Clear Print Area.

Apply Formulas
Enter Formulas
1. Start Excel. Open your Computer Price Comparison worksheet.
2. To clear the print area on the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click the Print
Area button. Then click Clear Print Area.
3. In cell F3, type Difference.
4. In cell F4, type the equal sign (=). Then click cell E4.
5. Type the minus sign (-). Then click cell C4.
6. Your formula should appear in the Formula Bar, as shown below.
7. On the Formula Bar, click the check mark (). The arrow disappears when it is clicked.
8. In cell C9, type the equal sign (=).
9. Click cell C4 and type the plus sign (+).
10.Click C5 and type the plus sign. Click C6 and type the plus sign, then click C7 and type the
plus sign.
11.Click C8 but do not type anything else. On the Formula Bar, click the check mark ().
Your screen should look like below.
12.Save your worksheet.
Use Functions to Summarize Data
1. In your Computer Price Comparison worksheet, delete the total in C9. Notice that the
formula in the formula bar has also been deleted.
2. On the Formulas tab, in the Function Library group, with your cell pointer in C9, click the
AutoSum button (∑). The function is displayed.
3. On the Formula Bar, click the check mark (). The sum appears in cell C9, and the check
mark disappears.
4. Key the headers in cells A14 through A17, as shown below.
5. AutoFit columns A and F.
6. Click C14, then click the drop-down arrow next to the AutoSum function and click Count
7. Select cells C4 through C8, as shown above.
8. Press Enter. The number 5 appears in C14 because there are 5 components.
9. Click C15, then click the Auto-Sum drop-down list and choose Average.
10.Select cells C4 through C8, then press Enter.
11.Click C16, then click the AutoSum drop-down list and choose Max.
12.Select cells C4 through C8. Press Enter.
13.Click C17, then click the AutoSum drop-down list, and choose Min.
14.Select cells C4 through C8. Press Enter.
15.Your screen should look like below. Save your worksheet.
Copy Formulas
In your worksheet, click cell C9.
On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the Copy button.
Click cell E9, and press Enter. The formula from cell C9 has been copied to total the
component prices of Computer 2.
Click cell F4.
Click the fill handle in the bottom-right corner of F4, hold the mouse button, drag down to
F9, and release the mouse button. The formulas are copied to the new cells.
Select cells c14 through C17, and then click the Copy button.
Click call E14, and press Enter. The formulas are copied to the new cells. Your worksheet
should look like below.
On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click the down-arrow on the
Orientation button. Choose Landscape.
Select cells A1 to F1. On the Home tab, in the Alignment group, click the Merge &
Center button. If necessary, click the button again.
10. Print Preview your worksheet. Save your worksheet. Exit Excel.