PAP 1/7/2014 - MsCFletcher

Unit 4
PAP 1/7/2014
Students are expected to…
Instructional Strategies
The Teacher will…..
Learning Objectives
Student Learners
Homework /
The teacher will:
Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions
about theme and genre in different cultural, historical, and
contemporary contexts and provide evidence from the text
to support their understanding. Students are expected to:
8.3(A) analyze literary works that share similar themes
across cultures.
 introduce the Unit 4 Big Question
(BQ): What’s Worth Fighting For?
Curriculum Central
Lesson Plans/Resources
 PowerPoint: 4th Six
Weeks Thematic Unit
Students write the theme in
their interactive notebook.
Students brainstorm things
worth fighting for.
 facilitate as students brainstorm
things they think are worth fighting
for (1-2 minutes).
Students use a flexible range of metacognitive reading skills
in both assigned and independent reading to understand an
author’s message. Students will continue to apply earlier
standards with greater depth in increasingly more complex
texts as they become self-directed, critical readers. The
student is expected to:
Fig. 19(8.A) establish purposes for reading selected texts
based upon own or others’ desired outcome to enhance
The teacher will:
 prepare students for reading a drama
by building a little background about
Helen Keller.
Curriculum Central –
Lesson Plans/Resources
 PowerPoint: The Miracle
Take notes in Interactive
Students are expected to…
Learning Objectives
Student Learners
Instructional Strategies
The Teacher will…..
Homework /
Students use comprehension skills to listen attentively to
others in formal and informal settings. Students will
continue to apply earlier standards with greater
complexity. Students are expected to:
Students understand, make inferences and draw
conclusions about the structure and elements of drama and
provide evidence from text to support their understanding.
Students are expected to:
8.5(A) analyze how different playwrights characterize
their protagonists and antagonists through the dialogue
and staging of their plays.
 provide students with a copy of the
drama terms (drama, stage
directions, dialogue, act, scene,
protagonist, antagonist) to paste in
their Interactive Notebooks
 demonstrate how people’s words and
actions reveal their personalities and
values using real-life examples and,
if needed for reinforcement, facilitate
as small student groups create
scenarios from which classmates
must infer character traits.
 Drama Terms – The
Miracle Worker
Students highlight the
purpose of stage directions
and dialogue.
Curriculum Central –
Lesson Plans/Resources
 Characterization – RealLife Examples –
Scenario Activity
 PowerPoint: The Miracle
Students infer character traits
based on teacherdemonstrated scenarios, and,
if needed for reinforcement,
create scenarios for a given
characteristic which
classmates must infer.
Students make inferences
about characters from the
dialogue and stage directions
on the PowerPoint.
Students read grade-level text with fluency and
comprehension. Students are expected to:
8.1(A) adjust fluency when reading aloud grade-level text
based on the reading purpose and the nature of the text.
 Fluency: Reading text at an appropriate rate, and with
accuracy, expression, and appropriate phrasing; not
hurried reading.
 examine the text features of a drama
using the Teacher Notes about
Drama Text Features as students
make notes on their copy.
 model for students how dialogue
should sound by demonstrating the
reading of the first few lines of
dialogue and helping students
understand that dialogue should
sound like regular speech.
 divide the class into
groups of 4 students each
and monitor as students
read the play in small
groups with each student
taking on one of the
following roles: James,
Annie, Kate, and
Narrator. (If there are 3
students in the group, the
person reading James will
also read narrator.)
Students read the play in
small groups.
Students are expected to…
Instructional Strategies
The Teacher will…..
Learning Objectives
Student Learners
Homework /