GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR REPRESENTATIONAL, NON-REPRESENTATIONAL, and FOUNDATION FUNDS UAF CTC Prior Approval Form Representational and Non-Representational Expenditure Representational (8115) and Non-Representational (3008, 3018, 4008, and 4018) expenditures incurred must conform to the following requirements: Must be a bona fide event or activity “directly related to” or “associated with” University business. This is subject not only to university regulation, but also to public perception and appearance. Must not be lavish or extravagant. “Directly Related to: - Expenses incurred in a clear business setting where there is no significant personal or social relationship with the person (s) entertained. “Associated with” – Expenses incurred directly preceding or following the conduct of a bona fide business activity. CTC Program/Department and Phone # Fund/Org/Account: Planned Payment Method: PO: LPO: JV: Employee Reimbursement: Event/Activity includes Alcohol? Yes No Estimated Dollar Amount: Procard (Non-rep Only): UAF/TVC Procard Waiver? Yes Name of Event and Activity Description Event Location: No Date of Activity: CERTIFICATION: I (the undersigned) certify that the expense (s) included in this request will be incurred for the benefit of the University or the respective funding agency in connection with the performance of official duties and obligations and that, in my opinion, such expenditure (s) represent an appropriate use of public funds. Program/Department Signature Date: CTC Fiscal Review: Date: CTC Director Signature: Approved: Yes Date: No Date: CTC PRIOR APPROVAL PROCESS: CTC PRIOR APPROVAL PROCESS: Following these Guidelines does NOT GUARANTEE that you will be reimbursed for your expenditures. Only PRE-APPROVED expenditures are guaranteed reimbursement. Questions -Call TVC Administrative Services 455-2829 GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR REPRESENTATIONAL, NON-REPRESENTATIONAL, and FOUNDATION FUNDS Purpose Advisory council or board meeting Alcohol Foundation money only! Board or Advisory council meeting Cash gifts to University employees Christmas cards Coffee (canned - for public use only) Donations (cash or otherwise) Employee food, refreshments Employee meals at a restaurant or home Employee Recreational or Social activity Entertainment: Flowers for Traditional, Ceremonial events Flowers for other events Food, refreshments for employees Gifts costing less than $25 Gifts: more than $25 Honorarium Instructional programs ILoans to university employees Meals - work related On Campus Meals - work related/Travel Status Meetings/Meals - Off Campus Meetings/Meals that are cyclical or reciprocal Exceptions University hosted event Chancellor must pre-approve Events. University hosted event NOT ALLOWED - University will not reimburse NOT ALLOWED - University will not reimburse Only if ordinary and necessary for conduct of university's business NOT ALLOWED - University will not reimburse Civic, community, service, social, charitable organizations Generally disallowed (May qualify under 'Meals Work Related') NOT ALLOWED except as otherwise specified herein Generally disallowed. Requires pre-approval See: Tickets, Meetings, Employee Recreational/Social, Receptions, etc. For events that are both traditional and ceremonial, i.e. Commencement Generally disallowed. Foundation Rep must preapprove Generally disallowed (May qualify under 'Meals Work Related') Does not include cash gifts Generally Disallowed. May not use public funds for purchase. Taxed Must fill out 'Determination of Honorarium Status' form. NOT ALLOWED - University will not reimburse Only allowed if participants are required to work through meal period For meetings, conferences, etc. attended by employees on Travel Status NOT ALLOWED except as otherwise specified herein NOT ALLOWED - University will not reimburse Includes Meals, refreshments, similar costs. NO ALCOHOL Drinks with meals will NOT be reimbursed Meals, refreshments, similar costs. NO ALCOHOL NONE NONE Not for employee consumption Account 3008/4008 Foundation 3008/4008 NONE NONE 8115 NONE NONE Includes prepared food and all packaged, purchased food See 'Meals-work related, 'Meetings w/visiting Prof.', etc. Meals, refreshments, similar costs. NO ALCOHOL 8115 None 8115 3008/4008 For official events, appreciation, congratulations, sympathy Includes prepared food and all packaged, purchased food Plaques, tokens of appreciation/recognition MUST have Procurement Director's approval Foundation An Honorarium must NOT be used as payment. 3017 Meals, refreshments, similar costs. NO ALCOHOL 3008/4008 NONE 3008/4008 On campus meetings only Ex. UAA conference provides meals for UAF attendees See 'Meetings w/visiting Professionals,' 'Recruitment' Ex: Chamber of Commerce, Rotary meetings 8115 4441 8115 3008/4008 8115 NONE Following these Guidelines does NOT GUARANTEE that you will be reimbursed for your expenditures. Only PRE-APPROVED expenditures are guaranteed reimbursement. Questions -Call TVC Administrative Services 455-2829 GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR REPRESENTATIONAL, NON-REPRESENTATIONAL, and FOUNDATION FUNDS Meetings/Meals with visiting professionals Memberships, PERSONAL Office decorations Personnel recruitment Receptions: Recruitment of personnel Retirement gifts/receptions Students: Recreational or Social activities Tickets to business or social events Tickets to charitable events Traditional or Ceremonial Event/refreshments Travel expenses for Spouse/Recruitment Travel expenses for Spouse/Employee's Travel-related expenses and per diem Preapproval. Not lavish/extravagant. Must have clear business purpose. NOT ALLOWED - University will not reimburse NOT ALLOWED - University will not reimburse Does not include spouse's expenses. See 'Travel expenses for Spouses' For General Public, Donors, Community, Distinguished Guests Does not include spouse's expenses. See 'Travel expenses for Spouses' Generally disallowed. Foundation Rep must preapprove Only if ordinary and necessary for conduct of university's business Responsible use and discretion. Foundation Rep must pre-approve Must include meal or other non-gift expense to qualify. Pre-approval req No alcoholic beverages may be charged to this account Generally disallowed. Provost or Chancellor must pre-approve Generally disallowed. Provost or Chancellor must pre-approve Meals, refreshments, similar costs. NO ALCOHOL 8115 Civic, community, service, social organizations Meals, refreshments, similar costs. NO ALCOHOL NONE NONE 8115 Meals, refreshments, similar costs. NO ALCOHOL 8115 Meals, refreshments, similar costs. NO ALCOHOL 8115 Gifts, meals, refreshments, similar costs. NO ALCOHOL Meals, refreshments, similar costs. NO ALCOHOL Foundation Tickets only Foundation Tickets only Foundation Commencement reception, convocation, award ceremonies Travel costs, meals, etc 3008/4008 NONE NONE NOT ALLOWED from Rep/Non-Rep or Foundation funds if paid from Travel account. DO NOT DUPLICATE EXPENSES! 8115 3008/4008 2130 Following these Guidelines does NOT GUARANTEE that you will be reimbursed for your expenditures. Only PRE-APPROVED expenditures are guaranteed reimbursement. Questions -Call TVC Administrative Services 455-2829