Culinary Math Master Course Outline

Culinary Math
Master Course Outline
Day 1: Course Introduction
● Lecture
○ Review Syllabus and Master Course Outline.
○ Program Overview.
○ How to Succeed in This Course.
● Learning Objectives
○ Learn about Course Expectations
○ Learn about CFI Grading and Performance Expectations
○ Learn about Culinary Math Textbook
● Demonstration
○ None
● Competency-Based Learning Activity
○ Population of Emergency Contact List
● Homework / Reading Assignment
○ Read Chapter 1
○ Purchase Course Materials
● Assessment
○ Uniform Standards / Line-Up
○ Basic Math Pre-Test
Day 2: Math Basics
● Lecture
○ Math Basics (Chapter 1)
● Learning Objectives
○ Learn about Math Basics (Chapter 1):
 Identify the place value of a whole number.
 Convert a whole number to a fraction.
 Identify the types of fractions.
 Convert a mixed number to an improper fraction.
 Convert fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions.
 Solve an equation with fractions and decimals.
 Convert a percent to a decimal or fraction and a decimal or fraction to a
 Solve word problems for the part, whole, or percent.
 Round given numbers based on the situation.
● Demonstration
○ Example Problems Associated with Lecture Topic
● Competency-Based Learning Activity
○ None
● Homework / Reading Assignment
○ Chapter 1: 1-86 (every 3rd problem; i.e. 3, 6, 9, etc.)
○ Read Chapters 2 and 3
● Assessment
○ Uniform Standards / Line-Up
Day 3: Customary Units of Measure and Metric Measures
● Lecture
○ Customary Units of Measure (Chapter 2)
○ Metric Measures (Chapter 3)
● Learning Objectives
○ Learn about Customary Units of Measure (Chapter 2):
 List the names and abbreviations of the units of measure most commonly
used in the food-service industry.
 Demonstrate your understanding of the relative sizes of the measuring tools
used in the food-service industry.
 Recall the equivalents of volume and weight measures without references.
 Explain the difference between weight and volume measurements.
 Define a fluid ounce and explain how it differs from on ounce.
○ Learn about Metric Measures (Chapter 3):
 Identify the areas in food service where the metric system may be used.
 Apply the equivalents for the metric system as they will be used in the kitchen.
 Determine the appropriate metric measure when given an ingredient in U.S.
standard measure.
● Demonstration
○ Example Problems Associated with Lecture Topic
○ Measuring Tools
● Competency-Based Learning Activity
○ Basic Conversions Exercise
○ Create Flash Cards and Memory Aids for Basic Conversions
● Homework / Reading Assignment
○ Chapter 2: 1-25 (every 3rd problem)
○ Chapter 3: 1-17 (every 3rd problem), and 23
○ Read Chapters 4 and 5
● Assessment
○ Uniform Standards / Line-Up
○ Quiz #1 (Chapter 1)
Day 4: Conversions within Volume and Weight
● Lecture
○ Basic Conversion of Units of Measure within Volume or Weight (Chapter 4)
○ Converting Weight and Volume Mixed Measures (Chapter 5)
● Learning Objectives
○ Basic Conversion of Units of Measure within Volume and Weight (Chapter 4):
 Demonstrate your understanding of the bridge method to convert units of
measures within weight and volume.
○ Converting Weight and Volume Mixed Measures (Chapter 5):
 Convert mixed units of measure to a single unit.
 Convert a single unit of measure to mixed units of measure.
● Demonstration
○ Example Problems Associated with Lecture Topic
● Competency-Based Learning Activity
○ Basic Conversions Exercise
○ Create Flash Cards and Memory Aids for Intermediate Conversions
● Homework / Reading Assignment
○ Chapter 4: 1-53 (every 3rd problem)
○ Chapter 5: 1-35 (every 3rd problem)
○ Read Chapter 6
● Assessment
○ Uniform Standards / Line-Up
○ Quiz #2 (Chapters 2 and 3)
Day 5: Advanced Conversions between Weight and Volume
● Lecture
○ Advanced Conversions between Weight and Volume (Chapter 6)
● Learning Objectives
○ Advanced Conversions between Weight and Volume (Chapter 6):
 Identify when to use the Approximate Volume to Weight Chart without error.
 Convert unit measures from weight to volume and volume to weight.
● Demonstration
○ Example Problems Associated with Lecture Topic
● Competency-Based Learning Activity
○ Basic Conversions Exercise
● Homework / Reading Assignment
○ Chapter 6: 1-35 (every 3rd problem)
○ Read Chapters 14 and 15
● Assessment
○ Uniform Standards / Line-Up
○ Quiz #3 (Chapters 4 and 5)
Day 6: Recipe Size Conversion and Kitchen Ratios
● Lecture
○ Recipe Size Conversion (Chapter 14)
○ Kitchen Ratios (Chapter 15)
● Learning Objectives
○ Recipe Size Conversion (Chapter 14):
 Calculate a recipe conversion factor to make a desired quantity of a given
 Compute the new ingredient quantities using the recipe conversion factor.
 Convert difficult-to-measure quantities into easier-to-measure quantities.
○ Kitchen Ratios (Chapter 15):
 Calculate ingredient quantities for a given ratio when the total to be made is
 Calculate the quantities for the remaining ingredients in a given ratio when the
quantity of one of the ingredients is known.
○ Example Problems Associated with Lecture Topic
Competency-Based Learning Activity
○ Basic and Advanced Conversions Exercise
Homework / Reading Assignment
○ Chapter 14: 1-26 (every 3rd problem), plus 14 and 16
○ Chapter 15: 1-21 (every 3rd problem)
○ Uniform Standards / Line-Up
○ Quiz #4 (Chapter 6)
Day 7: Lab #1 – Chapters 1-6 and 14-15
● Lecture
○ Lab Introduction / Explanation
● Learning Objectives
○ Demonstrate Student’s Understanding of Chapters 1-6 and 14-15
● Demonstration
○ Instructor Example of Lab Steps
● Competency-Based Learning Activity
○ Chapters 1-6 and 14-15 Lab
 Specific activity to be determined by the instructor.
● Homework / Reading Assignment
○ Lab Response
○ Begin Review for Test #1
● Assessment
○ Uniform Standards / Line-Up
Day 8: Test #1 Review – Chapters 1-6 and 14-15
● Lecture
○ Review Chapters 1-6 and 14-15
● Learning Objectives
○ Identify Topics, Areas of Focus, and Study Strategies for Upcoming Assessment
● Demonstration
○ Examples Problems Generated from Student Questions
● Competency-Based Learning Activity
○ Basic and Advanced Conversions Exercise
○ Test Review Game
● Homework / Reading Assignment
○ Prepare for Test #1
● Assessment
○ Uniform Standards / Line-Up
○ Quiz #5 (Chapters 14 and 15)
Day 9: Test #1 – Chapters 1-6 and 14-15
● Lecture
○ None
● Learning Objectives
○ Assessment of Student’s Understanding of Chapters 1-6 and 14-15
● Demonstration
○ None
● Competency-Based Learning Activity
○ None
● Homework / Reading Assignment
○ Read Chapter 7 and 8
● Assessment
○ Uniform Standards / Line-Up
○ Test #1 (Chapters 1-6 and 14-15)
Day 10: Yield Percent and Applying Yield Percent
● Lecture
○ Yield Percent (Chapter 7)
○ Applying Yield Percent (Chapter 8)
● Learning Objectives
○ Yield Percent (Chapter 7):
 Calculate the yield percent of a nonfabricated fruit or vegetable, applying the
steps of a yield test.
 Apply the terms as-purchased quantity (APQ), edible portion quantity (EPQ),
and trim correctly.
 Calculate the yield percent when given the weights of the as-purchased
quantity and edible portion quantity of a fruit or vegetable.
 Identify the factors that might affect yield percent.
 Distinguish the time when it is appropriate to use the Approximate Yield of
Fruits and Vegetables Chart.
○ Applying Yield Percent (Chapter 8):
 Calculate the as-purchased quantity when the edible portion quantity is given.
 Calculate the edible portion quantity when the as-purchased quantity is given.
● Demonstration
○ Example Problems Associated with Lecture Topic
● Competency-Based Learning Activity
○ Basic and Advanced Conversions Exercise
● Homework / Reading Assignment
○ Chapter 7: 1-30 (every 3rd problem)
○ Chapter 8: 1-40 (every 3rd problem)
○ Read Chapters 9 and 10
● Assessment
○ Uniform Standards / Line-Up
Day 11: Finding Cost and Edible Portion Cost
● Lecture
○ Finding Cost (Chapter 9)
○ Edible Portion Cost (Chapter 10)
● Learning Objectives
○ Finding Cost (Chapter 9):
 Apply the cost-per-unit formula.
 Solve for the total cost.
 Apply the definition of cost as used by the food-service industry.
○ Edible Portion Cost (Chapter 10):
 Define edible portion cost and as-purchased cost.
 Calculate the edible portion cost when the as-purchased cost is given for an
 Explain why edible portion cost will always be equal to or greater than aspurchased cost.
● Demonstration
○ Example Problems Associated with Lecture Topic
● Competency-Based Learning Activity
○ Basic and Advanced Conversions Exercise
● Homework / Reading Assignment
○ Chapter 9: 1-45 (every 3rd problem)
○ Chapter 10: 1-31 (every 3rd problem)
○ Read Chapters 11 and 12
● Assessment
○ Uniform Standards / Line-Up
○ Quiz #6 (Chapters 7 and 8)
Day 12: Recipe Costing and Yield Percent: When to Ignore It
● Lecture
○ Recipe Costing (Chapter 11)
○ Yield Percent: When to Ignore It (Chapter 12)
● Learning Objectives
○ Recipe Costing (Chapter 11):
 State the major reasons for a strong recipe precosting program.
 Identify the components of a food cost form.
 Cost out a recipe by completing a food cost form correctly.
 Calculate the cost to produce a given recipe and the cost per portion.
 Calculate an estimated selling price given an estimated food cost percent.
○ Yield Percent: When to Ignore It (Chapter 12):
 Identify the circumstances when the yield percent does not need to be taken
into account when calculating the as-purchased quantity or the edible portion
 Apply the costing principles to calculate the Total Cost and Cost per Portion in
the excel food cost form.
● Demonstration
○ Example Problems Associated with Lecture Topic
● Competency-Based Learning Activity
○ Basic and Advanced Conversions Exercise
● Homework / Reading Assignment
○ Chapter 11: Food Cost Form 1, 3, and 5 (all parts)
○ Chapter 12: 3, 6, 9, 10-13, Food Cost Form 15
○ Read Chapter 13
● Assessment
○ Uniform Standards / Line-Up
○ Quiz #7 (Chapters 9 and 10)
Day 13: Beverage Costing
● Lecture
○ Beverage Costing (Chapter 13)
● Learning Objectives
○ Beverage Costing (Chapter 13):
 Calculate the number of U.S. standard measure servings of wine or spirits
that can be poured from a quantity given in metric measure.
 Calculate the beverage cost percent given the cost per beverage and the
selling price.
 Calculate the selling price for a beverage given the beverage cost percent
and the cost per beverage.
● Demonstration
○ Example Problems Associated with Lecture Topic
● Competency-Based Learning Activity
○ Basic and Advanced Conversions Exercise
● Homework / Reading Assignment
○ Chapter 13: 1-18 (every 3rd problem)
● Assessment
○ Uniform Standards / Line-Up
○ Quiz #8 (Chapters 11 and 12)
Day 14: Lab #2 – Chapters 7-13
● Lecture
○ Lab Introduction / Explanation
● Learning Objectives
○ Demonstrate Student’s Understanding of Chapters 7-13
● Demonstration
○ Instructor Example of Lab Steps
● Competency-Based Learning Activity
○ Chapters 7-13 Lab
 Specific activity to be determined by the instructor.
● Homework / Reading Assignment
○ Lab Response
○ Begin Review for Test #2
● Assessment
○ Uniform Standards / Line-Up
Day 15: Test #2 Review – Chapters 7-13
● Lecture
○ Review Chapters 7-13
● Learning Objectives
○ Identify Topics, Areas of Focus, and Study Strategies for Upcoming Assessment
● Demonstration
○ Examples Problems Generated from Student Questions
● Competency-Based Learning Activity
○ Basic and Advanced Conversions Exercise
○ Test Review Game
● Homework / Reading Assignment
○ Prepare for Test #2
● Assessment
○ Uniform Standards / Line-Up
○ Quiz #9 (Chapter 13)
Day 16: Test #2 – Chapters 7-13
● Lecture
○ None
● Learning Objectives
○ Assessment of Student’s Understanding of Chapters 7-13
● Demonstration
○ None
● Competency-Based Learning Activity
○ None
● Homework / Reading Assignment
○ None
● Assessment
○ Uniform Standards / Line-Up
○ Test #2 (Chapters 7-13)
Day 17: Statistics and Graphing Lesson #1
● Lecture
○ The first part of a 3-part lesson in statistics and graphing
● Learning Objectives
○ Develop an understanding of the basics of statistics and graphing in a coordinate
system and their use in the food service industry.
● Demonstration
○ Example Problems Associated with Lecture Topic
● Competency-Based Learning Activity
○ Basic and Advanced Conversions Exercise
○ In-Class Statistics and Graphing Exercise
● Homework / Reading Assignment
○ Instructor Assigned Statistics and Graphing Homework
● Assessment
○ Uniform Standards / Line-Up
Day 18: Statistics and Graphing Lesson #2
● Lecture
○ The second part of a 3-part lesson in statistics and graphing
● Learning Objectives
○ Develop an understanding of the basics of statistics and graphing in a coordinate
system and their use in the food service industry.
● Demonstration
○ Example Problems Associated with Lecture Topic
● Competency-Based Learning Activity
○ Basic and Advanced Conversions Exercise
○ In-Class Statistics and Graphing Exercise
● Homework / Reading Assignment
○ Instructor Assigned Statistics and Graphing Homework
● Assessment
○ Uniform Standards / Line-Up
Day 19: Statistics and Graphing Lesson #3
● Lecture
○ The third part of a 3-part lesson in statistics and graphing
● Learning Objectives
○ Develop an understanding of the basics of statistics and graphing in a coordinate
system and their use in the food service industry.
● Demonstration
○ Example Problems Associated with Lecture Topic
● Competency-Based Learning Activity
○ Basic and Advanced Conversions Exercise
○ In-Class Statistics and Graphing Exercise
● Homework / Reading Assignment
○ Instructor Assigned Statistics and Graphing Homework
● Assessment
○ Uniform Standards / Line-Up
Day 20: Final Exam Review – Chapters 1-15 and Graphing
● Lecture
○ Review Chapters 1-15 and Graphing
● Learning Objectives
○ Identify Topics, Areas of Focus, and Study Strategies for Upcoming Assessment
● Demonstration
○ Examples Problems Generated from Student Questions
● Competency-Based Learning Activity
○ Basic and Advanced Conversions Exercise
○ Test Review Game
● Homework / Reading Assignment
○ Prepare for Final Exam
● Assessment
○ Uniform Standards / Line-Up
Day 21: Final Exam
● Lecture
○ None
● Learning Objectives
○ Assessment of Student’s Understanding of Chapters 1-15 and Graphing
● Demonstration
○ None
● Competency-Based Learning Activity
○ None
● Homework / Reading Assignment
○ None
● Assessment
○ Uniform Standards / Line-Up
○ Final Exam (Chapters 1-15 and Graphing)