Course Syllabus: Fall, 2013 MTH 031.BC1: Beginning Algebra Instructor: Name: Kristi Laird E-Mail: Phone: 517-796-8503 Office Location: JM 252 Office hours: Monday & Wednesday 11:30 – 12:30*, 2:30 – 3* Tuesday & Thursday 11 – 2 Other times and Fridays by appointment *May be held in JM 248 if I am not in my office Prerequisite: A 2.0 in Math 020 (or equivalent) or course placement by exam. Course Goals: The purpose of this course is to develop a progressive understanding of basic algebraic skills, concepts, and problem solving techniques; to obtain a sense of how and why algebra is used, and to be able to relate algebra to real life applications. Emphasis will be placed on understanding concepts rather than memorization. Math 031 Core Course Objectives: Students completing Math 031 – Beginning Algebra should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Simplify basic algebraic, exponential, rational, and radical expressions using mathematical processes and symbol manipulation. Use algebraic processes to solve linear, quadratic, rational, radical and literal equations and linear systems of equations. Demonstrate understanding of concepts of linear equations by: graphing a linear equation, finding x- and y- intercepts, and finding the slope of a line. Solve basic application problems using algebraic processes and procedural techniques. Demonstrate a knowledge of current technology and its uses and/or scientific issues. Math 031 Associate Degree Outcomes: All courses at Jackson Community College address one or more of the institutionally defined Associate Degree Outcomes (ADOs). Math 031 contributes to the following outcomes. ADO 3: Demonstrate computational skills and mathematical reasoning ADO 7: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Course Materials: My Math Lab: Only ONE copy of My Math Lab is needed for the blended courses (MAT 031.BC1 and MAT 131.BC1) Calculator: Graphing calculator required; TI-84 recommended Three Ring Binder, Graph Paper, Lined Paper Pencils, Erasers, Colored pencils, Highlighters, Ruler Blended Course Concept You have chosen to enroll in the blended course for Beginning and Intermediate Algebra (MAT 031 and MAT 131). Here are some things you should know about this unique opportunity: You have the opportunity to complete both your developmental math requirement (beginning algebra) and your college level math requirement (intermediate algebra) in one semester instead of two. The beginning algebra course is a 15 week class, while the intermediate algebra course is a 12 week class and begins three weeks later. This gives us the opportunity to do some foundational work prior to the start of the college level class. Our small group of beginning algebra BC students will join with a group of non-BC intermediate algebra students to form a larger intermediate algebra class. After the first three foundational weeks, the structure of the beginning algebra class will follow the REAP principle: o Review: There will be an opportunity to review and/or clarify concepts from the previous intermediate algebra class. o Evaluate: Discuss what is working and what else is needed for students to succeed. o Apply: An opportunity to practice difficult concepts by doing more problems. o Preview: Background will be provided to help students better understand upcoming intermediate algebra concepts. You will have separate assignments, separate assessments, and be graded separately for the two classes (beginning algebra and intermediate algebra). We are a small group by design! Take advantage of the opportunity to work closely with the instructor and your classmates. Ask questions, offer answers (even if you are not sure!), and participate fully in this beginning algebra course…it will pay off in both this class and the intermediate algebra course! Course Requirements Your final grade for the course will be determined by your performance in four categories: Homework/Classwork Homework is done online in My Math Lab. All homework problems can be attempted an unlimited number of times until the due date. Be sure to take advantage of the great help features available in My Math Lab (Help Me Solve This is my favorite)! Some in-class assignments will also be collected and graded. Quizzes Instead of big unit exams, we will take frequent short quizzes to assess understanding of the topics we are working on. Normally these will be pencil-andpaper quizzes done in class, but it is possible that the occasional quiz will be assigned within My Math Lab as well. Quizzes can only be taken once. Projects: Projects are real-world applications of the material we are learning. There are two projects in this course. Final Exam: There is a uniform final exam taken by all MAT 031 students that will be the final assessment for this class. Grading Information Homework/Classwork: 30% of final grade. o Your scores on My Math Lab homework and graded in-class work will be included in this grade. o Late homework and classwork will not be accepted. If you miss classwork due to absence, it cannot be made up. I will drop your lowest two grades in this category. Quizzes: 30% of final grade o Quizzes are announced in the course calendar. Typically no books or notes can be used on quizzes; the instructor will notify you of any exceptions. o Please make every effort to be in class to take quizzes on the specified days. If missing a quiz is unavoidable, you must notify the instructor in advance of the absence so that a make-up quiz can be arranged prior to the following class period. If you fail to do this, you will receive a zero for the quiz. o I will drop your lowest grade in this category. Projects: 10% of final grade o There are two projects in this class. o No late projects will be accepted. Final Exam: 25% of final grade. o The final exam will be given on the last day of class and is cumulative (covers everything from the entire course). o A review sheet will be provided to help you study for the final exam. o No books can be used on the final exam, but there will be a list of formulas provided by the instructor for your use. Your final grade for the course will be determined by the following grading scale: Weighted Average (%) Final Grade 90 – 100 4.0 85 – 89 3.5 80 – 84 3.0 75 – 79 2.5 70 – 74 2.0 65 – 69 1.5 60 – 64 1.0 50 – 59 0.5 00 – 49 0.0 General Policy Information Intermediate Grading: To comply with college policy and federal regulations I am to assign a grade to you after approximately two weeks, five weeks, and eight weeks. The grades assigned are letters with the following meanings: o V: Verifies that you are participating and your work so far has been acceptable. o H: Means that you are participating, but your work shows that you may require Help in order to complete the class successfully. If you receive an H grade, you will be contacted by the center for student success and offered tutoring services. o Q: means that you have quit participating in the course. If you receive a Q grade, you will be automatically withdrawn from the course. I normally assign a Q grade if you have not attended or submitted work for four classes (two weeks) in a row, and you have not contacted me regarding your absences. Special Grading Situations: o Audits must be registered by you during the first week of class. You will not receive a grade or credit for the class. o Because courses vary in length, it is critical that you check the last day to drop or withdraw by going to , under ‘Quick Links’ choose “Drop Classes”. o Although your instructor may withdraw you for non-participation before midterm, only the student can initiate a withdrawal after midterm. o Incomplete grades will be given only in accordance with JCC policy: A student may request an incomplete from the instructor. The incomplete will be granted only if the student can provide documentation that his or her work up to that point is sufficient in quality, but lacking in quantity, due to circumstances beyond the student’s control. Final determination of whether an incomplete will be given is the instructor’s decision. Academic Honesty: (Excerpt from JCC policy): Academic honesty is expected of all students. It is the ethical behavior that includes producing their own work and not representing others’ work as their own, either by plagiarism, by cheating, or by helping others to do so. Faculty members who suspect a student of dishonesty may penalize the student by assigning a failing grade for the paper, project, report, exam or the course itself. The academic dean will be notified of the situation. Extra Credit Policy: The mathematics department at JCC strongly recommends that extra credit not be offered in mathematics courses. In order to foster a collegiate environment, maintain the integrity of grades, and provide for proper student placement and advancement through sequenced courses, the department believes this to be in the best interests of both students and faculty. Therefore, no extra credit will be available. Classroom Behavior Policy: Please be respectful of other students, the instructor, and yourself. Cell phones should be silenced during class; avoid phone calls and texting during class time (in an emergency please leave the room to handle your call or message and return as quickly and quietly as possible). Interruptions and side conversations while someone is speaking, instructor or student, are disrespectful and will not be tolerated. Practice good communication at all times, avoiding profanity, critical, or unkind remarks. Getting Help: Success is the Goal! Education is a self-initiated, goal-directed process. You as the student are expected to be accountable for your own learning. The instructor is a facilitator and resource person who will assist in this process. If you recognize that you need additional help in order to be successful, you have a number of options. The most important thing about getting help is to do so as soon as you feel like you are getting lost or behind. The quicker you seek help, the more likely it is that you will be able to be successful. Your instructor: Please make use of your instructor! I am here to help. I am available during classwork times, and also outside of class during my posted office hours. You are also welcome to make a special appointment to see me. Each other: Your classmates can be an excellent resource, and you can be a resource for others in the class as well. Form a study group, exchange contact information with others in the class, and work problems together! Math Lab: There is a math lab in JM 245. This lab is staffed with professional mathematicians who serve as tutors. It is open Monday through Thursday, from 10 am until 3 pm. The lab operates on a walk-in basis. Please remember to bring your textbook and your class notes to your tutoring session; these are very useful to the tutor as well as to the student. Center for Student Success: Located in Walker Hall, the center provides tutoring and other services. Please call or visit for more information. Remember, your attitude, self-management skills, and personal responsibility play a vital role in your success. A positive approach combined with a good work ethic will bring the greatest success. Be the creator of your own success! I look forward to working with you this semester.