Teaching of Psychology in Botswana

Teaching of Psychology in Botswana
• Dr. Mohammad Mahmudur Rahman,
Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of
Dhaka, Bangladesh (Formerly, Senior Clinical
Psychologist, Princess marina Hospital,
Gaborone, Botswana).
• Mitu Sharmin Shultana, Clinical Psychologist,
Sbrana Psychiatric Hospital, Lobatse,
Psychology Education in Botswana
• In Botswana psychology is taught in only one
Department of psychology at the University of
Botswana. The Department was established in
January 2004, which offers only 1st degree in
psychology – B.Sc. as combined major, and
B.Psych, the Bachelor of psychology degree.
Its curriculum is developed and taught
following western tradition.
Objectives of Psychology Education in
• The stated objectives of the psychology programme at
the University of Botswana are as follows:
• (a) To provide students with the necessary knowledge
and research skills that would enable them to continue
the study of psychology at a post-graduate level.
• (b) To provide students with the necessary knowledge
and research skills to work in diverse settings that
require the application and use of psychology.
• (c) To equip students with practical competencies for
providing psychological services in public and private
Evaluation of Teaching of Psychology in
• Based on our 3 to 5 years’ experience of
working as a clinical psychologist in Botswana
-- coming from Bangladesh, and with one of us
being a member of executive committee of
Botswana Association of Psychology for one
term, and with our experience of interacting
with the teachers, students and practitioners
in psychology, we will present a critical
analysis in this paper on:
Evaluation of Stated Objectives
• (1) how much the stated objectives of the
psychology course curriculum are actually met,
• (2) what form of regional African as well as
international collaboration is required for the
quality, standard, and professionalization of
psychology teaching and creating its potential
impact on psychology practices, and
• (3) its resulting interaction with the cultural ideas
or cognitions, to build a mentally healthy society
and state in Botswana.
Concluding Comments
• The paper will conclude that by taking some
thoughtful development oriented
philosophical (epistemological) and scientific
research and practice oriented teaching of
psychology in Botswana, and by initiating
some fruitful African regional and
international collaboration, there are ample
scope and opportunity for changing the
dysfunctional socio-cultural cognitions,
Concluding Comments
• there are ample scope and opportunity for
changing the dysfunctional socio-cultural
cognitions, challenging the demonic and
supernatural possession oriented
commonsense believe, even held by some
practicing psychologists in Botswana, which
can be seen as a barriers to true knowledge
and practice development of psychology in
this part of the world.