
Chapter #30: Wilsonian Progressivism Abroad – Big Picture Themes
1. Wilson won the presidency mainly because Teddy Roosevelt ran as a third-party candidate
and split the Republican vote with Taft.
2. Wilson was an idealist and progressive who sought to clean up problems. He attacked the
tariff as too high, banks as corrupt by the rich, and trusts as milking the people.
3. Wilson hated war and wanted American foreign policy to be fair and just to all. Conditions
in Latin America, however, forced this peaceful president to take military action. Notably, he
ordered the US Army to chase Pancho Villa in Mexico.
4. In Europe, war had begun. In the Atlantic ocean, German subs began to sink sinks carrying
Americans, notably the Lusitania. Wilson tried to keep America out of the war, and did, for the
time being.
Chapter #29: Identifications
Eugene Debs
Pancho Villa
John J. Pershing
Central Powers
Sussex Pledge
Federal Reserve Act
New Nationalism
New Freedom
Underwood Tariff
Federal Trade Commission
Clayton Antitrust Act
The "Bull Moose" Campaign of 1912
Bull Moose, New Nationalism, New Freedom
Explain the difference between Roosevelt's form of progressivism and Wilson's.
Woodrow Wilson: A Minority President
"The [1912] election results are fascinating." Explain.
Wilson: The Idealist in Politics
How did Wilson's personality and past affect the way he conducted himself as president?
Wilson Tackles the Tariff
Know: Underwood Tariff
What were the three parts of the "triple wall of privilege?"
Wilson Battles the Bankers
Know: The Federal Reserve Act
How was the Federal Reserve System different than the banking system that existed in the
U.S. in 1913?
The President Tames the Trusts
Know: Federal Trade Commission Act, Clayton Anti-Trust Act
How did Wilson curb the trusts?
Wilsonian Progressivism at High Tide
Know: The Federal Farm Loan Act, Warehouse Act, La Follette Seamen's Act, Workingmen's
Compensation Act, Adamson Act, Louis D. Brandeis
7. Describe some of the positive and negative outcomes of Wilson’s progressive legislation and
New Directions in Foreign Policy
Know: Haiti
Contrast Wilson's ideas of foreign policy with those of Roosevelt and Taft.
Moralistic Diplomacy in Mexico
Know: Victoriano Huerta, Venustiano Carranza, Francisco ("Pancho") Villa, ABC Powers, John J.
("Black Jack") Pershing
Why did Mexico give such trouble to the Wilson administration?
Thunder Across the Sea
Know: Central Powers, Allied Powers
What caused Europe to plunge into WWI in 1914?
A Precarious Neutrality
Know: Kaiser Wilhelm II
What caused an officially neutral America to turn against the Central Powers?
America Earns Blood Money
Know: Submarine, Lusitania, Arabic, Sussex
How did Germany's use of submarines lead to tense relations with the U.S.?
Wilson Wins Reelection in 1916
Know: Charles Evans Hughes, "He Kept Us Out of War"
What were the keys to Wilson's electoral victory in 1916?
Varying Viewpoints: Who Were the Progressives?
Know: Richard Hofstadter, New Left Historians
Which answer to the question above seems correct to you? Why