Nancy A. Van Wagoner
Acadia University
Soil is a Critical Resource
– World’s farmers must feed an additional 90 million people every single year
At the current rate of population growth
– Limiting constraint = availability of fertile land
– i.e.. good quality soil, and proper soil management
Soil is a Nonrenewable resource on the human time scale
– How long does it take to produce a 10 cm thick layer of soil from bedrock?
100 years to 10,000 years!!!
– What are current rates of soil loss
– 4.3 billion tons per year
– 3.9 billion tons per year
– *1987 National Resources
Inventory, USDA SCS
Processes that contribute to the loss
– contamination
– removal of surface vegetation and residue
agricultural cultivation
forest harvesting
rangeland grazing
surface mining
urbanization (hwy, building construction)
– degradation
Crop residue
– foliage, stubble, straw
– left on soil by crops
– before and after harvest
Decreases surface runoff
– absorbs energy of
– global food security requires
understanding of soils
proper soil management
– WWW resource on Soil Erosion t/jhtml/intro.html
What is weathering?
– The decomposition and disintegration of rocks and minerals at the
Earth’s surface by mechanical and chemical processes
converts rock to gravel, sand, clay and soil
What is erosion
– The removal of weathered rocks and minerals from the place where they formed
Types of weathering
– mechanical weathering
The physical disintegration of rock into smaller pieces each retaining their original characteristics
– Example
– chemical weathering
The decomposition of rocks and minerals as a result of chemical reactions (removal and/or addition of elements
– Example
increases surface area
exposes more surfaces to chemical attack
Mechanical Weathering
Major Mechanisms
– frost wedging
– salt cracking
– abrasion
– biological activity
– thermal expansion and contraction
– pressure release fracturing
Mechanical Weathering
Frost Wedging (fig. 10.4)
– When water freezes it expands
Volume increases by about 9%
– Water migrates into cracks in rocks
– Ice crystal growth puts tremendous pressure on surrounding rock
Enough to break rock
– Most effective in mountainous areas where daily freeze/thaw
Talus slopes
– Dangers to hikers
Mechanical Weathering
Salt Cracking (fig. 10.5)
– salts crystallize in cracks in rocks
puts pressure on surrounding rock
– important in
dry climates (arid regions)
– ground water is salty, salts precipitate out of solution
coastal areas
– salt spray blows into cracks in rocks
Mechanical Weathering
– breakup of rock by friction and impact
glaciers (fig. 10-8)
wind (fig. 10-7)
running water (fig. 10-6)
Mechanical Weathering
Biological Activity (fig. 10-9)
– plants growing in cracks in rocks
– burrowing animals
– humans blasting for roads, development, exploration, etc..
Mechanical Weathering
Pressure release fracturing (fig. 10-10)
– buried rocks are under confining pressure
– when exposed they expand due to release of confining pressure erosion surface exfoliation joints cracks dev. parallel to erosion surface
– problem for miners (underground)--causes rock bursts
WATER = main agent of chemical weathering
– pure water by itself is relatively inactive, but
pH = 7
– with small amounts of dissolved substances it becomes highly reactive
many of these substances are found in the atmosphere
and soil
78% Nitrogen
21% Oxygen
1% other
– inert gases = 0.93%
– carbon dioxide CO2
– methane CH4
– Hydrogen
– oxides of Nitrogen
– carbon monoxide
– ozone O3
reactions with oxygen
common, ~21% of atm. = oxygen
example, Iron bearing minerals oxidize to form rust
4FeSiO3 + 2H
Fe-pyroxene rain
O + O
2 oxygen
> 4FeO(OH) + 4SiO4 dissolved limonite silica from atm.
hydrated Fe-oxide
solution of soluble substances, such as
salt in water
2 dissolved in water, rain or snow, produces
– Carbonic Acid
Remember, pure water is neutral (not acid or base)
– If we increase the number of H + ions in water, it becomes an acid, pH < 7
– If increase the number of Hydroxyl ions (OH ) it becomes a base
Acids and bases are more corrosive than pure water
All natural rain water is “acid rain”
– as rain drops fall through the atmosphere and through soil
– react with carbon dioxide in the air, and produced by decaying organisms in soil
– to form carbonic acid
H2O + CO2 H2CO3 H + +HCO3
carbonic acid reacts with limestone to dissolve it
draw equation
result is dissolved Ca++ and HCO3effect on neutralizing acid
Certain minerals react with acid solutions to neutralize them
Examples are:
– Calcite (limestone)
– minerals of mafic igneous rocks
Ca-rich feldspar
idealized by the reaction with the mineral orthoclase, a common mineral found in granite
EQUATION (draw on board)
What has happened
– The feldspar is weathered to clay.
– Ions are released to be soil nutrients.
– Silica goes into solution.
– H + replaces K in the crystal structure as OH ions = hydrolysis
this disrupts and expands the crystal structure
– Al is retained
Only one hydrogen ion is neutralized for each mole of feldspar consumed
because clay minerals are by-products of weathering
– form at surface conditions
– very stable at surface conditions
– comprise a high percentage of the inorganic component of soil
The emissions are
– SO2 and
– gases of nitrogen (NO2, N2O)
draw reactions on board
Canadian Shield
New England
Nova Scotia
Therefore lakes in these geographic settings have a poor buffer against the effects of acid rain.
Soils in these settings also have a poor natural buffer and farmers must add lime (CaCO3) to the soil.
figure 23.2
constituent mineral growth, increase in mineral volume
puts pressure on the framework of the rock resulting in:
– gruss
– spheroidal weathering
form where hydrated minerals fall off and collect at the base of a weathering rock
sequence of events:
– pressure release forms orthogonal joints
– water percolates through cracks
– -hydrated minerals disrupt the framework of the rock
– put pressure outward
– weathering first reacts more intensely at corners, producing a rounded shape
– finally, onion-skin pieces of rock flake off
– end up with what looks like giant pile of marbles
Particle Size
Porosity and Permeability
– optimum environment for chem. weathering
– optimum environment for mech. weathering
Mineral Stability