
Intervention plan
I will use phoneme segmentation games and activities. I will use the use of technology to
help my student on phoneme segmentation. I create a week plan to help my students on his
reading skills.
RTI time/ 8:50-9:00
Phonological Awareness / phoneme segmentation
5 times daily per one month. He will practice 20 words daily. He will do phoneme segmentation
on each word. Within 10 minutes for these words Francisco will be proficient if he can segment
each word within 80% of accuracy. Every day he will practice new words and the words that he
is not mastering.
Pictures and word cards to segment the words.
Jump Along with Phonemes
Segmenting words using pictures cards
Elkonic boxes
Rubber band stretch
Internet and Ipad apps.
There are 14 different activities, we will work each day one different in the week one, two, and
three for the week four we will repeat the activities in random order.
1. I will review name of pictures. I will say each sound of the word. He will repeat after me.
I will put the name of the pictures on sectioned paper. Student will say name of picture
and sound.
2. I will provide a segmentation puzzle, he will do phoneme segmentation with the puzzle.
3. I will mark a paper with a series of 12 lines. Student begins by standing in a row ALONG
the first line. The teacher calls out a word like "top". Then I say "go". Child jump forward
the number of phonemes in the word. If the child is correct (in this case, he has jumped
forward 3 rows), he keeps his place. If incorrect, he moves back to the beginning line.
4. I will have words/pictures of 2 or 3 phoneme words. I will model first word and I will
allow student as much independence as possible and reduce the verbal cues as the student
puts a manipulative for each sound he hears.
5. I will say a word and count the sounds with his fingers. I will say a word and student will
count sounds with his fingers. Student should say the word.
6. We will play with the words by clapping the sound. I will say a word and student will tap
sounds on the table and clap for word.
7. I will prepare a card with a picture of a simple word at the top. Below the picture is a
matrix that contains a box for each phoneme (not letter) in the word. I will model the
process by slowly articulating the word phoneme-by-phoneme while pushing a counter
(bingo chip, penny, etc.) into a box for each phoneme. The child can say the word with
the teacher while the counters are being placed.
8. The use of technology
a) Ipad,
b) Ipod
c) Computers
Independently he can use the technology and practice his phoneme sounds and
segmentation. He can use Destinations Starfall and ABC Mouse.
9. I will models with a large rubber band how to stretch out a word as the word is said.
/mmmmm/aaaaaaaa/nnnnnnnnnn/ Teacher models with stretched out band how to bring
rubber band back to original length and says the word fast: /man/. He will pretend to
stretch rubber bands as he says the sounds in different words.
10. Evaluate student growth daily. Each day, before the student practices word segmentation
(whether alone, with a peer, or with an adult), the teacher administers a brief 5 words test.
The daily pre-test contains any words that the student was working the day before. This
evaluation is to measure his advance.
11. Provide games such as word searches, spelling soup, and fill in the blanks, with every
word that he is working needs to be segmented.
Intervention plan
I will create spelling games and activities to practice every day vocabulary and spelling. I
will use the use of technology (laptops programs and Ipads) to help my students that are
struggling in reading (spelling).
5 times daily per one month. She will practice 5 words daily. She will do spelling activities.
Within 10 minutes for these words Katie will be proficient if she can spell each word within 80%
of accuracy 3 out of 5 words. Every day he will practice new words and the words that he is not
Independently the student can realize all these activities with the minimal prompt and support.
The activities are designed to create in the student independency at the moment of realize the
activities. She will receive a folder with the spelling words and the type of activity.
1) Type your list of words on the computer. Change each vowel to a different color.
Print your list.
(2) Make an acrostic with your words. Write each word up and down on your paper,
one letter to a line. Find words that begin with each letter. For example: b = butterfly
(3) Copy the words 5 times each one in your best handwriting.
(4) Make a word search puzzle on graph paper. Be sure to include all of your words.
(5) Make flash cards to help you study.
(6) Use the laptop to play spelling games
(7) Use the Ipad to write your list of spelling words.
(8) Look at your words. Arrange the letters of each word in alphabetical order.
(9) Write a poem using your words.
(10) Make up a code. Write your words in a code. Give it to a friend to solve.
(11) Type all your words on the Anagram Fun Site. Record the anagrams that you
(12) Make a crossword puzzle using your Spelling words. Be sure to include clues.
You may use or to look up the definitions of the
(13) Scramble all you words. Give them to a friend to unscramble.
(14) Look up in the dictionary the meaning of the words
(15) Copy the words twice in flash cards and play memory games with a partner.
Mather, N., & Wendling, B.J. (2012) Essentials of Dyslexia Assessment and Intervention John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.: Hoboken, NJ
Moats, L.C. Speech to Print Language: Essentials for Teachers (2010). Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.:
Baltimore, MD