
2APlan Antigone-Purdum-October 17-21
Content Objective
Summary of
Key Vocabulary &
Lit Terms
October 17-Monday
2a-Write to synthesize and
analyze. GLEO2aiv-Collect,
organize and evaluate materials
to support ideas. 4d-Analyzes
connections to life, other
disciplines, cultural, ethnic, and
historical information.
Oct. 18-Tuesday
Students WBAT write short
constructed response summary
(SCR) which collects, organizes
and evaluates materials to
support ideas and makes
Students will read historical
background on drama, view
utube then and now video,
discuss and write notes on
connections between past and
present, and write SCR
summarizing collected
information, organizing and
evaluating impact.
Epidaurus Theater, Parthenon,
Acropolis, Mt. Pentelicon,
Phidias, Elgin Marbles, friezes,
DGP sentence notations
Wednesday –Oct. 19
5c-Paraphrase, summarize,
organize and synthesize
information from a variety of
sources. 1b-Identifies,
summarizes, synthesizes, and
evaluates universal themes and
main ideas from non-diction
works; analyzes and
synthesizes the relationship of
the text to ideas and events
outside the text.
Thursday –Oct. 20
1b-Identifies and evaluates
relevant story elements
including character, setting,
plot, and theme in fiction and
synthesizes them with a literary
Friday –Oct. 21
Students WBAT recognize and
use in context drama terms and
meanings in Antigone by
Students WBAT connect in
SCResponses readings from
Antigone with ideas and events
outside the text.
Students WBAT connect in
SCResponses readings from
Antigone with ideas and events
outside the text.
Students will research drama
terms and meanings,
recognizing and writing
phonological spelling, part of
speech, etymology and
definitions of words and terms,
and write the results of
research on drama vocabulary
Allusion, dramatic irony, tragic
flaw, skene, orchestra, chorus,
choragus, satyr play, tragedy,
protagonist, tragic hero,
antagonist, catastrophe,
motivation, conflict, minor and
major characters, universal
themes, parados, prologue,
ode, theme
Review of prior knowledge in
etymology assignment of
10/12-14, class notations.
Students will read Antigone,
students will view Antigone,
students will discuss and
connect dramatic conflicts in
Antigone with background
knowledge, and analyze
conflicts in SCResponses.
Students will read Antigone,
students will view Antigone,
students will discuss and
connect dramatic conflicts in
Antigone with background
knowledge, and analyze plot
development and conflicts in
SWBAT demonstrate
knowledge of Antigone and
dramatic themes within, by
writing SCR summary and
analysis of central themes of
the play
Students will read Antigone,
students will view Antigone,
students will discuss and
connect dramatic conflicts in
Antigone with background
knowledge, analyze plot
development, and summarize,
synthesize in SCResponses.
Allusion, dramatic irony, tragic
flaw, skene, orchestra, chorus,
choragus, satyr play, tragedy,
protagonist, tragic hero,
antagonist, catastrophe,
motivation, conflict, minor and
major characters, universal
themes, parados, prologue,
ode, theme
DGP sentence notations and
Allusion, dramatic irony, tragic
flaw, skene, orchestra, chorus,
choragus, satyr play, tragedy,
protagonist, tragic hero,
antagonist, catastrophe,
motivation, conflict, minor and
major characters, universal
themes, parados, prologue,
ode, theme
Review of yesterday’s viewing,
reading of Antigone.
Allusion, dramatic irony, tragic
flaw, skene, orchestra, chorus,
choragus, satyr play, tragedy,
protagonist, tragic hero,
antagonist, catastrophe,
motivation, conflict, minor and
major characters, universal
themes, parados, prologue,
ode, theme
DGP sentence notations,
synthesize Antigone to date.
5f-Locate meanings,
pronunciations, and derivations of
unfamiliar words using
dictionaries, glossaries, and other
GLEO3ai-Understands how to
use a dictionary, glossary, and
thesaurus to independently locate
meanings, pronunciations, and
derivations of unfamiliar words
2APlan Antigone-Purdum-October 17-21
“I Do”
Provide squidoo site text
supplement, display squidoo
on video screen, lead and
model reading and notation of
vocab terms and information,
read background information
from text on drama
presentation in ancient Greece
Provide worksheets and
templates, provide dictionaries,
provide texts, direct to page
numbers and provide examples
of word phonology, speech
part and etymology notations.
Provide background on
Oedipus Rex by Sophocles,
Reveal dramatic conflict
questions and moral dilemmas
from text and viewing of
Antigone, model possible
responses to SCR prompts.
Provide examples of Freytag
plot models of Antigone plot
development. Provide and
read review of elements of plot
as recorded on Freytag
“We Do”
Discuss connections with
modern theater techniques,
similarities, differences. View
ancient, modern Greece
videos, photos of drama
venues, identify vocab terms
with picture depictions.
Students utilize class notes,
handouts, and viewing
connections to write SCR
summary of collected
information, attempting to
make connections to modern
drama techniques.
Short Constructed Response
summary of information,
analyzing connections.
Model and record location and
notation of phonological
spelling, part of speech and
etymological origins of sample
terms, model and record
glossary term location and
notation of definition.
Students locate phonological
spelling, parts of speech and
etymological information from
dictionaries, students locate
definitions from text glossary.
Record on worksheets and
Completed vocabulary term
worksheet, homeworkvocabulary templates on each
Q and A of moral and civic
dilemmas in Antigone, discuss
state versus humanity in terms
of the conflicts revealed. Posit
possible answers to SCR’s.
Model and copy Freytag
dramatic pyramid as it applies
to Antigone.
Read, view, notate dramatic
scenes and techniques in
Antigone as directed by
instructor. Read, view, discuss
and answer SCResponse Q’s of
civic and moral laws and their
conflict in Antigone.
SCR summarizing and
analyzing definitions, dramatic
conflicts in civil and moral
laws in Antigone
Read, view, notate dramatic
scenes and techniques in
Antigone as directed by
instructor. Read, view, discuss
and answer SCResponse Q’s of
plot development in Antigone.
Squidoo video site, text
supplement, class notes, prior
knowledge of ancient Greece
Vocabulary template
supplement, drama vocabulary
worksheet supplement,
dictionaries, text
Text Antigone, View 1963
Antigone, SCR templates, prior
knowledge and handouts
Text Antigone, View 1963
Antigone, SCR templates, prior
knowledge and handouts
Text Antigone, View 1963
Antigone, SCR templates, prior
knowledge and handouts
and/or struggling
AL: Evaluate impact of Greek
gods on dramatic productions.
SL: Place in pairs to gather
information, share info for
SCR, ask for one connection
to modern drama.
AL: Create template analysis of
each drama term, along with
worksheet completion.
SL: Reduce worksheet
completion to half, make
templates for at least 5 terms.
AL: Readings of dramatic
scenes aloud.
SL: Record character names
and memorable information
and relationships of each.
AL: Readings of dramatic
scenes aloud.
SL: Record character names
and memorable information
and relationships of each.
AL: Evidentiary Dramatic
readings aloud, after presenting
assertions of relevancy to
modern audiences to class.
SL: Write one possible reason
that Sophocles made Antigone
morally certain…how is she
the opposite of Creon?
“You Do”
SCR summarizing and
analyzing point of view and
attitude of parados and chorus,
function and necessity in
Provide appropriate clips of
Antigone to match reading,
encourage prior knowledge of
central themes of Antigone,
pose questions as to Sophocles
main purpose, as this effort
won the Dionysian Festival
award of his day.
View, read, orally enact
Antigone final scene. Discuss,
notate Sophocles’ purpose,
main themes, relevancy to his
audience in ancient Greece.
Read, view, notate dramatic
scenes and purpose, theme in
Antigone as directed by
instructor. Read, view, discuss
and answer SCResponse Q’s of
Greek audience relevancy in
SCR synthesizing meaning,
purpose in Antigone to ancient
audiences, to modern
2APlan Antigone-Purdum-October 17-21