ITP_Meredith - IntegratingTech310-12

Meredith Wiese
EDU 310-12: Computer Applications in Teaching
Professor Chuck Ginter
Due Date: March 13, 2012
Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts. Teachers:
A. demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology (as
described in the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students).
-During winter term of 2012 at Drexel University, I studied various technology concepts in a Computer
Applications in Teaching (EDUC 310) course, which focused on methods of integrating technology into
lesson plans.
-During a Fundamentals of Business (BUSN 102) course at Drexel University in the spring of 2009, I was
trained on a business simulation called Mike’s Bikes to plan strategies and evaluate data where precise
decision-making, based on the software, was critical to the success of the simulation.
-In the summer term of 2010 at Drexel University, I took a course called INFO 110: Human-Computer
Interaction I. This course connected the basics of computers and other technologies with the completion
of everyday tasks. The course focused on utilizing technologies in the best possible way, while perhaps
discovering new technologies that can be used to perform the given task.
-For my second and third co-op experiences, I worked for BlackRock, an asset management company,
where video conferencing was used daily for communication, collaboration, and decision making among
various branches of the company.
B. demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and
emerging technologies.
-Attended and participated in technology courses and workshops during co-op at BlackRock from
September 2011 to March 2012.
-Explores the CNN Tech website daily, focusing on applicable articles related to upcoming technologies.
Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology.
A. design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced
instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners.
-In a Computer Applications in Teaching (EDUC 310) course during the winter term of 2012 at Drexel
University, I created a detailed lesson plan for integrating technology into a math lesson for students. The
lesson plan included strategies to promote collaboration with other students, critical thinking, problem
solving, and communication while using various means of technology.
-While transitioning out of my co-op positions at BlackRock during March 2011 and March 2012, I trained
the replacement co-op students on the technologies in the company. This training included a lesson plan,
electronic manual, and on-hands technology software training.
B. apply current research on teaching and learning with technology when planning learning environments
and experiences.
-Applied BlackRock (co-op) technology workshops and courses to plan training for incoming co-op
students in March 2012, which aids in the understanding of the internal software and troubleshooting the
C. identify and locate technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and suitability.
-Completed a software evaluation form during winter term of 2011 at Drexel University in a Computer
Applications in Teaching (EDUC 310) course. The software evaluation form measured suitability and
effectiveness of a technology (or several different technologies) to be used during a lesson.
D. plan for the management of technology resources within the context of learning activities.
Evidence: No evidence at this time.
E. plan strategies to manage student learning in a technology-enhanced environment.
-In a Computer Applications in Teaching (EDUC 310) course at Drexel University, I articulated a detailed
lesson plan to manage student learning by utilizing gaming software (Tux Math) that tracks students’
progress by the number of points earned on the system.
Teachers implement curriculum plans that include methods and strategies for applying technology to
maximize student learning. Teachers:
A. facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology
-During winter term of 2012 at Drexel University, I studied various technology concepts in a Computer
Applications in Teaching (EDUC 310) course, which focused on methods of applying technology in lesson
B. use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students.
Evidence: No evidence at this time.
C. apply technology to develop students’ higher order skills and creativity.
Evidence: No evidence at this time.
D. manage student learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment.
Evidence: No evidence at this time.
Teachers apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies.
A. apply technology in assessing student learning of subject matter using a variety of assessment
-While creating the lesson plan for the Computer Applications in Teaching (EDUC 310) course, I designed
several assessment techniques. The gaming software (Tux Math) calculates scoring for the students that
can be saved on the program. Also, demonstrations on the SMART Board were a form of assessment
designed in the lesson plan.
B. use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to
improve instructional practice and maximize student learning.
Evidence: No evidence at this time.
C. apply multiple methods of evaluation to determine students’ appropriate use of technology resources
for learning, communication, and productivity.
Evidence: No evidence at this time.
Teachers use technology to enhance their productivity and professional practice. Teachers:
A. use technology resources to engage in ongoing professional development and lifelong learning.
-On a daily basis, I utilize Facebook to discuss financial matters with colleagues around the world,
including fellow students, former colleagues, and current colleagues. Relevant articles and financial
market updates are communicated through Facebook for continued learning.
-During my second co-op at BlackRock (September 2011 – March 2012), I used the 24-hour financial
news and information software, Bloomberg, for learning about financial news and updates.
B. continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make informed decisions regarding the use
of technology in support of student learning.
-As part of the Computer Applications in Teaching (EDUC 310) course at Drexel University (winter 2012),
I created a lesson plan where a “self-evaluation” section was required. This section evaluated the chosen
technology’s (Tux Math) impact and effectiveness on the students’ understanding of the concepts.
C. apply technology to increase productivity.
-During co-op at BlackRock (September 2011 – March 2012), I used Microsoft Excel’s pivot tables,
VLOOKUPs, and formulas to complete exposure reports for the team that I supported, which increased
the productivity of trading in our department.
D. use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community in order
to nurture student learning.
-During my co-op at BlackRock (September 2011 – March 2012), I used the 24-hour financial news and
information software, Bloomberg, for communicating with broker/dealers at other companies. The
messaging and chat features on the software enable collaboration in learning among financial companies.
-Skype, the free software application that allows voice and video calls through computers, has been used
numerous times during my time thus far at Drexel University (September 2008 – Present). During group
projects for classes (BUSN 101-102, ORGB 300, INFO 110), I have conducted group meetings through
Skype for various projects, assignments, and presentation preparations.
-I am a member of the business-oriented social networking site, LinkedIn, which helps with keeping in
touch with peers, family, and colleagues, as well as promoting to meet new people. The networking tool
also stores information on different areas of business and the functions within those different areas.
-I am a member of the social network website, Facebook. Learning through articles and news updates, as
well as through connections (friends) on Facebook is a great feature to aid in student learning.
Teachers understand the social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology in
PK–12 schools and apply that understanding in practice. Teachers:
A. model and teach legal and ethical practice related to technology use.
-In numerous classes at Drexel University, I have given presentations that teach the audience about a
given subject. Many of these presentations include PowerPoint presentations in which I model ethical
behavior by correctly referencing where pictures and data were found. Giving credit where credit is due in
my own presentations, models ethical behavior for others.
B. apply technology resources to enable and empower learners with diverse backgrounds,
characteristics, and abilities.
Evidence: No evidence at this time.
C. identify and use technology resources that affirm diversity.
Evidence: No evidence at this time.
D. promote safe and healthy use of technology resources.
Evidence: No evidence at this time.
E. facilitate equitable access to technology resources for all students.
Evidence: No evidence at this time.