM and EI relate to the musical or lyrical content of the stimuli, or the combined effect of them, some form of language or music syntactical processing cannot be ruled out. In relating the findings of study two to this research question, it is useful to reflect further on the literature detailed in the introductory sections of this thesis. The data points to an arousal effect, particularly for LM, which would necessarily involve the ARAS. We now understand the ARAS has activating structures extending as far as the forebrain, and cerebral hemisphere (Robbins, 1997; Zeman, 2001), and that it is implicated in a range of behaviour beyond wakefulness, such as mood, motivation, attention, learning, memory and movement (Robbins, 1997). As dicussed in Paper III (pp. 10), blink rate in particular has been associated with positive correlations with dopaminergic system activity, arousal (Karson, Dykman, & Paige, 1990), and attention (Abe et al., 2011; Irwin, 2011). In this light, the evidence for music therapy supporting arousal in these patients who were recently diagnosed as VS, is significant in terms of its potential for supporting and encouraging intact functioning at this extended level. Aside from the fact that significant numbers of VS patients may be mis-diagnosed (Hirschberg & Giacino, 2011), neuroimaging studies point to intact auditory (Laureys et al., 2000), emotional, verbal, (Schiff et al., 2002), pain (Kassubek et al., 2003) and language processing (Coleman et al., 2007), and 'cortical learning' (Kotchoubey et al., 2006) in VS. As detailed earlier, several leading authorities stress that these responses may only represent modular, or isolated, behaviours, evidencing a disconnect between primary cortex, thalamus multi-modal or limbic regions and higher order integrative/associative cortices in correctly diagnosed VS (Boly et al., 2004; Laureys et al., 2002). However, heightened responses noted for VS patients in this study occurred at significant within-subject post hoc levels for LM and EI in some cases, as detailed in the case studies in Paper III (pp. 8-10). As LM and EI may be stimuli capable of stimulating language, memory and emotional processing in response to their lyrical and/or musical content, it seems hard to conceive of these J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 59 responses as merely 'isolated' or modular responses. LM in particular may also relate to historical events in one's personal life, such as weddings and other significant life events involving significant relationships. Given the relationship between these responses and LM, they might relate beyond Damasio's (2010) 'primordial feelings' to his conception of 'full consciousness', defined in terms of the involvement of biographical knowledge (pp. 22-23), or beyond Panksepp et al.’s conception of ‘primary process affects’ (2007, p.1), given the responses are to stimuli characterised by specific memory and/or language associations. The level of responses noted also accords with Celisia’s review (2013) of neuro-imaging studies noted previously (i.e., 35% of VS research subjects had activation of primary sensory cortices and higher-order associative areas, and 5% activation of cortical regions high-level language processing). Furthermore Tulving (1993) stated that whereas consciousness should denote the detection of basic sensory events, awareness involves the more advanced interpretation and experience of these events. Using this conceptualisation, it is hard to deny some of the VS subjects’ 'consciousness' in this sense, although the data does not provide sufficient evidence to confirm or deny interpretative processing. 8.4 Primary Research Question Can music therapy treatment effect physiological and behavioural changes suggesting arousal and awareness to contribute to diagnosis in assessment of patients with DOC? (Papers II and III) Papers II and III provide evidence for the use of music therapy in providing an important contribution to the diagnosis of awareness state with this population. In addition to the high levels of diagnostic agreement mentioned previously, Paper II highlights how the MATADOC is capable of recording unique responses elicited by musical stimuli, which might be missed in global assessments with less focus on the auditory domain. A range of neuro-physiological data providing evidence for the arousal effect of LM is provided by Paper III, contributing to our understanding of mechanisms underpinning the behavioural responses elicited and recorded by the MATADOC. In addition this study illustrates how the combination of music therapy with neurophysiological assessment offers a novel aid to detecting awareness as measured by the patients’ discriminatory cortical responses. Thus the thesis confirms that music therapy can contribute to diagnosis of awareness through effecting change in behavioural measures and cortical activity associated with arousal and awareness. ANS reactivity was characterised by significant but divergent change in relation to both music therapy and non-music therapy stimuli. Whilst this does not provide sufficient evidence to J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 60 suggest awareness, it merits follow up assessment according to Wijnen et al. (2006), as it may indicate a greater likelihood of recovery. 8.5 Limitations Both music therapy and neuroscience have been recently evolving in the sophistication of clinical practice and research with DOC. However, both disciplines may be considered as at the start of a long journey of enquiry in this complex field, where patients have highly heterogeneous pathologies, complex and multiple disabilities, and fluctuating arousal levels, which may confound the best attempts to assess and rehabilitate them. Herein lies the primary limitation of the research detailed in this thesis. Nonetheless, the study has been undertaken in a naturalistic fashion, using archived clinical data, and collected measures of responses to music therapy treatments provided by a trained music therapist within a clinical setting. Therefore, significant responses noted in the thesis may be considered as noteworthy in spite of the confounding factors, and in contrast with studies involving laboratory based procedures or more invasive techniques such as fMRI, the findings are all the more noteworthy for their authenticity. Given the lack of understanding and empirical research in this area, the study is necessarily of a pilot, exploratory nature. This is an important caveat in relation to the use of the term ‘significance’ in the thesis. The lack of known, appropriate, singular measures of arousal or awareness precluded the use of power calculations to determine the numbers of subjects required for significance testing in its fullest sense, so type I and II errors cannot be ruled out. However, it should be noted that the studies provide data from the largest numbers of subjects in research of its kind. The music featured in study two (in particular LM and DM) comprised heterogeneous tempo, harmonic, rhythmic and lyrical content. The lack of standardisation in this area may well have provided a confounding effect on the data which could in part be responsible for the divergent results, particularly in the physiological measures noted previously. However, it would be antithetical to provide these musical items in standardised form in relation to musical elements, as this would possibly obscure any elicitation of responses based on intact memory function. Furthermore, standardised, recorded music arguably loses some of the unique power of live performance in eliciting arousal or awareness responses. Certainly the pre-recorded disliked music data in study two was notable for its lack of significant responses across cohorts and measures. Finally, due to the limited resources and time scale of this J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 61 study, patients did not receive auditory brain stem testing to exclude patients with undiagnosed hearing impairment, which may have provided a further confounding element to the findings. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 62 9. Conclusions This thesis addresses the lack of empirical evidence supporting music therapy in the assessment and treatment of those with DOC. The shared belief of 'humanist/music centred' and 'behavioural/pragmatic' clinicians that music therapy has powers to reach even the most profoundly injured VS patients detailed in Paper I finds initial support in data from assessment records in Paper II. In addition to the high levels of diagnostic agreement found between music therapy and multimodal assessments, the use of musical stimuli in the MATADOC was found to elicit unique responses which might be missed in global assessments with less focus on the auditory domain. Through a comparison of a range of responses to music therapy found in both healthy and patient cohorts, Paper III offers further empirical support for music therapy assessment with DOC patients. The paper provides a comprehensive record of DOC patients’ responses to music therapy, in varying states of arousal, with heterogeneous pathologies, disabilities and drug regimes. Whilst the studies in this thesis account for the largest samples found in comparable research, the significance of findings may lack the robustness larger samples offer, and so caution is needed in relation to interpreting their significance. Nonetheless, despite many potential confounding issues, music therapy, in particular the live performance of preferred music, produced significant increases in blink rate within the VS cohort, concurrently with significant changes in neurophysiological measures at the within-subject level. These findings contribute to our understanding of mechanisms underpinning the behavioural responses elicited by the MATADOC. Furthermore, they emphasise the need to appreciate the unique response profiles of each patient, be they diagnosed as VS or MCS, and the distinctive contribution combined music therapy and neurophysiological assessment may provide in revealing intact responsiveness to salient stimuli, even in patients behaviourally assessed as ‘unaware’ of themselves and their environment. Research exploring the behavioural and neurophysiological responses noted in Paper III in follow up assessments is indicated, to determine their utility as prognostic indicators. Furthermore, given our understanding of arousal in supporting awareness, and the positive effects of music on neuroplasticity, a rationale is provided for harnessing the effects of music therapy for rehabilitation with this population. Findings also indicate how the combination of music therapy with neurophysiological assessment may offer a novel aid to detecting awareness, as measured by the patients’ discriminatory cortical responses. This combination offers potential advantages to more invasive, expensive assessments such as fMRI, which J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 63 are not applicable to all patients. Thus this thesis provides pilot level evidence that music therapy can contribute to diagnosis of awareness in those with DOC, through effecting behavioural and neurophysiological change associated with arousal and awareness. Findings indicate potential for harnessing these responses both as prognostic indicators, and to improve clinical outcomes through rehabilitation, which merits further investigation. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 64 10. Summary This thesis comprises research undertaken within a large UK neuro-rehabilitation unit aimed at developing the evidence base for music therapy in the assessment of those with Disorders of Consciousness (DOC), which is detailed in three peer reviewed papers. The papers comprise a literature review, an audit of concurrent music therapy and global assessment data, and a within-subjects neurophysiological and behavioural study of healthy and DOC responses to music therapy and other auditory stimuli. This summary details the background and theoretical framework for the study, and by doing so outlines Paper I: 'Music therapy with disorders of consciousness and neuroscience: the need for dialogue', followed by summaries of the two research papers. Background Neuro-rehabilitation is a dynamic process aimed at maximizing physical, psychological and social functioning. Two frameworks underpin modern neuro-rehabilitation: (i) Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) - the judicious used of clinically and scientifically derived evidence to guide treatment decisions (Sackett et al., 2007) (ii) Physical Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) - an approach acknowledging the interdependency of the individual with their environment, and value of multidisciplinary input in meeting rehabilitative goals effectively (Stucki & Melvin, 2007). DOC primarily comprise Vegetative States (VS) with retained sleep/wake cycles without awareness, and Minimally Conscious States (MCS), where some form of awareness is observed. The detection of consciousness is pivotal to the diagnosis of VS or MCS (Aspen Neurobehavioral Conference Workgroup, 1996). The music therapy literature contains a range of ‘rationale building’ material supporting the use of music therapy with DOC, based on practical, neurological, psychological and social observations. The practice of music therapy with those with DOC is characterised by two contrasting models in the literature: J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 65 (i) the Humanist/Music Centered model, advocating the existence of a ‘mind’ or ‘soul’ separate from the body in our conception of consciousness (e.g. Aldridge, Gustorff & Hannlich, 1990; Gustorff, 1995; Gustorff, 2002). (ii) the Behavioural/Pragmatic model where consciousness is defined by brain function, and consequently DOC by the lack thereof (e.g. Baker & Tamplin, 2006; Boyle, 1994; Boyle & Greer, 1984; Magee, 2005; Magee et al. 2013; O’Kelly & Magee 2013 a & b). Most research in this field contains methodological weaknesses and an inconsistent use of diagnostic terminology (O'Kelly & Magee, 2013a). However, modern brain scanning studies are revealing a wide range of ways in which music affects physiological states, cognition and mood in healthy individuals. Whilst it is unclear how music may affect such states and processes for those with DOC, the evidence from both healthy and stroke studies suggests a potential role for music therapy in enhancing attention and supporting neuroplasticity to produce functional gains in vision, speech and cognition (e.g. Särkomo et al., 2008; Schlaug, Maechina & Norton, 2008; Soto, Funes, Guzman-Garcia, Warbrick, Rotshtein, & Humphreys, 2009). The prominent model of consciousness within EBM and PRM views consciousness as comprising: (i) arousal function, or the ‘level’ of consciousness , which is required for (ii) awareness, or the ‘contents’ of consciousness or the ability of the brain to process sensory information (Giacino & Whyte, 2005). Modern neuro-rehabilitation methods state that for consciousness to be present, individuals must be awake, able to process internal and external stimuli, and able to demonstrate goal directed behaviour (Giacino, 1997). However, there exists a debate on a range of issues relating to assessment of DOC, chiefly: (i) what level of awareness and functional capacity of the brain should be considered as sufficient for consciousness (ii) how reliable neuro-imaging data is in revealing 'covert' awareness not evident from behavioural assessment (iii) the functional capacity of those in VS in relation to auditory, language and pain processing. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 66 Research questions The primary research question for this thesis is: 1. Can music therapy treatment effect physiological and behavioural changes suggesting arousal and awareness to contribute to diagnosis in assessment of patients with DOC? (Papers II and III) In order to answer this question, the following sub-questions are addressed : 2. Specifically what do concurrent music therapy and multimodal assessments reveal about DOC patients in relation to their responsiveness to auditory and musical stimuli? (Paper II) 3. What information will a combined behavioural and neuro-physiological examination of VS, MCS and healthy individuals presented with different music therapy treatments reveal in relation to: a) the differing effects of the treatments within and between individuals and diagnostic groups i.e., healthy volunteers, VS and MCS (Paper III) b) DOC patients and their assessment through means of standardised behavioural assessments alone? (Paper III) These research questions are addressed in the following summaries of Paper's II and III. Paper II: The complementary role of music therapy in the detection of awareness in disorders of consciousness: An audit of concurrent SMART and MATADOC assessments The aim of this study was to address research question two: 'Specifically what do concurrent music therapy and global assessments reveal about DOC patients in relation to their responsiveness to auditory and musical stimuli?' In doing so, it was hoped the study could also add to the evidence base in relation to the main research question, i.e. whether music J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 67 therapy might affect behavioural changes which might contribute to the diagnosis of awareness state. The study used five years of archived patient records where patients had received concurrent assessments with the multimodal 'Sensory Modality Assessment and Rehabilitation Technique' (SMART) (Gill-Thwaites, 1997; Gill-Thwaites & Munday, 2004) and the ‘Music Therapy Assessment Tool for Disorders of Consciousness’ or ’MATADOC’ (Magee et al., 2013), which focuses on patients’ behavioural responses to musical stimuli. A total of 42 records were retrieved (25 male, 17 female), where assessments were conducted within 4 weeks of each other (mean: 5.45 days, SD=9). Inclusion criteria comprised patients aged 18–75 years, with complete SMART and MATADOC assessments undertaken within 4 weeks of each other during a 5 year period between January 2007 and January 2012. Records were excluded where sections of the assessment hard copy were missing. In cases where diagnostic outcome of either tool was unclear (n: 6), expert opinion was sought from a music therapist or occupational therapist experienced in using and analysing the assessment data for MATADOC and SMART. Data were analysed in SPSS (ver. 20) for statistical analysis using descriptive statistics for central tendency, dispersion and correlation. Whilst the two tools produced a high level of agreement in diagnostic outcome (rs 0.8), divergent diagnosis and weaker correlations between behavioural response items highlighted contrasting sensitivities of the tools. For example, MATADOC displayed higher sensitivity within auditory and visual domains relative to SMART, but SMART data indicated higher sensitivity in the motor domain. In addition, the important contribution of musical response items in MATADOC, and the tactile response item in SMART, highlighted that both tools provide unique behavioural data predictive of awareness. The study supports the recommendation of Giacino et al. (2002) that given contrasting strengths of assessment tools and heterogeneity of the DOC responses to stimuli, combining these tools provides complementary data contributing to a fuller understanding of a patient’s level of awareness. Paper III: Neurophysiological and behavioural responses to music therapy in vegetative and minimally conscious states The second study was designed to address the primary research question 'Can music therapy treatment effect physiological and behavioural changes suggesting arousal and awareness to contribute to diagnosis in the assessment of patients with DOC?' In doing so the study also aimed to address sub-questions: 'What information will a combined J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 68 behavioural and neurophysiological examination of VS, MCS and healthy individuals presented with different music therapy treatments reveal in relation to a) the differing effects of the range of techniques within and between individual and diagnostic groups and b) DOC patients and their assessment through means of standardised behavioural assessments alone? The literature covering neurophysiological and behavioural assessment of DOC and normal human neurophysiological responses to music was reviewed to contextualise this study. The review indicated a number of useful measures such as heart rate variability (HRV), electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings might be used to assess for indications of arousal, attention and cognitive processes associated with awareness, particularly in relation to auditory stimuli such as music. Thus a rationale for a multiple baseline within subjects study to address the above questions was made, where EEG, heart rate (HR), heart rate variability (HRV), respiration and behavioural responses contingent to music therapy and other auditory stimuli were compared within individuals and between with healthy, VS and MCS cohorts. The study was undertaken with patients at the same unit as the first study, where recruitment comprised 20 healthy subjects (13 female and 7 male) with 12 patients diagnosed as VS (6 female, 6 male) and 9 as MCS (5 male, 4 female). Following five minutes of baseline silence (BLS), subjects were presented with procedures typically used in music therapy: live preferred music (LM) and improvised music entrained to respiration (EI). They were also presented with recordings of disliked music (DM), and white noise (WN). Stimuli were presented in randomised order to control for order effects. Post hoc ANOVA tests indicated a range of significant responses (p ≤ 0.05) across healthy subjects corresponding to arousal and attention in response to LM, including concurrent increases in respiration rate with globally enhanced EEG amplitude responses across brain regions and frequency bandwidths delta, theta, alpha and beta (p ≤ 0.05). Responses were most significant in right frontal and temporal regions. Whilst physiological responses were heterogeneous across patient cohorts, mean frontal midline theta (FMT) increased significantly for LM in half (n: 6) of cases where ANOVA's were significant (p ≤ 0.05), and peaked significantly for LM in 4 MCS cases (44%). Frontal alpha amplitude changed significantly in 3 VS and 4 MCS subjects (p = 0.05 - 0.0001), with the latter contributing to the significant finding for frontal alpha across the MCS cohort [F(4, 1850.1) =36.5, p < 0.001] with a peak for LM [post hoc contrast F(1, 809) = 50.6, p < 0.001]. Furthermore, behavioural data showed a significantly increased blink rate for LM (p = 0.029) J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 69 within the VS cohort. Two VS cases are presented in Paper III with concurrent changes (p ≤ 0.05) across measures indicative of discriminatory responses to both music therapy procedures. A third MCS case study is presented highlighting how more sensitive selective attention may distinguish MCS from VS. Discussion Paper II The first study (Paper II) compared archived information on 42 patients’ behavioural responses to musical stimuli in a music therapy assessment (MATADOC) and a wider range of sensory stimuli in concurrent SMART records. It is first worth noting the high level of diagnostic agreement between MATADOC and SMART (rs 0.80, p< 0.01, 2 tailed). This indicates that behavioural assessment for awareness based on primarily musical stimuli is able to produce a strong agreement with outcomes from SMART, a well-established, multimodal assessment tool undertaken in ten sessions compared to MATADOC's four. This is supported by the standardisation study by Magee et al., (2013) which reports 100% diagnostic agreement with SMART from 21 records, under rigorous research conditions. The range of statistical tests conducted upon MATADOC's 15 domain measures in relation to diagnosis highlighted sensitive, discriminatory responses (i.e., with a correlation of rs ≥ 0.6 with diagnosis) in the 'behavioural responses to music', 'attention to task' domains. These findings provide evidence from clinically derived data that music therapy can elicit unique behavioural responses with diagnostic power in relation to the detection of awareness. In addition, more sensitive responses were found in the MATADOC auditory and visual domains compared to SMART 'consistent' response domains (auditory rs 0.79 compared to SMART's rs of 0.38, and visual rs 0.79 compared to SMART rs of 0.55). These higher correlations with diagnosis suggest the musical focus and use of more complex auditory stimuli are more effective for discriminating awareness within the auditory domain, and may have some form of synergistic effect to produce greater sensitivity within the visual domain. Paper III: Healthy Data There is a lack of normative or 'healthy' data available to guide clinicians and researchers using receptive music therapy methods. Aside from addressing the thesis research questions, study two (Paper III) provides a useful contribution to this field. The findings of significant increases in respiration rate (RR) in relation to listening to LM are noteworthy. The RR for all musical stimuli (LM, DM and EI), were compared to the tempo of the accompanying music, to indicate no substantive unconscious 'entrainment' relationship J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 70 between RR and the tempo of music listened to. This finding indicates that these responses are related to cortically mediated, emotional, or 'top down' processes, according to Salimpoor et al. (2009), thus may provide a useful benchmark in comparing with patient responses, where individuals are often unable to communicate verbally or non-verbally. In relation to the literature on HR and HRV and music listening detailed in Paper III (p. 2-3), this study provides little support for time or frequency domain measures providing consistent benchmarks for healthy 'aware' responses to the music therapy methods used in the study. However, whilst the ANOVA tests revealed no significant change across the healthy cohort, ANOVAs conducted on segmented data at the within-subject level did reveal a range of often divergent significant change. Thus, it appears that normal HR and HRV responses to music therapy methods are idiosyncratic and divergent between individuals, yet often significant at the within-subject level. There is a growing understanding of neuroplasticity in neuro-rehabilitation, or how the brain is capable of re-organisation and self-modification following neurological trauma (Johansson & Grabowski, 1994; Mateer & Kerns, 2000; Stein, 2009). Listening to 'pleasant' and preferred music has been shown to be effective in promoting neuroplasticity to meet functional goals for those with acquired brain damage such as decreasing visual neglect (Särkamo & Soto, 2012; Soto et al., 2009), and improving cognitive function (Särkamo et al., 2010). The findings of significant globally enhanced post hoc EEG amplitude responses for LM (p ≤ 0.05) across EEG bandwidths resonate with this literature. Furthermore, the EEG data coupled with the RR increases observed for LM provides evidence from a normative perspective for the utility of using this music therapy procedure to support arousal with DOC. Paper III: Patient Data The diagnosis of VS as defined by the Aspen Neurobehavioral Conference Workgroup group (1996) is “a condition in which awareness of self and the environment is presumed to be absent and there is an inability to interact with others, although the capacity for spontaneous or stimulus-induced arousal (i.e., wakefulness) is preserved”. Furthermore, the task force stated that there should be 'no evidence of sustained, reproducible, purposeful, or voluntary behavioural responses to visual, auditory, tactile, or noxious stimuli' and 'no evidence of language comprehension or expression' (p. 8). In relation to the above DOC nosology the findings of study two make interesting and thought provoking reading. Across the VS cohort, significant increases in blink rate were observed for LM, accompanied by half (n: 6) of VS patients displaying significant post hoc increases of EEG amplitude in the J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 71 theta frequency in the frontal midline region (FMT) and 3 for the alpha bandwidth in the frontal region, with 2 subjects also displaying significant increases in RR for LM in a similar fashion to the healthy cohort. In some cases these heightened responses for LM occurred concurrently in individuals. These findings suggest that despite the heterogeneity of DOC pathology, LM provides a powerful stimulus in relation to eliciting a range of unique responses across VS and MCS cohorts, which is noteworthy in relation to studies with healthy and other populations. For example, the literature on FMT points to activation of hippocampal and anterior cingulate cortex regions involved in memory, motivation, decision making, processing information, and attention in healthy individuals (Mitchell, McNaughton, Flanagan, & Kirk, 2008). Blink rate is correlated positively with dopaminergic system activity, arousal (Karson, Dykman & Paige 1990), attention (Abe et al., 2011; Irwin, 2011) and creativity (Chermahini & Hommel, 2010). Despite the lack of clear behavioural evidence of awareness, change in neurophysiological measures occurring at peak levels in relation to the uniquely dynamic and multi layered stimuli of LM suggests a form of selective attention was elicited in some cases. Whilst these covert responses may not be considered as 'purposeful' in the behavioural sense, they were significant post hoc, and sustained throughout the stimulus presentation. Furthermore, whilst it is unclear whether heightened responses observed for LM and EI relate to the musical or lyrical content of the stimuli, some form of language or music syntactical processing cannot be ruled out. Neuroimaging studies point to intact auditory (Laureys et al., 2000), emotional, verbal, (Schiff et al., 2002), pain (Kassubek et al., 2003) and language processing (Coleman et al., 2007), and 'cortical learning' (Kotchoubey et al., 2006) in VS. Several leading authorities stress that these 'modular' responses may only represent isolated behaviours, evidencing a disconnect between primary cortex, thalamus, multi-modal or limbic regions and higher order integrative /associative cortices in correctly diagnosed VS (Boly et al., 2004; Laureys et al., 2002). However, heightened responses noted for VS patients in the study occurred at significant post hoc peak levels for LM and/or EI in some cases. As LM and EI are stimuli which may stimulate language, memory and emotional processing in response to its lyrical and/or musical content, it seems hard to conceive of these responses as merely 'isolated' or modular responses. LM in particular may relate to historical events in one's personal life, such as weddings and other significant life events. Given the unique relationship between these responses and LM, they might relate beyond Damasio's (2010) 'primordial feelings' to his conception of 'full consciousness', defined in terms of the involvement of biographical J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 72 knowledge (pp. 22-23). Furthermore Tulving (1993) stated that whereas consciousness should denote the detection of basic sensory events, awareness involves the more advanced interpretation and experience of these events. Using this conceptualisation, it is hard to deny some of the VS subjects 'consciousness' if not awareness when observing these findings. It is noteworthy that less discrimination between music therapy conditions and WN characterised pooled VS data in a manner resonating with the concept of 'hypoarousal', where subjects are unable to distinguish relevant from irrelevant information (Heilman, Schwartz, & Watson, 1978). Discrimination evidenced by heightened cortical activation in fMRI studies to auditory stimuli with emotional relevance has also been considered a defining feature of MCS (Laureys, Owen, & Schiff, 2004). Harnessing EEG technology alongside music therapy assessment in this manner may provide complementary data for clinicians to draw upon when assessing for awareness and prognostic indicators. Thus, when coupled with the behavioural data, compelling, albeit pilot level, support is given for music therapy promoting neurophysiological responses associated with both arousal and awareness. Limitations Given the lack of understanding and empirical research in this area, the study is necessarily of a pilot, exploratory nature. This is an important caveat in relation to the use of the term ‘significance’ in the thesis. The lack of known, appropriate, and singular measures of arousal or awareness precluded the use of power calculations to determine the numbers of subjects required for significance testing in its fullest sense, so type I and II errors cannot be ruled out. Nonetheless, the study uses the largest numbers of subjects in research of its kind to date. It should also be noted that the music featured in study two (in particular LM and DM) comprised heterogeneous tempo, harmonic, rhythmic and lyrical content. The lack of standardisation in this area may well have provided a confounding effect on the data, thus explaining the divergent results, particularly in the physiological measures. However, it would be antithetical to provide these musical items in standardised form, as this would possibly obscure any elicitation of responses based on intact memory function. Finally, due to the limited resources and time scale of this study, patients did not receive auditory brain stem testing to exclude patients with hearing impairment, which may have provided a further confounding element to the findings. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 73 Conclusions This thesis addresses the lack of empirical evidence supporting music therapy in the assessment and treatment of those with DOC. The shared belief of 'humanist/music centred' and 'behavioural pragmatic' clinicians that music therapy has powers to reach even the most profoundly injured VS patients detailed in Paper I finds initial support in data from assessment records in Paper II. In addition to the high levels of diagnostic agreement found between music therapy and global assessments, the use of musical stimuli in the MATADOC was found to elicit unique responses which might be missed in global assessments with less focus on the auditory domain. Through a comparison of a range of responses to music therapy found in both healthy and patient cohorts, Paper III gives further empirical support for music therapy in this field. The paper provides a comprehensive record of DOC patients’ responses to music therapy, in varying states of arousal, with heterogeneous pathologies and drug regimes. Despite these confounding elements, music therapy, in particular the live performance of preferred music, produced significant increases in blink rate across the VS cohort, concurrently with significant changes in neurophysiological measures in several cases. These findings emphasise the need to appreciate the unique response profiles of each patient, be they behaviourally diagnosed as VS or MCS. Given our understanding of arousal in supporting awareness, and the positive effects of music on neuroplasticity, a rationale is provided by these findings for exploring the use of music therapy in DOC rehabilitation. Differences observed between VS and MCS subjects also highlight the enhanced ability of MCS patients to discriminate between meaningful and meaningless stimuli. The combination of music therapy with neurophysiological assessment may offer a novel aid to detecting awareness, as measured by the patients’ discriminatory cortical responses. This combination offers potential advantages to more invasive, expensive assessments such as fMRI, which are not applicable to all patients. Furthermore research exploring responses observed here for their prognostic value is indicated. In summary, this thesis provides pilot level evidence that music therapy can contribute to assessment with DOC through effecting behavioural and neurophysiological change associated with arousal and awareness, which may also be of prognostic value. The findings indicate the potential for harnessing responses to music therapy to improve clinical outcomes through rehabilitation, which merits further investigation. J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 74 Reference List Abe, T., Nonomura, T., Komada, Y., Asaoka, S., Sasai, T., Ueno, A., & Inoue, Y. (2011). Detecting deteriorated vigilance using percentage of eyelid closure time during behavioural maintenance of wakefulness tests. 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J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 89 Appendix I J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 90 J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 91 Appendix 2 J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 92 J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 93 J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 94 J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 95 J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 96 Appendix 3a Co-author statement in connection with submission of PhD thesis With reference to Ministerial Order no. 18 of 14 January 2008 regarding the PhD Degree § 12, article 4, statements from each author about the PhD student’s part in the shared work must be included in case the thesis is based on already published or submitted papers. Paper title: Music therapy with disorders of consciousness and neuroscience: the need for dialogue. Publication outlet: Nordic Journal of Music Therapy (2013), 22(2), 93-106. List of authors: O'Kelly, J., Magee, W., Description of authors’ roles: Julian O’Kelly (JOK) Principal Investigator, and author of the study, responsible for data collection, analysis and writing up of the paper. Associate Professor Wendy Magee As the principal authors PhD supervisor, responsible at all stages of the design, data collection and writing up of the study for ensuring the JOK was working to a level expected of a PhD candidate. This responsibility was undertaken through monthly supervision, email correspondence, and reviewing of the paper, including editorial input. I hereby confirm the statement above is true and accurate. Signed………………………………… Date:…………………………… Associate Professor Wendy Magee Signed………………………………… Date:…………………………… Julian O’Kelly J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 97 Appendix 3b Co-author statement in connection with submission of PhD thesis With reference to Ministerial Order no. 18 of 14 January 2008 regarding the PhD Degree § 12, article 4, statements from each author about the PhD student’s part in the shared work must be included in case the thesis is based on already published or submitted papers. Paper title: O'Kelly, J. and Magee, W.L. (2012). The complementary role of music therapy in the detection of awareness in disorders of consciousness: an audit of concurrent SMART and MATADOC assessments.. Publication outlet: Neuropsychological Rehabilitation (2012), 23(2), 287-298 List of authors: O'Kelly, J., Magee, W., Description of authors’ roles: Julian O’Kelly (JOK) Principal Investigator, and author of the study, responsible for data collection, analysis and writing up of the paper. Associate Professor Wendy Magee As the principal authors PhD supervisor, responsible at all stages of the design, data collection and writing up of the study for ensuring the JOK was working to a level expected of a PhD candidate. This responsibility was undertaken through monthly supervision, email correspondence, and reviewing of the paper, including editorial input. I hereby confirm the statement above is true and accurate. Signed………………………………… Date:…………………………… Associate Professor Wendy Magee Signed………………………………… Date:…………………………… Julian O’Kelly J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 98 Appendix 3c Co-author statement in connection with submission of PhD thesis With reference to Ministerial Order no. 18 of 14 January 2008 regarding the PhD Degree § 12, article 4, statements from each author about the PhD student’s part in the shared work must be included in case the thesis is based on already published or submitted papers. Paper title: Neurophysiological and behavioural responses to music therapy in vegetative and minimally conscious states Publication outlet: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. List of authors: O'Kelly, J., Magee, W., James, L., Palaniappan, R., Taborin, J., Fachner, J. Description of authors’ roles: Julian O’Kelly (JOK) Principal Investigator, research clinician and author of the study forming the basis of the paper, responsible for data collection, analysis and writing up of the paper. Associate Professor Wendy Magee As the principal authors PhD supervisor, responsible at all stages of the design, data collection and writing up of the study for ensuring the JOK was working to a level expected of a PhD candidate. This responsibility was undertaken through monthly supervision, email correspondence, and reviewing of the paper, including editorial input. Dr Leon James As a research neurophysiologist employed at JOK’s workplace, responsible for teaching JOK the clinical skills required for the application of EEG recording, assisting with patient data collection, and technical support in the use and interpretation of EEG software. Dr Ramaswamy Palaniappan As a reader and senior lecturer in Signal Analysis, Dr Palaniappan provided on-going support during data collection and analysis by designing bespoke MATLAB software for the a analysis of physiological and EEG data, and support in its use and interpretation. Jana Tamborin Ms Tamborin was the independent observer for the behavioural component of the study. She assisted JOK by viewing video material from research sessions and recording behavioural J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 99 data in a excel spread sheet she designed, for further analysis by JOK using statistical software (SPSS). Professor Jörg Fachner Professor Fachner contributed to the publication by reviewing the EEG data proposed for inclusion in the paper and discussing JOK's interpretation of this data in relation to his experience in this field We hereby confirm the statement above is true and accurate. Signed………………………………… Date:…………………………… Signed………………………………… Date:…………………………… Julian O’Kelly J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 100 Thesis Papers I, II & III Note on Publications and Copyright Due to copyright restrictions in relation to the online version of this thesis, the following sections of this thesis do not contain full copies of Papers I II and III, rather publication details and the front page of each paper. However, a full copy of Paper III is available for free, as this is an open access paper. You may download the PDF of the paper from the drop down menu at: J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 101 Paper I The following is the first page of an article: O'Kelly, J., & Magee, W.L. (2013). Music therapy with disorders of consciousness and neuroscience: the need for dialogue. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy. 22(2), 93-106 doi: 10.1080/08098131.2012.709269 The paper is available electronically from: J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 102 J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 103 Paper II The following is the first page of an article: O'Kelly, J., & Magee, W.L. (2013). The complementary role of music therapy in the detection of awareness in disorders of consciousness: an audit of concurrent SMART and MATADOC assessments. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 23(2), 287-298. doi:10.1080/09602011.2012.753395 The paper is available electronically from: J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 104 J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 105 Paper III The following is the first page of an article: O'Kelly J., Magee, W.L. James, L., Palaniappan, R., Taborin, J., & Fachner, J. (2013). Neurophysiological and behavioural responses to music therapy in vegetative and minimally conscious states. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 7:884. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00884 The paper is available as a free PDF electronic download from: J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 106 J O’Kelly, Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness, Aalborg University 2014 107 Julian O'Kelly The Development of Evidence Based Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness Dissertation submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Department of Communication and Psychology Aalborg University, Denmark 2014