Symptoms and Medical Conditions (cont.)

Chapter 7: Cardiovascular and
Lymphatic Systems
Stedman’s Medical Terminology, 1st Edition
Copyright © 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Course Objectives
• Describe the location of the main cardiovascular and
lymphatic structures in the body.
• Define terms related to the heart, the vascular system,
and the lymphatic systems.
• Define combining forms, prefixes, and suffixes related to
the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems.
• Define common medical terminology related to the
cardiovascular and lymphatic systems.
• Explain abbreviations used in the cardiovascular and
lymphatic systems.
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Anatomy and Physiology
Functions of the Cardiovascular System
• To transport blood throughout the body
• To deliver oxygen and nutrients to body cells through
arteries and capillaries
• To remove waste products from body cells through
capillaries and veins
• To pump blood through the heart with the aid of
electrical conduction
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Anatomy and Physiology
Structures of the Cardiovascular System
• Heart wall has three tissue layers.
• Heart has four chambers and valves.
• Heart muscle and tissue are specialized.
• Arteries carry blood away from the heart.
• Capillaries allow for exchange of gasses.
• Veins return blood back to the heart.
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Anatomy and Physiology (cont.)
The cardiovascular system
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Anatomy and Physiology
Functions of the Lymphatic System
• To return lymph from body tissues to the blood
• To protect the body by filtering microorganisms and
foreign particles from the lymph
• To maintain the body’s internal fluid level
• To absorb fats from the small intestines
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Anatomy and Physiology
Structures of the Lymphatic System
• Lymph is clear tissue fluid consisting of white blood cells
and a few red blood cells.
• Lymph nodes filter the lymph.
• Lymph nodes are primarily concentrated in the neck,
chest, armpits, and groin.
• Lymph vessels transport the lymph from the body tissues
to the venous system.
• Lymph valves facilitate one-way transport of lymph.
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Anatomy and Physiology (cont.)
Blood and lymph flow in the cervical region
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Anatomy and Physiology
Terms Related to the Heart
• cardiovascular system - heart and blood vessels carrying
oxygen and nutrients to the body cells and carrying away
• heart - muscular organ taking deoxygenated blood from
the veins, pumping it to the lungs for oxygen, and
returning it to the body through the arteries
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Anatomy and Physiology (cont.)
Heart and great vessels.
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Anatomy and Physiology
Terms Related to the Heart
• heart (cont.)
apex - the lower pointed end of the heart
septum - wall of heart tissue separating the right and
left sides
atrium - upper receiving chamber of the heart; right
and left
ventricle - lower pumping chamber of the heart; right
and left structures
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Anatomy and Physiology
Terms Related to the Heart
• heart (cont.)
endocardium - inner lining of the heart
myocardium - middle muscular layer of heart tissue
epicardium - outer lining of the heart
pericardium - sac around the heart that facilitates
movement of the heart as it beats
aortic valve - heart valve between the left ventricle
and aorta
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Anatomy and Physiology
Terms Related to the Heart
• heart (cont.)
mitral valve, bicuspid valve - heart valve between
the left atrium and left ventricle
pulmonary valve - heart valve between the right
ventricle and the pulmonary artery
tricuspid valve - valve between the right atrium and
right ventricle
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Anatomy and Physiology
Terms Related to Vascular System
• blood vessels - structures that carry or transport blood
artery - vessel carrying blood away from the heart
arteriole - small artery
capillary - microscopic thin-walled vessel connecting
arterioles and venules where gas, nutrient, and
waste exchange takes place between the blood and
cells of the body
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Anatomy and Physiology
Terms Related to Vascular System
• blood vessels (cont.)
lumen - interior space of a vessel
venule - small vein
vein - vessel carrying blood to the heart
aorta - largest artery that begins as an arch from the
left ventricle then branches and descends through
the thoracic and abdominal cavities; carries
oxygenated blood away from the heart
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Anatomy and Physiology
Terms Related to Vascular System
• blood vessels (cont.)
inferior vena cava - large vein carrying blood to the
heart from the lower part of the body
superior vena cava - large vein carrying blood to the
heart from the upper part of the body
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Anatomy and Physiology (cont.)
Anterior view of the coronary arteries
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Word Parts
• Combining Forms Related to the Cardiovascular System
angi/o, vas/o, vascul/o
vessel, duct
fatty paste
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Word Parts
• Combining Forms Related to the Cardiovascular System
circle or crown
electric, electricity
phleb/o, ven/i, ven/o
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Word Parts
• Combining Forms Related to the Cardiovascular System
sound, sound waves
steth/o, thorac/o
thorax, chest
blood clot
valv/o, valvul/o
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Word Parts
• Combining Forms Related to the Cardiovascular System
swollen or twisted vein
• Combining Forms Related to the Lymphatic System
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Word Parts
• Prefixes
away from, cessation, without
in, within
on, following
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Word Parts
• Prefixes (cont.)
around, surrounding
rapid, fast
across, through
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Word Parts
• Suffixes
-al, -ar, -ary, -ic
pertaining to
dilation, stretching
record, recording
instrument for recording
process of recording
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Word Parts
• Suffixes (cont.)
-icle, -ole, -ule
pertaining to destruction,
breakdown, separation
tissue, structure
stricture, narrowing
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Adjectives and Other Related Terms
• arteriovenous (AV) - pertaining to both arteries and veins
• atrioventricular (AV) - pertaining to the atria and
• cardiovascular - pertaining to the heart and blood vessels
• constriction - process of narrowing or tightening of a
• cyanotic - pertaining to a blue or purple discoloration due
to deoxygenated blood
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Adjectives and Other Related Terms
• deoxygenation - process of removing or having a lack of
• diastole - the relaxation phase of the ventricles in the
heartbeat cycle
• ischemic - pertaining to a lack of blood flow
• oxygenation - process of adding oxygen
• paroxysmal - sudden
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Adjectives and Other Related Terms
• patent - open or exposed
• precordial - pertaining to the anterior left chest
• sphygmic - pertaining to the pulse
• stenotic - pertaining to the condition of narrowing
• supraventricular - pertaining to above the ventricles
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Adjectives and Other Related Terms
• systole - the contraction phase of the ventricles in the
heartbeat cycle
• thoracic - pertaining to the chest
• thrombotic - pertaining to a thrombus or blood clot
• varicose - pertaining to swollen or twisted veins
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Symptoms and Medical Conditions
Terms Related to Disorders of the Heart and Arteries
• acute coronary syndrome (ACS) - chest pain and other
signs and symptoms associated with cardiac ischemia
• aneurysm - dilation of an artery; usually due to a
weakness in the artery wall
• angina pectoris - chest pain or pressure resulting from
lack of blood flow to the myocardium
• angiostenosis - narrowing of a blood vessel
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Symptoms and Medical Conditions (cont.)
Infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm (arrows)
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Symptoms and Medical Conditions
Terms Related to Disorders of the Heart and Arteries
• aortic stenosis - narrowing of the aortic valve opening
• arteriosclerosis, arteriosclerotic heart disease (ASHD) hardening or loss of elasticity of the arteries
• atherosclerosis - buildup of plaque or fatty paste inside
arterial walls
• cardiac arrest - complete, sudden cessation of cardiac
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Symptoms and Medical Conditions (cont.)
Stenosis of a pulmonary valve
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Symptoms and Medical Conditions (cont.)
The progression of atherosclerosis.
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Symptoms and Medical Conditions
Terms Related to Disorders of the Heart and Arteries
• cardiac tamponade - compression of the heart due to an
increase of fluid in the pericardium
• cardiomegaly - enlargement of the heart
• cardiomyopathy - disease of the heart muscles
• cardiopathy - any disease of the heart
• cardiovalvulitis - inflammation of the valves of the heart
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Symptoms and Medical Conditions
Terms Related to Disorders of the Heart and Arteries
• coarctation of the aorta - narrowing of the aorta causing
hypertension, ventricular strain, and ischemia
• congestive heart failure (CHF) - inefficiency of cardiac
circulation causing edema and pulmonary congestion
• coronary artery disease (CAD) - narrowing of coronary
arteries causing a decrease of blood flow or ischemia to
the myocardium
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Symptoms and Medical Conditions
Terms Related to Disorders of the Heart and Arteries
• coronary occlusion - blockage of a coronary vessel often
leading to a myocardial infarction
• embolus - vascular blockage made up of a thrombus,
bacteria, air, plaque, and/or other foreign material
• endocarditis - inflammation of the endocardium
• hypertension - persistently elevated blood pressure
• hypotension - blood pressure that is below normal
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Symptoms and Medical Conditions
Terms Related to Disorders of the Heart and Arteries
• intermittent claudication - cramping of the lower leg
muscles usually caused by lack of blood flow
• ischemia - lack of blood flow
• mitral valve prolapse - backward movement of the mitral
valve cusps allowing regurgitation
• mitral valve stenosis - narrowing of the mitral valve
opening usually caused by scarring from rheumatic fever
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Symptoms and Medical Conditions
Terms Related to Disorders of the Heart and Arteries
• murmur - abnormal heart sound
• myocardial infarction (MI) - death of heart tissue usually
due to coronary artery occlusion
• myocarditis - inflammation of the heart muscle
• occlusion - blockage or closure
• pericarditis - inflammation of the pericardial sac around
the heart
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Symptoms and Medical Conditions (cont.)
Myocardial infarction (MI) (darkened area).
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Symptoms and Medical Conditions
Terms Related to Disorders of the Heart and Arteries
• peripheral arterial disease (PAD) - any disorder of the
arteries outside of, or peripheral to, the heart
• plaque - fat or lipid deposit on an arterial wall
• polyarteritis - inflammation of many arteries
• Raynaud disease, Raynaud syndrome - cyanosis of the
fingers or toes due to vascular constriction, usually
caused by cold temperatures or emotional stress
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Symptoms and Medical Conditions (cont.)
Raynaud disease as indicated by cyanosis (white areas) on
the ends of the fingers.
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Symptoms and Medical Conditions
Terms Related to Disorders of the Heart and Arteries
• rheumatic heart disease (RHD) - valvular disease
resulting from rheumatic fever
• stenosis - narrowing or stricture of a vessel
• thrombus - blood clot
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Symptoms and Medical Conditions
Terms Related to Heart Rhythm and Conduction Disorders
• arrhythmia - abnormality or disturbance of heart rhythm
• bradycardia - slow heart rate
• dysrhythmia - defective heart rhythm
• fibrillation - rapid irregular muscular contractions of the
atria or ventricles
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Symptoms and Medical Conditions (cont.)
Common types of
arrhythmias shown
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Symptoms and Medical Conditions
Terms Related to Heart Rhythm and Conduction Disorders
• flutter - regular muscular contractions of the atria or
• palpitation - forceful or irregular heart beat felt by the
• premature ventricular contraction (PVC) - early
contraction of the ventricles
• tachycardia - fast heart rate
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Symptoms and Medical Conditions
Terms Related to the Disorders of the Veins
• deep venous thrombosis (DVT) - blood clot formation in a
deep vein, usually of the legs or pelvic region
• phlebitis - inflammation of a vein
• telangiectasia - dilation of small or terminal vessels
• thrombophlebitis - inflammation of a vein with formation
of a clot
• varicose vein - swollen and/or twisted veins, usually of
the legs
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Symptoms and Medical Conditions (cont.)
Varicose veins
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Symptoms and Medical Conditions
Terms Related to the Lymphatic System
• edema - accumulation of excess fluid in intercellular
spaces; can be caused by blockage of lymph vessels
• elephantiasis - enlargement of the lower extremities due
to blockage of lymph vessels commonly caused by filarial
worms (filariae)
filariae - small parasitic worms that are transmitted
by mosquitoes; the worms invade tissues as
embryos and block lymph vessels as they grow
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Symptoms and Medical Conditions (cont.)
Patient with advanced elephantiasis
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Symptoms and Medical Conditions
Terms Related to the Lymphatic System (cont.)
• lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes
• lymphadenopathy - disease of the lymph nodes; usually
causes enlargement of the nodes
• lymphangiitis - inflammation of a lymph vessel
• lymphedema - edema due to a blocked lymph node or
lymph vessel
• pitting edema - edema that retains an indentation of a
finger that had been pressed firmly on the skin
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Symptoms and Medical Conditions (cont.)
A. Palpation of the foot. B. Pitting edema
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Tests and Procedures
Laboratory Tests Related to the Cardiovascular System
• cardiac enzyme tests - blood tests used to measure the
cardiac enzyme levels; when such levels are increased,
may indicate a myocardial infarction
• cardiac troponin - blood test used to measure the level of
a protein that is released in the blood when myocardial
cells die
• C-reactive protein (CRP) - blood test used to measure
the level of inflammation in the body; may indicate
conditions that lead to cardiovascular disease
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Tests and Procedures
Laboratory Tests Related to the Cardiovascular System
• electrolyte panel - blood test used to measure the level
of sodium, potassium, chloride, and carbon dioxide; used
to diagnose an acid-base or pH imbalance that may
cause arrhythmias, muscle damage, or death
• lipid panel, lipid profile - blood test to measure the level
of total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein, low-density
lipoprotein, and triglycerides, all of which may signal an
increased risk of cardiovascular disease
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Tests and Procedures
Imaging Studies Related to the Cardiovascular System
• angioscopy - insertion of a catheter with an attached
camera to visualize a structure or vessel
• arteriography - process of recording an artery after
injection of a dye
• coronary angiography, cardiac catheterization - process
of recording the heart and major vessels after injection
of a dye
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Tests and Procedures (cont.)
Coronary angiography
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Tests and Procedures
Imaging Studies Related to the Cardiovascular System
• magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - imaging technique
that uses magnetic fields and radiofrequency waves to
visualize anatomic structures
magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) - MRI of the
heart and blood vessels with an injection of dye
• multiple uptake gated acquisition (MUGA) scan - nuclear
medicine technique used to assess ventricular function by
producing an image of a beating heart
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Tests and Procedures
Imaging Studies Related to the Cardiovascular System
• sonography, ultrasonography - use of ultrasonic sound
waves to visualize internal organs
doppler sonography (DS) - technique used to record
velocity of blood flow
echocardiography - process of recording the structure
and function of the heart at rest and with exercise
vascular sonography - placement of the ultrasound
transducer at the tip of a catheter within a blood
vessel to assess blood flow
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Tests and Procedures (cont.)
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Tests and Procedures
Imaging Studies Related to the Cardiovascular System
• single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)
scan - nuclear medicine technique used to assess
ventricular function by producing a three-dimensional
image of a beating heart
• venography - process of recording a vein after injection
of a dye
• ventriculography - process of recording the heart
ventricles after injection of a dye or radioactive
substance (radionuclide)
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Tests and Procedures
Other Procedures Related to the Cardiovascular System
• auscultation - listening to body sounds with a
• stethoscope - instrument used for auscultation of
vascular or other sounds in the body
• blood pressure monitoring (BP) - auscultation of the
systolic and diastolic arterial pressure using a
stethoscope and a sphygmomanometer
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Tests and Procedures
Other Procedures Related to the Cardiovascular System
• sphygmomanometer - device used for measuring blood
• percussion - physical examination method of tapping
over the body to elicit vibrations and sounds to estimate
the size, border, or fluid content of a cavity
• pulse - rhythmic dilation of an artery with each heart
contraction, usually felt at the wrist or neck
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Tests and Procedures
Other Procedures Related to the Cardiovascular System
• electrocardiography (ECG or EKG) - process of recording
(in a graphic format) the heart’s electrical activity; the
waves are labeled with the letters P, Q, R, S, and T
graded exercise test (GXT), stress electrocardiogram,
exercise stress test - electrocardiogram performed
with controlled stress, usually with a treadmill or
Holter monitor (HM) - portable electrocardiographic
device usually worn for 24 hours
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Surgeries and Procedures
Surgeries Related to the Heart
• cardiac pacemaker - surgically placed mechanical device
connected to stimulating leads (electrodes) on or within
the heart, programmed to help maintain normal heart
rate and rhythm
• pericardiocentesis - surgical puncture to aspirate fluid
from the pericardium
• valve replacement - surgical replacement of a valve with
a biologic or mechanical device (Fig. 7-25)
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Surgeries and Procedures (cont.)
Insertion of a pacemaker
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Surgeries and Procedures (cont.)
Mitral valve prosthesis
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Surgeries and Procedures
Surgeries Related to Blood Vessels
• angioplasty - surgical repair of a vessel
• aortocoronary bypass (ACB) - attachment of a grafted
vessel to the aorta to go around a damaged coronary
• aneurysmectomy - excision of an aneurysm
• atherectomy - surgical removal of fatty plaque from a
vessel surgically or using catheterization
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Surgeries and Procedures
Surgeries Related to Blood Vessels (cont.)
• coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) - surgical procedure
in which a damaged section of a coronary artery is
replaced or bypassed with a graft vessel
• embolectomy - surgical removal of an embolus or blood
clot, usually with a catheter
• endarterectomy - surgical removal of atheromatous
deposits, usually in a coronary or carotid artery
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Surgeries and Procedures (cont.)
Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)
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Surgeries and Procedures
Surgeries Related to Blood Vessels (cont.)
• percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) advancement of a cardiac catheter with a balloon
attachment that can be inflated at the site of stenosis,
thereby enlarging the lumen
• phlebectomy - excision of a vein
• stent - intravascular insertion of a hollow mesh tube
designed to keep a vessel open or patent
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Coronary Angioplasty
• Coronary angioplasty (PTCA)
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Coronary Angioplasty (cont.)
Arterial stent
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Surgeries and Procedures
Procedures Related to the Cardiovascular System
• cardioversion - use of defibrillation or drugs to restore
the heart’s normal rhythm
• defibrillation - use of an electric shock to stop fibrillation
or cardiac arrest
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Surgeries and Procedures
Surgeries Related to the Lymphatic System
• adenectomy - excision of a gland
• lymphadenectomy - excision of a lymph node
• lymphadenotomy - incision into a lymph node
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Medications and Drug Therapies
• antiarrhythmic agent - suppresses fast or irregular heart
• anticoagulant - prolongs clotting time
• hemostatic agent - stops the flow of blood within vessels
• hypolipidemic agent - lowers cholesterol levels
• nitroglycerin - vasodilator used for angina pectoris
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Medications and Drug Therapies
• thrombolytic therapy - administration of an intravenous
drug to dissolve a blood clot
• vasoconstrictor - decreases the size of blood vessels
• vasodilator - increases the size of blood vessels
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Specialties and Specialists
• cardiology - medical specialty concerned with diagnosis
and treatment of heart disease
• cardiologist - physician who specializes in cardiology
• cardiac electrophysiology - medical specialty concerned
with the electrical activities of the heart
• cardiac electrophysiologist - physician who specializes in
cardiac electrophysiology
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Specialties and Specialists
• lymphedema therapy - medical specialty concerned with
the treatment of lymphedema
• lymphedema therapist - one who specializes in
lymphedema therapy
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• ACS - acute coronary syndrome
• ASHD - arteriosclerotic heart disease
• BP - blood pressure
• CABG - coronary artery bypass graft
• CAD - coronary artery disease
• CHF - congestive heart failure
• DVT - deep venous thrombosis
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• ECG or EKG - electrocardiography
• HTN - hypertension
• MI - myocardial infarction
• MRI - magnetic resonance imaging
• PTCA - percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
• PVC - premature ventricular contraction
• RHD - rheumatic heart disease
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