Travelocity Reports - Hotel eServices

Click the box of the column without clicking the title (the cell
will highlight blue) and then click the triangle icon above the
column title to sort
Swap Rows and Columns
Use this button to swap the rows and columns of the table layout.
Suppress Zeros
Use this button to suppress all rows and/or columns of zeros from
displaying on your report
Online Analysis and Reporting
You have the ability to see pie charts, simple bar, clustered
bar, stacked bar, 3-D bar, and multi-line graphs. To change from
data graphs, click the bar chart button at the bottom of the screen
or select the popout menu button and your selected graph.
Saving / Publishing /
To save a report, follow these steps:
 Click this Save As icon at the bottom tool bar.
 Type a name for the report. You can also type a description
 Select the Location; My Folder or Travelocity Shared Views Folder
 Click Finish.
Exporting a Report
Reports or charts may be saved as .pdf (Adobe Acrobat
format) , .csv files, or Excel files.
Tip: Make sure to set the number of viewable rows ALL before
exporting otherwise you will only get partial report when you
export it.
Travelocity Reports:
Please contact your Travelocity Global Accounts Manager.
Cognos 8.2
Quick Reference Guide for HotelVision
Logging On
Open browser
Use link below
Enter your user ID/password and click OK
button. Contact your Account Manager for
ID & password.
Folders and Cubes
HotelVision Data Analysis folder–
Cubes & reports with bookings by
both book date & check-in date.
HotelVision Email Reports folder–
Weekly and monthly reports at
Company, Chain, and Property level.
Hotel Booking Performance cube–
Main internal cube with booking data.
TVL Competitive Pricing cube –
Pricing data
You can filter or change information you want to view
Click any of the Dimensions at the top to filter. If you see a triangle to the right of the
drop down menu, you may further filter by hovering over this triangle and a submenu
will appear
You may drill down or up to analyze your business.
Bring up the navigation menu by left-clicking in the
column separation bar (circled in red). You can drilldown by clicking the button circled in blue. Likewise,
drill-up by clicking the button circled in green.
Expand the column (nesting the next level of detail)
by clicking the button circled in orange.
Nesting is done by dragging the desired element
from the index view on the left over the right edge of
the column to nest until the thin blue rectangle
appears (circled in red). The same
process can be applied to row
Basic Navigation and Settings
Changing Dimensions
Application is browser-based so you can use
Back, Forward, and other browser buttons.
 The Display Options sub-window is accessed
via the Display Options button shown at right
 Viewable rows and columns can be set from
the Display Options sub-window as well as the desired Display Measure
 Click this icon to reset all dimensions to highest level
 Click the single inverted triangle button to move one page
or right
 Click the stacked triangle button to go to the bottom or far right of the report
Replacing a dimension with another dimension can be
accomplished by dragging the desired replacement
dimension over the column or row headers that you
want to replace. When the column or row being
replaced highlights blue then
release the mouse.
Note: The triangle/nav buttons appear if you have more columns / rows than specified
Change Measures
A measure is a quantifiable amount, such as booking,
revenue, room night, average daily rate, room utilization, etc.
Use the Measure dimension drop down menu at the top left
to change the measure used in a report.
Dimension Line
The dimension
line shows how your viewable
data is being filtered
For a visual map of where you
are in the data, click the
dimension line “buttons”. The
dimension menu appears.
Show Percentages
You may show the measure as values or as
percentages. Right-click in the upper left-hand cell
and choose how you want the values displayed from
the menu.
Password Resets
Please email in order to get your password reset.
Dimension Definitions – continued…
Hotel Booking Performance (HBP) – This is the combined check in and book date
cube. This cube will be used to track the data at a more Company and Chain level.
Location: Public Folders/HotelVision Data Analysis/Hotel Booking Performance
Supplier HBP Cubes’ Location: Public Folders/HotelVision Data Analysis/Hotel
Booking Performance by Supplier
TVL Regional Cubes – These seven cubes are to be used more for Travelocity Market
managers in order to get down to the property level.
Location: Public Folders/HotelVision Data Analysis/PM Regions folder
TVL Competitive Pricing Cube – This is the cube which houses all the shopping data in
order to analysis the price/availability of your hotels vs the competitors.
Location: Public Folders/TVLG/Competitive Pricing
Company Compset Cubes – There are several cubes representing the different
companies which have access to this data. It allows the company to compare themselves
against their competitors.
Location: Public Folders/HotelVision Data Analysis/Company Compset –
[Company Name]
Chain Compset Cubes - There are several cubes representing the different chains which
have access to this data. It allows the chain to compare themselves against their competitors.
Location: Public Folders/HotelVision Data Analysis/Chain(1-8) Compset
Travelocity Property Compset Cube – This cube allows you to be able to view how a
property is doing against its competitors.
Location: Public Folders/HotelVision Data Analysis/Travelocity Property
Passive Cube – This cube identifies which agencies are booking passive bookings (outside
of Sabre) and provides Marketing opportunities to contact those agencies and encourage them
to book more through Sabre.
Location: Public Folders/HotelVision Data Analysis/Passive
Archived Email Reports – This is the location that you are able to retrieve old Company
and Chain Monthly/Weekly Reports.
Location: Public Folders/Hotel Vision Email Reports
Dimension Definitions
Hotel Booking Performance
Hotel Supplier- Company, Chain, Property
Checkin Date – Date checking in
Book Date – Date the customer made the reservation
Ski Region – The regions set up for Ski Destinations
Management Company – A type of company that manages different supplier’s
Agency Location – Location of the agency that created the booking
Destination – Location of the airport destination
Distribution Channel – The channel which the booking was made:
Travelocity, Sabre Travel Network, or Corporate Solutions
9. Distribution Type – (TVL) Allocation, TVL DC, or (TN) GDS
10. Inventory - The rate type used for the booking: Last Minute, Package, Room
Only Net, Room Only Published.
11. Booking Path – This shows which booking path the booking was made through
12. Booking State – This states if the booking is cancelled or not.
13. Online/Offline – This will tell if the dimension is Online or Phone (Offline)
14. Advance Purchase Bucket – The number of days the booking was made before
15. LOS Bucket – The number of days staying after check-in
16. Saturday Night Stay – This tells if the booking includes a Saturday stay.
TVL Price Competitive
Shop Date – The date the shop occurred
Origin Region – This is the airport from where the search starts from
Destination Region – This is the destination airport from the search
Source Site – The internal websites which are shopped
Comparison Site – The external websites which are shopped
Source Product Type – This is the different combination of products. Flight and
Hotel, and Hotel.
Comparison Product Type – This is the different combination of products.
Flight and Hotel, and Hotel.
LOS – Length of Stay
AP – Advance Purchase Window
Number of Persons
Fare Type-Bulk and Pub
Shop Group – This is the method of shopping which was used. CDS is
consumer driven shops; SSH is forced shopping.
Shop Type- This is the type of shop: cheapest shop option or exact flight match
Hotel Rate Type – This tells if it is Hotel or Package Rate.
LOB and Supplier – This is the lines of business and the companies under each.
Hotel Booking Performance
Room Nights
Hotel Sales
SALES Per Booking
Avg Advance Booking
Market Manager View – Location: Public Folders/Travelocity Shared
Views/Reporting Folder/Pricing Folder
TVL Price Competitive
Shopped Records – Total Shopped Records
Source Site Rate Amt – Base Travelocity Price excluding fees
Competitor Rate Amt – Base Competitor Price excluding fees
Source Site Markup % - Package Effective Markup over Base Rate %
Source Site Markup Amt - Package Effective Markup amount * Base Rate
Source Site Base Cost Amt - Package Cost (Base Rate – Markup)
Competitor Markup Amount - based on Competitor Base Price and
Travelocity Cost
Competitor Markup % - Markup as a % of Competitor Base Price
PWR – Price Win Ratio is the % of time PCI is above .99
PLR – Price Loss Ratio is the % of time PCI is below 1.01
PCI – Price Competitive Index
PTR – Price Tie Ratio is the % of time the PCI is between .99 and 1.01
Source Average Daily Rate - Base Rate divided by Guests and Length of Stay
Competitor Average Daily Rate - Base Rate divided by Guests and Length of
PLR (Total Rate) - Loss Rate on Total Price, includes fees
PWR (Total Rate) - Win Rate on Total Price, includes fees
Insert Supplier
Chain as row
Insert Comparison Site
as column
Nest Measures in the
PLR & PWR Conditional Formatting Rules
Filter Source site
by Travelocity
and Product by
And Destination by
Market Manager
PCI Conditional Formatting Rules
These are the rules that have been applied to each of these columns and the
corresponding colors
1. Always create your view with all your dimensions laid out like you
would like to see before going down to the property level.
2. In order to get down to the property level in the Pricing cube, you
will need to NEST the Supplier Dimension inside of the Market
Manager Dimension then you will need EXCLUDE Zeros.
3. Try to always put the longer list of values as rows rather than
columns. It is always easier to scroll down.
4. Remember to filter DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL by
TRAVELOCITY if you are interested in just Travelocity data.
5. If Cognos gives you an error, always try and refresh the screen.
Then if you need further assistance, email Cognos Support.
6. The Price Competitive cube has data for the past 45 days and
Report date is the date the website was shopped.