How to Optimize? - AIAA Houston Section

Trajectory Optimization
From Euler … to Lawden … to Today
Christopher D’Souza
The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory
Houston, TX
AIAA Lunch and Learn
Why Optimize?
 Engineers are always interested in finding the ‘best’ solution to the problem
at hand
 Fastest
 Fuel Efficient
 Optimization theory allows engineers to accomplish this
 Often the solution may not be easily obtained
 In the past, it has been surrounded by a certain mystique
 This seminar is aimed at demystifying trajectory optimization
 Practical trajectory optimization is now within reach
State of the art computers
State of the art algorithms
 In order to fully appreciate trajectory optimization, however, one must
understand something about it’s history
 We need to understand where we’ve been in order to appreciate where we are
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2 - 9/04
The Greeks started it!
 Queen Dido of Carthage (7 century BC)
 Daughter of the king of Tyre
 Fled Tyre to Tunisia
 Agreed to buy as much land as she could
“enclose with one bull’s hide”
 Set out to choose the largest amount of land
possible, with one border along the sea
 A semi-circle with side touching the ocean
 Founded Carthage
 Fell in love with Aeneas but committed
suicide when he left
 Story immortalized in Homer’s Aeneid
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The Italians Countered
 Joseph Louis Lagrange (17361813)
 His work Mécanique Analytique
(Analytical Mechanics) (1788) was a
mathematical masterpiece
 Invented the method of ‘variations’
which impressed Euler and became
‘calculus of variations’
 Invented the method of multipliers
(Lagrange multipliers)
Sensitivities of the performance index
to changes in states/constraints
 Became the ‘father’ of ‘Lagrangian’
Euler-Lagrange Equations
 Obtained the equilibrium points of
the Earth-Moon and Earth-Sun
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The Multi-Talented Mr. Euler
 Euler (1707-1783)
 Friend of Lagrange
 Published a treatise which
became the de facto standard of
the ‘calculus of variations’
The Method of Finding Curves
that Show Some Property of
Maximum or Minimum
 He solved the brachistachrone
(brachistos = shortest, chronos
= time) problem very easily
Minimum time path for a bead
on a string
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The Plot Thickens: Hamilton and Jacobi
William Hamilton (1805-1865)
Published work on least action in mechanical
systems that involved two partial differential
Inventor of the quaternion
Karl Gustav Jacob Jacobi (18041851)
Discovered ‘conjugate points’ in the fields of
Gave an insightful treatment to the second
Jacobi criticized Hamilton’s work
Only one PDE was required
Hamilton-Jacobi equation
Became the basis of Bellman’s work 100
years later
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The ‘Chicago School’
 At the beginning of the twentieth century
Gilbert Bliss and Oskar Bolza gathered a
number of mathematicians at the
University of Chicago
 Made major advances in calculus of variations
following on the work of Karl Wilhelm Theodor
 Applied this to the field of ballistics during WW I
Artillery firing tables
 Second Variation Conditions (conjugate point
Built on the work of Legendre, Jacobi, and
 Graduated many of the premiere applied
mathematicians of the early/mid 20th century
M. R. Hestenes
E. J. McShane
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Derek and the Primer
 During the 1950s, Derek Lawden applied
the calculus of variations to exoatmospheric rocket trajectories
 Published Optimal Space Trajectories for
 Concerned with thrusting and coasting arcs
 ‘Invented’ the primer vector
 Direction is along the thrust direction
 Directly related to the velocity Lagrange
 Provided a methodology for determining
optimal space trajectories
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The Russians are Coming – Pontryagin
 In the mid 1950s a group of Russian Air Force
officers went to the Steklov Mathematical Institute
outside of Moscow to find out whether the
mathematicians could determine a particular set of
optimal aircraft maneuvers
 Pontryagin, the director of the Institute, accepted
the challenge and went on to invent a ‘new
calculus of variations’
 The Maximum Principle
 Used the concept of control parameters, upravlenie, or u
 Solved the original problem and in the process
revolutionized optimal control and trajectory
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The American Response – Bryson
Arthur Bryson, then at Harvard, an
aerodynamicist, came across the paper by
Pontryagin and immediately recognized its
He applied it to a problem of finding an
minimum time to climb trajectory and
presented it to the military
It was sent to Pax River and was demonstrated by Lt. John
Young (using an altitude vs Mach number table at 1000 ft
338 seconds vs the predicted 332 seconds
Accelerate to M = 0.84 at just about ground level where drag
rise begins
Climb at constant Mach number to 30,000 ft
Shallow dive to 24,000 ft followed by a slow climb to 30000 ft,
increasing energy until the energy equals the final energy
Climb very rapidly to desired altitude (20 km)
Applied this new ‘optimal control theory’ to
various aerospace engineering problems,
particularly those of interest to the US military
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The Inescapable Kalman
 Rudolf Kalman first came on the
scene in the late 50s leading the
way to the state space paradigm
of control theory along with the
concepts of controllability and
 He then introduced an integral
performance index that had
quadratic penalties on the state
error and control magnitude
 Demonstrated that the optimal
controls were linear feedbacks of the
state variables
 Led to time varying linear systems
and MIMO systems
 He later collaborated with Bucy
to give us the Kalman-Bucy
As some may know,
these concepts were
integral to the success
of the guidance and
navigation systems on
the Apollo program
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Other Trajectory Optimization Legends
 Richard Bellman
 Introduced a new view and an extension of
Hamilton-Jacobi theory called Dynamic
Programming and the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman
 Led to a family of extremal paths
 Provides optimal nonlinear feedback
 Curse of dimensionality
 John Breakwell
 Among the first to apply the calculus of variations
to optimal spacecraft and missile trajectories
 Prof. Angelo Miele
 Among the first to develop numerical procedures
for solving trajectory optimization problems
 Dr. Henry (Hank) Kelly
 Developed conditions for singular optimal control
problems (called the Kelley Conditions in Russia)
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So What?
 The brief reconnaissance into the history of trajectory
optimization is intended to demonstrate the rich heritage
which we possess
 It was also intended to prepare us for a discussion of
where we are and where we are going
 We began this seminar asking the question: Why
 Because we are engineers and we want to find the ‘best’ solution
 So, how do we go about optimizing?
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What to Optimize?
 Engineers intuitively know what they are interested in
 Straightforward problems
 Fuel
 Time
 Power
 Effort
 More complex
 Maximum margin
 Minimum risk
 The mathematical quantity we optimize is called a cost
function or performance index
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The Trajectory Optimization Nomenclature
 Dynamical constraints
 Examples: equations of motion (Newton’s Laws)
 Controls (u)
Exogenous (independent) variables which operate on the system
Examples: Thrust, flight control surfaces
 States (x)
Dependent variables which define the ‘state’ of the system
Examples: position, velocity, mass
 Terminal constraints
 Conditions that the initial and final states must satisfy
Example: circular orbit with a particular energy and inclination
 Path constraints
 Conditions which must be satisfied at all points of the trajectory
Example: Thrust bounds
 Point constraints
 Conditions at particular points along the trajectory
Examples: way points, maximum heating
 Trajectory optimization seeks to obtain both the states and the
controls which optimize the chosen performance index while
satisfying the constraints
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The Optimal Control Problem
The general trajectory optimization problem can be posed as:
find the states and controls
subject to the dynamics
which takes the system from
to the terminal constraints
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The Optimality Conditions and Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle
These are also called the Euler-Lagrange equations
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The Optimality Conditions and Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle
The boundary conditions are
There is one additional condition (sometimes called the
Weierstrass Condition) which
must satisfy
for any
(the set of controls that meet the constraints)
All of these conditions are collectively called
the Pontryagin Minimum Principle (PMP)
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Comments on the Pontryagin Minimum Conditions
 The Pontryagin conditions are very powerful tools to help find optimal
 Infinite Dimensional Conditions
 It is a two-point boundary value problem
 States are specified at the initial time
 Costates (Lagrange multipliers) are specified at the final time
 Some states (or combinations of states) are specified at the final time
 Equivalent to solving a PDE
 Most problems cannot be solved in closed form
 Closed form solutions lend themselves to analysis
 Need to use numerical methods to obtain solutions for real-world problems
 No guarantee of a solution
Convergence issues
 Stability issues
 In the process we convert an infinite dimensional problem into a finite dimensional
Implicit in numerical integration
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How to Optimize?
 Two general types of methods exist for solving optimal control
 Direct Methods
 Discretize the states and controls at points in time
 Convert the problem into a parameter optimization problem
States and controls at the nodes become the optimizing parameters
 Use an NLP (Non-Linear Program) to solve the parameter optimization problem
 Advantages: Fast Solution
 Disadvantages: Difficult to determine/prove optimality
 Indirect Methods
 Operate on the Pontryagin Necessary Conditions
 This is a two-point boundary value problem
Use Shooting methods
 Advantages: Easy to determine optimality
 Disadvantages: (Very) difficult to converge
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Direct Methods
 Collocation
 A method in which you choose states
and controls at points in time along the
These points are called nodes
 States and control values at the nodes
become the optimizing variables
 Convert the infinite dimensional problem
into a finite dimensional, parameter
optimization problem
 Enforce the constraints at the nodes
 Solved using a NonLinear Program (NLP)
 Types of Spacing
 Uniform spacing
 Nonuniform spacing
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Numerical Optimization Solvers
The general form of the nonlinear programming problem
(NLP) is
My favorite is SNOPT developed by Philip Gill
Sparse sequential quadratic programming (SQP)
Can be used for problems with thousands of constraints and variables
State of the art
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Trajectory Optimization Packages
POST (Program to Optimize Simulated Trajectories)
 Direct/Multiple shooting FORTRAN program originally developed in 1970 for Space Shuttle
Trajectory Optimization by NASA Langley
 Generalized point mass, discrete parameter targeting and optimization program.
 Provides the capability to target and optimize point mass trajectories for a powered or unpowered
vehicle near an arbitrary rotating, oblate planet
SORT (Simulation and Optimization Rocket Trajectories)
 FORTRAN program originally developed for ascent vehicle trajectories
 Used to generate Space Shuttle guidance targets and maintained by Lockheed-Martin
 Can be used with a optimization package to optimize the trajectory
Variable Metric Methods
OTIS (Optimal Trajectories through Implicit Simulation)
 FORTRAN program for simulating and optimizing point mass trajectories of a wide variety of
aerospace vehicles from NASA Glenn supported by Boeing (Steve Paris) in Seattle
Originally developed by Hargraves and Paris
 Designed to simulate and optimize trajectories of launch vehicles, aircraft, missiles, satellites,
and interplanetary vehicles
 Can be used to analyze a limited set of multi-vehicle problems, such as a multi-stage launch
system with a fly back booster
 Hermite-Simpson collocation method which uses NZOPT as NLP
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State of the Art Optimizers for Optimal Control
 SOCS (Sparse Optimization for Control Systems)
 General-purpose FORTRAN software for solving optimal control problems from Boeing (Seattle)
Trajectory optimization
Chemical process control
Machine tool path definition
 Uses Trapezoid, Hermite-Simpson or Runge-Kutta integration
 NLP is SPRNLP written by Betts and Huffman
 Uniform node spacing, but can have multiple intervals
 Provides mesh refinement for complex problems
 DIDO (Direct and InDirect Optimization)
 Also named after Queen Dido of Carthage
 General-purpose user-friendly MATLAB software for solving optimal control problems from NPS
 Non-uniform node spacing with multiple intervals
Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto points
 Uses a sparse numerical optimization solver (SNOPT)
 Can determine if the necessary conditions are satisfied
 Has been used to solve a wide variety of missile and spacecraft problems
 Very fast even for complex problems
Current research is being directed toward real-time uses
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The Wave of the Future – Pseudospectral Methods
 Pseudospectral methods choose the collocation points in such
a way as to minimize integration error
 Number of nodes dependent on accuracy desired
 The nodes are non-uniformly spaced in time
Quadratic spacing at the ends
Number determines the spacing
 They use (global basis) functions which (optimally)
approximate the states and controls and enforce the (dynamic
and path) constraints at the nodes over the interval [-1, 1]
 Chebyshev-Gauss
 Legendre-Gauss
 Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto
 Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto
Includes the
end points
 Pseudospectral methods yield ‘spectral accuracy’
 Optimal interpolation
 Particularly well suited for trajectory optimization problems where much of
the activity occurs at the ends of the intervals
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Pseudospectral Point Distribution (N = 10)
Quadratic clustering at ends
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Launch Vehicle Example: Three Stage to Orbit
Suppose we wish to find the optimal trajectory for a three stage
vehicle to get the maximum payload to orbit
 Performance index
 Differential constraints (equations of motion)
 Terminal constraints
 Throttle capability (minimum, maximum specified)
 Coast of at least 5 seconds between second and third stage
Maximum of 115 seconds
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Problem Specific Issues
 Coordinate Systems
 Dynamics
 Controls
Thrust components
Direction cosines
 Scaling
 For good convergence properties, we need all the variables to
be of ‘order 1’
 So we scale the states, the controls and the time to achieve this
 The ‘art’ of trajectory optimization
 Tuning knobs
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Three Stage to Orbit Thrust Profile
Maximum Thrust
Minimum Thrust
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Three Stage to Orbit Thrust Direction Profile
Second Stage
First Stage
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Three Stage to Orbit Mass Profile
First Stage
Second Stage
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Orbit Transfer
 Optimal transfers between two orbits have been the subject of
directed research for the past 40 years
 Much analytical and computational effort has been devoted to this task
 Primer vector theory has been applied
 Numerical solutions are sometimes difficult to obtain
 The Legendre PseudoSpectral (LPS) method has been used to
extensively analyze this problem
 Impulsive burn approximations
 Finite burn effects
 Types of coordinate systems
 Nonsingular orbital elements
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Impulsive Orbit Transfer
Elliptical-Elliptical Hohmann
Elliptical-Elliptical Transfer with
Inclination Change
Analytic Solution:
Analytic Solution:
v1= 2106.13 m/s
v2 = 239.69 m/s
v1= 2076.72 m/s
v2 = 87.46 m/s
LPS Solution:
LPS Solution:
v1= 2106.17 m/s
v2 = 239.65 m/s
v1= 2076.71 m/s
v2 = 87.49 m/s
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Finite Burn Orbit Transfer: LEO (ISS) to LEO (Sun Synchronous)
Final Orbit
6772 km
7062 km
 Finite Burn Accumulated V
 V = 8027.5 m/s
 Impulsive Burn Accumulated V
 V = 6548.6 m/s
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Further Applications of LPS
 ISS Momentum Desaturation
 Constellation Design
 Libration point formation designs
 Entry Trajectory Design
 Planetary Mission Design
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What is Next? -- MAHC
 Multi-Agent Hybrid Control (MAHC)
 21st Century extension of 20th Century optimal control
 A general optimization framework for multiple vehicles
 Multiple constraints on each vehicle
 Allow for discrete decision variables
 Example
 Two stage vehicle
 Return vehicle must land at a particular point
 Latitude: -28.25N § 1 km
 Longitude: -70.1 E § 1 km
 Ascent vehicle continues to a desired orbit while maximizing mass to
 The discrete state space is as follows
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Multi-Agent Hybrid Trajectory Optimization Example: Position Profile
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Multi-Agent Hybrid Trajectory Optimization Example
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Hybrid Trajectory Optimization Example – Control History
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What is Next? -- Real-time Trajectory Optimization
 ‘Real-time’ trajectory optimization
 Computational capability is increasing with Moore’s law
 Time is approaching when these (direct) methods can be
implemented on board vehicles and optimized in ‘real-time’
 1 Hz
 Guidance cycles (outer loop) slower than control cycles (inner
 Application to orbit (transfer) problem
 Issues
 Convergence
 Stability of solutions
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What is Next? - NOG
 Neighboring Optimal Guidance (NOG)
 A real-time guidance scheme which determines a new
optimal path which is ‘close’ to the nominal (a priori)
optimal path
 Neighboring optimal
 Operates on deviations from the optimal trajectory
 Very robust
 Based upon the second variation sufficient conditions
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 Trajectory optimization has advanced greatly over the past 40
 We are at the threshold of a new era for solving exciting complex
optimization problems
 New methods exist for solving (general) optimal control problems
 Trajectory optimization problems are a subset of this class
 These methods give (reasonably) fast solutions even given poor
 Fast computers
 Good algorithms
 Don’t need to know the details of the methods or devote your
career to optimization
 Just your problem
 Solution of complex trajectory optimization problems
is within reach of the practicing engineer
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Selected References
 Lietmann, G., Optimization Techniques, Academic Press,
 Lawden, D.F., Optimal Trajectories for Space Navigation,
Butterworths, 1963.
 Bryson, A.E. and Ho, Y-C., Applied Optimal Control,
Hemisphere Publishing Company, 1975.
 Gill, P.E., Murray, W., and Wright, M.H., Practical
Optimization, Academic Press, 1981.
 Fletcher, R., Practical Methods of Optimization, Wiley Press,
 Betts, J.T., Practical Methods for Optimal Control Using
Nonlinear Programming, SIAM: Advances in Control and
Design Series, 2001.
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