sas_minutes_10.25.11 - Nebraska Wesleyan University

Student Affairs Senate
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Callen Conference Center
The Student Affairs Senate was called to order on Tuesday, October 25, 2011 at 1:02 pm by
Vice President Lindsey Jones.
Roll Call
a. 39 members present
i. Members absent at time of roll call:
1. Unexcused: Diane Hawkins, Michelle Zhang, Halie Gribble
2. Excused: Shannon Schroeder, Tim Brawner
a. No corrections or changes to minutes from Oct. 11th
Special Orders
a. Presentation of the United Way
i. Looking for students to be readers, mentors, or tutors for younger kids in the
Lincoln community. Contact Travis Jensen or Karla
Jensen if you’re interested-there‘s a form to fill
out. Travis and Karla “will flip” for every 15 mentors that sign up.
Officer Reports
a. President
i. 2 sets of applications: 2 spots are open on University Judiciary (1 sophomore
and 1 junior). 1 spot is open on Board of Governors. Applications due Nov. 11th
ii. My turn to drive kicked off last week. 13 bars are currently participating. More
information-contact Phil.
iii. Volunteers to carry out SR-3
1. Meeting at 9 am with Gov. Heinemann’s Public Affairs liaison. Since Gov.
Heinemann called for a special session 10-15 senators can visit with him
to show our support. If interested-talk to Chelsea Johnson. Meeting will
be 30 minutes.
iv. Note cards in front of senators:
1. What has been your most favorite weekend program at Wesleyan?
2. Please give senate feedback.
b. Vice President
i. Dr. Mary Lynn Schaffer is the Wesleyan coordinator for Dawes Middle School,
and would like SAS to be present at a Dawes Middle School scholarship
presentation. More information will come later. It will be at the beginning of 2nd
semester-possibly on Martin Luther King Day.
ii. Vice presidents in IFC and Panhellenic Council would like help from SAS to
sponsor the tailgate on Nov. 12th from 11-1 pm. If you have information about
tent rental and food donations-contact Lindsey.
iii. Phil and Lindsey met with Judy about SAS being a credit hour-still in process.
c. Parliamentarian
i. No report
d. Secretaries
i. No report
e. Treasurer
i. No report
Tech Advisor
i. Automated email issue has been fixed
Committee Reports
a. Academic Affairs
i. Curriculum process meeting was this morning and they actively participated
b. Budget
i. Received 29 budgets. 8 new clubs that didn’t request funds in the past
requested finds this year.
ii. Make sure your club is signed up for a hearing on Nov 12th or 13th if you
submitted a budget. Sign up in the CSI office.
c. Campus Grounds and Security
i. Safety walk went well
ii. Bike rack will be put in by the townhouses
iii. Will work with Matt on improving areas on campus
iv. FYI: you can dial ANY number from the emergency stations on campus-it doesn’t
have to be 911
i. Tolerance campaign is in the making
ii. Black Jew dialogues went well
e. PRE
i. Dodge-ball event is in the making –got balls local YMCA
ii. Contacted Lied Center’s webmaster to get a Wesleyan link on their site to
receive the Lied Center Discount for online ticket purchases
iii. Meet after senate
f. Student Affairs
i. Legislation today –more in the making
ii. Meet after senate
New Business
a. SB-2
i. Lacey Adams introduced SB-2
ii. Lacey proposed a friendly amendment in Section 3
SECTION III: There are limited opportunities for students in the sciences division who plan to further
their education by attending graduate school have limited opportunities to learn about the process of
continuing their education, and
iii. Lacey proposed a friendly amendment at closing
1. Strike the date 2010-2011 and insert 2011-2012
iv. Jordan Kershner proposed a friendly amendment in Section 3
1. Insert the word natural between “the and sciences”
v. Period of clarification
1. Ben Schilling inquired about the programming Graduate Club will
2. The representative from Graduate Club spoke about bringing individuals
in graduate programs to speak at meetings
3. Steven Anderson asked how HHP speakers are different than the
speakers Graduate Club will bring
4. The representative from Graduate Club said the speakers will not be
from the Healthcare field
5. Lindsey explained that choosing a lab environment and research mentor
during the application process will be something Graduate Club can
assist with
vi. Period of debate
1. None
vii. Collin Shepherd moved to previous question
viii. Lacey Adams seconded
ix. Vote Count: 38 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Abstentions
b. Senate Activity
i. Committee’s strategically mingled for a few minutes
a. Glow in the Dark Laser Tag is Wednesday from 7-10 pm in the Knight Field House
b. Halloween for Huntington is Wednesday from 6-9:30 pm at Willard and OAKs
c. Eboo Patel – Interfaith Leadership speaker. Wednesday Nov 2nd at 7pm in O’Donnell.
d. Interested in meeting with Eboo for lunch on Wednesday at noon in Prairie Wolf A –
email Karri Sanderson
i. Patty Hawk, “You are going to be glad you met him!” Eboo was appointed by
President Barack Obama to the advisory council of the White House Office of
Faith Based and Neighborhood Initiatives.
e. GSL’s service trip applications are available in the Career and Counseling Center
Adjourn at 1:51 pm