My Life Timeline

By John
I was born on September 30, 1991
U.S. and Allies at war with Iraq (Jan. 15).
Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.25 ($0.29 as of 2/3/91)
U.S. recognizes three former Yugoslav republics (April 7).
UN approves U.S.-led force to guard food for Somalia (Nov. 4).
Bush pardons former Reagan administration officials involved in IranContra affair (Dec. 24).
Five arrested, sixth sought in bombing of World Trade Center in New York (March
Midwest flood damage expected to exceed $10 billion (July 24).
Vincent W. Foster, Jr., senior White House lawyer, commits suicide (July 22).
Four convicted in World Trade Center bombing (March 4).
O. J. Simpson arrested in killings of wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and friend,
Ronald Goldman (June 18).
Israel and Jordan sign peace treaty (Oct. 17).
Fighting escalates in Bosnia and Croatia (May 1).
Major League Baseball strike ends (April 2).
Pope John Paul II visits U.S. on whirlwind tour (Oct. 4–8).
U.S. budget crisis in fourth month (Jan. 3).
Bob Dole sweeps Republican primaries (March 5).
France announces end to nuclear tests (Jan. 29).
U.S. shuttle joins Russian space station (Jan. 17).
Tiger Woods breaks multiple records in Masters golf tournament (April 13).
Fire kills 300 pilgrims outside Mecca (April 15).
Pope John Paul II visits Cuba (Jan. 21–25).
Europeans agree on single currency, the euro (May 3).
House Speaker Gingrich to step down (Nov. 9).
Citadel graduates its first woman (May 8).
Kurd leader Abdullah Ocalan sentenced to death for treason in Turkey (June 29).
Muslim terrorists hijack Indian Airlines jet with 189 on board (Dec. 24).
First Lady Hillary Clinton officially enters N.Y. Senate race (Feb. 6).
Microsoft loses antitrust suit; appeal expected (April 3).
South Carolina removes Confederate battle flag from capitol dome (May 18).
George W. Bush is sworn in as 43rd president (Jan. 20)
U.S. millionaire Dennis Tito becomes first space tourist, visiting the International
Space Station aboard a Russian booster (April 28).
Terrorists attack United States. Hijackers ram jetliners into twin towers of New York City's
World Trade Center and the Pentagon. A fourth hijacked plane crashes 80 mi outside of
Pittsburgh (Sept. 11). Toll of dead and injured in thousands. Within days, Islamic militant
Osama bin Laden and the al-Qaeda terrorist network are identified as the parties behind the
U.S. abandons 31-year-old Antiballistic Missile treaty (June 13).
U.S. takes Taliban and al-Qaeda prisoners to Guantanamo Bay (Jan. 10).
Police arrest two sniper suspects, John Allen Muhammad and John Lee Malvo (Oct.
European Union expands by ten nations (April 16).
Terrorists strike in Saudi Arabia, killing 34 at Western compound; al-Qaeda
suspected (May 12).
Alabama chief justice Roy S. Moore forced from office after his refusal to remove
monument of the Ten Commandments (Nov. 13).
Armed rebels in Haiti force President Aristide to resign and flee the country (Feb.
Greek Cypriots reject UN reunification plan with Turkish Cypriots (April 24).
Hurricane Ivan ravages U.S. south (Sept. 15).
Mahmoud Abbas wins presidency of the Palestinian Authority in a landslide (Jan.
NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft hits comet Tempel 1 in effort to research
primordial remnants of our solar system (July 4).
Pope John Paul II dies (April 2).
Warren Buffett announces that he will donate 85% of his $44 billion fortune to five
philanthropic organizations, with about $31 billion going to the Gates Foundation
(June 24).
Bush administration announces plans to normalize relations with Libya (May 15).
The U.S. population officially reaches 300 million (Oct. 17).
Iranian troops detain 15 Britons, eight sailors and seven marines, claiming they were in
Iranian territorial waters. British officials deny the allegation, saying they were in Iraqi
waters (March 26).
U.S. Supreme Court votes, 5–4, to uphold the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, a federal law
passed in 2003. It is the first time the Court bans a specific type of abortion procedure (April
Former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak is elected head the Labor Party. In addition,
Shimon Peres, of the Kadima Party, is elected president by Parliament (June 13).
Hurricane Affects Opening of the Republican National Convention (Sept. 1): With
Hurricane Gustav heading toward New Orleans, which was devastated in 2005 by
Hurricane Katrina, party officials scale back the first day of the Republican National
Convention, making it a business-only affair without the celebratory mood and
Michael Jackson's Death Ruled a Homocide (Aug. 28): "King of Pop"
Michael Jackson's June 25 death is ruled a Homicide by drug overdose. Dr.
Conrad Murray, Jackson's personal physician, gave him the powerful
anesthetic propofol and the sedative lorazepam on the day of his death.
Phil Mickelson Wins Masters Golf Tournament (Apr. 11): Phil Mickelson
wins his third Masters Golf tournament with 16-under-par total score of 272.
He is only the fifth golfer to win the Masters three times.
Auburn Beats Oregon 22–19 in National Championship Game (Jan. 10): No.
1-ranked Auburn University beats No. 2-ranked University of Oregon 22-to19 in college football's Bowl Championship Series. This is Auburn's first
national championship title since 1967.
2012 Summer Games Open with an Unconventional Ceremony (July 27):
Some 80,000 people in Olympic Stadium and billions worldwide watch.
Michael Phelps wins his 19th Olympic medal, becoming the winningest
Olympic athlete of all time. He surpassed the record held by Russian
gymnast Larisa Latynina.