Bio 430: Chemicals in the environment Jeffrey Jenkins Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology Oregon State University Chemical fate: transformation and transport within and between Soil-Air-Water-Biota Oregon State University Source: U.S. Geological Survey Chemical fate processes wind erosion interception wash off plant uptake Oregon State University photodegradation volatilization runoff sorption to soil microbial or chemical particles degradation leach toward groundwater Chemical fate processes atmosphere direct + indirect photolysis air/water exchange wet + dry deposition runoff photodegradation chemical + biological transformation groundwater infiltration/ exfiltration sediment/water exchange sorption to sediment and particles chemical + biological transformation water sediments Oregon State University outflow Chemical fate in the environment Molecular interactions (physical-chemical properties, reactivities) Environmental factors (Temperature, pH, light intensity, ion composition and strength, microbial activity, natural organic matter, etc.) Environmental processes (e.g. air/water exchange, sorption/desorption, chemical, photochemical and biological transformation) Oregon State University Chemical fate in the environment Transport and mixing processes Dynamic behavior in a natural system (mathematical models and field investigations) Oregon State University Chemicals in the Environment Initial distribution to environment (manufacture and use): emission in: air-soil-water-biota compartments Transformation: degradation/metabolism Redistribution- transport in and between compartments: diffusion/advection-dispersion/mass transport Oregon State University Chemicals in the Environment Understanding chemical fate, what scale? Local scale: site-specific inputs, potential for off-site transport. Watershed scale: integration of site-specific inputs and transport, particular emphasis on water quality. Regional scale: integration of watershedairshed chemical inputs and redistribution, long range transport of persistent compounds. Oregon State University Range of ESA Listed Salmon Oregon State University Pesticides in the Environment Initial distribution in the environment: method of application timing of application frequency of application amount of active ingredient formulation (other ingredients) Oregon State University Environmental Behavior of Pesticides in Soils Initial distribution sunlight temperature soil pH soil texture Persistence and Mobility Environmental Fate Oregon State University organic matter moisture Pesticide Fate and Transport Physical-chemical properties: • • • • • • Water solubility Vapor Pressure Kd (soil/water partition coefficient) Henrys Law Constant Soil half-life Foliar half-life Oregon State University Sorption binding to soil or sediment particles Oregon State University Soil sorption soil water soil particle concentration of pesticide sorbed to soil Kd concentration of pesticide in solution K d describes the relationship between pesticide sorbed to soil particles and pesticide dissolved in soil water. Oregon State University Soil sorption To account for different soil types and organic matter content the Kd is normalized for % organic carbon. Kd K oc % organic carbon* * decimal equivalent Oregon State University Soil Properties that Influence Leaching and Runoff • • • • Permeability Water table conditions Organic matter content Clay content Oregon State University Oregon State University Course textured soils and other soil conditions that result in preferential flow paths must also be considered. Oregon State University Pesticides in Ground and Surface Water Oregon State University Pesticides in surface water Mass transfer primarily in the dissolved phase, will vary with pesticide’s solubility in water and soil sorption. water soil particle concentration of pesticide sorbed to soil Oregon State University concentration of pesticide in solution Partitioning between soil compartments (soil, water air) soil water soil particle air Chemical in water Kh chemical in air Kd Kh describes the relationship between pesticide concentration in soil water and pesticide concentration in air. Oregon State University Volatilization volatile loss from plant, water, or soil surfaces Oregon State University Atmospheric Transport Zones Oregon State University Oregon State University Oregon State University Volatile loss as Percent Applied Application Rate (kg a.i./Ha) Vapor Pressure (mPa @ 25 oC) 24 hr Volatile loss as % Applied Chlorpyrifos 1.9 2.50 16.5 Ethofumesate 2.5 0.650 6.3 Triclopyr (acid) 1.1 0.170 4.5 Triadimefon 3.1 0.060 2.1 Propiconazole 2.2 0.056 1.1 Cyfluthrin 0.2 0.004 ND Pesticide Oregon State University Pesticide Fate • Field dissipation: sum of chemical and biological processes including: – Chemical degradation1 – Biological degradation (microbial + plant)1 – Photodegradation2 – Volatilization 1Approximated with a 1st order rate constant 2Approximated with a psuedo 1st order rate constant Oregon State University Pesticide degradation half-life Half-life = the amount of time it takes the parent compound to decay to half its original amount Half-life in an environmental compartment: (soil-air-water-biota) sum of all degradation and transport pathways Oregon State University Pesticide degradation half-life Oregon State University No of ½ lives % amount remaining 3.3 10 6.6 1 10 0.1 Sunlight photolysis of an aqueous suspension of nitrofen Cl Cl OH OH Cl OH OH HO OH POLYMER Cl Cl O NO2 HO OH nitrofen Cl Cl HO O NH2 HO Cl Cl Oregon State University HO NH2 Cl O N N O Cl NH2 Chemical and microbial degradation of chloroanilines Cl OH Cl CHO OH COOH NH2 Cl H2O COOH A. faecalis O2 COOH CO2 OH Cl OH O O COOH Ps. diminuta NH2 Cl O2 Cl COOH HOOC Cl O COOH Oregon State University COOH LD50: lethal dose for ½ the test animals NOAEL Oregon State University Aldicarb degradation pathways and LD50 values (rat acute oral) CH3 CH3 S N H3C O O N O CH3 H20 O N OH H3C CH3 O CH3 N CH3 sulfone 24 mg/kg Oregon State University N O CH3 H20 H3C O S N H3C sulfone nitrile 4000 mg/kg CH3 S CH3 CH3 sufoxide oxime 8060 mg/kg O nitrile 570 mg/kg CH3 S O2 S H3C N N CH3 oxime 2380 mg/kg O CH3 S H3C CH3 O O CH3 N OH H3C CH3 H3C O H20 O2 , fast S sulfoxide 0.9 mg/kg CH3 O CH3 Aldicarb 0.9 mg/kg N S O N OH CH3 sulfone oxime 1590 mg/kg CH3 S H3C O N CH3 sulfone nitrile 350 mg/kg Pesticide Properties used to evaluate fate in the Environment water sol ppm Vapor Koc pressure ml/g mm Hg soil 1/2 life days foliar 1/2 life days Atrazine 33 100 2.90E-07 60 5 Diuron 42 480 6.90E-08 90 30 5 1000 1.50E-06 25 8 pendimethalin 28 5000 9.40E-06 90 30 triclopyr ester 23 780 1.26E-06 46 15 carbaryl 120 300 1.20E-06 10 7 chlorpyrifos 0.4 6070 1.70E-05 30 3 malathion 130 1800 8.00E-06 1 3 0.002 5300 1.10E-08 35 8 MCPA ester esfenvalerate Oregon State University Chemical fate determines exposure to humans and aquatic life Chemical fate processes wind erosion photodegradation volatilization runoff plant uptake Oregon State University sorption to soil microbial or chemical particles degradation leach toward groundwater 13.4 million lbs of pesticides used annually in Oregon What are the risks and who decides? Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act regulates pesticide manufacture, use, storage, and disposal (benefit-risk balancing statute.) Under Authority of the Clean Water Act, ODEQ has the authority to set pesticide water quality standards for waters of the state (TMDLs). Under the Endangered Species Act NMFS and USFWS have the authority to set rules deemed necessary to prevent more species declines under a provision called “Four D.” EPA, NMFS, and USFWS have “overlapping” jurisdiction with regards to pesticide use and the Endangered Species Act. Oregon State University EPA Risk Assessment Risk = f (exposure, toxicity) Source: Purdue University Pesticides Program Oregon State University Pesticide Risk Assessment RFD: The Reference Dose is the amount of a pesticide residue a person could consume daily for 70 years with no harmful non-cancer effects. Oregon State University Pesticide Risk Assessment The RFD is determined by dividing the NOAEL by a safety factor, usually between 100 and 1000, to account for uncertainty in extrapolating from animal studies and to protect sensitive individuals, including infants and children. Oregon State University Quantitative Assessment of Health Risks of Pesticides in Drinking Water MCL - The Maximum Contaminant Level permissible in water which is delivered to any user of a public water system (Safe Drinking Water Act; ~50 pesticides have MCLs) HA - Health Advisory: EPA guidance for drinking water contaminants based on lifetime exposure and noncarcinogenic endpoints. HA is derived from the DWEL. DWEL - Drinking Water Equivalent Level, based on the Reference Dose (RfD) and assuming 70 Kg person drinks 2 liters per day over a lifetime. The DWEL has been adjusted assuming that drinking water comprises 20% of the allowable daily intake. Oregon State University Pesticide Risk Assessment: Wildlife What is the toxicity of the pesticide and it’s degradates to wildlife? Acute toxicity (high dose-short exposure) Chronic toxicity (low dose-long exposure) Most sensitive adverse effect Sensitive sentinel species Oregon State University EPA Pesticide Aquatic Risk: Wildlife Toxicity Assessment • Laboratory tests are used to determine the NOAEL in representative species. • The hazard quotient is the ratio of the NOAEL to the expected environmental concentration. • If the hazard quotient is greater than 1.0, the potential exists for adverse ecological effects. Oregon State University Use of models for evaluating hazards associated with chemicals in the environment Models use a systems approach to understanding complex phenomenon. Computer based environmental models present a conceptual framework and a mathematical formulation of fate and transport between compartments (soil, air, water, biota) based upon scientific principles. Oregon State University Environmental fate models PRZM and EXAMS (EPA) CalTOX (California EPA) Fugacity Model Levels I, II, III (Mackay) Gaussian plume models (EPA, NOAA) Oregon State University Fugacity Model for Biphenyl Oregon State University Fugacity Model for Biphenyl Oregon State University How Do We Assess Risk? Follow the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) four-step risk assessment paradigm*: Hazard Identification DoseResponse Assessment Exposure Risk Characterization * From the National Research Council’s Risk Assessment in the Federal Government: Managing the Process, 1983. Oregon State University