Essential Communication Skills| Level 3 Sample 1 controlled task | Mark Scheme | DRAFT v1.0 Assessment Activity Completed Assessment Criteria Level 3 Speaking and Listening Prepare preparation notes prior to the discussion clearly showing points to be raised during the discussion to: Provide information; (C3.1A) Take part in a formal discussion in a group of 3 – 6 people. The discussion must last between 15 – 25 minutes depending on the size of the group. Duration: Max Marks 1 Express opinions; Express feelings; 1 Give instructions. 1 During the discussion the learner: Clearly communicates complex information that is relevant to the purpose of the discussion; use varied and specialist vocabulary and expressions to suit topics, purposes and situations; 2 Summarise and synthesise complex information to suit purpose; respond appropriately to enquiries and constructively to feedback, including criticism; 2 understand and follow detailed explanations and complex instructions on a range of topics; ask questions to increase your understanding of this topic; 1 understand the opinions and feelings of others and show that you can understand; develop points and ideas with a sensitive awareness of others’ feelings, beliefs and opinions; 1 use appropriate language and non-verbal communication; use strategies to show listening and to clarify and confirm understanding; confirm that listeners understand meaning; 1 help to move the discussion forward and work towards agreement where appropriate. 1 ____________ Size of Group: ___________. Total marks available for this section (minimum of 6 marks required for a pass) 11 Achieved Mark (C3.1B) Give a talk/presentation of at least eight minutes to an audience of at least three people During the presentation the learner: prepare for a talk/presentation to communicate complex information that is relevant to the purpose; use a variety of techniques including non-verbal communication to engage the audience; use of an image or other support materials to enhance your talk/presentation and to help the audience to understand it; 1 1 2 use appropriate varied and specialist vocabulary and expressions to suit topics, purposes and situations; speak clearly and adapt your language and a style of presentation to suit the complexity , purpose and formality of the situation and needs of the audience; keep to the subject and structure talk/presentation in a logical sequence to help the audience follow a line of thought or series of events; confirm that listeners understand meaning provide further detail and development to clarify or confirm understanding. Level 3 Reading Total marks available for this section (minimum of 7 marks required for a pass) (C3.2) Read, understand and synthesise information from different documents about the same subject 2 2 2 1 11 As part of the reading activity the learner has: read and understand specialist and complex vocabulary 2 Use a variety of strategies to identify the main points, ideas and lines of argument, and reasoning from text and images including by inference 3 recognise the writer’s purpose and intentions, including where they are implicit 2 locate and understand information using organisational features within source documents 2 find the meaning of words and phrases not understood using reference materials 1 read critically to compare and evaluate accounts and recognise opinion and possible bias 2 Select and explore a range of documents to obtain relevant information 1 Explore and understand complex information and lines of reasoning in documents 2 Synthesise information from documents 3 Total marks available for this section (minimum of 11 marks required for a pass) 18 Level 3 Writing Doc 1 (C3.3) Write documents of different types communicating different complex information, using language and formats that are appropriate both to purpose and audience As part of the writing of the first document the learner has provided evidence of planning 1 Produce the draft and revise where necessary 1 select and use formats, styles and techniques of writing that are appropriate to communicating purpose and the complexity of the subject matter to the audience organise material coherently to suit the length, complexity and purpose of the document use an appropriate style and tone to suit the audience, the degree of formality required and the nature of the subject 1 present information and ideas in a logical or persuasive sequence 2 make meaning clear 1 spell correctly 2 use punctuation correctly 2 use grammar correctly 2 Total marks available for this section (minimum of 9 marks required for a pass) Doc 2 1 2 15 As part of the writing of the first document the learner has provided evidence of planning Produce the draft and revise where necessary 1 select and use formats, styles and techniques of writing that are appropriate to communicating purpose and the complexity of the subject matter to the audience organise material coherently to suit the length, complexity and purpose of the document use an appropriate style and tone to suit the audience, the degree of formality required and the nature of the subject 1 present information and ideas in a logical or persuasive sequence 2 make meaning clear 1 spell correctly 2 use punctuation correctly 2 use grammar correctly 2 Total marks available for this section (minimum of 9 marks required for a pass) 1 1 2 15