Temecula Public Library

Improvement Recommendation 5:
LAPL: “Wayfinding” – Maps and Signs (Best Practices)
Vancouver Public Library
Improvement Recommendation 6:
Temecula Public Library: Computer Literacy Program
• Not enough computer services to serve
the population
Improvement Recommendation 6:
Temecula Public Library: Computer Literacy Program
Temecula Public LibraryComputers
Improvement Recommendation 6:
Temecula Public Library: Computer Literacy Program
Temecula Public Library
Improvement Recommendation 6:
Temecula Public Library: Computer Literacy Program
Temecula Public Library
Improvement Recommendation 6:
Temecula Public Library: Computer Literacy Program
Temecula Public Library
Improvement Recommendation 6:
Temecula Public Library: Computer Literacy Program
Projected Cost
• 75 HP Compaq 8300 Elite Ultra-Slim
desktop computers would replace more
than 40 personal computers that have
been installed at the library since it
opened in 2006.
• Total cost: $54,139
Improvement Recommendation 6:
Temecula Public Library: Computer Literacy Program
• In 2010, US census reported that
Temecula has a population of 100,097,
with an estimation of 105,208 in 2012
• Program will help in serving the
• There are rooms available in the library
that could be used
Improvement Recommendation 6:
Temecula Public Library: Computer Literacy Program
Best Practices
• Adult Literacy Program at the
Oakland Public Library, called
“Second Start”
• Rancho Cucamonga Public Library
Improvement Recommendation 7:
Temecula Public Library: Parking Improvements
• Layout of the parking
• Parking spaces are not proportional to
the population
Improvement Recommendation 7:
Temecula Public Library: Parking Improvements
Temecula Public LibraryParking
Improvement Recommendation 7:
Temecula Public Library: Parking Improvements
Temecula Public Library
Improvement Recommendation 7:
Temecula Public Library: Parking Improvements
Temecula Public Library
Improvement Recommendation 7:
Temecula Public Library: Parking Improvements
Temecula Public Library
Improvement Recommendation 7:
Temecula Public Library: Parking Improvements
Projected Cost
• Estimation for a parking garage in
Riverside, CA that is 145,000 square foot
and 5 stories would be $9 million. Keep
in mind contractor fees and architectural
Improvement Recommendation 7:
Temecula Public Library: Parking Improvements
• With an estimated population of 105,208
in 2012, the Temecula Public Library has
158 parking spaces.
• The library gets many complaints about
the layout of the parking and how few
spots that are free.
• Temecula continues to grow, so should
the parking spaces.
Improvement Recommendation 7:
Temecula Public Library: Parking Improvements (Best
Santa Monica Public Library
Improvement Recommendation 7:
Temecula Public Library: Parking Improvements
Best Practices
• Santa Monica Public Library has a
street-level parking lot with metered
one-hour spaces, as well as a
subterranean garage.
Improvement Recommendation 8:
University of Saskatchewan: Library Catalogue
• Incomplete catalogue with insufficient
• Inconsistent, not every catalogue entry
has complete information
• Does not provide sufficient location
Improvement Recommendation 8:
University of Saskatchewan: Library Catalogue
Incomplete Catalogue
Improvement Recommendation 8:
University of Saskatchewan: Library Catalogue
Incomplete Catalogue
Improvement Recommendation 8:
University of Saskatchewan: Library Catalogue
Incomplete Item Information
Improvement Recommendation 8:
University of Saskatchewan: Library Catalogue
Insufficient Item Location Info
Improvement Recommendation 8:
University of Saskatchewan: Library Catalogue
Projected Cost
• Staffing: put one or two staff to add the
Google links or book information
• Web Design to update the location
• Total cost: $70,000.00
Improvement Recommendation 8:
University of Saskatchewan: Library Catalogue
• A complete catalogue will improve success of
• Provide more information for students and
faculty to help improve research
• The infrastructure already exists, it is just not
being fully utilized
• Making it easier to locate books in other
branches on campus
Improvement Recommendation 8:
University of Saskatchewan: Library Catalogue
Best Practices
• University of British Columbia
• UBC Library Catalogue provides a link to
Google books for each book. And easy way
of adding a book summary
• Sufficient information and links to campus
maps to make it easier to find books on
Improvement Recommendation 8:
Best Practices – UBC Library Catalogue
Link to Google Books
Improvement Recommendation 8:
Best Practices – UBC Library Catalogue
Book Summary
Improvement Recommendation 8:
Best Practices – UBC Library Catalogue
Link to Campus Map
Improvement Recommendation 9:
University of Saskatchewan: Library Renovations
• Circulation desk and Reference desk are on different
• The Circulation is huge desk with plenty of space to
include the reference desk
• The maps are hard to read and understand
• There is poor signage leading the north wing of the
main library
• The 6th floor of the main library where the Art books
are housed, requires a facelift
• Poor lighting and insufficient study space and seating
Improvement Recommendation 9:
University of Saskatchewan: Library Renovations
Library Entrance
Improvement Recommendation 9:
University of Saskatchewan: Library Renovations
Reference Desk
Improvement Recommendation 9:
University of Saskatchewan: Library Renovations
Check-out Desk
Improvement Recommendation 9:
University of Saskatchewan: Library Renovations
Maps Hard to Read
Improvement Recommendation 9:
University of Saskatchewan: Library Renovations
Poor Signage to North Wing
Improvement Recommendation 9:
University of Saskatchewan: Library Renovations
Art Stacks, 6th Floor
Improvement Recommendation 9:
University of Saskatchewan: Library Renovations
Art Stacks, 6th Floor
Improvement Recommendation 9:
University of Saskatchewan: Library Renovations
Poor Lighting, Art Floor
Improvement Recommendation 9:
University of Saskatchewan: Library Renovations
Insufficient Study Space
Improvement Recommendation 9:
University of Saskatchewan: Library Renovations
Insufficient Study Space
Improvement Recommendation 9:
University of Saskatchewan: Library Renovations
Projected Cost
• Interactive map with mobile capabilities ie.
• Moving reference to circulation, desk space
already exists
• Lighting, seating and commissioned art work
for the 6th floor
• Total cost: $252,500.00
Improvement Recommendation 9:
University of Saskatchewan: Library Renovations
• Improved user experience by merging
reference desk with the circulation desk at
the main entrance
• With proper signage and mapping, fewer
students will get lost and confused
• Better lighting and proper seating with
larger tables will create a better environment
for research (Art Seating)
Improvement Recommendation 9:
University of Saskatchewan: Library Renovations
Art Seating
Improvement Recommendation 10:
University of Saskatchewan: Work Culture
Improvement Recommendation 10:
University of Saskatchewan: Work Culture
• Approximately 12 employees were laid off in
the span of 3 days
• Employees were escorted out of the building
without a chance to even grab their
belongings from their desk
• There was no explanation or support for the
remaining staff creating a hostile work
environment and a great divide between
management and support staff
Improvement Recommendation 10:
University of Saskatchewan: Work Culture
Projected Cost
• Bi-annual employee appreciation
celebrations: $5,000
• On-going employee recognition and awards:
• Employee training and continuing education:
• Mediator to work through animosity
between management and staff: part-time
Improvement Recommendation 10:
University of Saskatchewan: Work Culture
• Creating a positive work space
• Empowering and appreciating
employees will reduce sick/stress
leaves, increase productivity and
reduce turnover
Improvement Recommendation 10:
University of Saskatchewan: Work Culture
Best Practices
• Cameco – one of the top employers in
Canada encourages ongoing employee
development with a mentoring
program, training programs, onsite
learning and retirement planning
10 Recommendations
№ Recommendation
LAPL – Solar Power Installation
$75K - $5.5M
LAPL – Multilingual Website
LAPL – Complete Renovation, NH Branch
LAPL – “Wasted Spaces”, Central Branch
LAPL – Wayfinding, Central Branch
Temecula PL – Computer Literacy Program $54.139K
Temecula PL – Parking
UofS – Library Catalogue
UofS – Library Renovations
10 UofS – University Work Culture
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Barclay, D. A., & Scott, E. D. (2012, March/April). Directions to library wayfinding. Retrieved from:
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Cameco (n.d.). Careers at Cameco. Retrieved July 19,2013, from
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City of Rancho Cucamonga Website (2011). Adult Literacy Program. Retrieved from http://rc-2012web.civicasoft.com/cityhall/lib/adults/literacy.asp
Colegrove, T. (2012, November). Re-purposing library spaces to make an impact. Library Issues: Briefings
for Faculty and Administrators, 33(2). Retrieved from http://www.academia.edu/2123639/Repurposing_Library_Spaces_to_Make_an_Impact
Colford, M. (2013, January 4). Wayfinding at the central library in Copley Square. Retrieved from:
DeRosa, C., Cantrell, J., Carlson, M., Gallagher, P., Hawk, J. & Sturtz, C. (2011). Perceptions of Libraries,
2010. Retrieved from
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Green, C. (2013, April 30). A virtual tour of the beautiful Old Town Newhall Library. Retrieved from:
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References (continued)
He, Shaoyi. (2009, February 8). Overcoming language barriers on library websites: Challenges and opportunities.
Presented at the iConference 2009. Retrieved from https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/handle/2142/15207
Kim, A. (2012, October 22). What’s hot: The latest in library products & furnishings library by design. Library Journal,
n. pag. Retrieved from: http://lj.libraryjournal.com/2012/10/buildings/lbd/whats-hot-the-latest-in-library-productsfurnishings/
LADWP – Solar Incentive Program. (2013, January 8). Retrieved from
Library Foundation of Los Angeles. Adult Literacy. Retrieved July 2, 2013 from
Los Angeles Public Library Facts 2012. Retrieved from http://www.lapl.org/about-lapl/press/2012-library-facts
McAllister, Toni (2013, May 7). 75 New Computers Slated For Temecula Public Library. Retrieved from
Oakland Public Library (2013). Second Start Adult Literacy Program. Retrieved from
Office Sign Company. (2013). Office and door signs. Retrieved from: http://www.officesigncompany.com/brushedmetal-office-door-signs.aspx
Premo, K. (2012, March 1). Where: West Hollywood library. Retrieved from:
Reed Construction Data (2013). Construction Cost Estimates for Parking Garage in Riverside, California. Retrieved
from http://www.reedconstructiondata.com/rsmeans/models/garage/california/riverside/
Santa Monica Public Library (2013). Parking. Retrieved from http://smpl.org/mainlibrary.aspx
References (continued)
Schwartz, M. (2013, January 22). Pew Internet releases new report on library services. Library Journal.
Retrieved from http://www.infodocket.com/2013/01/22/pew-internet-releases-new-report-on-libraryservices-plus-commentary/
Smith, K. (2005, February). Executive Summary: Library as a place: Rethinking roles, rethinking space.
Retrieved from: http://www.clir.org/pubs/reports/pub129/sum129.html
Team POP. (2012, November). Wayfinding app for Vancouver Public Library (VPL). Retrieved from:
Temecula Public Library (2013). City of Temecula. Retrieved from http://www.temeculalibrary.org/
The Library Store, Inc. (2012). Library Furniture. Retrieved from:
Universal City North Hollywood Chamber of Commerce. Community Snapshot. Retrieved June 30, 2013
from http://www.noho.org/about-the-area/community-snapshot.html
United States Census Bureau. DP02. Selected Social Characteristics in the United States.. 2007-2011
American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates: Los Angeles city, California. Retrieved July 22, 2013 from
United States Census Bureau (2013, June 27). State and County QuickFacts, Temecula (city), California.
Retrieved from http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/06/0678120.html
United States Census Bureau (2013, June 27). State and County QuickFacts, Santa Monica (city),
California. Retrieved from http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/06/0670000.html
Videotex Systems. (2012). Touch directory electronic building directory complete system. Retrieved from:
References (continued)
Visionstate Inc. (2013). ViCCi Interactive wayfinding directory. Retrieved July 18, 2013, from http://visionstate.com/vicci/
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