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Physics 371 - Acoustics for Musicians selected slides, February 28, 2002

Sound intensity Level

The decibel (dB)

Sound pressure


Sensitivity curves (Phon)

Hearing: loudness

Sound Intensity Level I : level I is measured by power/m 2 (Watt/m 2 = W/m 2 ) range from hearing threshold to pain level : intensity level at threshold of hearing: I




W/m 2 intensity level at threshold of pain: 1 W/m 2

(expressed in sound pressure, threshold is 2x 10 -5 N/m 2 , which is about 1/10,000 of pressure of sheet of paper on table)

If we measure intensity of sound in relation to threshold intensity the answer will vary from 1 to 1,000,000,000,000 !!

How can an organism accommodate this huge intensity range?

How can we better express the intensity level?

Answer: logarithmic response of the ear

Ear and brain is made such that equal factors in intensity cause equal increments in loudness. if we call threshold intensity = 1:

Intensity I: 1 10 10 2 10 3 10 4 ……..10

10 10 11 10 12 log I : 0 1 2 3 4……….. 10 11 12

10log I: 0 10 20 30 40 ……… 100 110 120 dB this is the DECIBEL SCALE of Sound Intensity Level:

Intensity level in dB: L

10 log




(can be used to compare any two intensity levels

What does one dB change in loudness sound like?


1 dB steps

3 dB steps

5 dB steps examples: a) calculate the intensity ratio for a 1 dB step.

b) one dynamic step ( ppp - pp - p - mf - f - ff - fff) about 6dB find intensity ratio for each step.

comments on buying audio equipment: flatness of response, power, freq. rolloff

Adding sounds: DO EXAMPLES ON BLACKBOARD example: add 440 Hz tones of 60dB and 70dB

How is sound pressure P (N/m 2 ) related to intensity I (W/m 2 ) ?

When sound PRESSURE P doubles, sound INTENSITY I quadrupes: I is proportional to P 2












20 log



0 can use relation to calculate relative sound pressure P




To calculate absolute sound pressure one uses P


= 2x10 -5 N/m 2 example: if f (forte) = 70dB, find sound pressure (Answ: 0.06N/m 2 )

EXAMPLES (similar to homework): example 1: a cellist can change the string amplitude between 0.1mm

and 4mm. We can assume that sound pressure is prop.

to string amplitude. What is her dynamic range in dB? example 2: if a crescendo from f to ff increases the sound level by 6 dB find the relative sound intensity find the relative sound pressure example 3: calculate the sound pressure for a 70dB tone ( forte )

(for comparison: normal athmospheric press - 10 5 N/m 2 ) example 4: calculate the intensity level in dB when you add sounds of 65dB and 70dB.

Sensitivity of ear as a function of frequency loudness level in Phons tones of different frequencies have the same number of phones if they sound equally loud.

the comparison tone is a 1000 Hz tone.

example: If a 1000 Hz tone has intensity level of 60 db it is said to have 60 phones - any other equally loud pure tone of different frequency also has 60 phones.

highest sensitivity of ear for about 2000 - 5000 Hz

DEMO: decrease sound press for 100Hz and for 2000Hz tones by same factor (same dB) - 100Hz becomes inaudible

Application: HiFi volume control vs loudness control

Equal loudness level curves: LL= 40 phones

Curves of equal-loudness level intensity press

W/m 2 N/m 2

intensity press

W/m 2 N/m 2

Good audio amplifier use automatic loudness control

Neural Response of Ear: the Neural Transmitters anatomy of the ear:

Show overhead transparencies (see Fig. 1 p. 88 Backus)

Basilar membrane length about 35 mm; 3.5 mm per ocatave

30,000 receptors. Localization of freq.

• sound is transmitted to the brain not as a wave shape but as individual pulses ("discharge" of nerve cell).

• Pulses have same height independent of stimulus,

• average pulse rate depends on loudness level.

• time distribution of pulses encodes wave shape

Rose et al. J. Neurophysiology time interval between nerve impulses for different frequencies.

rate 120 spikes/s at 70 dB

600 Hz rate 30 spikes/s at 70 dB

217 Hz

192 Hz

460 Hz

167 Hz

365 Hz

0 5 10 15 ms 20



0 5 10 15 ms 20


