RESEARCH MADE EASIER WITH A WINNING STRATEGY! by IRO STEPHEN PERRY, WASHINGTON, D.C. for WOMEN’s HISTORY MONTH 2011 EMAIL: TEL: 202-632-2747 P In this section, we will look at google, how to limit searches in google, google search tips, and other newer search engines that might prove to be more useful and more productive for your specific topic. A R T 1 Google is a massive database, and in the missions of potential Search Results you might retrieve, it is not especially easy to find quickly everything you need or want. There are many sites, especially that end with a .com or a .org that are outdated, have links that no longer work, or that reflect the very narrow points of view of a larger parent organization. Remember: No one evaluates any of the sites brought up by a Google Search: neither Google nor anyone else. Therefore it is up to you to evaluate each site for relevancy and accuracy. Therefore, learning to be a better searcher and learning to refine results is always a necessary skill. There are many Google “Cheat Sheets” out there: for understanding Google Search Features es.html Some of the most popular features of conducting an intelligent Google Search are listed on this site. Explanation of how to use blekko at: Analysis of BLEKKO: Helps eliminate “content farms” and bad search results through use of slash tags / Example in next slide using slashtag /people for a search on Rosa Parks We will look at primarily DOAJ: the Directory of Online Access Journals at: This database covers 6,500 journals and covers all subject disciplines P A R T 2 Among these are: ICAST: E-JOURNALS: CURRENT TABLES OF CONTENTS: Journal TOCs makes viewing tables of contents from scholarly journals easy. This resource features the table of contents (ToCs) for over 14,000 journals from more than 500 publishers, with more being added continuously and features TOCs from publishers such as Elsevier, SAGE, Oxford University Press, etc. OPEN HUMANITIES PRESS CONSORTIUM: more Ejournals included all the time, updated: all free text and online. In this section, we will look at the following full-text databases: Public Library of Medicine (PLoS): MEDLINE PLUS: and other databases in Health/Medicine and OAISTER from WORLDCAT: P A R T 3 RePeC: Economics Topics and Ideas: (includes related fields in the Social Sciences) RFE: Resources for Economists: SSRN: The Social Sciences Research Network: Free Educational Videos and Lesson Plans from the Annenberg Foundation: Open Access: “Everything we publish is freely available online for you to read, download, copy, distribute, and use (with attribution) any way you wish.” “PLoS is a nonprofit organization of scientists and physicians committed to making the world's scientific and medical literature a freely available public resource. All our activities are guided by our core principles.” http://www. medlineplus / MEDLINEplus will direct you to information to help answer health questions. Search MEDLINEplus: MEDLINEplus brings together, by health topic, authoritative information from NLM, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), other government, non-profit and other health-related organizations. Preformulated MEDLINE searches are included in MEDLINEplus and give easy access to the medical research literature. It also provides you with a database of full-text drug information and an illustrated medical encyclopedia. Why you should always start here: Multiple sources of high quality information Non-commercial Constantly updated and reviewed Diseases, treatments, and surgeries Illustrations and animations Information is read aloud Health information in over 40 different languages Easy-to-read information for low literacy patrons The Social Science Research Network, SSRN, covers 310,000 papers and articles published in all aspects of the Social Sciences, including related fields. It is updated weekly. It includes the Full Text of each and every paper, which can then easily be downloaded. SSRN is free, but you do need to register; registration takes minutes. Social Sciences by Age level Individual Videos for the Lesson on the U.S. Constitution: all free Examples I will discuss include: The University of Maryland: DRUM= Digitized Resources at the University of Maryland MIT: Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Harvard University (DASH): Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard P A R T 4 Cornell University (Ithaca, NY): ndle/1813/39 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor: ty-list From the University of Michigan’s Deep Blue site We will look at: MIT: YALE: JOHNS HOPKINS SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH: OPEN SOURCE CONSORTIUM: P A R T 5 NOTE: COURSES ARE NOT FOR CREDIT; just to promote understanding of a topic. For SCIENCE / TECHNOLOGY : FOR MEDICINE/HEALTH: The Mayo Clinic P A R T For LEGAL/LAW: For other fields: TED= TECHNOLOGY, ENTERTAINMENT, DESIGN VIDEOS FROM THE BEST SPEAKERS AROUND THE WORLD 6 Stephen Perry, IRO for Central Africa E-MAIL: 202-632-2747 Washington, D.C. (Health/Medical Information is courtesy of IRO Paula Kitendaugh in Dakar. My thanks to her.) DON’T FORGET ABOUT THE NEW VIRTUAL LIBRARY, now called eLIBRARY USA, with many new databases, including EBSCO and Science, and many other full-text databases that you can now search yourself. Your local IRC or American Corner staff can log you in and get you started! Please search it today!