Five Themes Research Notes Name_______________ COUNTRY

Five Themes Research Notes
COUNTRY: _________________________
Location: The WHERE of your project…Where exactly (absolute) are they located and where are they
located in relation (relative) to other places, countries, and physical features.
1. Use your textbook Atlas Pages RA2-RA35 or Culture Grams to find your country’s Capital City and its
absolute location. Remember Latitude Get’s an Attitude if it’s not FIRST and FLAT Dude!
2. Use the same pages to find your country’s Relative Location (use other countries and bodies of water or
mountains…What is north of your country, south of your country, west of your country and east of your
country? IE: France is south of the U.K, north of the Mediterranean Sea, west of Germany and east of the Bay
of Biscay.
Definition: Knowing where you are.
Absolute location is the exact position of places on earth determined by a grid system of imaginary lines.
Capital City: ___________________
Absolute Location ___________ , _____________
Relative location is the position of a place on earth in relation to other places.
Relative Location of your capital city (using at least 4 cardinal directions and physical features): North of:
_______________________ South of: ________________________
West of: _________________________ East of: ______________________________
At least one Intermediate: ___________________ of : ________________________________
Place: The WHAT of your project…what was special or unique about the country for people to be there?
1. You will need to identify the unique or special attractions of the country. What is there that the people have
built (man-made) or what SPECIFIC physical features are there that make this place special.
2. You will now need to research that place and find out its history, location and the significance of the place.
EXPLAIN why a person would want to see this and what makes it UNIQUE to your country.
3. You need to identify at least two physical features that are unique to your country and why they make that
place special or unique.
4. You need to identify at least one man-made feature that is unique to your country and explain why the
people of your country find it special.
Definition: Place is a description of both physical and human characteristics which make a place unique.
Physical Feature: ________________________________________________(name):
Physical Feature: __________________________________________________(name):
Five Themes Research Notes
Human or Man-Made Feature: _________________________________________(name):
Region: The WHY of your project…Why are these people considered a part of a Region? What type of
physical features do the people share with other people in the area (region)? Why do the people want to live
in this region, does it offer something special to the people?
1. Find a region that exists in your county either Physical or Human
2. For a Physical Regions you will want to look for physical features and large land areas that exist in your
region, such as:
-Ocean or large lake coastlines-Coastal Areas
-Climates-Favorable (warm-beach or cold-skiing)
-Large Rivers
3. For Human Regions you will want to look for Human features that are unique to your region such as:
-Historical Areas
-Large City Areas
-City Districts
-Agricultural areas
-River Valleys
-Historical Cities
-Land Areas near physical features
PHYSICAL Region: __________________________________________________________
Why do they want to be a part of this region?
HUMAN Region: __________________________________________________________
Why do they want to be a part of this region?
Five Themes Research Notes
Human Environment Interaction: The HOW of your project…HOW have the people changed (modify) their
surroundings to overcome the challenges of the land? HOW have the people had to Adapt or change their
lifestyle to fit into the climate or physical features of the region? Lastly, HOW do the people depend on the
land to get the supplies they need for daily life (water, food , shelter)?
1. How have people in your country interacted with their surroundings to modify, adapt or depend on the land
on which they live?
-Clothing (adapt)
-Roads, Bridges, Buildings, Dams (modify/change)
-Where does their food come from? Farming techniques? (modify/depend)
-What type of houses have they built? (modify/adapt)
-Are their houses special in any way? (modify/adapt)
-Where did their building supplies come from? (depend)
-How do they Heat / Cool their houses? (adapt/modify)
-Do they face daily challenges of heat, rain, snow, cold? (adapt)
You can choose TWO of the three types of HEI (Adapting, Depending or Modifying) and explain how your
people have shown an example of this in their daily lives.
Type: ____________________________ (Adapt, Depend, Modify)
How is this an example and explain how it demonstrates Adapting, Depending or Modyfying:
Type: ____________________________ (Adapt, Depend, Modify)
How is this an example and explain how it demonstrates Adapting, Depending or Modyfying:
Five Themes Research Notes
Movement: The HOW and WHAT of your project…How do people get around in your country? What types of
transportation are used in your country? What goods does your country produce (import/export)? What natural
resources are valuable to your country? How do people in your country communicate?
1. PEOPLE: -Identify how people in your country get around in your country
- Identify if people migrated into or out of your country from or to a specific area
2. GOODS: Identify any goods or products produced by your country and what other countries they may export
(sell) these goods.
-How do people communicate in your country with each other (language)?
-How do people in your country communicate with the rest of the world?
-Phone, Internet, Newspaper, TV, Magazines- Possibly find actual examples of these.
People: What are the main modes of Transportation in your country and why does this makes sense for
the people to use? Is the country or are the cities crowded? Do they live near a main body of water?
Goods: Major Exports (what goods are produced in your country?) Are they know for any special or
unique products and why?
Ideas: What is the major Language used in your country: __________________________
How do People communicate with one another in your country (newspaper, internet, magazines) Do you
have specific examples or names?
Once your research is completed, you are ready to begin the creative process of putting all this together in a
presentation format…see the formats suggested in the guidelines.