Masonic Circle And Square However, this latter representation of the triangle, with the point upward, is the symbol of the Perfect or Divine Man. Notice this occult symbol portrays "Perfect Man and Woman" within a circle, which is within a square [representing creation], which is within a triangle [godhood], which is surrounded by the largest circle. Notice that the triangle here is with its point upward, signifying the Divinity of Man. Another Masonic writer who stated that Man can become Perfected or Divine is George H. Steinmetz, writing in, Freemasonry: Its Hidden Meaning, New York, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Co., 1948, p. 63. Also, Steinmetz wrote this belief in his book, The Lost Word: Its Hidden Meaning , New York, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Co., 1953, p. 148. Another Masonic writer, J.D. Buck, blasphemously writes, "It is far more important that men should strive to become Christ's than that they should believe that Jesus was Christ." [J.D. Buck, Mystic Masonry , Illinois: Indo-American Book Co., 1913, Sixth Edition, p. 138] Let us hear that terribly blasphemous statement again : "It is far more important that men should strive to become Christ's than that they should believe that Jesus was Christ." Again we see Freemasonry is revealed not to be Christian. The unique Deity of Jesus Christ is denied with the above statement. And because of this, the teachings of Freemasonry qualifies as being the work of Antichrist. 1 John 2:22 -- "Who is such a liar as he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is the antichrist who habitually denies and refuses to acknowledge the Father and the Son. No one who habitually denies or disowns the Son even has the Father." [Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary ] 1 John 4:3 -- "And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist." 2 John 1:7 -- "For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist." In addition to denying that Jesus is the Christ come in flesh, this statement also teaches that man can save himself. Obviously, Freemasonry cannot be considered Christian in any way, shape, or form when it teaches this heresy straight out of the pit of Satan's Hell. Going back to the Triangle pointing upward which represents the Perfect or Divine Man; Masonic writer Albert Churchward states standard occult belief when he further identifies the Upright Triangle. With the point up Churchward writes that this triangle represents Set. "Set" is one of the Infernal Names of Satan, as listed in the Satanic Bible written by Satanic High Priest, Anton LaVey. [Churchward's book was, Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man , London: George Allen and Company, Ltd., 1913, Second Edition, p. 189, 309, 471.] In India, this triangle was worn in the foreheads of the followers of Shiva. Masonic authors William Meyer and J.S.M. Ward, also wrote that this type of triangle was worn in India by followers of Shiva, who wear it in their foreheads. Shiva is another Infernal Name listed in the Satanic Bible as another name for Satan! {Meyer wrote this in, The Order of the Eastern Star, p. 20; Ward wrote this information in, Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods, London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent and Co., Ltd., 1921, p. 10-11. Occult writer, R.P. Lawrie Krishna said the same thing in The Lamb Slain - Supreme Sacrifice. I’m not enjoying bringing you this “New Age” information, but it will be important to know this information for the new NASA flag I will show in a few slides. “…the shell of a snail shows the pattern of the flow of energy in resonance and coming from a zero point. To give birth to the snail, Consciousness left the blueprint of the golden spiral. Although it doesn’t show explicitly the geometry of the Phi ratio due to dynamics effect, spin and torsion as we have seen in the previous articles The universal dance and the origin of Spin, the golden spiral is the fundamental geometry found everywhere in Nature, and is consequently an important geometry to understand how Consciousness manifests itself. o begin with this approach, it is important to make a connection with the vortex path and sacred geometry, as the latter represents the overlapping circles, the energetic grid of Consciousness structured neatly. In this grid, each point is a zero point in which life force is likely to manifest itself. Then, the golden spiral, its blueprint appears from it. Although the flower of life is the representation of Geometry structured, there is also the interaction between the zero points, which means the interaction between the golden spirals. This interaction points out the interconnectedness of Consciousness and has been expressed through the pattern of the overlapping structure. A zero point is the center of the six pointed star, or hexagon shape formed connecting its vertices. Without taking in consideration the spin and torsion effect of the golden spiral itself, the axis line of the latter is going through its zero point. With the principle of Yin and Yang, the fundamental group arranged is two golden spirals in opposition. A golden spiral is going upward, rotating clockwise (Yang), and another golden spiral in opposition is going downward rotating anti-clockwise (Yin). In the picture below, the red golden spiral is the positive pole rotating clockwise, the Yang energy in which everything around from a certain distance is going through the zero point, a contraction effect. The blue one is the negative pole, the Yin in which everything around is expanding, an expansion effect ( ).” Seed of Life or Genesis Pattern Uploaded on Dec 30, 2011 Hidden deep within our past, lies a secret that has been long forgotten. There have been various organizations throughout history that have protected its secret, The Masons for example have done just that. What are we talking about? It's the ancient secret of the Flower of Life. Twitter - @spiritsciences License Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Be sure to watch the end of the video – Surprise Aliens… Guess we are getting the picture about the Seed of Life symbol being used. It gets better or worse. 666 (three 6's... man in his completeness, totally man (not God) - mark of the beast, antiChrist. The cube of 6 or 6.6.6 equals 216. Carbon based life, which is all known naturally occurring life on this earth, its molecular nature, is characterized by 666. Carbon molecules are composed of 6 electrons, 6 protons and 6 neutrons. All organic life is carbon based. The Seed if Life, or Genesis pattern, is being used to show us in its usage who is doing the using. This symbol is not the creation of Satan. He cannot create anything of his own volition but that with Yahweh commands him. But Satan does use that which Yahweh has all ready made to his own nefarious ends. When Yahweh made creation, he placed within it all the knowledge and wisdom He contains and brought forth the heavens and the earth. Geometry is of Yahweh, but Satan and wicked men distort it’s use as they have done for thousands of years to gain power and to destroy. There is a specific reason why Satan is using this symbol right now in mankind's daily life. He wants to show the world that he is god, but we know he is just an imposter, trying to succeed at something that was never in his destiny, made by Yahweh, to fulfill. Satan is Usurping Yahweh’s NAME! The first manned mission to Mars is planned for the 2030s. But when the first humans land on Mars, which flag will they stick in the ground? It is a common practice that astronauts bear an emblem of their own countries on their space suits. But wouldn’t it be more reasonable to use a flag which would represent our planet as a whole, without emphasizing national boundaries? After all, the Mars colonists will be of different origins and will represent the planet Earth, rather than a particular country. This is the vision of Oskar Pernefeldt, a graduate of Beckmans College of Design in Stockholm, Sweden, who designed an international flag of planet Earth for his graduate project. The colors, proportions and general aesthetics of the flag are in accordance with the principles of vexillography – the practice of designing flags. As for the symbolic explanation, the flower formed by seven rings in the center of the flag symbolizes the life on Earth. “The rings are linked to each other, which represents how everything on our planet, directly or indirectly, are linked,” Pernefeldt wrote on his website. The colors have some meaning too – blue represents water, which is a key component for life on Earth and occupies 71% of our planet’s surface. “The flower’s outer rings form a circle which could be seen as a symbol of Earth as a planet and the blue surface could represent the universe.” Despite the fact that the flag was designed for the purposes of space travel, Pernefeldt thinks that it could be used here on Earth too. In this case, it would help evoke the feeling of global community in people all over the world, reminding them that we all are connected and should take care of our home planet and each other. By causing The Lie to advance forwards with great speed and the revelation of the “New World Flag,” we are about to witness the paradigm shift that the Luciferians have been working so hard for thousands of years. Why “steal” God’s name? If we don’t know the name of The One True God, how will we ever worship Him in Truth and Spirit? As was shown in previous slides, the Seed of Life symbol has the numbers 6-6-6 within it’s shape. This number cubed equals 216 (6*6*6=216). “The account of the parting of the Red Sea in the Book of Exodus, Chapter 14:19-21 has long been a source of wonder concerning the number 216. In the original Hebrew, each of these verses contain 72 letters, giving a total of 216. In Kabalistic tradition, it is said that if the letters of these three verses are written one above the other (the first from right to left, the second from left to right, and the third from right to left) there are 72 columns of three letter names of God. Written in that way, the verses appear as follows: The seventy-two names are divided into four columns of eighteen names each. Each of the four columns represents one of the four letters of the Tetragrammaton. The names are known collectively as Shemhamphorasch. These 216 letters were the theme of the 1989 movie Pi, directed by Darren Aronofsky. Asked in an interview about the number 216, Aronofsky replied "It's true. All the cabal stuff in the film is completely 100% real. Totally non-fictional. I studied with a lot of leading cabal scholars in the world. And they shared with me a lot of their secrets. Everything you see on the screen is completely 100%, totally, fully, completely real. The dimensions of the New Jerusalem can also be used to determine the golden ratio. Remembering the dimensions of 12,000 furlongs - length, breadth and height all equal. And the walls of 144 cubits. So: cosine (12+12+12)˚ - cosine (144˚) = φ The fact that 144 cubits equals 216 feet is interesting, as: cosine (216˚) = cosine (144˚) -cosine (216˚) - cosine (144˚) = φ These two numbers also have a connection with the previous section on the passage from Exodus and the 72 names of God: 216 - 144 = 72 .” Please remember that the mathematics being used here to form these theories are just a singular viewpoint. Yahweh is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. He is MORE than what is being revealed here, but Satan would have you only “see” this mathematical expression of God. He has done this by using mathematics to determine the earth is a sphere when it is not! By using the Seed of Life symbol for the flag of the earth, it literally means: Isa. 14:12-14 – 12 "How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth, You who have weakened the nations! 13 "But you said in your heart, 'I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, And I will sit on the mount of assembly In the recesses of the north. 14 'I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.'… The correct name of God should be known. I understand the One True God’s name to be, Yahweh. This is a great article for those of you whom are interested in breaking this down further. I merely point out a few important pieces here from that website “God's divine name ( יהוהHebrew) or YHVH (Modern English equivalent), has been the subject of much discussion and debate throughout the centuries. Most Hebrew scholars prefer Yahweh (ancient pronunciation) or Yahveh (modern pronunciation), but it is never translated this way in most bibles. In the King James Version the most common translation is LORD (6510x), but in other places, especially where it appears with the actual title "Lord" (Htr. adonai), it is translated GOD (305x). In four other places it is translated "Jehovah" (Exodus 6:3 KJV; Psalm 83:18 KJV; Isaiah 12:2 KJV; Isaiah 26:4 KJV), and in a further three places it is translated "Jehovah" in compound names (Genesis 22:14 KJV; Exodus 17:15 KJV; Judges 6:24 KJV). Everywhere in the Jehovah's Witnesses bible it is translated Jehovah. So what is God's name? It is important that we find out, because God is seeking for people to worship him "in spirit and in truth" (John 4:23), and we cannot do that if we call him by the wrong name. To call him by the wrong name is an insult, so we need to investigate this. This study is a thorough analysis which proves that God's name, YHVH or YHWH in the Hebrew, is not Jehovah. Let us first examine the history of how these different translations came about. HOW GOD'S NAME WAS CHANGED a. The original Hebrew alphabet consisted of 22 letters, and all of them were consonants. Vowels were not represented in writing except that the major vowel sounds were indicated by the three letters yōd ( ,)יvāv ( ,)וand hē’( .)הThese were used to represent long vowels as well as normal letters, and are known as Vowel Letters. Even today, the Hebrew Scrolls of Law, which are read in the synagogues, are without any vowel signs as we know them today. The ancient Hebrew text was reverenced and regarded as sacred, so when errors due to copying were found in the text, the scribes would not alter the original consonantal text, even when the error was an obvious one. Instead they would mark the corrupt word (called "Ketib", meaning, "it is written") with an asterisk or small circle (RKH p44), which would call the readers attention to a correction [called "Qere", meaning, "to be read" (JW p22)]. This would be written in a margin or footnote. When the reader then came to the place of correction, he would see the mark, and read the "Qere" (the corrected word) instead of the "Ketib" (the written word). b. God's divine name (Hb. ,יהוהEng. YHWH), which is known as the "Tetragrammaton", meaning "four letters", was an example of this. However it may have been pronounced, there came a time when readers of the Hebrew scrolls, for some reason, refused to pronounce it. Then the above method began to be used to substitute another word ( אֲ ֹדנָיHtr. ’adōnây, Eng. adonai) which means "my Lord", for the real name "YHWH". Thus when the text was read, "YHWH" (the Ketib) would be written, but "adonai" (the Qere) would be read. During the time when the Qumran (Dead sea) scrolls were written, it had become practice to write the "Qere" above the "Ketib" in the text, without reference to footnotes or margins for God's name. It was called a "Qere Perpetuum" or a "permanent Qere". (A PRACTICAL GRAMMAR FOR CLASSICAL HEBREW by J. Weingreen p23) "Since, however, the Divine name occurs so often in the bible, the printed editions do not put the reading required (Qere) in the margin or footnote; the reader is expected to substitute the Qere for Kethibh, without having his attention drawn to it every time it occurs." In the Qumran Greek documents we find this: (THE COMPLETE DEAD SEA SCROLLS IN ENGLISH by Geza Vermez p472) "However, it is worth noting that in Leviticus 4:17 (...) the Tetragram (the divine name YHVH) is rendered semi-phonetically as Iao, and is not replaced, as was customary later, by the Greek Kurios (Lord)." c. However, because the Hebrew was only written with consonants, the reader being expected to put the vowel sounds in from memory, Hebrew was very difficult for the unlearned to read. So at some time, around or after the seventh century AD, a group of Hebrew scholars, called the Masorettes, introduced a system of "vowel points" to the Hebrew text. This enabled the text to be read and pronounced from the writing, by people with little knowledge of Hebrew. It then became practice when writing God's name to write the consonants of ( יהוהYHVH or YHWH) with the vowel points of ( אֲ ֹדנָיadonai) together, which some Hebrew grammar books say is an impossible form: (A PRACTICAL GRAMMAR FOR CLASSICAL HEBREW by J. Weingreen p23) "The consonants of the (Kethibh) יהוהwere given the vowels of the (Qere) אֲ ֹדנָיnameley ,ְ ֹ ָproducing the impossible form ( יְהוִֹהYehōwâ)." (TEACH YOURSELF BIBLICAL HEBREW R.K. Harrison p45) "It was regarded as too sacred to pronounce in its original form (which may have sounded something like Yahweh), so another sound was supplied by the word '( אֲ ֹדנָיadhonāy), and the consonants יהוהwere given the pointing of ,אֲ ֹדנָיmaking the impossible form ( יְהוִֹהthe hateph under אbecoming a simple sewa under ".)י (THEOLOGICAL WORDBOOK of the OLD TESTAMENT p211) "Next, when medieval Jewish scholars began to insert vowels to accompany the consonantal OT text, they added to YHWH the Masoretic vowel points for 'adōnāy; and the actual writing became an impossible YāHōWāH, the ASV 'Jehovah'." The combining of these vowels and consonants was not without problems, because the vowels of "adonai" do not naturally fit the consonants "YHWH (or YHVH)". The first vowel sound of "adonai" is a "compound sheva" ( ;) ֲa slight "a" sound, under the guttural letter aleph ( .)אIt can only appear under the four guttural letters ( ,)אהחצso it cannot be put under Yod ( ,)יwhich is the first letter of the Tetragrammaton. It was therefore changed to its nearest equivalent, which is a "simple sheva" ( ,) ְbut this has a slight "e" sound. (This twisting of the word is where the second letter of the name Jehovah comes from.) The divine name now would still be recognized by the reader, and he would still pronounce "adonai" instead of "YHVH (or YHWH)". At some later date it was then decided to combine the consonants of "YHWH (or YHVH)" and the vowel points under it to make a new word, which sounded something like "Yehowah", or "Yehovah"? [This combining of vowel points and consonants of different words should never have been done, and it was not always done consistently. In about 305 places where we find "adonai" and "YHWH (or YHVH)" occurring together (Jeremiah 4:10; 7:20; Ezekiel 2:4; 3:11 etc.), the Tetragrammaton takes the vowel points of "Elohim" instead of "adonai", and it is pronounced as "elohim". A transliteration of it sounds like "Yehôwīh" or "Yehôvîh" and it is almost invariably translated as "GOD" in most English bibles, but it doesn't make God's name "Yehôvîh", does it?] By then changing the Y to a J through a variation in the German alphabet (THE INTERLINEAR HEBREW - ARAMAIC OLD TESTAMENT J.P. GREEN pxii; TEACH YOURSELF BIBLICAL HEBREW R.K. Harrison p32) [some also say the Latin (AID TO BIBLE UNDERSTANDING 1971 Watchtower and Bible Tract Society p885)], we end up with a word that sounds like "Jehovah". Before the system of vowel points came in around or after the seventh century AD (A PRACTICAL GRAMMAR FOR CLASSICAL HEBREW by J. Weingreen. p6, footnote c; TEACH YOURSELF BIBLICAL HEBREW R.K. Harrison p21) the word Jehovah could not have been used for God. In the scriptures, "YHWH (or YHVH)" would be written, and "adonai" would be read, so the name Jehovah would never have been used. THE NAME REVEALS CHARACTER For this study the meaning of the name is an important consideration. The name(s) reveals the character and is true for people as well as for God. Nabal is a good example, Nabal means "foolishness", and his wife Abigail said of him, "as his name is, so is he;" (1 Samuel 25:25). Nabal was a foolish man, and his name revealed it. The name Jacob means "supplanter, deceiver, defrauder, heel-catcher", which describes the character of Jacob. Esau said of him, "Is not he rightly named Jacob? for he has supplanted me these two times: he took away my birthright; and, behold, now he has taken away my blessing." (Genesis 27:36). Later, when his character changed, and he wrestled with someone who he thought was "God", and prevailed (Genesis 32:24-30), God changed Jacob’s name to Israel; "Your name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince you have power with God and with men, and have prevailed." (Genesis 32:28). Israel has been variously translated to mean "Prince with God", or "Soldier of God", or "One who wrestles with God". Having prevailed against men (Genesis 25:29-34; 27:1-29; 31:1-55), and now with God (Genesis 32:24-30), as God’s chosen, Jacob’s name had to be changed to suit his new character. Changing someone’s name often went along with a change of position or character; Jesus gave Simon the name Cephas (John 1:42), also called Peter (Matthew 10:2) (Gr. πέτρος, Gtr. Petros), which means "a stone" or "a rock". It was a name which described something solid, steady, and firm, which he eventually was to be like. We have already seen that when Jesus said, "I am come in my Father’s name," (John 5:43), that he came with his Father’s authority, but another meaning to the statement is that he came to manifest his Father’s character. In every way Jesus portrayed the Father, to such a degree that he could say, "I and my Father are one." (John 10:30), and "he who has seen me has seen the Father;" (John 14:9). The very words that he spoke were exactly as the Father gave him to say (John 3:34; 8:28; 8:38; 12:50; 14:10; 17:8), and the works that he did were those given to him by the Father (John 5:36; 9:4; 17:4). One literal name can never reveal the fullness of the character of God, because he has far too many attributes, but in the Old Testament God revealed himself through many names, each one of which he used to reveal to his people some part of his nature or character. In this study we will start by looking for the Tetragrammaton ( )יהוהin the Hebrew language, and see whether the meaning of the words that contain these four letters fit the character of God or not, and if the word can be definitely found in scripture. God's name has to have meaning in Hebrew, so when we find one that does fit his nature, then we have found the name of God. As a check we will then look at this name in scripture and see whether the meaning fits with the use of the his name in context. We have examined the only three words in the Old Testament that take the same four consonants as the Tetragrammaton which denoted the name of God. They are: י ְִֹהוֶהHtr. yihweh, י ְָהוֶהHtr. yāhweh, and י ְִֹהוֶהHtr. yahweh. Yihweh is a Qal Imperfect of hāwâ and implies existence in a continual sense, and although it does apply to God, it also applies to people, animals, and things, although not in a timeless sense as it would to God. However, as it is rarely (if ever - Exodus 3:14 may be an exception) used to imply God's existence, but rather how he will relate to people, we do not think this would be the Tetragrammaton which is God's name so used many times in the Old testament. Yāhweh is a Hophal Imperfect of hāwâ and represents the subject as being caused to be acted upon. It is the rarest of the seven major verb stems, and although theoretically it does apply to God, we could not find one case of where a Hophal Imperfect for any verb in Hebrew language of the Old Testament applied to God. For this reason we would not regard this as being God's name which is so prolific in the bible. Yahweh is the Hiphil Imperfect of hāwâ and it refers to causing events to happen. This fits perfectly with the character of God as he caused all things to come into existence, even us human beings, and causes numerous events to occur on this earth day by day. Thus our conclusion is that this word Yahweh is the most likely to be God's name represented by the Tetragrammaton ( יהוהYHWH) in the Old Testament. Who is Pope Francis? I call him the false prophet because of these things that he spoke out of his mouth: “The following quote from Pope Francis comes from remarks that he made during his very first ecumenical meeting… I then greet and cordially thank you all, dear friends belonging to other religious traditions; first of all the Muslims, who worship the one God, living and merciful, and call upon Him in prayer, and all of you. I really appreciate your presence: in it I see a tangible sign of the will to grow in mutual esteem and cooperation for the common good of humanity. The Catholic Church is aware of the importance of promoting friendship and respect between men and women of different religious traditions – I wish to repeat this: promoting friendship and respect between men and women of different religious traditions – it also attests the valuable work that the Pontifical Council for interreligious dialogue performs. Did you catch that? Apparently Pope Francis believes that Catholics and Muslims worship the same God… Francis made the following statement about Muslims… “We must never forget that they ‘profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, who will judge humanity on the last day.’ By making this statement, Pope Francis is rejecting another of the most fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith. You see, Christians believe that Jesus Christ is God. Muslims hate this doctrine and say that there is no god but Allah. So how in the world can Christians and Muslims worship the same God? The only way that you could say this is if you deny the deity of Jesus Christ. For much more on why “Allah” and the God of Christianity are not the same ( ).” By Francis’ rejection of God, we must realize that God has a name and He is differentiated between any other so called “god.” By knowing God’s name, we can know the “god” we serve. God takes His name very seriously, even including it in the ten commandments (Ex. 20:7). We CANNOT truly know God if we do not know His name. Moses understood this. When he encountered the call of God that came from the burning bush, Moses asked God, “If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ what shall I say to them?” (Exodus 3:13). God answered Moses, “I Am who I Am” (Exodus 3:14). God told Moses, “Say this to the people of Israel, ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, and thus I am to be remembered throughout all generations” (Exodus 3:15). As these verses make clear, we are not to tamper with God’s name. We are to use the names whereby God has named Himself, and we are to recognize that any confusion about the name of God will lead to confusion about the nature of God, if not to idolatry. Christians must keep this central principle from the Bible constantly in mind as we consider some of the most urgent questions we face in the world today. We must certainly have this principle in mind when we think about Islam. Several years ago, a bishop in the Netherlands attracted controversy when he argued that Christians should call God “Allah” in order to lower theological tensions. He also argued that calling God “Allah” would be commonplace in Christian churches within a century and that this would lead to a synthesis of Islam and Christianity. More recently, an Islamic court in Malaysia ruled that only Muslims can use the name “Allah” in print publications. “The usage of the word will cause confusion in the community,” the chief judge ruled. Oddly enough, Christians may well agree with this Islamic judge. To call God “Allah” is to invite confusion. In the Bible, God reveals Himself to us in many names. These names are His personal property. We did not invent these names for God. To the contrary, God revealed these names as His own. We have no right to modify or to revise these names—much less to reject them. Jesus Christ made this abundantly clear. In the simplest way imaginable, Jesus teaches us to know God as Father, and to use this name in prayer. The Lord’s Prayer begins with the words, “Our Father, who is in heaven.” By the grace that God has shown us in Christ, we can truly know Him as Father. Muslims do not speak of God as their heavenly Father. In the Islamic faith, Allah is not only a different name for god; the deity it designates is far more impersonal than the God of the Bible. Father—the very name that Jesus gave us as the designated name for use in prayer—is a name that simply does not fit Allah as depicted in the Quran. Furthermore, Muslims claim that Allah has no son. This represents a head-on collision between the God of the Bible and Allah. For, as the Bible makes clear, the one and only true God is most perfectly revealed as the Father of the Son, Jesus Christ. In the Gospel of John, Jesus repeatedly teaches that no one has truly known the Father, except by the Son. In one of the most clarifying verses in the New Testament, Jesus declared Himself to be “the way, and the truth, and the life,” adding, “No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Because Muslims deny that God has a son, they explicitly reject any Trinitarian language. From the very starting point, Islam denies what Christianity takes as its central truth claim: the fact that Jesus Christ is the only begotten of the Father. If Allah has no son, then Allah is not the God who reveals Himself through the Son. How then can calling God “Allah” not lead to anything but confusion—and worse? Again I state, Satan is usurping God’s Holy Name so that he will be worshiped in the coming/here One World Government. I have tried to make all of this as clear as possible. Truly, only those with “eye” to see will understand these hard core truths I am laying out for everyone. A moment is coming, in the very immediate future, that will change the course of humanity forever. God has His plan. As Satan has his plan. What the “world” will be witnessing is the unfolding of both plans and be willing to make a choice where they want to serve in either of these plans. If one doesn’t make that choice, it will be made for them. God is NOT mocked! Christ will be told by the Father in heaven to get His bride. Christ will come in the clouds of the sky and rapture the dead in Christ first, then the living will be “caught up” or harpazo, into the air to meet Christ there in the clouds. Christ will NOT set foot on the earth at this time, BUT the WHOLE EARTH will see Christ in the air. How is this possible on a sphere earth? IT IS NOT! Many will say that TV was hinted at by Christ to the Apostle John, but I disagree. There is not even an indication of television in the scriptures, BUT there is OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE that I have presented here that the earth is FLAT! And this is the ONLY way, “every eye will see Him (Rev. 1:7; Luke 21:27).” Also, God is to send a Strong Delusion in the end times: “They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness” (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12). NO!!! You will NOT fall off the edge – sheesh. Get over it!!! Antarctica is at the edge! All of it – some 60,000 sq miles according to some. Pulpit Commentary “Verse 11. - For this cause; on account of their being destitute of a love of the truth. God shall send them; or rather, God sends them; the present being chosen because the apostasy had already commenced, the mystery of lawlessness was already working. Strong delusion; or, a working of error (R.V.). These words are not to be weakened, as if they meant merely that in righteous judgment God permitted strong delusion to be sent them; the words are not a mere assertion of judicial permission, but of actual retribution. It is the ordinance of God that the wicked by their wicked actions fall into greater wickedness, and that thus sin is punished by sin; and what is an ordinance of God is appointed by God himself. That they should believe a lie; or rather, the lie, namely the falsehood which the man of sin disseminates by his deceit of unrighteousness. Being destitute of the love of the truth, they are necessarily led to believe a lie - their minds are open to all manner of falsehood and delusion” By Satan usurping God’s Name, Yahweh, a false god will be given in Yahweh’s place as creator of the earth. This false god will be worshiped by many people in the earth, including many deceived Christian’s. Knowing the correct name of God, we can know the correct Creator who made the heaven and the earth. In Genesis chapter 1, everything is given to us and we are WITHOUT EXCUSE before an Almighty and Powerful Creator. Be forewarned. What is coming will be the literal works of Satan. Chose this day whom you serve! Why Are ALL Nations Heading To The North Pole? “Satan attempts to have a throne in the extreme north of the sky, where all the other stars in the heavens appear to rotate around the North Pole Star. This is where the L-shaped constellation Draco the Dragon represents Satan, until there is a pole shift and he falls to earth. Draco’s “L” shape is the basis of the “twisted serpent” of Isaiah 27:1 and even the Hebrew letter “L” (lamed) and the Arabic letter “L” (laam) and the Arabs’ “Allah.” This is where the Maya and other ancient cultures place their false god “about to fall from his throne in the polar center. Even American Christians have a “false god” at the North Pole. He rides a sky chariot like Apollo, and the eight animals attached to his chariot are like the eight planets of the sun god. He steals most of the attention from Jesus on a holiday when Christians should be contemplating their savior’s willingness to be born as a human to bring us the message of salvation, and instead we focus on material things like presents. This North Pole deity “knows when we’re naughty or nice” and as children we sometimes fear his judgment in late December when he leaves his North Pole throne. The false god is celebrated with a tree (axis) with a bright (pole) star at the top. He comes down the chimney through the fire if necessary, and won’t enter through the door of your house – which is especially interesting in light of John 10:9 when Jesus says “I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved.” The Bible tells us from the very beginning (Genesis 1:14) to watch the sky for signs. As William Frederick wrote in a different article posted here: “This 20th of March, a 15 MILLION year event is going to happen. There will be a total solar eclipse visible from the North Pole just as the sun is rising…That an eclipse of that magnitude happens on the North Pole on that specific day is a 500,000 year event. That said day corresponds with the religious new year is a 15 MILLION year event (multiplying the former quantity for the 30 days of Nisan in the Hebrew calendar) ( ).” Admiral Richard E. Byrd At the peak, the height, of Admiral Byrd’s career every asset in the U.S. Navy’s inventory was leveraged to Byrd for his use if need, during his exploration of the South Pole. This should give you an idea, a glimpse, into the vast scale and the amount of resources at his disposal during the Navy’s “Operation highjump“, in which Byrd headed up. After a long hard, cold, losing battle with the icy conditions, and in most cases the ice itself, Byrd and his team found a place in Antarctica where the waters ran warm, an “oasis”, as reported previously by Intellihub. ANTARCTICA (1946-47) — Operation Highjump (OpHjp) placed nearly 5000 U.S. military personnel and every resource available to the Navy’s disposal in the hands of Admiral Richard Byrd, the Operations Leader of the U.S. Naval mission in the Antarctic. Although Byrd was chosen to lead the mission for a rather specific reason, he was also quite qualified and favorite amongst the American public, the perfect candidate of choice by U.S. Navy and top brass. Another man by the name of Rear Admiral Richard Cruzen, was selected to head-up the task force. However, make no mistake, this was an unusual move for the American military at the time as people, nations and even world economies were still volatile from the previous war. Why would the U.S. military be seeking to expend so many resources at risk of great loss to explore such a harsh region of the globe as Antarctica? What was the rush? What did they know? A lot of the details regarding Operation Highjump have been carefully tucked away over the years. Wikipedia explains little about the mission officially titled “The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, 1946-1947″, reading: A United States Naval operation organized by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd Jr., USN (Ret), Officer in Charge, Task Force 68, and led by Rear Admiral Richard H. Cruzen, USN, Commanding Officer, Task Force 68. Operation Highjump commenced 26 August 1946 and ended in late February 1947. Task Force 68 included 4,700 men, 13 ships, and multiple aircraft. The primary mission of Operation Highjump was to establish the Antarctic research base Little America IV. Highjump’s objectives, according to the U.S. Navy’s report of the operation, were: 1- training personnel and testing equipment in frigid conditions; 2- consolidating and extending United States sovereignty over the largest practicable area of the Antarctic continent (This was publicly denied as a goal even before the expedition ended); 3- determining the feasibility of establishing, maintaining and utilizing bases in the Antarctic and investigating possible base sites; 4- developing techniques for establishing, maintaining and utilizing air bases on ice, with particular attention to later applicability of such techniques to operations in interior Greenland, where conditions are comparable to those in the Antarctic; 5- amplifying existing stores of knowledge of hydrographic, geographic, geological, meteorological and electro-magnetic propagation conditions in the area; 6- supplementary objectives of the Nanook expedition. (The Nanook operation was a smaller equivalent conducted off eastern Greenland.) Interestingly enough, many of the actual mission details were shrouded by secrecy, hidden from the American public. In fact, an excerpt from a report entitled “The Antarctica Enigma” reads, “Little other information was released to the media about the mission, although most journalists were suspicious of its true purpose given the huge amount of military hardware involved. The US Navy also strongly emphasized that Operation Highjump was going to be a navy show; Admiral Ramsey’s preliminary orders of 26th August 1946 stated that,“The Chief of Naval Operations only will deal with other governmental agencies” and that “no diplomatic negotiations are required. No foreign observers will be accepted.” Not exactly an invitation to scrutiny, even from other arms of the government. Admiral Byrd, was a strategic choice as he was a national hero to the Americans. He had pioneered the technology that would be a foundation for modern polar exploration and investigation, had been repeatedly decorated and had undertaken many expeditions to Antarctica and was also the first man to fly over both poles. However, the task force itself, remained strictly under the military command of Rear Admiral Richard Cruzen Unfortunately, the ships central group entered the ice pack off the Ross Sea on 31st December 1946 and found conditions as bad as had been noted for over a century. Cebreakers such as the USCGC Burton Island, a ship that had only recently been commissioned and was still undergoing sea trials off the Californian coast when Operation Highjump was launched, fought to cut a way through the ice to help the men land.” Richard Cruzen, was one of a few men to have located at several “oases” now secret areas of the Antarctic, touching on the real reason the expedition team was sent there. However, only people in-the-know with special clearance would truly know the intended purpose of the expedition. An excerpt from the Daviess County Historical Society reads, “According to a Navy report, 1,000 miles of new coastline was discovered on exploratory trips by the Bear and Byrd’s sea plane. Commended by Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox for his “superior seamanship, ability, courage, determination, efficiency and good judgment in dangerous emergencies,” Cruzen was one of the 16 members of the 1939-41 expedition who received the Antarctic Expedition Medal, presented in November 1946. On Dec. 2, 1946, Cruzen once more set sail for the Antarctic continent. This time, as Task Force Commander under Admiral Byrd of the Navy’s Antarctic Developments Project also known as “Operation Highjump” Cruzen led a force of 13 ships carrying some 4,000 men, including meteorologists, zoologists, physicists and experts from oceanography institutes into the adventure of a lifetime. Besides looking for new scientific data, another purpose of the expedition was to train Navy personnel and to test standard Navy ships and other equipment in cold weather operations. Cruzen navigated through an ice pack of several hundred miles before reaching Little America. Icebergs and unpredictable weather were formidable foes during the course of the expedition. Among the discoveries made during the 1946-47 expedition was the sighting of two “oases,” one a region of ice-free lakes and land. More than 300,000 square miles of unpathed territory were charted on aerial mapping operations. Their observations proved that radical changes would have to be made on existing maps of the Antarctic.” Why would warm spots, with warm water exist in the Antarctic? What does this mean? If Rear Admiral Byrd claimed that his south polar expedition was "the most important expedition in the history of the world," and if, after he returned from the expedition, he remarked, "The present expedition has opened up a new vast land," it would be strange and inexplicable how such a great discovery of a new land area as large as North America, comparable to Columbus's discovery of America, should have received no attention and have been almost totally forgotten, so that nobody knew about it, from the most ignorant to the most learned. The only rational explanation of this mystery is after the brief announcement in the American press based on Admiral Byrd's radio report, further publicity was suppressed by the Government, in whose employ Byrd was working, and which had important political reasons why Admiral Byrd's historic discovery should not be made known to the world. For he had discovered two unknown land areas measuring a total of 4,000 miles across and probably as large as both the North and South American continents, since Byrd's planes turned back without reaching the end of this territory not recorded on any map. Evidently, the United States Government feared that some other government may learn about Byrd's discovery and conduct similar flights, going much further into it than Byrd did, and perhaps claiming this land area as its own. Commenting on Byrd's statement, made in 1957 shortly before his death, in which he called the new territory he discovered beyond the Poles "that enchanted continent in the sky" and "land of everlasting mystery," Palmer says: "Considering all this, is there any wonder that all the nations of the world suddenly found the south polar region (particularly) and the north polar region so intensely interesting and important, and have launched explorations on a scale actually tremendous in scope?" Palmer concludes that this new land area that Byrd discovered and which is not on any map, exists inside and not outside the earth, since the geography of the outside is quite well known, whereas that of the inside (within the polar depression) is "unknown." For that reason Byrd called it the "Great Unknown." After discussing the significance of the use of the term "beyond" the Pole by Byrd instead of "across" the Pole to the other side of Arctic or Antarctic regions, Palmer concludes that what Byrd referred to was an unknown land area inside the polar concavity and connecting with the warmer interior of the Earth, which accounts for its green vegetation and animal life. It is "unknown" because it is not on the Earth's outer surface and hence is not recorded on any map. Palmer writes: continue next slide…. "In February of 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd, the one man who has done the most to make the North Pole a known area, made the following statement: `I'd like to see the land beyond the Pole. That area beyond the Pole is the center of the Great Unknown'. "Millions of people read this statement in their daily newspapers. And millions thrilled at the Admiral's subsequent flight to the Pole and to a point 1,700 miles beyond it. Millions heard the radio broadcast description of the flight, which was also published in newspapers. "What land was it? Look at your map. Calculate the distance from all the known lands we have previously mentioned (Siberia, Spitzbergen, Alaska, Canada, Finland, Norway, Greenland and Iceland). A good portion of them are well within the 1,700 mile range. But none of them are within 200 miles of the Pole. Byrd flew over no known land. He himself called it `the great unknown.' And great it is indeed. For after l,700 miles over land, he was forced by gasoline supply shortage to return, and he had not yet reached the end of it; He should have been back to `civilization.' But he was not. He should have seen nothing but ice-covered ocean, or at the very most, partially open ocean. Instead he was over mountains covered with forest. "Forests! "Incredible! The northernmost limit of the timber-line is located well down into Alaska, Canada and Siberia. North of that line, no tree grows! All around the North Pole, the tree does not grow within 1,700 miles of the Pole. "What have we here? We have the well-authenticated flight of Admiral Richard E. Byrd to a land beyond the Pole that he so much wanted to see, because it was the center of the great unknown, the center of mystery. Apparently, he had his wish gratified to the fullest, yet today, nowhere is this mysterious land mentioned. Why? Was that 1947 flight fiction? Did all the newspapers lie? Did the radio from Byrd's plane lie ? "No, Admiral Byrd did fly beyond the Pole. "Beyond? "What did the Admiral mean when he used that word? How is it possible to go `beyond' the Pole? Let us consider for a moment. Let us imagine that we are transported by some miraculous means to the exact point of the North Magnetic Pole. We arrive there instantaneously, not knowing from which direction we came. And all we know is that we are to proceed from the Pole to Spitzbergen. But where is Spitzbergen? Which way do we go? South of course: But which South? All directions from the North Pole are south! "This is actually a simple navigational problem. All expeditions to the Pole, whether flown, or by submarine, or on foot, have been faced with this problem. Either they must retrace their steps, or discover which southerly direction is the correct one to their destination, wherever it has been determined to be. The problem is solved by making a turn in any direction, and proceeding approximately 20 miles. Then we stop, measure the stars, correlate with our compass reading (which no longer points straight down, but toward the North Magnetic Pole), and plot our course on the map. Then it is a simple matter to proceed to Spitzbergen by going south. "Admiral Byrd did not follow this traditional navigational procedure. When he reached the Pole, he continued for 1, 700 miles. To all intents and purposes, he continued on a northerly course, after crossing the Pole. And weirdly, it stands on record that he succeeded, or he would not see that `land beyond the Pole,' which to this day, if we are to scan the records of newspapers, books. radio, television and word of mouth, has never been revisited. "That land, on today's maps, cannot exist. But since it does, we can only conclude that today's maps are incorrect, incomplete and do not represent a true picture of the Northern Hemisphere. "Having thus located a great land mass in the North, not on any map today, a land which is the center of the great unknown, which can only be construed to imply that the 1,709 mile extent traversed by Byrd is only a portion of it." Such an important discovery, which Byrd called "the most important" in the history of the world, should have been known to everyone, if information about it was not suppressed to such an extent that it was almost completely forgotten until Giannini mentioned it in his book "Worlds Beyond the Poles," published in New York in 1959. Similarly, Giannini's book, for some strange reason, was not advertised by the publisher and remained unknown. At the end of the same year, 1959, Ray Palmer, editor of "Flying Saucers" magazine, gave publicity to Admiral Byrd's discovery, about which he learned in a copy of Giannini's book he read. He was so much impressed that in December of that year he published this information in his magazine, which was for sale on newsstands throughout the United States. Then followed a series of strange incidents, indicating that secret forces were at work to prevent the information contained in the December issue of "Flying Saucers" magazine, derived from Giannini's book, from reaching the public. Who are these secret forces that have a special reason to suppress the release of information about Admiral Byrd's great discovery of new land areas not on any map. Obviously, they are the same forces that suppressed news release of information, except for a brief press notice, after Byrd made his great discovery and before Giannini published the first public statement about it in many years, in 1959, twelve years after the discovery was made. Mapping the “World” Professor Jerry Brotton What is the shape of the earth's boundary? Job 26:10 He has described a circle upon the face of the waters at the boundary between light and darkness. Job 37:3 Under the whole heaven he lets it go, and his lightning to the corners of the earth. Proverbs 8:27-29 When he established the heavens, I was there, when he drew a circle on the face of the deep, when he made firm the skies above, when he established the fountains of the deep, when he assigned to the sea its limit, so that the waters might not transgress his command, when he marked out the foundations of the earth, Isaiah 11:12 He will raise an ensign for the nations, and will assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth. Isaiah 40:22 It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in; Isaiah 41:9 you whom I took from the ends of the earth, and called from its farthest corners, saying to you, "You are my servant, I have chosen you and not cast you off"; Ezekiel 7:2 "And you, O son of man, thus says the Lord God to the land of Israel: An end! The end has come upon the four corners of the land. Revelation 7:1 After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth holding back the four winds of the earth, that no wind might blow on the earth or sea or against any tree. Revelation 20:8 and will come out to deceive the nations which are at the four corners of the earth, that is, Gog and Magog, to gather them for battle; their number is like the sand of the sea. Circumnavigating A Flat Plane "The world is flat and if you head west you'll fall off the edge" Mr. Columbus was told before he headed on his first transatlantic cruise in 1492. All that awaited him and his crew 20 miles west of the Azores was certain death. Circumnavigation on a FLAT EARTH! "Moses was a flat-earther," he (Charles Johnson) reveals. "The Flat Earth Society was founded in 1492 B.C., when Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt and gave them the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai." Conventional biblical chronology dates the Ten Commandments to 1491 B.C., but it may be imprecise. Perhaps Johnson prefers 1492 for the symmetry. It was, after all, in 1492 A.D. that another famous flat-earther made history. Have you heard the story about Columbus's problems with his crew? As some tell it, the crew nearly mutinied because they regarded the earth as flat, and feared they might sail off its edge. "It was exactly the reverse," explains Johnson. "There was a dispute out on the ship, but it was because Columbus was a flat-earther. The others believed the earth to be a ball, and they just knew that they were falling over the edge and couldn't get back. Columbus had to put them in irons and beat them until he convinced them they weren't going over any curve, and they could return. He finally calmed them down ( )." To truly be able to claim one has circumnavigated the “globe” or walked across the continent of Antarctica, one really needs some one in the air above, separately, observing the navigator. Interestingly, I have had issues with trying to understand Magellan’s viewpoint as he claims he had circumnavigated the “globe.” Most people will state, “There is no issue.” But technically, there is an issue. A single observer perspective is insufficient to acquire long distance mapping and perception. The problem is on a flat plane one can go round in circles in a forest and end up back where they started. Did this person just circumnavigate the “forest?” NO! Let’s feign naivety and truly discover the reason for a different perspective. It is a scientifically legitimate question since not one person can think of everything that it would require people like me thinking outside of the “globe” for other answers. People naturally walk in circles. Why? Walking in a straight line requires points of navigation and orienting cues like the sun, moon, and stars. When these are missing such as an overcast day or night, one quickly finds themselves walking in circles. Circular walking is a natural phenomenon that involves every creature on the earth. Is it magnetic? I do not believe magnetic is the cause of our circular walking. In an experiment done by Jan Souman in 2007, he instructed nine people to walk as straight as possible in one direction for several hours. Six walkers forged through a flat, forested region of Germany. Three trekked through the Sahara desert in southern Tunisia. (A sand storm stopped further testing in the desert). All walkers wore GPS receivers so that the researchers could analyze their routes. The results, published today in the journal Current Biology, showed that no matter how hard people tried to walk in a straight line, they often ended up going in circles without ever realizing that they were crossing their own paths. But there was a twist. Circular walking befell only the four forest walkers who had to walk in overcast conditions and the one desert walker who walked at night after the moon had set. Those who could see the sun or moon managed to travel fairly straight. In a follow-up experiment, the researchers challenged 15 people to walk straight while blindfolded. When they couldn't see at all, the walkers ended up going in surprisingly small circles -- with a diameter of less than 66 feet. (” There is also the fact that, “said Randy Gallistel, a cognitive neuroscientist at Rutgers University in New Jersey. Most dead hikers, after all, are found within a mile, if not 100 meters from where they got lost (” The tendency to spiral on the earth is experienced by all creatures, but most animals do not have a map or the new GPS as humans do. Even without GPS or maps as long as the observer has a reference point, the tendency to travel in a straight line is more likely. The interest of this presentation is not on hikers but on ships and their navigators. This same event occurs on the water. Sailing in circles East to West bound circumnavigation is easily performed on a round or flat earth. A compass, which has been used since ancient times, places its center point on the “pole” which is “magnetic north.” In his book, Terra firma : the earth not a planet, proved from scripture, reason and fact, by Scott, David Wardlaw, Published 1901, he states: Terra firma : the earth not a planet, proved from scripture, reason and fact by Scott, David Wardlaw, Published 1901 It is truly this statement, “than for a balloonist to steer his course through the Bands of Orion,” that confirmed my Holy Spirit led suspicions that correct perspective is what is required to establish a flat or round earth. In all honesty, Eratosthenes 1,700 years prior to Magellan’s expedition by the use of trigonometric evidence is NOT an actual observation by two or three witnesses. In fact, mathematics, are only hypotheses until the experiments can be done in order to establish a theory. In order to have a trustworthy experiment, to prove a flat or round earth, I suggest three witnesses, at least. One sailing by sun, stars, and point of reference, like the old fashion way. Second witness, observing from a high vantage point, possibly flying BUT must be unobservable by the sailing craft. The second witness also must fly with old fashion navigation and NO GPS. Third witness could be satellite or use GPS. Among these three witnesses and the perfect recording of every experience and observable action one could truly have appropriate data to culminate an actual theory to a round or flat earth. Perspective is the key here, since mankind has been proven to walk in circles, the only way around this is to go outside of the handicap and establish numerous observation of the voyage. Perspective is such a HUGE part of our correctly deducing facts and observations that to have and earth bound viewpoint of circumnavigation is POINTLESS. It solves absolutely nothing because as in the case of the “boy and his toy boat” proves you can circumnavigate in a flat enclosed earth. Indeed, it may be the very reason creatures walk in circles because of the dome we live under. This in itself could be an experiment. I agree with Mr. Wardlaw’s hypothesis, “…the hull can be restored to sight again by the aid of a good telescope long after it has disappeared from the naked eye….” This experiment coupled with the three witnesses would be sufficient to establish positive facts of a flat earth. My argument against “established” circumnavigation is: There is only ONE witness to establish said circumnavigation. In order to establish a truth in a court of law, two or three witnesses are required to substantiate claims. Regardless of how many sailors are on the boats doing the circumnavigating, where is the objectionable second witness who is “witnessing” the action undertaken by the claimant? You MUST have at least two objectionable witnesses who are experiencing the experiment in two different viewpoint, namely one sailing and one flying observing the sailor. The idea is based on faulty perspective to establish viewpoint. One cannot objectively say they walked a circle in the field unless someone from above saw them walk that circle. Only the witness from the higher perspective can see the “circle” being made. This is uniquely establish when one views the Nazca Lines in Peru. You can walk all over the desert and see a bunch of rocks formed in unique formations, but you will have no larger perspective of what your seeing until you get into a plane and fly over the nazca lines. Then you can see they for images of animals. Hollow Earth Hollow Earth Never mind what they taught you in geology courses about the inner structure of the Earth. Nobody has gone inside to see what's there, have they? During the 17th century scientists were seriously investigating the problem of determining the true shape of the Earth and understanding the global variations in magnetic dip angle. As often happens, imaginative speculations arose far sooner than did understanding of the data. In 1692 astronomer Edmund Halley (of Halley's comet fame) published a paper titled An account of the cause of the change of the variation of the magnetical needle with an hypothesis of the structure of the internal parts of the earth: as it was proposed to the Royal Society in one of their later meetings. (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 17:563-578). Halley postulated that the Earth we walk on is a hollow shell about 500 miles thick, with two inner concentric shells and an innermost core, about the diameters of the planets Venus, Mars, and Mercury. These shells are separated by atmospheres, and each has its own magnetic poles. The spheres rotate at different speeds, thus accounting for long-term magnetic field variations. Halley did wonder whether clay and chalk beds of the outer crust are sufficient to prevent the oceans from leaking inside, but he was sure that "the Wisdom of the Creator has provided" some way to prevent this. Halley even suggested that each sphere "might support life," because the spheres were bathed in perpetual light from a luminous gaseous atmosphere that filled all of the inner spaces. He even entertained the possibility of "more ample creation" within the Earth, which might include suns. When the Royal Society asked Halley to explain the exceptional auroral display of 1692, Halley wrote that it was caused by light from inside the Earth. Newton's demonstration of the oblateness of the Earth led Halley to suppose the Earth's outer shell was thinner at the poles, allowing inner light to diffuse out, then scatter from the atmosphere, causing auroral displays. Some books and websites say that the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) proposed a simpler hollow Earth model. Some give details, but few provide a reference. One that does cites: Euler, Leonhard; Letters of Euler on Natural Philosophy, Vol 2, Letter LVIII, pp 202-203, 1835. That does not seem to be correct. However, in Volume I, letters XLIX and L of Euler's Lettres à un Princess d'Allemagne we find his comments on an interesting mathematical problem often found in textbooks today: If you drilled a hole all the way through the Earth, and dropped a stone in the hole, what would happen? It's a "thought experiment" and someone may have misread Euler, supposing that Euler really thought there was hole all the way through the Earth. Then others picked it up without checking sources. You can find my discussion of this problem at Physics Problems to Challenge Insight, and a detailed discussion of what Euler had to say about it at Ed Sandifer's website. Prof. Duane Griffen of Bucknell University has researched the hollow earth idea and Euler's views about it: In Letter XLIX, concerning the "True Direction and Action of Gravity relatively [sic] to the Earth," he introduces a thought experiment, stating "were you to dig a hole in the earth, at whatever place, and continue your labor incessantly [...] you would, at length, reach the center of the earth" (Vol. 1, 219). Moreover, in Letters LVI-LIX, concerning magnetic declination, he discusses Halley's proposal at length. Concerning Halley's "double loadstone in the bowels of the earth" and four magnetic poles, he states: "this hypothesis seems to me rather a bold conjecture" (Vol. 2, 253). Some sources even say that in 1767 Euler proposed that the Earth's hollow interior contained at its center a small glowing core that served as a miniature sun for the inner world's hypothetical inhabitants. I can find no documentation to link this idea with Euler, and I doubt it has any connection to Euler. Sir John Leslie (1766-1832), a Scottish physicist and mathematician, known for his studies of heat, proposed a hollow Earth in his 1829 Elements of Natural Philosophy (pp. 449-453). Some have claimed it was Leslie who suggested that the hollow interior of the Earth contained "two little suns", Pluto and Prosperina (the "planet" Pluto hadn't been discovered and named then), but that idea may have originated with someone else. Jules Verne's classic tale Journey to the Centre of the Earth (1864) was probably partly inspired by these ideas. We see here several ideas: (1) An Earth shell structure, with spaces between the shells. (2) Suns within the Earth. (3) Civilizations living on these shells. Yet we are still in the dark about when and where these originated, and who was responsible. Today's supporters seem desperate to link them with reputable scientists, but some of those attempts fail. An American, John Cleves Symmes (1780-1829) absorbed such ideas and brought forth his own version. His hollow Earth had holes at the North and South Poles. Symmes proposed an expedition to find the North Polar hole and enter it, fully expecting to find animals and people inside the Earth, living on five internal shells. Of course he was ridiculed by those less imaginative than he. People made cruel jokes about the "Symmes Hole" or the "Symmie Hole" at the pole, suggesting that the hole was in Symmes' head. A profound misunderstanding of gravity is present in all of these models, for they allowed the inside dwellers to live on either the outer or inner surface of each shell. Symmes assumed that a person could walk on the inside of the shell, feet away from the center, head toward the center, with the inner sun always directly overhead. He supposed that a ship sailing to the North Polar hole would simply sail around the rim of the hole and end up sailing on the ocean on the inside of the same shell, with its masts pointing toward the center. Inflamed with the possibilities of sailing inside he petitioned the U. S. Congress (in 1822 and 1823) to appropriate money for a Polar expedition. He was turned down (in one of the few instances where Congress showed good judgment in spite of not understanding the issue). Late in his life he attempted to join a Russian Polar expedition, but could not raise the fare to the departure port of St. Petersburg. That's too bad. His theory was already popular in Russia. John Symmes died in 1829. His grave was the closest he got to the inside of the Earth. John's son, Americus Symmes, had a monument erected over the grave, with a hollow Earth model at its top. Restored in 1991, this monument still stands in the center of fourth street park in Hamilton, Ohio, just South of the business district. Readers today may be surprised to learn that in the 19th century a variety of views about the shape of the Earth still existed and competed. Zetetic (flat-Earth) societies, formed in the 18th century, were still flourishing in the 19th century. Flat Earth organizations actively argued their case and even supported experiments to prove their point. The famous Old Bedford Canal experiment of 1870 tested the "flatness" of the water over a four mile straight stretch of the Bedford Canal. [5] The flat Earthers proudly proclaimed that the result confirmed their assertion of the flatness of still water surfaces (and the entire Earth). Alexander Gleason, a civil engineer from Buffalo, NY, experimentally established the flatness of the surface of Lake Erie, at least to his own satisfaction. He published his results in Is the Bible from Heaven (1890) and Is the Earth a Globe? (1893). A Hollow Earth and A Flat Earth There are some misconceptions about having both a hollow earth and a flat earth (plane), but in fact they are congruent with scriptures and the Book of Enoch. I was always baffled by the “chasms” that Enoch would talk about so regularly as entrances into Sheol and it NEVER occurred to me (since my round earth indoctrination) to take Enoch seriously at all, let alone the Bible. This was a huge mistake on my part. One in which I ask repentance from God for my ignorance. A hollow and flat earth are explicitly described in Bible scriptures called Sheol. Sheol is a place that is not the grave or ‘six feet under’ as some say. This place far below the earth’s surface is where ALL the spirits of the dead resided until Jesus’ resurrection. Luke 23:43 “Verily, I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with Me in paradise….” Jesus walked with mankind on the surface of the earth. Under the solid dome/firmament that He made with the Father. Then, when His time came to die for mankind's sins so that God and man would never be parted again, Christ died on the cross. During His three days in death, Jesus traveled to Sheol and preached to the spirits there, 1 Pet. 3:18For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit; 19in which also He went and made proclamation to the spirits now in prison, 20who once were disobedient, when the patience of God kept waiting in the days of Noah, during the construction of the ark, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through the water.…” Acts 2:27 “BECAUSE YOU WILL NOT ABANDON MY SOUL TO HADES, NOR ALLOW YOUR HOLY ONE TO UNDERGO DECAY.” Pulpit Commentary - 1 Pet. 3:19 Verse 19. - By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison; rather, in which (εν ω΅ι). The Lord was no longer in the flesh; the component parts of his human nature were separated by death; his flesh lay in the grave. As he had gone about doing good in the flesh, so now he went in the spirit - in his holy human spirit. He went. The Greek word (πορευθείς) occurs again in ver. 22, "who is gone into heaven." It must have the same meaning in both places; in ver. 22 it asserts a change of locality; it must do the like here. There it is used of the ascent into heaven; it can scarcely mean here that, without any such change of place, Christ preached, not in his own Person, but through Noah or the apostles. Compare St. Paul's words in Ephesians 4:9 (the Epistle which seems to have been so much in St. Peter's thoughts), "Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?" And preached (ἐκήρυξεν). It is the word constantly used of the Lord from the time when "Jesus began to preach (κηρύσσειν), and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matthew 4:17). Then, himself in our human flesh, he preached to men living in the flesh - to a few of his own age and country. Now the range of his preaching was extended; himself in the spirit, he preached to spirits: "Πνεύματι πνεύμασι; spiritu, spiritibus." says Bengel; "congruens sermo." He preached also to the spirits; not only once to living men, but now also to spirits, even to them. The καί calls for attention; it implies a new and additional fact; it emphasizes the substantive (καὶ τοῖς πνεύμασιν). The preaching and the condition of the hearers are mentioned together; they were spirits when they heard the preaching. It seems impossible to understand these words of preaching through Noah or the apostles to men who passed afterwards into the state of disembodied spirits. And he preached in the spirit. The words seem to limit the preaching to the time when the Lord's soul was left in Hades (Acts 2:27). Huther, indeed, says that "as both expressions (θανατωθείς and ζωσοποιηθείς) apply to Christ in his entire Person, consisting of body and soul, what follows must not be conceived as an activity which he exercised in his spirit only, and whilst separated from his body." But does θανατωθείς apply to body and soul? Men "are not able to kill the soul." And is it true, as Huther continues, that the first words of this verse are not opposed to the view that Christ preached in his glorified body, "inasmuch as in this body the Lord is no longer ἐν σαρκί (Flesh – Strong’s G5461), but entirely ἐν πνεύματι (wind, breath, spirit – Strong’s G4151)? Indeed, we are taught that "flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; "and that that which "is sown a natural body is raised a spiritual body" (σῶμα πνευματικόν); but Christ himself said of his resurrection-body, "A spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have" (Luke 24:39). He preached to "the spirits in prison (ἐν φυλακῇ)." (For φυλακή, comp. Revelation 20:7; Matthew 5:25, etc.). It cannot mean the whole realm of the dead, but only that part of Hades in which the souls of the ungodly are reserved unto the day of judgment. Bengel says, "In carcere puniuntur sontes: in custodia servantur, dum experiantur quid facturus sit judex? (Latin I was in prison are punished with the guilty, in the charge of , are retained , while the judge what he is going to experience a)" But it seems doubtful whether this distinction between φυλακή and δεσμωτήριον can be pressed; in Revelation 20:7 φυλακή is used of the Christ went to the “lower parts of the earth” at His death. The Bible does not say that He went into the hell fire to preach, but was with the “thief” who attained salvation in paradise. Paradise must be a very large place to contain the souls awaiting their judgment. In the Hebrew, paradise is called, “Abraham’s bosom.” This place is located in the lower parts of the earth or Sheol – Matt. 12:40 “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” Eph. 4:8-10 “8Therefore it says, "WHEN HE ASCENDED ON HIGH, HE LED CAPTIVE A HOST OF CAPTIVES, AND HE GAVE GIFTS TO MEN." 9(Now this expression, "He ascended," what does it mean except that He also had descended into the lower parts of the earth? 10He who descended is Himself also He who ascended far above all the heavens, so that He might fill all things.)….” Jonah is another witness in the Bible who went to Sheol. Johan 2:6-7 “I went down to the bottoms of the mountains; the earth with her bars was about me forever.” The Book of Enoch refer’s to Sheol as ‘Nether Part of the Earth.” This same statement is made by Ezekiel in 31:14, 16; 32:18, 24. The word ‘nether’ comes from the Hebrew “tact ti” meaning “the lower most” or “depths” or “a womb.” What parts are in the ‘nether?” The Pit Hell Paradise Eden This whole place is called Sheol and is under our feet. Everyday we walk on the earth, the spirits of the departed, fallen angels trapped in tartarus, Eden, and the Great White Throne Room is located far below us on this FLAT EARTH. The lies we have been told all our lives are ever to keep you and I from this knowledge and from the fate that awaits our every choice. The powers that be are very good at what they do, I should know, I fell for their deception without even questioning why. But now that I am questioning why and finding answers and sharing them, I find it so very heart breaking that CHRISTIANS even refuse to believe these things and they are clearly of God. How far the church has descended into total depravity. Sad It is a surprise to many, including me, when they first discover that the Garden of Eden is within Sheol! Yes, you read that correctly. Eden was NEVER on the surface of the earth but located deep in the ‘nether parts of the earth,” as it had to be so it would be protected from the Flood of Noah’s day. This scripture went right over my head when I first read the Bible and probably yours too: Ezek. 31:15 - Thus says the Lord Yahweh: In the day when he went down to Sheol I caused a mourning: I covered the deep for him, and I restrained its rivers; and the great waters were stayed; and I caused Lebanon to mourn for him, and all the trees of the field fainted for him. The Lord closed up the “chasms” or the “deep” and let the waters from the flood pour out of the deep. He protected Sheol from the flood. WHY??? Unbeliever. Ask yourself why God would do this if there was NOTHING under the earth but MOLTEN LAVA and a SUPER HOT CORE – what a LIEEEEEEEE from the pit of HELLLLLLL!!!! GOD IS NOT MOCKED! YOU CANNOT LIE TO GOD FOR HE CREATED ALL THINGS! God told you the Truth in His Word, but do you believe HIM!!!! This is the same Garden of Eden in which Satan was – Ezek. 31:8-10 – 8'The cedars in God's garden could not match it; The cypresses could not compare with its boughs, And the plane trees could not match its branches. No tree in God's garden could compare with it in its beauty. 9'I made it beautiful with the multitude of its branches, And all the trees of Eden, which were in the garden of God, were jealous of it. 10'Therefore thus says the Lord GOD, "Because it is high in stature and has set its top among the clouds, and its heart is haughty in its loftiness,…)” It was here, in the womb of the earth that mankind’s life began. Is this not fitting or ironic – I can’t decide which??? Mankind reproduces its kind from a woman’s womb and it is so that we must also be buried in the womb of the earth. Truly stunning is the Word! Amazing! Praise be the JESUS!!! I had always secretly wondered to myself if the Garden of Eden had been somewhere close to Mt. Hermon or perhaps at it’s base. I had no idea that it could very well be located in a cavern somewhere close to Mt. Hermon and this is where Seth and the rest of Adam’s family stayed, close to the mountain from which they came from. Is it just a coincidence, then, that the UN has set up one of it’s largest bases on the top of Mt. Hermon? I think NOT!!! On 3 June 1974, the Secretary-General appointed an interim commander of UNDOF who arrived in Damascus on the same day and immediately established a provisional headquarters in the premises of the Israel-Syria Mixed Armistice Commission. Later the same day, advance parties of the Austrian and Peruvian contingents arrived in the mission area. They were joined on the following days by the remainder of the two contingents and the Canadian and Polish logistic elements. By 16 June 1974, the strength of UNDOF was brought to 1,218 all ranks, near its authorized level of 1,250. In the following years, the Force performed its functions effectively, with the cooperation of the parties. The situation in the Israel-Syria sector remained generally quiet and both parties cooperated fully with the mission. In order to carry out its mandate, UNDOF maintained an area of separation, which is over 75 kilometers (46.6 miles) long and varies in width between approximately 10 kilometers (6.21 miles) in the centre to 200 meters (0.12 miles) in the extreme south. The terrain is hilly and is dominated in the north by Mount Hermon, which is the location of the highest permanently manned United Nations position at an altitude of 2,814 meters (1,75 miles). The area of separation is inhabited. According to the 1974 Disengagement of Forces Agreement, it is to be governed and policed by the Syrian authorities. No military forces other than UNDOF are permitted within it. UNDOF was entirely deployed within and close to the area of separation, with two base camps, 20 permanently manned positions, eight outposts manned during daylight hours and eleven observation posts. With the assistance of the military observers from UNTSO's Observer Group Golan, UNDOF actively patrolled the area of separation by day and night. From its numerous positions and through patrolling, the Force supervised the area of separation and intervened whenever any military personnel enter or try to operate therein. This was accomplished using permanently manned positions and observation posts, foot and mobile patrols operating at irregular intervals by day and night, and closes contact and liaison with the host nations. On each side of the area of separation there is an area of limitation with three zones; a zone of 0 to 10 kilometers (6.21 miles) from the area of separation, a zone of 10 (6.21 miles) to 20 kilometers (12.43 miles) from the area of separation, and a zone of 20 (12.43 miles) to 25 kilometers (15.53 miles) from the area of separation. UNDOF inspected these areas every two weeks in order to ascertain that the agreed limitations in armaments and forces are being observed within these areas of limitation. UNDOF was also actively engaged in mine clearance activities and related public awareness programmers, and assisted the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in facilitating the passage of mail, goods, and persons through the area of separation during special crossing events. Within the integral medical resources of UNDOF, medical treatment was provided to the local population on request. We should be ASHAMED of ourselves as Christian’s because some scientists mocked our belief and the Christian concept of an underworld, wherein lies Hell, Paradise, and an Abyss. The scientists claimed, and forced it down our children’s minds for generations that there is a MOLTEN CORE inside the earth. Nothing could be further from the truth. So many Christian’s began to shy away from controversy because they didn’t know how to argue these so called “facts” they were slinging around carelessly. How could any “reasonable” scientist say that there is a molten core inside the earth – WHILE NEVER HAVING BEEN THERE!!!! LIES, LIES, AND MORE LIES!!!! Your seriously going to tell me, “what does this have to do with my salvation?” I’m stunned. How can you even tolerate this wretchedness. It has everything to do with your salvation and mine! While Christianity slunk away from this argument because they felt unscientific and these godless scientists had disproven the Bible so they hung their heads and walked away and from this act a division was made in the church and it began to splinter and branch into many different sects. Last I had counted there were over four hundred splinter churches in America alone and that was back in the 1980’s. Science took the reigns and Christianity was scoffed into the corner like a bad little child. So naughty for teaching the world the truth, but like Jack Nicholson said in ‘A Few Good Men (1992), “You can’t handle the truth.” OH, but it gets better. Now scientists are making a U-turn in their “theories” and discovering that maybe the earth isn’t what they thought it was after all. Harvard Scientists Say That There May Be An Ancient Earth Inside Earth - Scientists may have identified echoes of ancient Earth - Oceans of Water Locked 400 Miles Inside Earth - Turning the Universe Inside-Out. - What is the deepest hole ever made by man, proving we have no idea scientifically what’s under the earth? But this is truly where we live. Flat earth (plane). Underworld for the spirits, Sheol. A solid Dome Firmament. This is what your teachers incorrectly told you and me in school. That you live on a “sphere” earth and there is a molten metal core deep in the earth. The Kola Superdeep Borehole (Russian: Кольская сверхглубокая скважина, Kolskaya sverkhglubokaya skvazhina) is the result of a scientific drilling project of the Soviet Union in the Pechengsky District, on the Kola Peninsula, longitude and latitude coordinate: 69°23'46"N 30°36'32"E. The project attempted to drill as deep as possible into the Earth's crust. Drilling began on 24 May 1970 using the Uralmash-4E, and later the Uralmash-15000 series drilling rig. A number of boreholes were drilled by branching from a central hole. The deepest, SG-3, reached 12,262 meters (40,230 ft) in 1989 and still is the deepest artificial point on Earth.[1] In terms of true depth, it is the deepest borehole in the world. For two decades it was also the world's longest borehole, in terms of measured depth along the well bore, until surpassed in 2008 by the 12,289-metrelong (40,318 ft) Al Shaheen oil well in Qatar, and in 2011 by 12,345metre-long (40,502 ft) Sakhalin-I Odoptu OP-11 Well (offshore the Russian island Sakhalin).[2] Enoch and the Hollow Earth Another place in Sheol that Enoch was taken to was Hell. This is the lowest part of Sheol found in Deut. 32:32; Ps. 86:13; Luke 16:19-31; Ps. 9:17 – these spirits and fire in the lowest part of Sheol is LITERAL! Deut. 32:22 Everyone in this part of Sheol will be judged at the Great White Throne Judgment, then, in their immortal bodies and resurrected, they will be cast into the Lake of Fire that burns forever Rev. 20:4-15. Many people across the earth have been taken by Jesus in the spirit to hell and made to come back and tell everyone NOT TO GO HERE! HELL IS REAL!!! The abyss, bottomless pit, and Tartarus are also below our feet. This is a place for the imprisoned fallen angels who will be put into a place of darkness. These angels will not be thrown into hell or the Lake of Fire. This Abyss into which these wicked spirits who disobeyed God await their judgment to be placed into a greater punishment. This is also recorded in 2 Pet 2:4 – “For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to pits of darkness, reserved for judgment;” It is a place of darkness, Jude 6-7. The word Tartarus was used because of the so called Titans that were cast into this area. Some of the spirits of half human, half angelic, and gigantic, beings that are talked about by Enoch and Gen. 6 are bound here. Other scriptures of this place are: Prov. 9:18 & Isa. 26:14. Putting all of what Enoch saw into description: In the hollow earth is an open cavity known as Sheol. There is Eden and Paradise in the outer shell. Hellfire is located towards the middle. In the midst of these two areas is the Abyss. Apparently, this place is called the “bottomless pit” because any creature placed in here is suspended and is unable to ever touch the bottom. In Luke 16, we see this place referenced of the rich man and Lazarus. It is also interesting to note from John D. Ladd’s, “Commentary on the Book of Enoch,” pg 73, “Looking up from the inner shell of Sheol, one would see the sun as we looked up. Dark, black clouds orbit about this sunlike hell-fire. In these dark clouds of the area between paradise and hellfire are the bound spirits of some fallen angels, and some wicked demonic beings who were disobedient, and some of the spirits of the half human, half angelic beings of Gen. 6:1-4. They are chained, bound, in this bottomless abyss.” This presentation above all my other works for God is clearly the more important work because of the nature of the Truth exposed here, I cannot for any reason keep any of this from the “world” for the sake of souls. If we, as reasoning and intelligent human beings, take the Word of the Lord LITERALLY, we shall not experience hell nor the pit. These places were NOT made for mankind, but for the spirits that are too wicked to let them roam freely upon the earth. God is truly a merciful and gracious God. Indeed, the place where paradise is located was made for the souls of the saints who was given this temporary place to keep them from God’s wrath until Jesus Christ came to die for all man’s sins. Heb. 2:14-15 –”Therefore, since the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, 15and might free those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives.…” Matt. 27:50-54 – “And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. 51And behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth shook and the rocks were split. The tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; 53and coming out of the tombs after His resurrection they entered the holy city and appeared to many..” This was an actual event that involved numerous eyewitnesses in Jerusalem. Eph. 4:8 absolutely tells us that Jesus ascended to heaven with these same saints that he spoke with in paradise and took them to heaven with Him. Most Christian’s who refuse to obey God’s Holy Days will miss this in scriptures because this is the 6th of Sivan or the Wave Sheaf ceremony and prophecy fulfilled. This was the small group or bundle of “firstfruits” found in Lev. 23:10-14 that NO ONE was to eat any of the harvest until the first sheaf of the harvest was brought to the priest and waved before God. Also see: 1 Cor. 15:20; Col. 1:15-18 and Acts 26:23. Because of Christ’s sacrifice for mankind and resurrection into heaven, where He is NOW located sitting at the right hand of the Father in heaven (Mark 16:19; Eph. 2:6; Rom 8:34), when saints die they go straight to heaven 2 Cor. 5:8 & Phil. 1:21-24. I find this extremely fascinating because in the Millennial reign of Christ, this never occurred to me, that those who are to eat from the tree of life in the Garden of Eden would go into the earth, Sheol, to partake of the Tree of Life. We truly live in the times described by Daniel where, “knowledge shall be increased.” There are numerous openings into Sheol. John D. Ladd’s, “Commentary on the Book of Enoch,” pg 75, “In the Bible, these openings down into the earth to sheol are called “ends of the earth.” The word “ends” is from the Hebrew word “kanaph.” This word refers to “a place of withdrawal,” “a place where one can remove from….” Job 38:13-14 – “…that it might take hold of the ends of the earth, and shake the wicked out of it? 14"It is changed like clay under the seal; And they stand forth like a garment.…” These openings are large enough that air passes in and out of them. While I was recently in South Dakota, we visited the Wind Cave, which “breath’s” from the weather outside. I found it HIGHLY interesting, that the Lakota Nation stated that this hole is where they came from beneath the surface and led to the sunlight by Tokahe. I stuck my head in the hole and it definitely breaths. When it’s about to rain the air will rush into the caverns, but when it’s nice outside cool air pours out of the hole. The Wind Caverns are some of the largest cavern system in America and many Spelunkers speculate that these caverns may connect to those in Missouri and Kentucky. It is just a guess but could the Native American or even Native people all over the earth used cavern systems like this to move from continent to continent? Well, well, well, looky here what God showed me. 15 hours later Praise be to God. “Explorations in Grand Canyon” “Mysteries of immense rich cavern being brought to light. Jordon is enthused. Remarkable finds indicate ancient people migrated from the orient.” [migrated underground from central Asia—GJ] “Nearly a mile underground, about 1480 feet below the surface, the long main passage has been delved into, to find another mammoth chamber from which radiates scores of passageways, like the spokes of a wheel. Several hundred rooms have been discovered, reached by passageways running from the main passage, one of them having been explored for 854 feet and another 634 feet. The recent finds include articles which have never been known as native to this country and doubtless they had their origin in the Orient. War weapons, copper instruments sharp edged and hard as steel, indicate the high state of civilization reached by these strange people. So interested have the scientists become that preparations are being made to equip the camp for extensive studies and the force will be increased to thirty or forty persons. Before going further into the cavern, better facilities for lighting have to be installed, for the darkness is dense and impenetrable for the average flash light. In order to avoid being lost, wires are being strung from the entrance to all passageways leading directly to large chambers. How far this cavern extends no one can guess, but it is now the belief of many that what has already been explored is merely the "Barracks", to use an American term, for the soldiers, and that far into the underworld will be found the main communal dwellings of the families and possibly other shrines. The perfect ventilation of the cavern, the steady drought that blows through, indicates that it has another outlet to the surface. The Passages The main passageway is about 12 feet wide, narrowing to 9 feet toward the farther end. About 57 feet from the entrance, the first passages branch off to the right and left, along which, on both sides, are a number of rooms about the size of ordinary living rooms of today, though some are 30 to 40 feet square. These are entered by oval shaped doors and are ventilated by round air spaces through the walls into the passages. The walls are about 3 feet 6 inches in thickness. The passages are chiseled or hewn as straight as could be laid out by any engineer. The ceilings of many of the rooms converge to a center. The side passages near the entrance run at a sharp angle from the main hall, but toward the rear they gradually reach a right angle in direction". The Shrine Over a hundred feet from the entrance is a cross-hall, several hundred feet long, in which was found the idol, or image, of the peoples god, sitting cross-legged, with a Lotus flower or Lily in each hand. The cast of the face is Oriental, and the carving shows a skillful hand, and the entire is remarkably well preserved, as is everything in this cavern. The idol most resembles Buddha, though the scientists are not certain as to what religious worship it represents. Taking into consideration everything found thus far, it IS POSSIBLE THAT THE WORSHIP MOST RESEMBLES THE ANCIENT PEOPLE OF THIBET. [See Exhibit H. Ferdinand Ossendowski Beasts, Men and Gods ©1922] Surrounding this idol are smaller images, some beautiful in form, other crooked necked and distorted shapes, symbolical, probably, of good and evil. There are two large cacti with protruding arms, one on each side of the dais on which the god squats. All this is carved out of hard rock resembling marble. In the opposite corner of this cross-hall were found tools of all descriptions, made of copper. This people undoubtedly knew the lost art of hardening this metal, which has been sought by chemists for centuries without result. On a bench running around the workroom was some charcoal and other material probably used in the process. There is also slag and stuff similar to matte, showing that these ancient peoples smelted ores, but so far, no trace of where of how this was done has been discovered, nor the origin of the ore. Among other finds are vases or urns and cups of copper and gold made very artistic in design. The pottery work includes enameled ware and glazed vessels. Another passageway leads to granaries such as are found in the Oriental temples. They contain seeds of various kinds. One very large storehouse has not been entered, as it is twelve feet high and can be reached only from above. Two copper hooks extend on the edge, (continued on page 7) which indicates that some sort of ladder was attached. These granaries are rounded and the materials of which they are constructed, I think, is a very hard cement. A grey metal is also found in this cavern which puzzles the scientists, for it's identity has not been established. It resembles platinum. Strewn promiscuously over the floor everywhere are what people call "Cats eyes" or "Tiger eyes", a yellow stone of no great value. Each one is engraved with a head of a Malay type." The Hieroglyphics On all the urns, on the walls over the doorways and tablets of stone which were found by the image are mysterious hieroglyphics, the key to which the Smithsonian Institution hopes yet to discover. These writings resemble those found on the rocks about this valley. The engraving on the tablets probably has something to do with the religion of the people, Similar hieroglyphics have been found in the peninsula of Yucatan, but these are not found in the Orient. Some believe that these cave dwellers built the old canals in the Salt River valley. Among the pictorial writings only two animals are found. One is of prehistoric type". The Crypt The tomb or crypt in which the mummies are found is one of the largest of the chambers, the walls slanting back at an angle of about 35 degrees. One these are tiers of mummies, each one occupying a separate hewn shelf. At the head of each is a small bench on which is found copper cups and pieces of broken swords. Some of the mummies are covered with clay and all are wrapped in a bark fabric. The urns or cups on the lower tiers are crude, while as the higher shelves are reached, the urns are finer in design showing a interstage of civilization. It is worthy of note that all the mummies examined so far have proved to be male, no children or females being buried here. This leads to the belief that this interior section was the warriors barracks. Among the discoveries no bones of animals have been found, no skins, no clothing nor bedding. Many of the rooms are bare but for the water vessels. One room, about 400 by 700 feet, was probably the main dining hall for cooking utensils are found here. What these people lived on is a problem, though it is presumed that they came south for the winter and farmed in the valleys, going back north in the summer. Upwards of 50,000 people could have lived in the cavern comfortably. One theory is that the present Indian tribe found in Arizona are descendants of the serfs or slaves of the people which inhabited the cave. Undoubtedly a good many thousands of years before the Christian era a people lived here which reached a high state of civilization. The chronology of human history is full of gaps. Prof. Jordan is much enthused over the discoveries and believes that the find will prove of incalculable value in archaeological work. One thing I have spoken of may be of interest. There is one chamber the passageways to which is not ventilated and when we approach it a deadly, snaky smell struck us. Our lights would not penetrate the gloom and until stronger ones are available, we will not know what the chamber contains. Some say snakes, but others boo-hoo this idea and think that it may contain a deadly gas or chemicals used by the ancients. No sounds are heard, but it smells snaky just the same. The whole underground institution gives one of shaky nerves the creeps. The gloom is like a weight on ones shoulders and our flashlights and candles only make the darkness blacker. Imagination can revel in conjectures and ungodly day-dreams back through the ages that have elapsed till the mind reels dizzily in space". An Indian Legend In connection with this story, it is notable that among the Hopis the tradition is told that their ancestors once lived in an underworld in the Grand Canyon till dissension arose between the good and the bad, the people of one heart, the people of two hearts. (Manchoto) who was their chief, counseled them to leave the underworld, but there was no way out. The chief then caused a tree to grow up and pierce the roof of the underworld and then the people of one heart climbed out. They tarried by Palsiaval (Red River), which is the Colorado, and grew grain and corn. They sent out a message to the temple of the sun, asking the blessing of peace, good will and rain for the people of one heart. That messenger never returned but, today at the Hopi village, at sundown can be seen the old men of the tribe out on the housetops gazing towards the sun, looking for the messenger. When he returns, their land and ancient dwelling place will be restored to them (” This presentation has been filled with so many confirmations to a flat plane earth that I’m getting used to them showing up. The cavern systems below the earth’s surface prove in many ways that the earth is flat and that Sheol exists under our feet. There are also many people living under our feet, which also proves the scriptures: Phil. 2:9-10 - For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, 10so that at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 12saying with a loud voice, "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing." 13And every created thing which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all things in them, I heard saying, "To Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever." Jer. 51:16 - When He utters His voice, there is a tumult of waters in the heavens, And He causes the clouds to ascend from the end of the earth; He makes lightning for the rain And brings forth the wind from His storehouses. Jer. 10:13 - When He utters His voice, there is a tumult of waters in the heavens, And He causes the clouds to ascend from the end of the earth; He makes lightning for the rain, And brings out the wind from His storehouses. In the last days, these caverns will become used of demons and angels: Rev 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. Rev 9:1 ¶ And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. 2 And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. 3 And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. Rev 20:1 ¶ And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, 3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. Commentary on the Book of Enoch By John D. Ladd (Next 2 slides) Something of interest to those who study End Times Prophecy: To investigate more into the last four names, Mawveth, Chashek, Tsar, and Aphelah, you will have to purchase Mr. Ladd’s book. It is worth the read. As I have also shown in the Hollow Earth slides, the entrance Enoch, who was raptured by God, went into one of the northern entrances inside the earth. There he was shown Sheol, the 7 mountains, AND the Garden of Eden. This is just speculation at this point, but could the nations be going to the North “Pole” to secure that entrance for the releasing of Baal? It could be that CERN, when it punches a hole into the Abyss to release Abaddon, that those “nations” that are up there will pick up the Son of Perdition and transport him to Jerusalem. Is this really so far fetched after all that I have shown you? Anyway, it is interesting that all the nations are now gathering at the North Pole, since on a Flat Plane Earth, it would be the center of the earth. John D. Ladd’s, “Commentary on the Book of Enoch,” pg 75-77, “Admiral Byrd’s trip to the North Pole in 1947 took him down through one of these chasms into Sheol. He radioed back, along with some others with him, as they progressed past the circle which makes up what we call the “North Pole.” They came to an iceless land, lakes, mountains with trees, and saw a monstrous animal resembling a mammoth. These things were reported by all the occupants of the plane. For nearly 1700 miles, the plane flew over land, mountains, tree, lakes, and river. The land that he passed over must be inside the earth, not on it. If one examines the flights of the airlines near the North Pole, it is obvious that they always go around the pole area, and not over it (emphasis mine). The altimeter goes awry when flying over the chasm area, and the compass spins as they are within the circle of that chasm. In February, 1847, Lt. Commander David Bunger, flew inland over Antarctica in a large transport plane, He reported seeing an ice free land, with lakes of different colors (rusty red, gree, and deep blue). Each lake was more than three miles long. He landed the plane on one lake, and found the water warm. A man of Nordic descent told Dr. Nephi Cotton of Los Angeles: ‘I lived near the Arctic Circle in Norway. One summer my friend and I made up our minds to take a boat trip together, and go as far north as we could… strange new country… weatbher… warm… strange mountai… at a certain point the ocean seemed to be emptying… a vast canyon.,.. Leading into the interior of the earth… saw a sun shining inside the earth… animal and vegetable life abounds… plants are big… trees are gigantic… we came to giants… homes, towns… grapes as big as peaches....’ Another Norwegian, Olaf Jansen, in a book entitled, ‘The Smokey God,’ as written by Willis G. Emerson, refers to a central sun that appeared to be “smokey”. Olaf, reportedly, spent two years in sheol. He entered through the northern shasm, and exited through the southern chasm. His father lost his life when an iceberg broke in two pieces, as they were in the Antarctic ocean. The son, Olaf, spent two years in prison for insantity because of his story. On his death he released maps that he had made, and told his tory to Emerson. This was published in 1908/ He said that the people that he met therin lived 400 to 800 years. He described them as highly advanced in science. They used sources of power greater than electricity. Some of the people he saw were of gigantic size, approaching 12 feet.... The Bible tells us the Rephaim still live in sheol, and the Bible also tells us of Korah and his followers who were sent alive down into sheol… Descendants of these groups possibly have survived to this day. The total surface of the earth is 197 million square miles. The estimated weight of the earth is 6 septillion tons. Cont…. John D. Ladd’s, “Commentary on the Book of Enoch,” pg77 Ancestry of Admiral Richard Byrd Polar Explorer Pocahontas 12th Generation — 9th Great-grandmother of Richard Byrd Ahnentafel No: 3269 Father: Chief Powhatan Mother: Birth Date: ABT 1595 Birth Location: Christening Date: Christening Location: Death Date: Mar 1617 Death Location: Gravesend, Kent, England Burial Date: Burial Location: St. George's Church, Gravesend, Kent, England Spouse Name: John Rolfe Marriage Date: 5 Apr 1614 Marriage Location: Child: Thomas Pepsironemeh Rolfe Notes: Pocahontas was born Matoaka and later became Rebecca Rolfe after she converted to Christianity. She was the daughter of Chief Powhatan and is famous for saving the life of Capt. John Smith of Jamestown. Sources for Pocahontas 1 Robertson, Wyndham and R. A. Brock, Pocahontas, alias Matoaka, and Her Descendants Through Her Marriage at Jamestown, Virginia, in April, 1614 . . ., Richmond, Virginia: J. W. Randolph and English (1887), 1-23, Google Books (Digital Library). 2 Wikipedia, "Pocahontas", (accessed 06/30/2013). Another proof of a hollow earth or Sheol. Alaska earthquake 'rings the Earth like a bell' By Steve Quinn, Reuters June 24, 2014