Alliance Cindy and Bill Simon Technology Academy Digital Agenda

Alliance Cindy and Bill Simon Technology Academy
Digital Agenda - Week 28
***Post on website by Friday at 9am (previous week taught), send email to Dr. Miller (CC: Mr. Monroe) to confirm post***
Teacher: Ms. Vance
Mon/Tues 2/11 & 2/12
Grade: 10
Do Now: Journal #9
Standard(s): Reading 3.3 Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text: Analyze interactions between main and subordinate characters in a literary text (e.g., internal
and external conflicts, motivations, relationships, and influences) and explain the way those interactions affect the plot.
Reading 3.7 Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text: Recognize and understand the significance of various literary devices, including figurative language.
Learning Objective (s): To analyze the interactions between characters motivations and explain how it develops the plot.
Assessment: Data Director Doc Quiz
Whole Group
Independent / Computer Assisted Activity
Journal #9
Self-Reflective Journal Prompts
Direct Instruction
Motivation/Conflict/Theme/Colons/Semicolons Review
Quiz on Data Director
Test Corrections Worksheet Part 1
Figurative Language Review
Figurative Language Practice Activity searching examples of
Metaphor, Simile, Personification, Hyperbole in Pop Music
using Video on Week 28
Reading Perks/Catcher
Select Conflict Quotes from text
Complete Conflict Analysis Write-up Worksheet
 Integrating Quotes, proper punctuation
Comparing Theme Across Genre
Alliance Cindy and Bill Simon Technology Academy
Digital Agenda - Week 26
***Post on website by Friday at 9am (previous week taught), send email to Dr. Miller (CC: Mr. Monroe) to confirm post***
Teacher: Ms. Vance
Wed 2/13
Do Now: Fill in the Missing Blanks of an Expository Essay.
Honors: Given the essay prompt, write the 4 column of the Rubric
Standard(s): Reading 2.7 Expository Critique: Critique the logic of functional documents by examining the sequence of information and procedures in anticipation of
possible reader misunderstandings.
Learning Objective (s): To outline expository writing, prewrite and write a draft given the Empower3000 prompt and article.
Assessment: Empower Draft
Whole Group
Independent / Computer Assisted Activity
Do Now
Prewrite and draft a 4 – 5 paragraph essay on Empower3000
mailbox assigned article
Direct Instruction
Alliance Cindy and Bill Simon Technology Academy
Digital Agenda - Week 28
***Post on website by Friday at 9am (previous week taught), send email to Dr. Miller (CC: Mr. Monroe) to confirm post***
Teacher: Ms. Vance
Thurs/Fri: 2/14 & 2/15
Do Now: Journal #9: Write a short poem about comparing a conflict in your life to something that people could relate to.
Standard(s): Reading 3.3 Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text: Analyze interactions between main and subordinate characters in a literary text (e.g., internal
and external conflicts, motivations, relationships, influences) and explain the way those interactions affect the plot.
Reading 3.11 Literary Criticism: Evaluate the aesthetic qualities of style, including the impact of diction and figurative language on tone, mood, and theme, using the
terminology of literary criticism. (Aesthetic approach).
Learning Objective (s): To analyze the influences of other characters and actions by writing an influence paragraph outlined and modeled by
the motivation paragraph.
Assessment: Conflict Soundtrack Analysis Write-up
Whole Group
Independent / Computer Assisted Activity
Journal #10
Select Conflict Quotes from text
Complete Conflict Analysis Write-up Worksheet
 Integrating Quotes, proper punctuation
Comparing Theme Across Genre
Share Poetry
Direct Instruction
Collaborative (P)
Analyze Poetry in Perks/Catcher
Discussion Roles
DIDLS: Diction and Figurative Language Analyses for Tone,
Mood and Theme
Perks Entries Oct 13 – Oct. 28
Honors: Catcher in the Rye Chapter 4-5
4 Data Director Exit Slip Questions
Dialectical Journals