
An old game with a new twist
4MAT uses it all!
Six Hats/Blooms/Marzano
Learning Styles
Multiple Intelligences
Left/Right Brain
Authentic Assessments
Graphic Organizers
Flip Cameras
Midas Muffler
The 4MAT® Model explains learning in terms of the
ways people perceive and process information.
Human perception–the ways people take in new
information–occurs in an infinite variety of ways, all of
which range between experience and
Experience–Perception by personal engagement–
sensations, emotions, physical memories; the
immediate; the self. Being in it.
Conceptualization–The translation of experience in
conceptual forms–ideas, language, hierarchies, naming
systems. An abstract approach to learning. Being apart
from it.
The interplay between the “feeling” of experience and
the “thinking” of conceptualization is crucial to the
learning process. It connects the personal values and
perceptions of students to those of expert learners.
Human processing–what people do with new information–occurs in an infinite variety of
ways, all of which range between reflection and action.
Reflection–Transforming knowledge by structuring, ordering, intellectualizing.
Action–Applying ideas to the external world; testing, doing, manipulating.
The interplay between the “watching” of reflection and the “doing” of action is crucial as it
provides the impetus for acting on internal ideas. It encourages the learner to test ideas in
the real world and adapt what they learn to multiple and ambiguous situations.
Learning Styles
Together, perceiving and processing describe the whole range of the
learning experience. While all learners engage in all types of learning, most
seem to favor one particular type…
Type One
Imaginative Learning–Feeling and
watching, seeking personal associations,
meaning, involvement.
Making connections. Key question: Why?
Type Two
Analytic Learning–Listening to and
thinking about information; seeking
facts, thinking through ideas; learning
what the experts think.
Formulating ideas. Key question: What?
Type Three
Common Sense Learning–Thinking and
doing. Experimenting, building, creating
usability. Tinkering.
Applying ideas. Key question: How?
Type Four
Dynamic Learning–Doing and feeling. Seeking
hidden possibilities, exploring, learning by trial
and error, self-discovery.
Creating original adaptations. Key question: If?
Right and Left Mode Processing
We know, too, that learning entails interaction between the right and left
Left – Operates best
through structure,
sequence. Prefers
language, is sequential,
examines the elements,
has number sense. Works
to analyze or break down
Right – Operates out
of being, comprehends
images, seeks patterns,
creates metaphors, is
simultaneous. Strives to
synthesize, consolidate
The interplay between right and left is crucial
to higher learning and thinking.
It provides a greater range and depth of understanding and
encourages creative expression and problem solving.
A Cycle of Instruction
4MAT offers specific
guidance for any teacher to
teach anything in a way that
will appeal to all types of
4MAT & Curriculum
4MAT offers a concept-based
framework for curriculum and
instruction that focuses on
(1) Concepts,
(2) Essential Questions,
(3) Content & Standards and
(4) Outcomes, and
(5) Gives specific guidance on
how to connect all of this to
4MAT &
4MAT offers teachers
and trainers a guide
for assessing learner
growth through the
course of a lesson.
Instructional design software
Recalibrate your Instruction: 4MATION Software. Now online.
Whether you are a new teacher looking for some great ideas or a veteran looking to
enliven your classroom, 4MATION has something for anyone who teaches.
Activate 4MAT.
With a library of over 300 exemplary lessons, each adhering to the 4MAT method of
instruction, you can start now with creating classroom experiences that will inspire and
motivate learners.
Gain Access to Hundreds of Exemplary Units
4mation includes hundreds of exemplary 4MAT units, from all subject
areas and for all grade levels. These units all include the foundational
elements of 4MAT: connections to learners, right brain and differentiated
instruction activities, ideas for engaging, informing practicing and
creating with new learning.
Teaching Around the Wheel: Instruction
The instruction tab in 4MATION offers teachers
specific guidance on how to design and deliver
more balanced instruction.
•From learner engagement
•To expert knowledge
•To hands-on practice
•Culminating with creative use of material learned
Learn the research-based 4MAT
Method while you design great
As you create new lessons, the software guides
you through the process, taking you around the
cycle of instruction, effortlessly creating lessons
that appeal to all four styles of learners.
Guessing your Learning Style
See what you are!?
Quadrant One Characteristics
*Learn by feeling experiences
*Take time to reflect and ponder experiences
*Seek meaning and clarity
*Learn primarily in dialogue, by listening and sharing ideas
*Excel in viewing these ideas from many perspectives
*Have highly developed imaginations
*Are insightful, absorbing reality
*Thrive on a lot of reflecting time, especially when pondering new ideas
*Work for harmony and clue in to the needs of others with ease
*Tackle problems by reflecting alone and then brainstorming with others
*Are forced into a conflict situation (which is usually difficult for them) and deal
with it through dialogue and careful listening
*Build trust through personal interactions
*Seek to know the underlying values
*Take in the climate
Quadrant Two Characteristics
*Learn by thinking through experiences
*Judge the accuracy of what they encounter
*Examine details and specifics
*Take the time to reflect and ponder on what they experience
*Seek to achieve goals and to be personally effective
*Integrate their observations into what they already know, forming theories and
*Excel in traditional learning environments and are thorough and industrious
*Judge new learning by how theoretically sound it is
*Are intrigued by how systems function
*Look for structure
*Thrive on stimulation lectures and readings
*Seek continually and certainty and are wary of subjective judgments
*Have clearly defined goals and monitor cutting-edge research in their fields
*Want to be as knowledgeable and accurate as possible
*Place high value on expert knowledge
Quadrant Three Characteristics
*Learn by thinking through their experiences
*Judge the usefulness of what they encounter
*Take the time to figure out what can be done with what is learned
*Seek utility and results
*Integrate new learning by testing theories
*Excel at down-to-earth problem solving, often tinkering to make things work
*Learn best with hands-on techniques
*Once learning has occurred, move quickly to mastery
*Are pragmatists, need closure and prefer to get things done
*Thrive in the company of competent people and excel at problem solving
*Seek to get to the heart of things
*Work for deadlines and “keep to the plan”
*Like to be considered competent
*Tackle problems quickly, often without consulting others
*If forced into a conflict situation, deal with it by creating solutions
Quadrant Four Characteristics
*Learn from their perceptions and the results of their experiences
*Are open to all manner of sensory input
*Take the time to consider the possibilities of what is learned
*Seek challenges and are risk takers
*Integrate present experiences with future opportunities
*Learn primarily through self-discovery
*Excel at synthesizing
*Are flexible and flourish in challenging situations
*Are enthusiastic about enriching reality, putting new “spins” on things
*Thrive on chaotic situations
*Seek to influence others
*Are at ease with all types of people
*Tackle problems with their intuition
*If forced into a conflict situation, react emotionally and then move to cool rationality
*Seek to know the possibilities
4MAT just gives us the “shape”
and “organization” to fit it all together!