“Growing Competitive Greatness” Welcome Importance of the Challenge FASTract Athletic Paperwork Registration Materials Overview Department Presentations The importance of high school is found in hard work and perseverance Expect more from yourself academically and socially This should occur every year from now on No one strives to be mediocre ▪ You should strive for “Competitive Greatness” ▪ To be at your best when your best is needed Prepare yourself for “Competitive Greatness” by adding value now Value-Added Course Sequences Taking Classes Above the Minimum Graduation Expectation Increases Scores on the ACT Test The Most Used College Entrance Exam State is Switching to the PARCC Exam to Measure Educational Success This is Not Used for College Entrance This Approach Will Cost More Money Call Your Legislators Expectation - English (9-12) VA - English 9-12 + Foreign Language ▪ +1.1 Points – Nationally in English ▪ +4.9 Points – OHS in English Expectation - Social Sciences – 2 Credits VA - US Hist., Amer. Govt., World Hist., + 1 More +7.0 – OHS in Reading Expectation - Alg I, Geom, Alg II VA -Alg, Geometry, Alg II, Pre-Calculus, Calculus ▪ + 2.6 Points – Nationally in Mathematics ▪ + 8.3 Points – OHS in Mathematics Pre-Calculus Significantly Increases Your Students Chances of Avoiding Remedial Math Classes in College ▪ Currently 2/3 of Incoming WIU Freshman Must Enroll ▪ #099N Intermediate Algebra (4 Credit Hours) ▪ $1150.96 – Four Credit Hours ▪ $1346.46 – 2019 (Approx. Cost at 4% Tuition Increase) ▪ Pre-Calculus and Calculus are essentially free at OHS Biology, Environmental, Chemistry ▪ VA - Bio, Chemistry, Chemistry II, Physics ▪ + 3.0 – Nationally in Science ▪ + 5.4 – OHS in Science Most Important Thing to Remember ▪ These Increases Occur Only If You Challenge Yourself ▪ OHS Will Challenge Them ▪ Don’t Let Them Convince You That A Class Is Too Hard Or That They Can’t Understand It Voluntary Freshman Summer Orientation Class (Minimum of 15) Minimal Cost: $10 Timeframe: Three Days in August…8:30a.m.-Noon Topics would include: 1. Study Skills, Note-taking, Test-taking, Organizational and Time-Management Skills 2. Student and Athletic Handbooks 3. Future and College Expectations 4. Miscellaneous – Lockers, Bell Schedule (Ag to Biology), Keys to Success Last Year 65% of Incoming Freshman Attended – We Have Seen an Increase in Academic Success and a Large Decrease in Detentions. Required of all incoming freshman Make sure you use the new form provided (It’s Required by Law) The physical is due at registration If not done your student may not be able to start school New immunization requirement Diphtheria/tetanus booster – Tdap ▪ Must show proof of one dose of Adacel or Boostrix Meningitis – Most likely required for 12th grade in 2015 – Prepare early Freshman Physical may also be used for athletic physicals Due Friday, August 7th for fall sports May now be taken as early as May 1st vs. June 1st Student Athlete Handbook Academic Eligibility Training Rules/Code of Conduct School Attendance – Must be at school by the start of 2nd Hour IHSA Physical Form – Ignore this year, use form provided by the nurse Must be turned in before a student may practice or tryout Insurance Waiver/Parental Approval Forms Must be signed by student and guardian (online) Emergency Medical Form (online) IHSA Drug Testing Form (online) Athletic Participation Fee Must be paid before a student may tryout/practice IHSA Concussion Sheet Planning to continue Concussion Testing Provides a neurocognitive baseline Allow a doctor to see if brain processing has returned to normal Parent-Coach Communication Sheet All of these forms are filled out via online registration. Which is linked directly to our Athletic Website. athletics2000.com/orion Ms. Jennifer Bakener Current Requirements English…………………………………………….4 credits Mathematics……………………………………….3 credits (Either Geometry or Applied Geometry must be completed) Science ………………………………....................3 credits Biology I…………………………………..1 credit Astronomy/Geology or Chemistry I ……..1 credit Anatomy/Physiology, BSAA, Environmental, Chem II, or Physics………1 credit Social Studies……………………………………...2 credits (American Government and U.S. History are required) Consumer Education …………………………….. ½ credit Or Cooperative Education…………………………….1 credit Physical Education……………….………………..3.5 credits Drivers Education……………………………….... ¼ credit EXCEL…………………………………………….¼ credit Health Education…………………….…………… ½ credit Voc., Fine Arts, Foreign Lang…………………… 1 credit Electives…………………………………… 7.5 to 8 credits A .5 credit is earned for each semester completed with a passing grade. Any tie for Class Valedictorian will be broken using the following formula… (GPA x 25) + (ACT x 2.1) + (Credits Earned x 1.1) = Achievement Ranking Starting with the Class of 2018, P.E. and Personal Fitness will be GPA bearing courses. You may email or call Jennifer Bakener (jbakener@orionschools.us) or Nathan DeBaillie (ndebaillie@orionschools.us) with questions regarding registration. Ph: (309) 526-3361. Freshman Course Request 2015-2016 Student Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. English I___________________________________________________________ Biology____________________________________________________________ PE/Excel/Driver’s Ed_________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Backup Class: _____________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Due: Friday, January 23 Mr. Jay Solomonson (Separate Power Point) Mrs. Connie Jensen Mrs. Marcy Wegerer CLASSES OPEN TO FRESHMEN Accounting I Intro to Business Formatting Computer Concepts I Computer Concepts II All business classes are semester-length with the exception of Accounting OTHER CLASSES Accounting II Personal Finance & Consumer Ed Business Management** Business Law** Marketing** JA Economics** ** denotes classes offered on an alternating-yearly rotation Study of how businesses maintain information about their finances and use that information to be successful Don’t be intimidated by the “numbers & math” Highly recommended for students planning further education or employment in any business-related field Accounting is a foundational course within ALL business programs Credit Earned: 1 Study of the role businesses play within our economy, basic forms of business organization, basic aspects of business operations, various consumer-related issues, and career possibilities within and related to the business field Credit Earned: ½ Note: this class is a prerequisite for the Business Management, Business Law, Marketing, and JA Economics classes Best to take it early if you think you might want to take any of these classes Review & reinforcement of the touch method of typing for letter, number, and symbol keys Proper formatting of various business & personal documents using Microsoft Word and Google Docs, including: memos, letters, reports, tables, other common business documents Credit Earned: ½ Understanding of and practice with the features and functions of a variety of software applications, including: • Communications (Microsoft Outlook & Google Mail) • Word processing (Microsoft Word & Google Docs) • Spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel & Google Sheets) • Database management (Microsoft Access) • Presentation (Microsoft PowerPoint & Google Slides) • Other applications as time allows Credit Earned: ½ Should I take Formatting or Computer Concepts? If you don’t have strong skills on the keyboard yet, Formatting is a logical class to take first; if you’re already pretty good on the keyboard, Computer Concepts would probably be a better choice Accounting I & Accounting II classes are currently articulated with Black Hawk College If the student takes the class at OHS and passes with a grade of B or better, the student can earn college credit if they enroll at BHC Note that articulated credits may only apply toward completion of a degree at BHC Mrs. Tina Poel Becoming a Successful Personal Manager Apparel Maintenance Sewing Social relationships Housing Food preparation Child care Time management Financial management Health issues Stain removal techniques Mending Laundry Tools & terminology Machine operation Fabric selection Pillow project Computer generated collage Transfer to fabric Pillow construction Dating Family relationships Conflict management Characteristics of a good friend Importance of self esteem Floor plans Basic architecture Decorating principles Organizing Measuring ingredients Home kitchen organization Basic techniques Home appliances Child development: Physical Social Emotional Intellectual Age appropriate activities Safety Schedules Setting priorities Planning Budgeting Balancing checkbook Credit guidelines Saving guidelines Buying a car Home mortgage University Extension Specialist Personal Financial Management Exercise Emotional stability Managing depression Managing crisis Self esteem Physical Health Substance abuse Routine medical Routine dental Mrs. Tina Poel Each of the following 9 character traits have been paired with weekly topics and role models who are worthy of study. Empathy Gratitude Tolerance Duty Loyalty Responsibility Compassion Leadership Positive Communication Expressing Gratitude to Family Members Cultural Competence Citizenship in the Community Making Marriage Last Employability and Workplace Skills Confronting Bullies in Schools Becoming a Strong Leader Becoming a Strong Role Model Students are confronted with scenarios that force them to use critical thinking skills, recognize potential options and understand the consequences of their choices. These exemplify the various character traits covered. Highlights 17 individuals who exemplify the various character traits covered in the curriculum Weekly Lectures Weekly Homework Assignments Quiz once a week on chapter in text (role model for the week) Community Service Project Research shows that improving student character: Improves grades Promotes community engagement Improves attendance Builds confidence Reduces disciplinary situations Helps to build positive relationships Reduces violence Mrs. Sara Kershaw All students must complete the following courses: English I English II / Honors English II English III / Honors English III English IV or English 101/102 Elective classes in English include: Journalism I Journalism II Students will read three major works this year: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Students will also read a variety of other works of literature and nonfiction. There will be a heavy focus on clarity in writing and speaking. Most units conclude with an authentic task that asks students to apply knowledge through writing or speaking. Major literary works include: Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare Greek mythology The Odyssey by Homer Sophomores learn the process of research writing and craft a paper on a chosen topic. Honors works on reading/writing at a deeper level. Generally, this class works at faster pace and asks that students complete more things independently. Read additional literature (Fahrenheit 451 and The Lord of the Flies). Honors students are chosen by recommendations by Mrs. Kershaw, reviews of test scores, and review by Mr. DeBaillie and Mrs. Bakener. English III is a chronological journey through American literature, including… Native American myths/songs Puritan Tradition [The Crucible by Arthur Miller] Romanticism [Thoreau, Longfellow, Whitman, etc.] Gothic Tradition [Edgar Allan Poe] Realism [The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Twain] Women’s Literature [Emily Dickinson, Kate Chopin, etc] The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald Harlem Renaissance We also focus on preparing students for the ACT exam and for college-level writing. Honors English III is an advanced course that prepares students to take the Dual Credit English 101/102 courses. There is a greater focus on writing, reading comprehension, grammar, and vocabulary. The reading contains a combination of English and American writing. Students taking either English III or Honors English III may take the Black Hawk 101/102 courses. English IV focuses on college readiness skills. Emphasis on speaking skills, original research, creation of original materials Focus on breaking bad writing habits Two major literature units: The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger Macbeth by William Shakespeare This course is offered as dual credit through Black Hawk College. This credit can be transferred to other colleges. Students in 101 will… write five to six essays of various styles. master grammatical rules to strengthen writing. practice the use of MLA formatting and documentation. Students in 102 will… continue to form writing skills important for college. read and analyze a wide range of texts. complete a large writing project. Journalism is an elective class that focuses on publishing both the school newspaper, The Knightbeat, and the yearbook, The Charger. Junior students that complete Journalism I may take Journalism II the following year. Students enrolled in Journalism II take on the role of an editor for either the newspaper or yearbook. Journalism is a production class. Students will be responsible for meeting deadlines for writing articles, putting pages together, and taking pictures. Mr. Scott Briney Mr. Scott Briney - sbriney@orionschools.us U.S. History World History Dean of Students Mr. Alex Johnson– ajohnson@orionschools.us World History Cultural Geography Sociology Government Orion H.S. requires 2 credits: 1 credit is U.S. History taken during the junior year ½ credit is American Government taken sophomore year ½ credit must be taken as electives: ▪ World History, which is a full year class, but may be taken as semesters- open to grades 9-12 ▪ Cultural Geography – grades 10-12 ▪ Sociology – grades 11-12 ▪ Psychology 101 (through Blackhawk College) – gr. 12 Most colleges require three years of Social Studies The only Social Studies class open to freshmen at this time is world history: World History covers the entire gamut of history, with a focus on the western world. Mr. Johnson teaches it thematically – that is, by theme, not chronologically. Mr. Briney is old-school and still teaches chronologically See the course descriptions WORLD HISTORY – This course is a study of the people, places and events from the beginnings of civilization to modern times. The different units that students will engage in should give them appreciation to how the world has evolved, and how it affects us today. As a class, we will attempt to use historical thinking to inspire critical thinking. By the end of the year, students should be able to understand some of the most critical issues that challenge us today through the study of global history. This class will also place an emphasis on geography. Mrs. Shelly Hutton •Miss Cox – Algebra I, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Intermediate Algebra •Mrs. Hutton – Pre-Algebra, Algebra II, Algebra III •Mrs. Swanson – Geometry, Applied Geometry, Statistics Pre-Algebra * Algebra I * Geometry or Applied Geometry Intermediate Algebra Algebra II Algebra III Pre-calculus Calculus –Dual Credit or AP Statistics *State graduation requirements •Graduation Requirements: 3 years (4 years for college bound is recommended) •Must take Algebra I before Intermediate Algebra •Must take Pre-calculus to take Statistics (or concurrent) •For college-bound we highly recommend taking at least through Pre-calculus •Take as much Math & Science as possible Mr. Ben Holmes Mr. Logan Hohl Focus on Fitness!! Homework assignments Fitness Days (once a week) Skill Development Focus on the process, not the product Team Sports Written Work Includes study guides and written tests Two options for physical education Regular P.E. ▪ Teamwork/Sports Development ▪ Included in overall GPA Personal Fitness ▪ Complete focus on fitness ▪ Individualized Training ▪ Weight Room technique and skill development Physical Education: Opting out: Juniors/Seniors in varsity sports ▪ Take study hall in place of PE Personal Fitness Qualifications… ▪ Offered to Sophomores-Seniors ▪ 2.5 GPA ▪ May not opt out of Personal Fitness ▪ Taught by Logan Hohl Red PE Shirts and Black PE Shorts. School Issued Shoes that Tie completely (Same as middle school) Personal Fitness: Black Shirts Taught by Becky Nightingale Freshman have PE for only one semester. Excel/Driver’s Education taken during the opposite semester Mrs. Heather Stannke Biology – 9th Astronomy & Geology – 10th – 11th Prerequisite = Biology & Algebra I Chemistry I – 10th – 11th Prerequisite = Biology & Algebra I Chemistry II – 11th – 12th Prerequisite = Chemistry I Anatomy & Physiology – 11th – 12th Prerequisite = Biology Physics– 12th Prerequisite = Algebra II & Chemistry I Dr. Linda Anderson Please Contact any of our Teachers: by phone at OHS (526-3361) by email via the high school teacher page of the district website (orionschools.us) * This Power Point will be available under The Course Description Webpage. * Remember to do an initial sign-up for the FASTract.