eggPlant Functional is the unique and innovative software test

eggPlant Functional
TestPlant Ltd
Functional test automation from mainframe to mobile.
September 2013
1 Introduction
eggPlant Functional is the unique and innovative software test automation tool from TestPlant
that can verify the functionality and user experience of any application from mainframe
mobile. Delivering the ability to test across any technology by seeing exactly what’s displayed
on the Human Machine Interface, or HMI, eggPlant executes test routines in exactly the same
way a human user does enabling end-to-end testing capabilities with it’s cross platform,
technology agnostic technology. eggPlant Functional delivers better software in less time and
lower cost.
2 eggPlant Functional overview
eggPlant Functional uses patented image recognition technology to detect and interact with
every pixel that makes up the display allowing it to control and deliver automation across the
entire user interface.
Using a series of unique features, eggPlant Functional allows for very simple development of
automated routines, or scripts, to execute tests against any technology that includes an HMI.
Those features include:
Sophisticated image recognition to see the screen of the System Under Test, SUT.
Easy to use scripting language, SenseTalk.
Two system architecture delivering non-invasive testing.
Beyond the unique capabilities of eggPlant Functional, there is a requirement to ensure test
tools such as eggPlant Functional can support external functions such as script and test case
management, communication with continuous integration tools and buck tracking systems. In
addition, more traditional programming languages deliver extended integration which
eggPlant Functional enables through its eggPlant Drive capability.
2.1 Image recognition technology
eggPlant Functional’s patented technology was recognised as unique due to the use of
sophisticated image recognition technology over a two system architecture. Its image based
approach means eggPlant sees the screen in exactly the same way a human user does.
Removing the dependency of understanding the code of the SUT enables eggPlant
Functional to remain completely technology agnostic, automating workflows to verify
functionality, performance and the user experience of the environment at every stage of the
2.2 SenseTalk scripting language
Automation is meant to make testing easy, and therefore should be easy to implement.
Scripting in complex development languages such as Python, Java or VBScript introduces
difficulties that slow down implementation, limit expertise and have hidden costs when
training for and onboarding the tool for use across the team.
SenseTalk is eggPlant Functional’s proprietary scripting language that allows the nondevelopment user to create, modify and also execute test scripts with ease. A very Englishlike language, SenseTalk is easy to read, learn and implement.
April 2014
2.3 Two system architecture
Traditional testing tools have the inherent overhead of being installed on the SUT impacting
the performance of hardware and environment in which the application is designed.
eggPlant’s architectures allows it to test across two systems to ensure a non-invasive testing
approach. The eggPlant Functional test controller is installed on one machine and remotely
connects to the SUT.
As displayed in Figure 1, eggPlant uses Virtual Network Computing [VNC] to communicate
with SUT.
Figure 1: eggPlant's Two System Model
2.4 Live mode and capture mode
Within eggPlant Functional there are two modes of operation. Live mode allows the tester to
freely interact with the SUT and operates in exactly the same state and even allows users to
execute manual testing capabilities.
To build the automated test routines, eggPlant Functional enters capture mode which allows
users to navigate through your application under test following the steps of a manual testing
procedure and in turn automatically writing an eggPlant test script. More advance scripters
can directly write their tests within eggPlant’s scripting window.
3 Advanced functionality
3.1 Optical Character Recognition
In addition to the sophisticated image recognition algorithms, eggPlant Functional
incorporates a powerful Optical Character Recognition [OCR] engine that supports over 200
languages. This allows you to focus your testing on your target market, but additionally
recognise and verify dynamic data displayed on any screen.
April 2014
3.2 Cross platform, cross device testing
The only data that VNC translates to your desktop is the graphical information about the
pixels. This means that every SUT is treated in exactly the same way. This, combined with
the image level approach, means that eggPlant can test any technology from mainframe to
Figure 2: The universal tool
Desktop – any operating system [Windows, Linux, Mac]
Browser – any browser [Chrome, IE, Safari, Firefox, Opera] and technology [Flash,
Flex, Silverlight, HTML 5]
Mobile – iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows, Symbian
Embedded – Any embedded RTOS framework
This includes any other technology with a user interface, from mainframe to server to cloud.
3.3 Multi device end-to-end testing
Verifying the entire architecture and infrastructure across the system is imperative to ensure
complete compatibility and integration across the environment. Using eggPlant Functional’s
technology agnostic approach, a single license can seamless transition to test across multiple
systems or devices without the need for any human interaction verifying any business or
mission critical systems.
3.4 ODBC data driven testing
During many test scenarios, the requirement to push variables or different data sets through
the application under test is frequently required. eggPlant Functional includes full ODBC
integration to enable multi dimensional data driven testing or data verification during any test
cycle. In addition, simple text/CSV stored data can be utilised to execute these tests.
3.5 eggPlant Drive
eggPlant Drive is an extension to eggPlant Functional that allows for full control of any
eggPlant controller through any language that support XML-RPC. With the familiarity of more
development heavy languages, eggPlant Drive allows more technical users to script in Java,
Python, Ruby and more.
April 2014
Figure 3: eggPlant Drive
Figure 3 above illustrates the simplicity of eggPlant Drive. Commands sent from the XMLRPC framework are translated by eggPlant Drive for eggPlant, which runs the image based
tests and returns the results
4 eggPlant Functional Integration
The application life cycle consists of multiple elements and eggPlant Functional delivers an
extensive solution for the automation of test execution. Test management, continuous
integration and other form an important part of the testing ecosystem.
eggPlant Functional includes specific adaptors with official APIs to enable communication
between the eggPlant Functional controller and third part solutions and bespoke in-house
solutions. Those integrations include:
HP Quality Centre
IBM Rational Quality Manager
National Instruments Test Stand
Further integrations are achievable through the command line, SenseTalk’s ‘shell()’ command
and eggPlant Drive.
5 Additional benefits
5.1 Data entry
As eggPlant Functional replicates every action performed by the end user, it can replace
labour heavy manual processes of data entry. Using data driven testing techniques allows
basic, repetitive population of generic data files can be fully automated from end to end in a
faster, more efficient and cost saving approach.
April 2014
5.2 User Acceptance Testing [UAT]
eggPlant Functional, whilst physically driving the SUT to verify workflow and standard
regression packs, it immediately can verify the user experience of the application removing
the need to execute monotonous manual user acceptance tests. eggPlant Functional will
interact with the pixels on the screen, a true representation of the performance of the top level
of your application is quickly verified in any eggPlant Functional scripts.
5.3 Flexible Architecture
Traditional testing tools are installed on the SUT with an instance of the particular testing tool
required at each testing location and each SUT. eggPlant Functional’s two-system
architecture enables its users to install a single eggPlant instance and test any number of
systems in any locations.
5.4 Ease of Use
Translating manual test cases into automated scripts with eggPlant Functional is very easy. It
enables the user to step through the process by capturing images, and selecting the relevant
function. There is no requirement to learn complex scripting languages such as Python or
Ruby – eggPlant Functional is Plug ‘n’ Play.
5.5 Support Framework
The TestPlant support team is a group of highly skilled individuals with a vast amount of
experience in test automation. Under the standard licensing agreement we provide unlimited
technical support through email, telephone and face-to-face. TestPlant is committed to
ensuring that our customers maximise the potential of their eggPlant investment.
5.6 Professional Services Partnerships
In addition to on-site visits and support from our support team, TestPlant manage an
ecosystem of partnerships that allows extended training or even resource to support your
project requirements with eggPlant expertise.
Accelerator courses can be introduced under eggPlant Consultancy to provide additional
resource to ensure users of eggPlant Functional can get up to speed very quickly. eggPlant
Consultancy days are delivered per day and designed to support the introduction and
implementation of eggPlant Functional as well as initial introductions and possible training
associated with the tool. Simply, the introduction, implementations and training is designed
around the desired goals and number of days allocated to consultancy.
6 eggPlant Licence Model
eggPlant is sold on a 12 month term basis which includes…
Full use to the latest version of eggPlant
Full support and maintenance
Free access to all new product releases
Full access to our online guides and training material
Inclusion in our Customer Care Programme
April 2014
Terms of 24 months or greater are also available and include extended term discounts.
eggPlant can be purchased with different levels of functionality. This functionality allows
licences to be fixed or floating [eggPlant or eggPlant Team], develop or execute
[Development or Execution] and finally the addition of our API [eggPlant Drive].
To establish the licences required please choose…
eggPlant or eggPlant Team License?
An eggPlant license can only be used on one computer (sometimes called a "node-locked
license"), i.e. It can have multiple users however they all have to operate through the same
machine. You may change the computer that a specific license is associated with, but this is a
manual process through your eggPlant license portal, GreenHouse.
An eggPlant Team license provides more flexibility by allowing a team of testers to share a
license. The license can be used by any computer on your network, but only one tester may
be using it at any given time. If you need multiple testers to be using eggPlant at the same
time then you will need to purchase multiple eggPlant Team licenses.
Development or Execution?
A "development" license allows a tester to use the full functionality of eggPlant. Most
importantly this includes both creating and executing test scripts. An "execution" license
allows a tester to execute existing eggPlant scripts, but they cannot develop scripts.
eggPlant Drive?
eggPlant Drive provides you with an API that gives you full access to all the functionality of
eggPlant. Everything from running an existing test script, to interactively executing specific
commands on the system-under-test (e.g. screen touch). This allows you to fully integrate
eggPlant into your wider testing, continuous integration or development environment. Please
note that eggPlant Team licenses include eggPlant Drive.
7 About TestPlant
TestPlant is an international software business based in London. It has development centres
in the USA and the UK with sales and support centres in the USA, the UK and Asia as well as
an extensive network of business partners. The company was founded in 2008 by George
Mackintosh and Jon Richards with venture capital backing and it has shown rapid growth
organically and through the acquisitions of Redstone Software and Facilita. TestPlant’s
products are used in over 30 countries by well over 300 enterprise customers in sectors
which include Financial Services, Automotive, Healthcare and Leif Sciences, Media and
Entertainment, Retail and Defence and Aerospace. The eggPlant range is a set of tools which
support the design, development, test and management of software applications for
mainframe, desktop and mobile is any technology platform environment. The tools are
relevant in the agile, mobile, web and DevOps deployments. eggPlant use improves and
reports on the quality and responsiveness of software systems, reduces time to market and
lowers costs by the introducing process automation. The eggPlant tools have been granted
patents with several applications pending. The company’s achievements have been
recognised with the software industry and by the venture capital community. TestPlant is also
a Red Herring Global Top 100 company and was awarded a Queen’s Award for Enterprise in
April 2014
8 Contact details
Tel: 0207 002 7888
TestPlant Europe Ltd
6 Snow Hill
April 2014