IT IS ALL YOURS.... COMMANDER! The Property Book ALH-151 AR 710-2, AR 710-2-1, AR 735-5, DA PAM 735-5 Property Accountability Topics • • • • • Responsibilities The Inventory Inspect Unit Supply Records Property Adjustments Wartime Accounting Definitions Accountability Obligation of a person to keep records of property, documents or funds. Responsibility Obligation of an Individual to Ensure that property is : properly used, properly cared for and safeguarded. TYPES OF RESPONSIBILITY COMMAND DIRECT SUPERVISORY PERSONAL CUSTODIAL Command Responsibility • • • • Can’t Delegate. Ensure Property is Used Properly. Ensure Property is Safeguarded. Ensure Your Soldiers Actions Contribute to : – Proper Custody – Proper Care – Proper Use – Proper Safekeeping • Enforce Supply Discipline. Develop and train supply SOP. • Take Needed Admin or Disciplinary Actions. The Inventory Inventory • Annual requirement. • Must Be On-Hand or on Order. • Want property returned in EXACT condition issued. Inventory • Event Driven • Commodity Driven Event Driven • • • • • • • Change of Command. Change of Sub-Hand Receipt Holder. Change of User. Receipt/Turn-in of Property. Cyclic “10%”. Command Directed. Change of Company Armorer. Commodity • • • • • • • Weapons & Ammunition Sensitive Items PLL Basic Loads Organization Clothing & Individual Equipment FMO Installation Property (IPBO) Inventory “Change of Command” • Plan • Conduct • Research/Reconciliation Inventory “Change of Command” Plan : Joint Effort - Between Incoming and Outgoing Cdr. 1. Determine what to inventory. Battalion/Brigade Commander’s Guidance. DPBO/BN S-4 Guidance. 2. Set the dates. 3. Determine schedule and procedures. 4. Brief Battalion Commander. Inventory “Change of Command” Plan 5. Obtain Correct Pubs : TM, SC, HR. 6. Publish/Distribute Letter of Instruction. Inventory Schedule. How and Where to layout. Required forms, pubs, soldiers, etc. Time requirements for adjustments. Actions if standard is not met. Objective. 7. Notify All Hand Receipt Holders. Inventory “Change of Command” Plan 8. Obtain the following : • Property Book Officer: – PHR (ALH-151) signed by Outgoing Company Commander (PHRH). – Nonexpendable Shortage Annex : Initialed by PBO. • S4 to You: – Durable Shortage Annex : Initialed by S4. *** • Outgoing Commander: – Sub-hand Receipts for company. – Shortage Annexes: Company, initialed by outgoing CDR. Inventory “Change of Command” ALH-151 PHRH Plan SHR #1 SHR #2 SHR #3 SHR #4 SHR #5 SHR #6 9. Balance the PHR (ALH-151) against the SHRs. – Is all property signed down ? – If not, where is it? – Are all missing property book items posted in the document file? Inventory “Change of Command” Plan 10. Balance Nonexpendable and Durable shortage annexes against SHR holder shortage annexes. • Are they the same? • If different, how? • Are all shortages approved? • Are identified shortages on request? • Does the unit maintain the durable document register? • If so, is the MOI from higher in the document file. Inventory “Change of Command” Plan 11. Ensure needed pubs are on hand. 12. Ensure all property on Temporary Hand Receipts have been recalled. Inventory “Change of Command” Conduct 13. Stick to Schedule. 14. Inventory End Items and All Components. 15. Record the TM, SC, HR, etc. you used to inventory. 16. Verify Serial Numbers. 17. Inspect Equipment. 18. Validate Maintenance Work Orders. 19. Sub-Hand Receipt the Property. Inventory “Change of Command” Conduct 20. 21. 22. 23. Demand strict adherence to instructions. Soldiers are sizing you up. You are sizing up the soldiers. You are telling them how important property accountability is to you --- be ruthless!! Inventory “Change of Command” Conduct • Who Should Be With You During the Inventory? – Supply Sergeant. – Supply Clerk. – Subhand Receipt Holder. – User Hand Receipt Holder. – SME on Equipment. – Out Going Commander. Inventory “Change of Command” Conduct • Miscellaneous. – Assumption of Command orders. – Signature cards. – Equipment density listing to support unit. Inspect Unit Supply Records • • • • • • PRIMARY HAND RECEIPT ALH-151 SUB-HAND RECEIPT ULLS-S4/DA FORM 2062 USER HAND RECEIPT ULLS-S4/DA FORM 2062 SHORTAGE ANNEX ULLS-S4/DA FORM 2062 TEMPORARY HAND RECEIPT DA FORM 3161 CHANGE DOCUMENT DA FORM 3161 Inspect Unit Supply Records Property Books Organization Property Book • • • MTOE Authorized Property Deployable TDA OCIE Special Tool & Test Equipment Basic Loads Books Installation Property Book -- ALL Other Property. FMO Inspect Unit Supply Records Property Book Indicator Codes PBIC TYPE OF PROPERTY BOOK 1 BASIC LOAD -- SUBSISTENCE 2 OCIE 3 BASIC LOAD -- POL 4 TDA PROPERTY 5 BASIC LOAD -- AMMO 6 LEASED RENTAL EQUIPMENT 7 INSTALLATION RESERVE COMPONENT 8 ORGANIZATIONAL 9 INSTALLATION 0 OTHER Inspect Unit Supply Records Example ALH-151 LOOK FOR DATES FAIRLY CLOSE TO THIS CHANGE OF COMMAND DATE PREPARED : 06JUL 199X UNIT DESCRIPTION : H / R #4 HAND RECEIPT ORGANIZATION UIC : WHYNOT GENERIC NOMENCLATURE ALIN SUBLIN NSN MCN UI UNIT / PRICE NSN NOMENCLATURE A01870 ACCY KIT: MK-1259/G F/ AN / VRC-460. 53 64 GRC-125 5820004937535 12200 ACCY KIT MK- 1302/G A79331 ANTENNA GROUP: OE-254 () / GRC 3985010631574 EA 71000 ANT GP OE-254 () / GRC A72260 5985004978554 EA 71000 ANTENNA RC-292 Substitute LIN R S I E SR CR RR CC I C 2A 2 N E L S A T C C E B A C C C A C 1 99 A U 2 2B 2 1 N 99 B U P PCN : ALH-151 DATE LAST INVENTORY : X92006 AUTHORIZATION DOCUMENT PUBLICATION DATA 17237DMOO TM11230036115 17237DMOO X2035507BB015 TM115830334815 DOC NR ESD SCRDO REQ QTY 10 AUTH QTY 10 ON HAND QTY DUE-IN QTY 10 1 1 1 1 1 LAST O/H QTY ON BOOKS Inspect Unit Supply Records Asset Visibility Report DATE: 07 MAY 1994 ASSET VISIBILTY UIC/UNIT: CAAAA/CO A/1-59 QM BN PBO: BPBO, 45TH SEP BRIGADE LIN GENERIC NOMENCLATURE SUBLIN STOCK NUMBER NSN NOMENCLATURE NUM REPORT PCN” AWE-115 ------------QUANTITIES ----------AUTH DUE/IN SRRC UI ON HAND ASSIGN SHR DODAAC: WK4K9H CL { SN_REG_LOT NUMBER /LOT QT/CL NR /SHR NR} { SN_REG_LOT NUMBER /LOT QT/CL NR /SHR NR} { SN_REG_LOT NUMBER /LOT QT/CL NR /SHR NR} B6776 2 BINOCULAR: MODULAR CONSTRUCTION MIL SCALE RETICLE 7 2540001333492 BINOCULAR MOD RET M19 N N 0 EA {35847 / / / 11S } {35941 / / /4A } ASSIGNED PER SHR#: 11S 1 / 4A 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTAL ON HAND / ASSIGNED FOR LIN: 2 2 2 2 Inspect Unit Supply Records CONSOLIDATED SERIAL NUMBER REFERENCE LISTING - COMPLETE 09 / 14 / 95 07 : 13 : 23 PBIC LIN SUBHAND RECEIPT NO CONSOLIDATED SERIAL NUMBER REFERENCE LISTING - COMPLETE SLIN STOCK NUMBER HOLDER NSN NOMENCLATURE SECTION SERIAL NUMBER...../ REG NO SERIAL NO....../ REG NO 8 A32355 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 PUB DATA 6665-01-105-5623 1ST PLATOON LEADER NN4011-NN4333/ 2D PLATOON LEADER NN4012-NN4334/ 3D PLATOON LEADER NN4013-NN4335/ XO NN4014-NN4336/ SSG STRONG NN4018-NN4340/ ALARM CHEM AGT M8A1 SERIAL NUMBER....../ REG NO TM 3-6652-225-12W / C3 D /1-61 AR NN4015-NN4337/ D CO., 1-61 AR NN4016-NN4338/ D /1-61 AR NN4017-NN4339/ HQ, 1-61 AR SUPPLY ULLS-S4 REPORT SERIAL NUMBER...... / REG NO PAGE: 1 Inspect Unit Supply Records SUB-HAND RECEIPT HOLDER FILE LISTING TIME : 07 : 13 : 23 UIC / DESC : WHYNOT / D CO. 1-61 AR SUBHAND RECEIPT NO. 11 12 4A SUB-HAND RECEIPT HOLDER FILE LISTING HOLDER SECTION SFC SMITH SSG HARDY 1ST PLT, D / 1-61 AR 1ST PLT, D / 1-61 AR XO HQ PHONE 624-4441 DATE : 09 / 14 / 9X PAGE : 1 DATE LAST INVENTORIED DATE NEXT UPDATE 06 / 12 / 9X 06 / 12 / 9X 12 / 12 / 9X 12 / 12 / 9X _________________________ _________________________ 06 / 12 / 9X 12 / 12 / 9X __________________________ ULLS-S4 REPORT REMARKS Inspect Unit Supply Records • Real Property – Land – Improvements to Land – Buildings and Facilities • Personal Property--Supplies • Nonexpendable (N) - not consumed in use. • Durable (D) - not consumed in use. • Expendable (X) : – Consumed in use or loses identity. – Item not consumed in use: – With unit price < $100.00. – Not otherwise coded ‘N’ or ‘D’. Inspect Unit Supply Records • Shortage Annexes Nonexpendables PBO One for each end item. Original DPBO keeps. Copy to Company Commander. • Durable One for each end item. • BN S-4/ Company CDR Original BN S-4 keeps. Copy to Company Commander. Expendable Order thru ULLS if funds available. Can put on shortage annex. Company CDR Inspect Unit Supply Records Shortage Annex Flow PBO Short 14 Hoist Chain Commander Short 14 Hoist Chain 1st Platoon Short 5 2nd Platoon Short 5 Separate Annex for Each Platoon 3rd Platoon Short 4 Inspect Unit Supply Records Component Shortage Report DODAAC: UIC: PB ORIG : END ITEM NSN WK5A26 WABBAA A COMPONENT SHORTAGE SHR NUMBER: 4 COMPONENT NSN 5180002932875 5180002932875 5180002932875 5180002932875 END OF REPORT PCN : AWE-227 0095411180110 4240000523776 5110001425015 5110001800831 SUBCOMP NSN ARC CODE X X D D NOMENCLATURE CL NR TWINE, FIBROUS: WAXED GOGGLES, INDUSTRIAL SAW, HAND, RIP: 26 IN PLANE, BLOCK: ADJUSTA CL-507 CL-507 CL-507 CL-507 TOTAL NUMBER OF RECORDS: 00004 SHORT QTY REPL FLAG -0001 -0002 -0001 -0001 R R R R D/I QTY 00000 00000 00000 00000 PBO SHORTAGE ANNEX DA FORM 2062 HAND RECEIPT / ANNEX NUMBER FROM: PBO 1st Infantry Div For use of this form, see DA P AM 710-2-1. The proponent agency is ODCSLOG. FOR ANNEX/CR ONLY END ITEM STOCK NUMBER 2350-01-87-1095 STOCK NUMBER TO: END ITEM DESCRIPTION COMMANDER 1/3-34 AR PUBLICATION NUMBER TANK, CBT,F/T,120mmM1A1 HAND RECEIPT NUMBER PBO # PUBLICATION DATE TM9-2350-264-10-2 w/C4 QTY AUTH f. g. QUANTITY * b. c. 3950-00-092-9064 HOIST, CHAIN, 1/2 TON N EA 4 8415-01-092-0039 MITTENS, HEAT PROTECTIVE N EA 2 8340-00-841-6456 TARPAULIN, NYLON, 12’ by 17’ N EA 6 SEC d. UI e. 14 SEP 90 ITEM DESCRIPTION a. QUANTITY A B C D E F MAH 13JAN95 ARC CODE COMPONENTS OF THE MAJOR END ITEM--TANK PBO’s INITIALS * WHEN USED AS A: HAND RECEIPT, enter Hand Receipt Annex Number HAND RECEIPT FOR QUARTERS FURNITURE, enter Condition Codes HAND RECEIPT ANNEX / COMPONENTS RECEIPT, enter Accounting Requirements Code (ARC) DA FORM 2062 JAN 82 EDITION OF JAN 58 IS OBSOLETE 1 PAGE 1 OF PAGE. S4 SHORTAGE ANNEX DA FORM 2062 HAND RECEIPT / ANNEX NUMBER FROM: For use of this form, see DA P AM 710-2-1. The proponent agency is ODCSLOG. FOR ANNEX/CR ONLY END ITEM STOCK NUMBER END ITEM DESCRIPTION 2350-01-87-1095 STOCK NUMBER TO: S4 3-34 AR PUBLICATION NUMBER TANK, CBT,F/T,120mmM1A1 S4# PUBLICATION DATE TM9-2350-264-10-2 w/C4 ITEM DESCRIPTION * b. c. a. HAND RECEIPT NUMBER COMMANDER 1/3-34 AR SEC d. QTY AUTH f. UI e. EA QUANTITY SEP 90 14 g. QUANTITY A B 5130-01-113-1558 SOCKET, SOCKET WRENCH, 25mm, 6 PT 3/4 INCH DRIVE D 5120-01-052-5654 PULLER AND PUMP , END CONNECTOR D EA 4 5120-00-243-2395 MATTOCK, PUCK UNIT 5 LB D EA 6 C D E F 6 JAM 21DEC94 COMPONENTS OF THE MAJOR END ITEM--TANK ARC CODE S-4’s INITIALS * WHEN USED AS A: HAND RECEIPT, enter Hand Receipt Annex Number HAND RECEIPT FOR QUARTERS FURNITURE, enter Condition Codes HAND RECEIPT ANNEX / COMPONENTS RECEIPT, enter Accounting Requirements Code (ARC) DA FORM 2062 JAN 82 EDITION OF JAN 58 IS OBSOLETE 1 PAGE 1 OF PAGE Inspect Unit Supply Records Subhand Receipt From You to Subhand Receipt Holder • Sub-Hand Receipt/DA Form 2062. – Major End Items Only. – Signed by Subhand Receipt Holder. • Shortage Annex – Authorized Shortages of components to include expendables. – Initialed by You. Inspect Unit Supply Records SUB-HAND RECEIPT SUB-HAND RECEIPT ORGANIZATIONAL PROPERTY UIC / DESC : WHYNOT PAGE 1 OF 2 09 / 14 / 95 06 : 34 : 15 D CO. 1-61 AR HAND RECEIPT FROM : HRH / CDR, D CO. 1-61 AR TO : D / 1-61 AR HAND RECEIPT NUMBER: D1 1ST PLATOON LEADER LIN SUBLIN STOCK NUMBER GEN NOMENCLATURE NSN NOMENCLATURE PUBLICATION AI CIIC ALARM CHEMICAL AGENT AUTOMATIC: PORTABLE MANPACK 6665-01-105-5623 ALARM CHEM AGT M8A1 TM 3-6652-225-12W / C3 SER /REG NO NN4011-NN 4333/ NN4015-NN 4337/ UI A32355 C89070 CAMOUFLAGE SCREEN SUPPORT SYSTEM : WOODLAND / DESERT 1080-00-623-7295 CAM SCN WDLD / DST / PL NO DA PUB AUTH QTY O/ H QTY 2 7 EA 7 EA 2 2 8 Annex Indicator 8 REMARKS Sub-Hand Receipt DA FORM 2062 HAND RECEIPT / ANNEX NUMBER For use of this form, see DA P AM 710-2-1. The proponent agency is ODCSLOG. FOR ANNEX/CR ONLY END ITEM STOCK NUMBER STOCK NUMBER a. FROM: COMMANDER 1st PLT, A / 3-34 AR END ITEM DESCRIPTION TO: PUBLICATION NUMBER ITEM DESCRIPTION * b. c. A32355 6665-01-105-5623 TM 3-6652-225-12w/C3 SEPTEMBER 1976 Alarm Chemical Agent Auto: Manpack M8A1 SN # : NN4011-NN4333, NN4015-NN4337 C89070 1080-00-623-7295 NO DA PUB Camouflage, Screen Support System, WDLD / DST SEC d. 7 2 HAND RECEIPT NUMBER 1st PLATOON LEADER 1st PLT, A / 3-34 AR U UI e. ea ea A1 PUBLICATION DATE QTY AUTH f. 2 g. QUANTITY QUANTITY A B C D E F 2 8 8 * WHEN USED AS A: HAND RECEIPT, enter Hand Receipt Annex Number HAND RECEIPT FOR QUARTERS FURNITURE, enter Condition Codes HAND RECEIPT ANNEX / COMPONENTS RECEIPT, enter Accounting Requirements Code (ARC) PAGE 1 OF 2 PAGE. Inspect Unit Supply Records Sub-Hand Receipt Shortage Annex Implies from the Commander. AI 09 / 14 / 95 07 : 15 : 16 SUB-HAND RECEIPT SHORTAGE ANNEX ORGANIZATIONAL PROPERTY UIC / DESC : WHYNOT / D CO. 1-61 AR ANNEX NUMBER FROM : D CO. 1-61 AR 3 3950-00-092-9064 4930-01-133-7143 TO : D / 1-61 AR END ITEM DESCRIPTION TANK, CBT F/ T 120MM, M1A1 D3 PUBLICATION NUMBER TM 9-2350-264-10-2 A C R T C ITEM DESCRIPTION HOIST, CHAIN, 1 / 2 - TON : MP10 GUN, HAND, LUBRICATING : 12312110 OF 1 HAND RECEIPT NO: 3D PLATOON LEADER END ITEM STOCK NUMBER 2350-01-087-1095 STOCK NUMBER PAGE 1 B B C I I C N J X U UI EA EA PUB DATE 01 SEP 98 QTY AUTH 4 4 QTY SH ORT 1 1 QUANTITY 4 REMARKS ____ ___________ _______________ BII INITIALS__________________GRADE____________DATE__________ AMOUNT SHORT FROM 4 TANKS Cdr.'s INTIALS Sub-Hand Receipt Shortage Annex DA FORM 2062 HAND RECEIPT / ANNEX NUMBER For use of this form, see DA P AM 710-2-1. The proponent agency is ODCSLOG. FOR ANNEX/CR ONLY END ITEM STOCK NUMBER FROM: END ITEM DESCRIPTION 2350-01-87-1095 STOCK NUMBER TO: COMMANDER A / 3-34 AR PUBLICATION NUMBER TANK, CBT,F/T,120mmM1A1 QTY AUTH f. g. 14 QUANTITY b. c. 3950-00-092-9064 HOIST, CHAIN, 1/2 TON N EA 4 5120-01-052-5654 PULLER AND PUMP , END CONNECTOR D EA 12 5120-00-227-7356 SCREWDRIVER, FLAT TIP, 3/16-IN WIDE X EA 8 UI e. QUANTITY SEP 90 * SEC d. 1 PUBLICATION DATE TM9-2350-264-10-2 w/C4 ITEM DESCRIPTION a. HAND RECEIPT NUMBER 1st PLATOON LEADER A / 3-34 AR A B C D E F MAH 13JAN95 ARC CODE COMPONENTS OF THE MAJOR END ITEM--TANK Cdr.'s INITIALS * WHEN USED AS A: HAND RECEIPT, enter Hand Receipt Annex Number HAND RECEIPT FOR QUARTERS FURNITURE, enter Condition Codes HAND RECEIPT ANNEX / COMPONENTS RECEIPT, enter Accounting Requirements Code (ARC) 1 PAGE 1 OF PAGES. Inspect Unit Supply Records Component Hand Receipt (User Hand Receipt) From Subhand Receipt Holder To User: • • • • Component hand receipt. On hand quantities. Signed by user. One major end item per component hand receipt. Inspect Unit Supply Records Component Hand Receipt (User Hand Receipt) 09 / 14 / 95 07 : 26 : 35 COMPONENT HAND RECEIPT ORGANIZATIONAL PROPERTY UIC / DESC : WHYNOT / D CO. 1-61 AR HAND RECEIPT FROM : HRH / CDR, D CO. 1-61 AR TO : 1ST PLT, D / 1-61 AR SSG HARDY END ITEM STOCK NUMBER END ITEM DESCRIPTION 1080-00-623-7295 SUPPORT SYSTEM, CAMOUFLAGE, LTWT, WDLD / DESERT STOCK NUMBER ITEM DESCRIPTION PAGE: 1 12 TM 5-1080-200-10-HR UI QTY AUTH 1 HAND RECEIPT NO : PUBLICATION NUMBER C A I C R I T C C OF PUB DATE 01 JAN 87 QTY O/H QUANTITY 8 REMARKS 1080-00-108-1646 CASE, CARRYING SUPPORT SYSTEM C N U EA 8 8 ____________________ 1080-00-536-6342 POLE, SUPPORT, PLASTIC C N U EA 96 90 ____________________ 1080-00-108-1545 SPREADER, BATTEN C X U EA 144 135 ____________________ 1080-00-108-1646 ADAPTER ASSY, SPREADER C X U EA 48 45 ____________________ 1080-00-108-1646 STAKES, ALUMINUM C D U EA 144 144 ____________________ ARC Inspect Unit Supply Records Component Hand Receipt (User Hand Receipt) 09 / 14 / 95 06 : 33 : 28 COMPONENT SUB-HAND RECEIPT HAND RECEIPT FROM : TO : ITEM DESCRIPTION OF 2 HAND RECEIPT NO : END ITEM STOCK NUMBER END ITEM DESCRIPTION 1080-00-103-1246 SCREEN SYSTEM, CAMOUFLAGE, LTWT, WDLD, RADAR SCAT, TY II STOCK NUMBER PAGE: 1 PUBLICATION NUMBER TM 5-1080-280-13 & P C A I C R I T C C UI QTY AUTH A B PUB DATE 01 JAN 87 QUANTITY _______ QUANTITY ON HAND C D E F 1080-00-107-8589 SCREEN , HEXAGON, WDLD, RADAR SCAR, TYII C N U EA 1 ______ ______ _ _____ ______ ______ ______ 1080-00-107-8589 SCREEN , HEXAGON, WDLD, RADAR SCAR, TYII C N U EA 1 ______ ______ _ _____ ______ ______ ______ 1080-00-107-9206 SCREEN , D IAMOND, WDLD, RADAR SCAR, TYII C N U EA 1 ______ ______ _ _____ ______ ______ ______ SIGNATURE__________________________ GRADE__________ DATE________ (COLUMN A) SIGNATURE__________________________ GRADE__________ DATE________ (COLUMN B) SIGNATURE__________________________ GRADE__________ DATE________ (COLUMN C) ARC Component Hand Receipt DA FORM 2062 HAND RECEIPT / ANNEX NUMBER For use of this form, see DA P AM 710-2-1. The proponent agency is ODCSLOG. FOR ANNEX/CR ONLY END ITEM STOCK NUMBER 2350-01-87-1095 STOCK NUMBER a. 2350-01-087-1095 FROM: PLATOON LEADER 1st PLT, A / 3-34 AR END ITEM DESCRIPTION TO: PUBLICATION NUMBER TANK, CBT,F/T,120mmM1A1 HAND RECEIPT NUMBER SFC SMITH 1st PLT, A / 3-34 AR A11 PUBLICATION DATE TM9-2350-264-10-2 w/C4 QTY AUTH f. g. QUANTITY * b. c. SEC d. N 7 EA 1 1 2 TANK, CBT, F / T 120MM, M1A1 1 SEP 90 ITEM DESCRIPTION UI e. QUANTITY A B C D E F COMPONENT OF THE END ITEM (COEI) 1240-01-074--5766 Driver’s / Loader’s Unity Periscope X 7 EA 2 6650-01-093-5864 Driver’s Side Unity Periscope X U EA 2 D M EA BASIC ISSUE ITEMS (BII) 5120-00-227-8088 Adapter, Socket Wrench, 3/4 - in Drive to 1/2 - in 1 1 Drive : (in tool bag) EX506B * WHEN USED AS A: HAND RECEIPT, enter Hand Receipt Annex Number HAND RECEIPT FOR QUARTERS FURNITURE, enter Condition Codes HAND RECEIPT ANNEX / COMPONENTS RECEIPT, enter Accounting Requirements Code (ARC) DA PAM 710-2-1 p 87 PAGE 1 OF 10 PAGE Inspect Unit Supply Records DA Form 3161 • Issue • Turn-In • Temporary Hand Receipt • Lateral Transfer Inspect Unit Supply Records Issue DA Form 3161 • DOL To Commander. • DPBO To Commander. • Commander to Subhand Receipt Holder & User. • SIGNATURE CARD AUTHORITY! DA Form 3161 -- Issue X REQUEST FOR ISSUE OR TURN -IN ISSUE SHEET NO. NO. SHEET TURN-IN (DA PAM 710-2-1 )) 1. SEND TO : SSG Bobby Rock 1/1/A/3-34 AR 2. REQUEST FROM : * CODE Commander A / 3-34 AR ISSUE 1 1 4. VOUCHER NO Change Doc 5. DATE MATERIAL REQUIRED 6. DODAAC 9. END ITEM IDENT 9a. NAME/MANUFACTURE TURN-IN I - Initial R - Replacement 3. REQUEST NO. STOCK NO. a b c 1 8340-00-841-6456 Tarpaulin 17 x 12 2 8340-00-269-1547 Tent : Hex M-1958 8. ACCOUNTING/FUNDING DATA 9b. MODEL 10.. PUBLICATION FWT - Fair Wear and Tear RS - Report of Survey 12. ITEM NO. 7. PRIORITY ITEM DESCRIPTION 9c. SERIAL NO. 11. JOB ORDER NO. EX - Excess SC - Stmt of Charges UNIT OF ISSUE d QUANTITY ea ea SUPPLY CODE * ACTION j. UNIT PRICE POSTED TOTAL COST D ATE e f g 1 R 1 1 I 1 h BY i NOTHING FOLLOWS SHEET TOTAL 13. ISSUED / TURNIN “QUANTITY” COLUMN IS REQUESTED DATE BY 13 Jan 95 Trust, Me SGT 14. ISSUE QTY DATE IN “SUPPLY ACTION” COLUMN BY 15.REC QTY IN “ SUPPLY ACTION COLUMN GRAND TOTAL DATE 13 Jan 95 BY Noway, John SSG Inspect Unit Supply Records Turn In DA Form 3161 • Subhand Receipt Holder/User to Commander. • Commander to DOL. • Commander to DPBO. • SIGNATURE CARD AUTHORITY! DA Form 3161 -- Turn In ISSUE REQUEST FOR ISSUE OR TURN -IN X (DA PAM 710-2-1 )) 1. SEND TO : TURN-IN 1 3. REQUEST NO. 1 4. VOUCHER NO Change Doc 5. DATE MATERIAL REQUIRED 6. DODAAC 9. END ITEM IDENT 9a. NAME/MANUFACTURE Commander A / 3-34 AR 2. REQUEST FROM : SHEET NO. NO. SHEET 7. PRIORITY 8. ACCOUNTING/FUNDING DATA 9b. MODEL 9c. SERIAL NO. SSG Bobby Rock 1/1/A/3-34 AR * CODE ISSUE TURN-IN I - Initial R - Replacement 12. ITEM NO. STOCK NO. a b 10.. PUBLICATION FWT - Fair Wear and Tear RS - Report of Survey ITEM DESCRIPTION c 11. JOB ORDER NO. EX - Excess SC - Stmt of Charges UNIT OF ISSUE d QUANTITY SUPPLY CODE * ACTION j. UNIT PRICE TOTAL COST h i POSTED D ATE e f g 1 8340-00-841-6456 Tarpaulin 17 x 12 ea 1 FWT 1 2 5120-00-223-7397 Pliers, Slip Joint w/ cut ea 1 FWT 0 BY NOTHING FOLLOWS SHEET TOTAL 13. ISSUED / TURNIN “QUANTITY” COLUMN IS REQUESTED DATE BY 17 Jan 95 Noway, John SSG 14. ISSUE QTY DATE IN “SUPPLY ACTION” COLUMN BY 15.REC QTY IN “ SUPPLY ACTION COLUMN GRAND TOTAL DATE BY 137Jan 95 Trust, Me SGT Inspect Unit Supply Records Temp Hand Receipt DA Form 3161 • Use for 30 Days or Less. • Don’t Remove Loaned Item from your Accountability Documents. • Can be used Outside Parent Unit. • Coordinate with the other Commander. DA Form 3161 -- Temp Hand Receipt ISSUE X REQUEST FOR ISSUE OR TURN -IN SHEET NO. NO. SHEET TURN-IN (DA PAM 710-2-1 )) 1. SEND TO : SSG Stinson HHC/ 3-34 AR 2. REQUEST FROM : * CODE SSG Smith HHC / 3-34 AR ISSUE 1 4. VOUCHER NO Temp Hand Receipt 5. DATE MATERIAL REQUIRED 6. DODAAC 9. END ITEM IDENT 9a. NAME/MANUFACTURE TURN-IN I - Initial R - Replacement 7. PRIORITY 8. ACCOUNTING/FUNDING DATA 9b. MODEL 10.. PUBLICATION FWT - Fair Wear and Tear RS - Report of Survey 12. ITEM NO. STOCK NO. a b c 5805-00-543-0012 Telephone Set, TA 312 1 1 3. REQUEST NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION 9c. SERIAL NO. 11. JOB ORDER NO. EX - Excess SC - Stmt of Charges UNIT OF ISSUE d QUANTITY ea SUPPLY CODE * ACTION j. UNIT PRICE TOTAL COST h i POSTED D ATE e 1 f I g BY 1 NOTHING FOLLOWS Put Unit location and Phone Some where on this form ! SHEET TOTAL 13. ISSUED / TURNIN “QUANTITY” SOLM IS REQUESTED DATE BY 20 Jan 95 SGT Bill Toy 14. ISSUE QTY DATE IN “SUPPLY ACTION” COLUMN BY 15.REC QTY IN “ SUPPLY ACTION COLUMN GRAND TOTAL DATE BY 20 Jan 95 SSG Ray Stinson Inspect Unit Supply Records Lateral Transfer DA Form 3161 • • • • • Receive Directive. Inventory Item. Update Shortage Annex/Fund Transfer. Obtain Approval Authority Signature. Complete Transfer. Inspect Unit Supply Records Lateral Transfer DA Form 3161 • Get Document Number From PBO. • Turn in Completed 3161, Shortage Annex, Fund Transfer Memo to PBO. • Keep Copies. • Ensure Item Is Removed From Your ALH-151. DA Form 3161 -- Lateral Transfer ISSUE 3. REQUEST NO. 4. VOUCHER NO 5. DATE MATERIAL REQUIRED 6. DODAAC 8. ACCOUNTING/FUNDING DATA 9. END ITEM IDENT 9a. NAME/MANUFACTURE REQUEST FOR ISSUE OR TURN -IN NO. SHEET TURN-IN 1 (DA PAM 710-2-1 )) 1. SEND TO : SHEET NO. Commander D / 5-16 IN 2. REQUEST FROM : 1 7. PRIORITY 9b. MODEL 9c. SERIAL NO. Commander A / 3-34 AR * CODE ISSUE TURN-IN I - Initial R - Replacement 12. ITEM NO. STOCK NO. a b 1 2320-00-077-1677 10.. PUBLICATION FWT - Fair Wear and Tear RS - Report of Survey ITEM DESCRIPTION c Truck, Cargo, 2 1/2 ton 11. JOB ORDER NO. EX - Excess SC - Stmt of Charges UNIT OF ISSUE d QUANTITY CODE * SUPPLY ACTION UNIT PRICE j. e f g h POSTED TOTAL COST D ATE 1 ea BY i 1 M 35A2, SN : 234 Justification: Lateral Transfer Reduce excess / fill shortage. Approved By I.C Stars I. C. STARS COL, IN Commanding 13. ISSUED / TURNIN “QUANTITY” COLUMN IS REQUESTED DATE BY 17 Feb 95 SGT Trust Me 14. ISSUE QTY IN “SUPPLY ACTION” COLUMN SHEET TOTA L DATE BY 15.REC QTY IN “ SUPPLY ACTION COLUMN GRAND TOTAL DATE 1 Feb 95 BY SSG Murphy ULLS-S4 • Used During Command. • Commander’s Guide. • Reports: • Cdr’s Exception Report. • Cdr’s Financial Transaction Report. • Property Follow-Up Report. • Property Book Change Report. • Internal SOP. • ULLS-S-4 Checklist. Inventory “Change of Command” Research/Reconciliation • • • • • • Ensure shortages are on request. Verify relief from accountability actions are initiated. Turn-in excess. Adjust property records (don’t forget shortage annex). Ensure all property is signed For. Prepare After Action Report (AAR). Actions Available ADVERSE ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPLY Adverse Administrative • Oral / Written Reprimand • Adverse Remarks: – OER – NCOER – CPA • MOS Reclassification • Bar to Reenlistment • UCMJ Property Adjustments • • • • • • • Administrative Adjustment Report (AAR). Damage Statement. Memorandum For Record. Cash Purchase. Cash Collection. Statement Of Charges. Report Of Survey. Property Adjustments • Administration Adjustment Report (AAR) – Used To Correct Minor Discrepancies . (DA Form 4949) Sizes NSN Serial Numbers Unit of Issue Accounting Requirements Assembly/Disassembly Property Adjustments • Damage Statement. – Used when negligence not found (Memorandum). – “I have reviewed the circumstances surrounding the damage to the above item and find no evidence of negligence or willful misconduct.” Company Commander has $200 Limit/ $100 for OCIE. Reviewed Quarterly. Abuse = Loss Of Authority. Property Adjustments • Memorandum for Lost Hand Tools. “I have reviewed the circumstances surrounding the loss of the above items and find no evidence of negligence or willful misconduct.” – – – – Company commander approval of $100 per incident. Prepare a narrative of the incident. Reviewed quarterly by Battalion Commander. Abuse = Loss of Authority. Property Adjustments • Cash Purchase : – Liability Admitted. “I authorize 2LT Smith to purchase the following hand tools (or OCIE). Purchased items will remain the property of the U.S. Government.” Use cash or check. Item must be immediately available. SSSC or CIF. Property Adjustments • Cash Collection Voucher. – – – – DD Form 362. Liability Admitted. No Lost or Destroyed Sensitive Items. Less Than One Month Base Pay. Direct payment to FAO. Show proof of payment in 2 days. No proof = payroll deduction or report of survey. Property Adjustments • Statement Of Charges. – – – – DD Form 362. Liability admitted. No Lost or Destroyed Sensitive Items. Less than one months base pay. Payroll Deduction. Follow Up in 20 Days with FAO. Property Adjustments Report Of Survey (DA Form 4697) • Mandatory when any of the below conditions exist : – Liability admitted, but greater than one month’s base pay. – Liability not admitted. – Lost or destroyed sensitive item. – Fire, theft, or disaster. REPORT OF SURVEY DA FORM 4697 Block 5 COMMANDER INITIATES ACTION FOR REPORT OF SURVEY. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY REPORT OF SURVEY For use of this form, see AR 735-11; the proponent agency is DSCLOG 3. TYPE OF PROPERTY 1. DATE PREPARED 2. SURVEY NUMBER 4. ADDRESS OF ACCOUNTABLE OFFICER 6. ORIGINATOR (Accountable Officer, or primary hand receipt holder) 6. NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER 7. 8. ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY 9. UNIT PRICE 10. TOTAL COST $$$ 11. DATE AND CIRCUMSTANCES. DA PAM 735-5 Block 11 SHORT AND TO THE POINT 12. I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that (to the best of my knowledge and belief) the articlwes of public property shown above and / or on attached sheets were lost, destroyed, damaged, or worn out in the manner stated, while in public service. SIGNATURE AND DATE TYPED NAME,GRADE, AND SSN JAMES T. ARMOR, CPT 123-45-6789 13. Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) before me at this day of NAME AND GRADE (type and sign) Property Adjustments Report of Survey : Time Segments ACTIVE USAR ARNG Initiation 15 75 45 Investigation 40 85 75 Adjudication 20 80 30 Total 75 240 150 Numbers Indicate time in days. Property Adjustments Report Of Survey • Survey Officer : – – – – – Primary Duty. 30 Calendar Days To Complete Can’t Have Vested Interest. SFC or above. Greater in Rank . Property Adjustments Report Of Survey • Survey Officer Responsibilities: – Determines: Did the loss actually occur? Cause. Value. Assessment of financial liability. Property Adjustments Report Of Survey • Survey Officer Must Prove : – Negligence – Willful Misconduct – Proximate Cause Property Adjustments Report Of Survey • Negligence : – Simple: Failure to act as a reasonably prudent person would have acted under similar circumstances. – Gross: Extreme departure from course of action expected, and accompanied by a reckless, deliberate, or wanton disregard for the foreseeable circumstances. Property Adjustments Report Of Survey • Willful Misconduct: Any intentional wrongful or unlawful act or omission relating to government property. Property Adjustments Report Of Survey • Proximate Cause : – Natural and continuous sequence unbroken by a new cause. – Without which loss or damage would not have occurred. – Primary or predominating cause. – Direct and immediate consequence. Property Adjustments Report Of Survey • Respondent’s Appeal Process : – 7 Calendar Days to submit rebuttal / new evidence. – Legal Counsel. • Still Found Liable : – Request for reconsideration. – Legal counsel. – Legal error only. Property Adjustments Report Of Survey • Initial Review by Appointing Authority. • Final review by Approving Authority. – If Yes, then can find Liable or Not Liable. – If No, then a Regular Survey will Be Pursued. Does survey contain enough information to do a short survey? Appointing Authority Report Of Survey • Personally Review All R/S within his Command. • Resolve contradictory statements. • Reflects clear findings from documented. Evidence based on regulation. • Unbiased investigation. • Financial charges correct. • Return survey to survey officer for additional investigation. • Concur with findings and recommendations. • Nonconcur with findings and recommendations. Liability Limits Full Amount: • • • • • Accountable Officer. Losing Public Funds. Losing Personal Arms Or Equipment. Lost, Damaged or Destroyed. Government Quarters, Furnishings or Equipment. Liability Limits All Other Cases : • One month's base pay. • Full amount of loss, whichever is less. Wartime Supply Policy • By direction of the Secretary of the Army. • Applies to units deployed in theater of operations. • Theater commanders may impose stricter accounting requirements. Wartime Supply Policy Not Required : • Follow-up and request to cancel. • Supply reconciliation and validations. • Signature cards & assumption of CMD orders (except ammunition). • Inspections and inventories. • No separately documented lateral transfers. Wartime Supply Policy • Excess turned-in “as is”. • Update property books through CBT loss and daily LOGSTAT reports. • COMSEC accounting/reporting remains. • OCIE accounting remains in effect. • Ammo accounting O/H balances.