Version 1.0 , Revised April 2013 3 WING AAFC AVIATION AUDIT / SURVEY DATE OF SURVEY: 29JUN13 Sponser: WASO 3WG V1.1 28JUN13 Designed for 3 Wing Air Training Flights (ATFs) – 309 Flight (Power) and 327 Flight (Gliding and 3 Wing Service Providers where applicable. Version 1.0 , Revised April 2013 1. GENERAL ADMINISTATION AND GOVERNANCE YES 1.1 Is the Activity RAMP available to all members on CSE (Hard copy) ? Y 1-2. Is the Activity RAMP inline with the activity conduct ? Y 1-3. Are RAMP updates and changes noticed on CSE updated for future activities ? NO INSPECTION COMMENT Copy Air Side and Course Folder. SAO COMMENT Agree Recently (early JUN13) reviewed by OPSO-A SGT Brumby on request by FLTLT Baddams Agree CPL Turnell updates RAMP on advice. RAMP is formally reviewed after each course Agree Y 1-4. Is the RAMP scored correctly for the activity at hand ? Y Yes and as per 1-2 Agree 1-5. Is the AI and JI available on course in hard copy ? Y Copies Airside, Course folder and barracks Agree 1-6. Is the AI inline with the activity conduct? Y Reviewed by FLTLT Baddams before course and emailed to all staff pre-CSE Agree Reviewed by FLTLT Baddams before course and emailed to all staff pre-CSE Agree Agree 1-7. Is the Emergency Contact List within the AI correct and up to date ? Y 1-8. Are there copies of the location ERP available on site ? Y Airside located in black box clearly marked, and in HQ building. Also on 3WG website 1-9. Is there a copy of the MAO on site? Y Airside and HQ building – clearly marked folder. Also on 3WG website Agree – MAO to replace MOFO in HQ building 1-10. Is there a copy of the GFA OPS REGS on site ? Y Airside and HQ building – clearly marked folder Agree 1-11. Is there a copy of the GFA MOSP on site ? Y Airside and HQ building – clearly marked folder Agree 1-12. Are AC563s available on site with instructions on how to complete ? Y Airside, HQ building – clearly marked folder Agree –copies required for barracks Version 1.0 , Revised April 2013 Agree – expedite 1-13. Are 3WG AvSOPs available on site ? Y Rewrite being staffed 1-14. Are Aviation Audit Survey docs available ? Y 3WG Website for download, and in HQ building Agree 1-15. Are ‘HAZ1’ Hazard/Safety Report forms available on site? Y Airside and barracks. Letter box available for submission. Also available on 3WG Website Agree 1-16. Is there a Safety Board with current and relevant information present ? 1-17. Are FA Kits available ? Y Y Located in each glider. Also in DoD VEH, barracks and airside Agree 1-18. Is HIVIZ in place on the airfield ? Y Colour scheme for levels of proficiency and lettering on back. Agree 1-19. Is PPE in place where required ? Y Gloves and eye protection for tug pilots. Lifting mech for rigging, jackets for cold WX etc Agree Y Airside, HQ building and barracks – clearly marked folder Agree DETCDR experienced Agree DI (SFI) Experienced Agree 3WG Website Agree Local initiative relevant to students stage Agree Lockable cabinet Agree 1-20. 1-21. Is there a copy of the GFA Air Radio Procedures on site ? 1-22. Does the DETCDR understand their command responsibilities in a Flying Course environment ? Y 1-23. Does the DI understand their responsibilities and authority in an AAFC Flying Course ? Y 1-24. Is the latest version of the 3WG SMS available on site? Y 1-25. Are local student flight records administered correctly ? Y 1-26. Are student flight records Version 1.0 , Revised April 2013 secured appropriately during and between courses ? Y Annual 3WG AVCONF Agree 327FLT, 309FLT and 3WG have aviation websites. 327/309 currently being updated by external service provider Agree Submitted by CPL Turnell well in advance. Agree Via email from FLTLT Baddams (Detachment) & SQNLDR Gleeson-Barker (Flying) Agree Y Insurance expires during course. All other aspects suitable Agree Y 1-27. Do meetings or seminars occur with all ATF staff present? Y 1-28. Do the ATFs utilise websites to do business? Y 1-29. Was the USR for the course submitted within the required lead time? Y 1-30. Were all DS supplied with relevant planning documents pre activity i.e. JI and AI 1-31. Is the APSIF relevant to the activity and current? 2. FLIGHT SAFETY AWARENESS YES 2-1. Are ATF (Air Training Flight) staff encouraged to report "in flight" occurrences pertinent to the operation ? 2-2. Are "REPCON" (ATSB) and ‘HAZ1’ Report forms available on site ? Y Y 2-3. Are occurrence trends for operations, administration and maintenance being tracked ? Y 2-4. If any have occurred, has action been taken to prevent a recurrence ? Y 2-5. Is the supply of flight safety publications sufficient? NO N INSPECTION COMMENT SAO COMMENT Daily debrief is a very open forum. QFI also have a nightly debrief. Culture is effective! Agree HAZ1 forms are available airside and at barracks. REPCON available via download. Agree Via HAZ1 and AVOCREP, WASO audits, and safety diary Agree – explore ways to present results Each is discussed widely with the 327FLT Panel and measures, education or training put in place. Agree None supplied via GFA, AAFC or ADF. Agree – will chase up DDAFS Version 1.0 , Revised April 2013 Agree – unit to post aviation specific material 2-6. Are there sufficient pertinent flight safety displays in the unit ? Y Generic ADF and AAFC, nothing aviation specific 2-7. Are flight safety displays well placed and up to date ? Y OPS Normal procedure, CSE Agree Safety Bulletin, SO’s, DRABC and EPIPEN all displayed. 2-8. Are regular Flight Safety meetings held? Y Every evening on course Agree 2-9. Are Flight Safety videos or Y In HQ building Will chase up Y CSE Safety Brief Agree VIA CSE Safety Bulletin email before each course. CSE Briefing and daily briefing and debriefing Agree films available? 2-10. Are all personnel briefed on propeller awareness ? 2-11. Are seasonal aspects of Flight Safety discussed ? Y Version 1.0 , Revised April 2013 3. BRIEFINGS/DEBRIEIFNGS AND FLIGHT PREPARATIONS YES 3-1. Does the ATF conduct an operations brief before flying operations begin ? NO Y INSPECTION COMMENT SAO COMMENT All detachment in attendance. Custom briefing board covering all aspects. Brief managed by Duty Cadet and Duty Instructor Agree WX, Startup, first wave crews, wind/heights, RWY direction, tug pilot, duty instructor, duty pilot, radio ops, log keeper, loadmaster, safety, transport, pop quiz (sometimes) and Q&A Agree 3-2. Does the operations briefing contain relevant operational information? Y 3-3. Are safety aspects covered off at the operations briefing and debriefing? Briefing, debriefing and instructors meeting Agree Y Y Yes, but in the open! Agree Agree Y Covered in pre flight checks ABCD Spare Hand Held VHF, FA Kit, Mobile Phone Next G, and ELT – Items are mandatory and specified in CSE Standing Orders Tug plane should be equipped with FA Kit. Currently has ELT Commercial venue not viable Agree – will be achievable with new building. Google Earth currently being used in the interim. Areas discussed in course safety brief and via groundsman at beginning of each course Agree 3-4. Are all flights briefed and debriefed by QFIs? 3-5. Are the aircraft documents properly checked and signed before flight ? 3-6. Is safety equipment carried in each frame i.e. FA Kit? Y 3-7. Does the briefing room contain : a) A local map showing airspace restrictions ? b) An airfield map showing bad ground and obstructions ? 3-8. Are there areas of ground on the airfield that are likely to cause damage to aircraft, highlighted at the operations briefing ? N Y Version 1.0 , Revised April 2013 3-9. Are All Up Mass calculations carried out before flight ? Y 3-10. Is ballast made available for all students and airframes? Y All students weighed on CSE and included in flight record. Placards in cockpit and ballast available. Agree Agree 4. FLYING OPERATIONS YES 4-1. Are Duty Instructors kept informed by aircrews of changing weather conditions ? 4-2. Do aircrew wear correct flying clothing as stated in Manual of Dress and AAFC Uniform Instructions ? SAO COMMENT Agree Y Y 4-4. Are obstacles and bad ground areas clearly marked on the airfield ? Y 4-6. Is there an Induction Process for airside access ? INSPECTION COMMENT Y 4-3. Are the airfield operating surfaces inspected daily before flying operations ? 4-5. If the public have access to the airfield, are there sufficient signs to warn them of flying operations ? NO N Uniformed members have issues in winter due to absence of winter flying jackets. Other time of the year – perfect! Agree Inspected daily during wet weather, no inspection during fine weather. Council procedures. Agree Agree N/A Y 4-7. Are DLA markers visible to pilots on approach ? Y 4-8. Are radio frequencies sensibly placed in the radio (best order of use) ? Y Secure airfield no general access Agree 327FLT have an airfield induction/awareness package. Also available on the 3WG Website. Update required Agree Agree Pawnee: Local and gliding frequency Agree Version 1.0 , Revised April 2013 Gliders must clear taxi ways Agree for powered traffic due to wing length 4-9. Is the separation between aircraft wing tips and obstructions next to taxiways satisfactory ? Y 4-10. Are personnel made aware of the dangers of flying with loose articles in their pockets ? Y Course safety brief and course pre-learning package, preflight brief Agree 4-11. Are ‘not in use’ Gliders correctly picketed ? Y Tied down and manned. Agree 4-12. Is the Glider launching signalling system in accordance with GFA ? Y Locally a wing signaller is used as well as a wing runner. Hi Viz flags are used – IAW GFA requirements, with additional caveats Agree 5. ENGINEERING YES 5-1. Are aircrew reminded to prevent loose articles being left inside aircraft ? Y 5-2. Are FOD bins available in the hangar ? Y 5-3. Is the fuel bowser clearly marked to indicate its contents ? Y 5-4. Are NO SMOKING regulations rigidly enforced ? Y 5-5. Are sources of ignition well removed from the fuelling zone ? NO INSPECTION COMMENT SAO COMMENT Agree Y N 5-6. Is a fuel contamination check carried out before the bowser is used ? Just Bins not ‘FOD Bins’ Agree Commercial Agree Federal Law Agree Commercial outlet Agree Commercial Agree 5-7. Is PPE used for fuelling? Y Gloves and Eye Protection Agree 5-8. Are both bowser and aircraft Y Earthing cable used Agree Version 1.0 , Revised April 2013 correctly bonded during fuelling ? 5-9. Is the bonding of the aircraft to the bowser carried out in the correct order ? Y N 5-10. Are fire extinguishers checked regularly ? 5-11. Are fuelling personnel appropriately qualified and familiar with their responsibilities? i.e. AGE 5-12 Are Aircraft Tool Kits correctly used during engineering tasks ? Agree Y Provided commercially. Tug extinguisher is checked and cleared by Maintenance Company during scheduled maintenance Agree No Cadets to fuel the tug. All tug pilots have PPL minimum and 16 years of age or over IAW WHS Agree Not Applicable Version 1.0 , Revised April 2013 6. POST CRASH PROCEDURE YES NO INSPECTION COMMENT SAO COMMENT Y ERP for OPS Agree 6-3. Is the post crash procedure adequate ? Y Current and appropriate Agree 6-4. Is the post crash procedure regularly practised ? Y Annually Agree Key stakeholders aware and the 327FLT ERP is available online for personnel Agree 6-1. Does ATF have a post crash procedure ? 6-2 6-5. Are key personnel aware of what their duties are, in the event of a crash ? Y 6-6. Are sufficient ERPs available ? Y Copies are airside Agree 6-7. Are keys readily available for locked gates ? Y Kept in key box in site. Auto Gate. 327FLT needs council to supply more remotes ideally 4x Agree – Council also to supply old keys for other gates 6-8. Are all emergency gates free of obstructions ? Y Managed by Groundsman Agree 6-9. Are ERPs kept at their correct Y Agree 6-10. Is ATF satisfied that the telephone will always be manned during post crash action ? Y Agree 6-11. Are there sufficient emergency exits from the airfield ? Y locations ? 6-12. Are emergency gates and fences surrounding the airfield frangible ? Multiple and close to OPS N Agree Agree Version 1.0 , Revised April 2013 7. FIRST RESPONSE VEHICLE YES 7-1. Is the vehicle serviceable ? NO INSPECTION COMMENT Y SAO COMMENT Agree 7-2. Is the vehicle always under the control of the duty instructor ? N DETCDR (or their delegate) Agree responsible for ensuring vehicle is always available 7-3. Does the vehicle carry serviceable extinguishers? N Agree 7-4. Are only appropriately qualified staff used as crew ? Y 7-5. Is the vehicle positioned in a clear area free of all other vehicles ? Y Vehicle can change through the course of the day, but will be clearly marked Agree 7-6. Is the vehicle correctly manned during operations ? Y There is always a coded driver on site Agree 7-7. Is the correct cutting gear available on the vehicle whenever flying is in progress ? Y Bolt cutters connected to ERP – First Response Car kit Agree Agree Version 1.0 , Revised April 2013 8. AIRPROX & AIRSPACE INFRINGEMENTS 8-1. Do pilots from other organisations keep clear of the ATF circuit area as per NOTAM ? 8-2. If there has been an infringement was the correct reporting action taken ? YES NO INSPECTION COMMENT Y N Local yes. Aircraft visiting often breach gliding area specified in NOTAM Y 8-3. If there has been an Airprox, was the correct reporting action taken ? Y 8-4. Do instructors understand their responsibilities for initiating occurrence reporting action ? Y 8-5. Do instructors know where to look up the reporting procedures in the relevant manual both GFA/CASA and AAFC Y SAO COMMENT Requires further discussion with the panel Depending on situation. Normally the DI will notify the aircraft via radio. Occasionally flying schools are contacted should it be of educational benefit to new PIC Agree Noting in the last 5 years Agree Yes. Majority of QFI are also experienced power pilots. Agree All available within the “pie cart” on the field. Agree 8-6. 8-7. Are all aircrew aware of local RPT procedures ? Agree Y 9. EDUCATION 9-1. Are students provided with relevant training materials? Y Pre-Learning package, BGK, OPS Norm, DI Book and advanced soaring. Agree 9-2. Does the course have a lecture program? Y IAW BGK. Agree Version 1.0 , Revised April 2013 9-3. Are training resources available on course? 9-4. Are senior students encouraged to participate in the lecture program? Y Agree Agree Y 9-5. What provisions are made to support cadets with learning difficulties? Y 9-6. Are students rewarded or recognised for excellent performance? Y 9-7. Is the GFA BGK followed verbatim? Whiteboards, aids, LightPro, PCs and SIMS. Y e.g. Oral examinations Agree 2x Trophies every course Agree Agree Version 1.0 , Revised April 2013 10. ANY OTHER OBSERVATIONS 10-1. Next Scheduled “PRACTICE ERP” - 30JUN13 Signature:__________________________Rank & Name: FLTLT Paul Hughes WASO Signature:__________________________Rank & Name FLTLT Amy Baddams FLTCDR Signature:__________________________Rank & Name: SQNLDR Bill Gleeson-Barker SAO Version 1.0 , Revised April 2013 FOLLOW-UP ACTION The following items will be actioned by the ATF. The ATF USC is to ensure that the necessary action has been completed, or is to indicate here why compliance was not possible. ITEM REFERENCE ITEMS FOR THE ATTENTION OF FLTCDR - Funding required for various items in support of initiatives - Tug first aid kit funded and supplied. ITEMS FOR THE ATTENTION OF 3WG SAO - Investigate better methods of mapping occurrence trends - Manage the re implementation of AvSOPs ITEMS FOR THE ATTENTION OF WASC - Further look at NOTAM efficiency. ITEMS FOR THE ATTENTION OF ATD - Safety Publications required from DDAFS 1