Menahga High School - Menahga Public Schools

Menahga High School
“Braves” & “Warriors”
Student & Parent/Guardian
Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
Updated June 2014
Menahga Public School 821
216 Aspen Ave SE
PO Box 160
Menahga, MN 56464
fax 218-564-5401
Table of Contents
Absences .................................................................. 11
Academic Advising Services .................................... 10
Academic Dishonesty ............................................... 17
Academic Eligibility ................................................ 14
Accident Insurance .................................................. 10
Activity Eligibility ...............................................14-15
Administration ........................................................... 5
Alcohol/Tobacco/Chemicals .................................... 10
Alcohol/Chemicals, Possession, Use, Under the
Influence .................................................................. 17
Announcements ........................................................ 10
Assemblies ............................................................... 10
Attendance ..........................................................10-11
Background Check Procedures………………………12
Beverage/Vending Machines ................................... 12
Bicycles .................................................................... 12
Board of Education .................................................... 5
Bulletin .................................................................... 12
Bullying and Harassment ........................................ 19
Calendar .................................................................... 9
Cell Phone Use and Other Electronic Devices ...12-13
Change of Information............................................. 13
Chemical Possesesion with Intent to sell ................. 17
Class Periods ........................................................... 13
Classroom Detention ............................................... 19
Co-Curricular and Extracurricular Activities,
Athletic, Fine Arts .................................................... 14
College, Technical College and Military Visits ....... 15
Communicable Disease ......................................15-16
Complaint of Services .............................................. 16
Data Privacy and Directory Information ................ 16
Disciplinary Consequences ................................17-18
Discipline Policy...................................................... 19
Dress Code .........................................................20-21
Dropping Courses/Schedule Changes ..................... 21
Emergency/Evacuation Procedures ......................... 21
Event Rules .............................................................. 21
Excused Absences .................................................... 11
Field Trips ............................................................... 21
Food Services .....................................................21-22
Fund Raisers ............................................................ 22
Grading, Failing, Retention ..................................... 22
Graduation Exercises .............................................. 22
Graduation Requirements/Standards ...................... 22
Gross Insubordination/Disruptive ........................... 17
Hall Passes .............................................................. 23
Hazing ..................................................................... 23
Health Record .......................................................... 23
Health Services ........................................................ 23
High School Staff ....................................................... 6
Homebound Instruction ........................................... 23
Honor Rolls……………………………………………..23
Honor Students ...................................................23-24
Immunizations.......................................................... 24
Inappropriate Displays of Affection ........................ 17
Inappropriate Dress/Behavior at Events ................. 17
Inappropriate Language Directed at Staff............... 17
Instant Alert ............................................................. 26
Internet .................................................................... 24
iPad Agreements .................................................32-37
Lice Policy ............................................................... 16
Make Up Work ......................................................... 24
Media Center ........................................................... 24
Medication ............................................................... 24
Menahga High School Success Plan ....................... 20
Minnesota State High School League Rules ............ 15
Mission Statement ..................................................... .5
Money, Valuables and Personal Property ............... 24
On-line Learning ..................................................... 24
Open Campus/Noon Hour Privileges ...................... 25
Out of School Suspension ........................................ 20
Parent/Teacher Conferences ................................... 25
Parking/Driving ....................................................... 25
Passes for Leaving School ....................................... 25
Personal Possessions, and Persons ......................... 28
Pledge of Allegiance ................................................ 26
Possible Consequences for Violations ................17-18
Posters/Flyers .......................................................... 26
Principal’s Letter ....................................................... 4
Racial/Religious/Sexual Harassment & Violence .... 18
Report Cards/Progress Reports ............................... 26
School Closure ........................................................ 26
School Hours ........................................................... 27
School Pictures ........................................................ 27
School Responsibility and Authority .......................... 5
School Song ............................................................. 27
School Telephone Directory & Extensions .............7-8
Screening ................................................................. 27
Search of Student Lockers, Desks, Personal
Possessions, & Persons ........................................... 27
Self Defense/Retaliation .......................................... 18
Skin Infections and Contagious Disease ................. 16
Social Events and Dances ........................................ 27
Student Investigation .............................................. 28
Student Records ....................................................... 28
Student/Parent Directory – Opt out option.............. 28
Students Maintaining Passing Grades………….......15
Summer School – Credit Recovery ......................... 28
Supervision of Students ........................................... 28
Support Services (504)........................................ .... 29
Suspension Pending Expulsion or Exclusion ........... 20
Tardiness ................................................................. 11
Telephone Calls and Use ......................................... 29
Test-Out Policy ........................................................ 30
Title IX/Human Rights Officer ................................. 30
Tobacco Products .................................................... 18
Transportation (Bus & Late Bus) ............................ 29
Truancy ...............................................................11-12
Unexcused Absences ................................................ 12
Verbal Harassment/Threats (Student to Student) .... 18
Violence (Physical or Aggravated Assault .............. 19
Violence ................................................................... 18
Visitors ..................................................................... 30
Volunteers ................................................................ 30
Weapons .............................................................30-31
Weapons/Look alike Weapons, Possession .............. 31
Withdrawal Procedures ........................................... 31
Menahga High School
2013-14 School Year
Dear Students and Parents/Guardians,
I would like to welcome you to the 2013-14 School year at Menahga High School. I am excited
about the upcoming year and I am looking forward to the opportunities that lie before us. We are
accomplishing great things at MHS!
As I prepare for another year at Menahga High School, I will work to continue the great
educational strategies that are all ready in place within our High School. It is my goal to not only
support these strategies but also to continually encourage our students and staff to challenge
them to do even better things in 2013 - 14. As our Professional Learning Communities (PLC)
move forward, we will be able to better address the needs and concerns of our students and staff.
This handbook is presented to provide both parents and students information they need to
become familiar with the expectations of MHS. We expect great things from our students, both
academically and behaviorally. This handbook is a useful guide for our families. Not all
circumstances that arise throughout the year will be in this document; therefore, students are
subject to the district rules, regulations, policies and expectations as well as the interpretation of
school district officials.
The goal of Menahga High School is help maximize each student’s potential. We hope that you
take full advantage of the educational opportunities that Menahga High School offers you in the
upcoming school year. I look forward to this new school year and am thankful for the
opportunity to work for the Menahga Public School District!
I will work hard to have my office door open as much as possible. Please stop by and see me if
you have any questions or concerns. You can also email me a or
call me at (218) 564-4141 ext. 321. Thank you and let us have a great school year!
Mr. Dan Stifter
MHS Principal
The mission of Menahga Public School District 821 is to provide opportunities for all students to become
active lifelong learners with the necessary competencies, skills, understandings, and values to contribute
to and succeed in a changing society.
This handbook and its contents were approved by the Menahga School Board of Education at the August 2012 meeting. The
handbook may be changed or amended anytime during the school year. Changes will be posted in the office of the principal. If
you have any questions about a provision, contact the principal. All students at Menahga Public School will receive handbooks
when they begin attending school each year. Students do not need to sign a sheet of receipt.
All employees and students of Menahga High School have the responsibility to enforce school
policies and regulations. The principal, teachers, secretary, nurse, librarian, cooks, bus drivers, student
supervisors, paraprofessionals, and fellow students have the right and responsibility to correct those who
violate school rules.
Ernest Huhta
Durwin Tomperi
Brad Goehrig
Curtis Hasbargen
Al Peterson
Jon Kangas
Secondary Principal
Elementary Principal
Activities Director
Mrs. Mary Klamm
Mr. Dan Stifter
Mrs. Ariana Wright
Mr. Brian Johnson
You may contact high school staff via e-mail.
Staff addresses are the initial of their first name
followed by their last name
Ron Honga
Randy Thompson
Tim Wurdock
Academic Dean
Brian Johnson
Activities Director
Brian Johnson
Janet Mattson
Collen Niska
Maria Funk
Deb Aho
Judy Baso
Julie Schilling
Tracee Lindquist
Kristie Yliniemi
Tara Weaver
Dawn Rossbach
Kali Mitteness
Bruce Bolton
Jennifer Farnam
Randy Thompson
Stephanie Hansen
Physical Education
Adaptive Physical Education
Jeremy Nordick
Isaiah Hahn
Read 180
Joy Rippentrop
Family & Consumer Science
Norma Dissmore
Joy Rippentrop
Steven Schreiber
Jlayne Torma
Foreign Language
Kim Kratzke
Health Aide
Colleen Niska
Social Studies
Stephanie Kramer
Kami Johnson
Stephanie Hansen
High School Secretary
Judy Peterson
Industrial Technology
Jeremy Rach
Instrumental Music
Beth Holzhueter
Special Education
Mary Hansen
Kristi Lundsten
Marcia Schwanke
Brad Schultz
Jennifer Berg
Vocal Music
Jason Wright
School Phone Directory & Extensions – 218-564-4141
Elementary Office is Ext 1
High School Office is Ext 2
District Office is Ext 3
Bus Garage Ext 4
Alphabetical Directory Ext 5
Special Announcements Ext 6
ECFE Ext 512
EL Targeted Services Room Ext 502
HS Targeted Services Ext 380 or 321
Health Office Ext 490
Kitchen Ext 467
Activities Director/Academic Dean Ext 312
Technology Coordinator Ext 381
Title I Ext 483, 516
Headstart/ECSE Ext 508
Buildings & Grounds Ext 379
Community Ed Ext 3
To leave voicemail for these people, use the following extension numbers: see next page
Spec Ed
Grade 6
Allebach, P
Grade 1
Grade 5
EL Sec
Dist Sec
Tech Coor
Grade 5
Reading Corps
Spec Ed
Spec Ed
Grade 3
Grade 4
Title I
Mailbox, HS
Grade Kd
Mailbox, EL
Grade Kd
Acct Pay/Payroll
Grade 4
Media Center, HS
Cleveland, A
Grade 6
Media Center, EL
Cleveland, C
Title I
Bus Ed
Computer Lab, New EL
Grade 5
Computer Lab, Old EL
Computer Lab, HS
Grade 1
Computer Lab, Design Lab
Ind Tech
Computer Lab, Online Lab
Bus Mgr
Conf Room, HS
Title I
Conf Room, EL
Peterson, E
Grade Kd
Peterson, J
HS Sec
Read 180/Env Sci
Grade 6
EL Music
Grade 4
Grade 2
HS Flex Room
Grade 3
Title I
Spec Ed
Spec Ed
Spec Ed
Staff lounge, HS
Health Office
Health Off
Staff lounge, EL
HS Princ
Grade 1
Grade 2
Johnson, B
AD, AD,Test
Grade Kd
Johnson, K
Grade 2
Spec Ed
White, B
White, K
Grade 3
Grade 3
Wright, A
Elem Princ
Grade 2
Wright, J
Foreign Lnge
Yliniemi, K
Public Relations
New Ag Person
CALENDAR 2012-2013
August 21 – New Staff Orientation
August 29 – Staff Development
August 30 – Staff Development
August 30 – Open house (4:00-5:30) – 7th Grade orientation 5:30
September 3 – No School
September 4 – First Day of School
September 27 – Early Dismissal/Staff Development: Students dismiss at 12:10
October 3 – Midterm 1st Quarter
October 8 through 12 – Homecoming Week
October 15 – No School – Staff Development in AM/Parent Teacher Conferences 12:30-7:30 p.m.
October 18 – No School
October 19 – No School
November 2 – End of 1st Quarter
November 5 – Staff Development: No School
November 22 – No School
November 23 – No School
December 5 – Midterm 2nd Quarter
December 24 through December 31 – No School
January 1 – No School
January 2 – School Resumes
January 21 – Staff Development: No School
January 18 – End of 2nd Quarter
February 15 – No School
February 18 – No School
February 20 – Midterm 3rd Quarter
February 21 – No School – Staff Development in AM/Parent Teacher Conferences 12:30-7:30 p.m.
March 14 – Early Dismissal/Staff Development: Students dismiss at 12:10
March 22 – End of 3rd Quarter
March 29 – No school
April 1 – No School
April 24 – Midterm 4th Quarter
May 22 – Senior Class Last Day
May 24 – Graduation at 7:00pm
May 27 – No school
May 29 – End of 4th Quarter, Last Day of School: Students dismiss at 12:10
May 30 – Teacher Workshop (Snow Day #1)
May 31 – (Snow Day #2)
Menahga Secondary School has a part time academic advisor who will consult with students
about academic goals and scheduling. For more information, please contact the office.
The district does not carry insurance on students on an individual basis. Parents/guardians have
the opportunity to purchase an individual insurance policy at group rates. This insurance is strictly
voluntary. Information will be sent home to you on the first week of school.
It is the responsibility of the staff and administration of School District 821 to maintain an atmosphere
that will promote quality learning and to provide an effective response system to conditions that threaten
that atmosphere.
The misuse of any mood-altering chemical constitutes a hazard to the learning environment and
the positive development of all students.
Chemical dependency is a treatable illness; early identification and intervention is conducive to
successful treatment.
The harmfully involved and chemically dependent student cannot always help himself or herself.
Opportunity for assistance shall be provided to students and their families in obtaining appropriate
services. If treatment becomes necessary outside the school setting, every effort must be exerted to affect
a successful continuation in re-entry into the school system.
***For more information about the districts chemical use policy, please see 417m in the district policy
Alcohol – refers to the possession, use or being under the influence of any alcoholic product
while on the school grounds or at school sponsored activities.
Tobacco – refers to any type of tobacco product, chewing, holding a lighted tobacco product, or
exhaling of smoke from the mouth or nose on school property or at a school sponsored event by all
Chemicals – The Board of Education of Independent School District 821 endorses a chemical
policy and a set of procedures predicated upon the following beliefs:
A positive relationship exists between successful school experiences and sound physical, mental, social
and emotional health.
Daily announcements will be read at the beginning of second hour classes.
Assemblies are held for the benefit of students, and therefore, require full participation of all
students. Students contribute to the success of assembly programs by:
Being on time and taking assigned seats promptly.
Showing appreciation and consideration by being attentive.
Applauding with vigor and pep, not with prolonged applause, whistling, stomping, booing, or
other rowdy behavior.
Minnesota Statute 120A.22 requires every student between ages of seven and sixteen receive an
education. Students are required to attend all assigned classes and/or study hall every day school is in
session, unless the student has completed the studies ordinarily required and has elected not to enroll or
has a valid excuse for absence.
Attendance will be taken every class period.
Unexcused absences are cumulative throughout the school year.
Every time a student is absent for any period of time, the school may attempt to notify the parents
on the day the absence occurs, if the parent has not called or sent a note.
The administration may waive the policy in cases of long-term illness or other instances beyond
the student’s control.
Students who are not in attendance during the entire school day will not be allowed to participate
in the sporting event or activity on that day. This includes practice or event, whichever takes place that
day. The building principal may consider extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the student or
parent/guardian in advance.
Parents/guardians should notify the school 8:30 a.m. if the student is going to be absent. If a
student knows they will not be in school for a period, they are to bring a note, preferably written in ink,
signed and dated by the parent/guardian. For all absences, make up slips are required before a student
is readmitted to class. Students will have one week to resolve absences after returning to school.
Absences not resolved will remain unexcused.
When a student leaves the building during the school day, they must sign out in the office. If a
student leaves without following these procedures, they may be subject to detention, suspension, and/or
unexcused absences from class for leaving the building without permission.
The administration will determine the legitimacy of all absences. The student has the right and
obligation to make up any work missed for full credit. Excused absences are issued for illness, injury,
medical, dental appointments, funerals, required church attendance, work done directly for and/or with
parents, family emergencies and cases where there is agreement between home, school and student as to
the purpose and validity of the absences, and prior approval through the office. After 5 excused absences
in one quarter, a doctor's note validating an injury or illness may be required. Students with excessive
absences may be referred to the Wadena County Citizens Concerned for Youth program (CCY
A student will be considered tardy if he or she is not in the classroom when the bell rings.
Students with an unexcused tardy for more than five minutes will be considered absent for the period.
Students with a valid excuse for being tardy must obtain a pass from the staff member who has detained
the student. Students who present a pass to their teacher will not be considered tardy. At the discretion of
the administration, students who are habitually late will be also be counted tardy.
Tardies: Students tardy at the start of school must report to the school office for an admission
slip. Tardiness between periods will be handled by the teacher.
Consequences for unexcused tardies:
1st Tardy – Warning
2nd Tardy – Student is put on a “No Pass List.” The list will be updated daily.
The “No Pass List” count will start over the beginning of each quarter.
Students who have 5 or more tardies will report to noon hour detention for up to five days. They will be
put back on noon hour detention if another tardy occurs.
A student absent without the consent of his/her parent/guardian is truant. This is an unexcused
absence and the student will be subject to the High School Success Plan. Truancy will be cause for
disciplinary action. You are truant if you:
Leave school without signing out;
Are absent from school without permission from your parent;
Are absent from class without permission;
Obtain a pass to go to a certain place and do not report there;
Become ill and go home or stay in the rest room instead of reporting to office;
Go home for lunch without permission
After three to seven truancies a letter will be sent to parent. Under Minnesota Law, students with seven
or more unexcused absences qualify as truant and parents/guardians are required to meet to develop a
Truancy Plan as a final attempt to compel the student to attend school. A report to CCY may be made.
If the Truancy Plan is not followed and the student continues to have unexcused absences, the
matter will be referred to the County Attorney's Office.
A Special Note to 18 Year Old and Older Students – "Notwithstanding the provisions of any law
to the contrary, the conduct of all students under 21 years of age attending a public secondary school
shall be governed by a single set of reasonable rules and regulations promulgated by the local Board of
Education." Minnesota Statutes Chapter 529, 120.06. Legally you are now an adult, which provides you
with some new freedoms, but also demands that you fulfill the responsibility of following the rules and
regulations of the school. Menahga Public School does not recognize the fact that 18 year olds can write
their own notes to be excused from school. These notes must be signed by a parent or legal guardian.
Unexcused absences are all absences which can be avoided or delayed, and for which prior
arrangements and approval have not been made through the principal’s office. These absences indicate
that the student is absent from school with or without the consent of a parent, but the excuse given is not
acceptable to the school administration. Unexcused absences or truancy will receive no daily credit for
work missed. Students may be referred to CCY if the number of unexcused absences exceeds a total of 5
during the year.
In compliance with Minnesota Statute 123B.03, Subd.l (e) we are required to notify parents
and/or guardians at the beginning of each school year of our hiring authority’s policy requiring a
criminal history background check on employees and other individuals who provide services to the
Beverages in bottles are permissible in the hallways as long as they do not cause a problem.
Beverages in cans are not allowed.
Students may ride bikes to school; however, they are not allowed to ride the bike on the school
grounds during the school day. The school will not be responsible for their security and recommend that
they be parked in the bike racks and locked.
A student and staff bulletin will be issued each morning listing absences, announcements and
activities for the day/week. Announcements should be submitted to the secretary by 8:00 a.m. to be in the
daily bulletin/announcements.
Cell phones or other electronic devices such as iPods are not to be turned on or be visible during
the school hours (8:20-3:10); it will be confiscated and turned in to the office. If a cell phone is seen or
heard before or during class time, it will be confiscated and turned into the office. A parent will be
required to pick the cell phone up after school hours that day or any day thereafter. Parents are asked to
cooperate with the school in this matter and not text their child during class time. Students can use their
cell phones during their lunch period only. If a student needs to make a call in an emergency, they need to
report to the office to request permission.
The school principal has the right to regulate electronic device usage. Menahga Secondary
School prohibits any member of the school to use electronic devices (including cell phones) to take a
picture of a staff member or student for the purpose of displaying it on the internet or in any other public
place without the permission of the person photographed. The school reserves the right to suspend, in
some cases expel. The student who took the picture or who is in control of the picture.
Parents are asked to keep the school office informed of changes in address, telephone numbers,
and emergency information. This is extremely important so that we are able to contact parents in case of
illness or an emergency.
Regular Day
1st Period – 8:20 – 9:10
2nd Period – 9:14 – 10:06
3rd Period – 10:10 – 11:00
4th Period – 11:04-11:56
Lunch –(grades 7-12)11:56 – 12:28
5th Period – 12:32 – 1:22
6th Period – 1:26 – 2:16
7th Period –2:20 – 3:11
2-hour late start
1 Period – 10:20-10:58
2nd Period – 11:02-11:35
3rd Period – 11:39-12:12
Lunch - 12:12 -12:42 (grades 7-12)
4th Period – 12:46-1:19
5th Period – 1:23-1:56
6th Period – 2:00-2:33
7th Period – 2:37-3:11
12:10 Dismissal
1st Period – 8:20 – 8:45
2nd Period – 8:49 – 9:16
3rd period - 9:20 – 9:45
4th period - 9:49 – 10:14
1:00 Dismissal
Period 1- 8:20 – 8:57
Period 2 – 9:01 – 9:33
Period 3 – 9:37 – 10:09
Period 4 – 10:13 – 10:45
5th period - 10:18 – 10:45
6th period - 10:49 – 11:15
7th Period - 11:19 – 11:45
Lunch (grades 7 – 12) - 11:49 – 12:10
Period 5- 10:49 – 11:21
Period 6- 11:25 – 11:56
Lunch- 11:56 – 12:26
Period 7 - 12:28 – 1:00
Athletics and Fine Arts activities are sponsored by the Minnesota State High School League and
require participants to have a signed Parent Permit Slip on file in the school. All athletic activities
require an updated Physical Examination on file in school. Physical exams are required every three (3)
Cross Country - Boys & Girls
Basketball - Boys & Girls
Hockey - Boys & Girls
Track - Boys & Girls
Golf - Boys & Girl
Math League
Student Council
History Club
Prom Committee
Knowledge Bowl
National Honor Society
All students are responsible for class work in all classes. An Ineligibility List will be published
every other Monday afternoon listing students who are failing one or more courses. If a student is placed
on the list, he /she will have one week from the time of being informed to earn their way off the list by
pursuing their academics over their activity. If the participant chooses not to do the required academic
studies to earn their way off, then he/she will become ineligible to participate in any extra-curricular
activities and will not be allowed to participate until the coach receives a signed statement from the
classroom instructor stating that the student is once again in good standing. The MHS/UNC coaching
staff will be responsible for keeping updates on their participants’ progress and making sure that an
academically ineligible participant does NOT participate.
If a student is failing one or more courses at the end of the quarter or semester, he/she will not
be able to participate in any public appearance or competition for the next two weeks, beginning with the
day the ineligibility list is first printed. Any performances that occur during this time will be lost.
The number of performances/contests missed during this period shall not exceed two. If no contests or
performances are scheduled, no penalty will be applied. Students are expected to attend all practices
during this time period.
If an illegibility occurs at the end of the school year, it will not carry over to the fall of the
following year.
In order to participate in Menahga High School's co-curricular and extra-curricular activities,
students must meet the following guidelines:
 Present a current physical (athletes only);
 Be under 20 years of age;
 Must meet Minnesota High School League Eligibility Guidelines;
 Carry the required number of credits for graduation;
 Be in regular attendance, having enrolled at least two weeks before being in a game;
 Must be in class a full day to participate in any co-curricular activity (practice or event);
 Students and parents/guardians sign eligibility agreement.
Students who violate Minnesota State High School League rules will be given consequences
First Violation
4 weeks or 4 events – whichever is greater including the following requirements:
a. Complete alcohol/drug counseling with a academic advisor
b. Complete report on drug use
c. Apology to team and coach
Second Violation
8 weeks or 8 events – whichever is greater including the following requirements:
a. Complete alcohol/drug counseling with a academic advisor
b. Complete report on drug use
c. Apology to team and coach
Third Violation
10 weeks or 12 events whichever is greater including the following requirements:
a. Complete alcohol/drug counseling with a academic advisor
b. Complete report on drug use
c. Apology to team and coach
Penalties listed above are consequences for breaking MSHSL rules in season as well as out of
season violations. Violations will carry into the activity participant’s next season (Examples: A football
violation would carry into wrestling or basketball) if the penalty had not been fully served during the
season the violation occurred. Violations that occur out of the season will serve the same penalty as in
season violations.
Students in Grades 7-12 will be required to pass all required courses. A student failing a class
will be scheduled into the next grade at the end of the year, but must repeat any required classes before
credit is given. Students must pass a required course before they can take the next level in that area.
In order to receive credit for a class, a student’s overall average must be 70% or higher.
All students must obtain a make-up slip from the office prior to leaving to visit with an
institutional representative during the school day. Juniors and Seniors are allowed two days to visit a
college, technical college or military during school days.
Every member of a community shares the responsibility for the control of communicable disease.
This includes parents/guardians and students as well as school personnel and physicians. Early
symptoms of many diseases resemble symptoms of a cold. They include: sore throat, runny nose,
headache, nausea & vomiting, skin eruptions, fever, watering of eyes, cough, and reddened eyes.
It is usually advisable to keep students at home who have symptoms of fever, cough, or rash and
keep under close observation as a precaution against later complications. If a specific disease develops,
the school should be notified. Other children in the family may attend school in most situations if
approved by the family physician, but should be watched closely and kept home as soon as any symptoms
Common skin infections include: ringworm, impetigo, and scabies, pink eye, etc. A physician
should see any skin eruption that is slow to heal or appears to be spreading. School attendance depends
largely upon how well the condition responds to treatment. The school may require a doctor’s written
permission for a student to be in school with a skin condition.
Skin rashes or other health problems, which may be contagious, are handled in the following
manner. The parent/guardian will be called and an explanation given as to what is suspected.
Parents/guardians will be asked to take the student home and consult a physician to determine whether or
not the student can be in school or if the rash is contagious. Ringworm may be treated with medication
obtained at a drugstore. Guidelines for return to school will be discussed with parent/guardian.
If untreated nits or live lice are detected on a student the parent will be notified.
School Health Policies are available in the office upon request. Additional health information
related to lice is available on-line at:
Constructive criticism can be helpful to the district. At the same time, the Board of Education has
confidence in its staff and programs and shall act to protect them from unwarranted criticism or
disruptive interference.
The procedure is intended to resolve concerns of the citizens, parents/guardians, and students of
Menahga School District. Most problems can be resolved by an informal meeting between the citizen and
the staff member. If the problem cannot be resolved at that level, it can be appealed through
administrative channels to the School Board if necessary. Written complaints must be filed within ten
working days from the date of the incident. Please contact the office for more information on the
district's complaint of services policy and to obtain a complaint of services form.
District 821 complies with federal and state laws governing the release of student record
information. These laws require the District to release “directory information”. Directory information
includes the students name, parent/guardian’s name, address, phone number, student’s date of birth,
gender, grade level, participation in officially recognized activities, and height and weight of members of
athletic teams. Directory information does not include individual grades, testing results, race, religion,
or other personal facts.
Menahga High School will maintain directory information relative to all students. This
information is determined to be public. Parents/guardian or students age 18 and over may request in
writing that directory information not be released by completing a District Request to Exclude Student
Directory Information form anytime. Forms are available in the MHS Office.
The Data Practices Act has been amended by the Minnesota Legislature and MHS is required to
release names, addresses, and phone numbers of 11th and 12th grade students to military recruiting
officers for the purpose of providing information to students about military career and educational
opportunities unless parents refuse release of this information.
Academic Dishonesty
The immediate consequence for academic dishonesty is a zero or, based on the judgment of the teacher,
may be a re-take of the assignment or test with a percentage penalty assessed. Repeated violations of this
policy can result in failure in the course for the semester or year.
Alcohol or Chemicals, Possession, Use or Under the Influence Possessing
Using or being under the influence of any narcotic or controlled substance where possession or use is
prohibited by Minnesota or federal law.
 1st Offense: Five (5) day suspension which may be reduced to three (3) day suspension
with completion of Chemical/Violence Deterrence Program. The student will be referred to
the Citizens Concerned for Youth Program.(CCY) A member of the Menahga Police
Department may charge the student with possession of an illegal substance.
2nd Offense: Five (5) day suspension; during this time we will explore expulsion or alternative
placement. A member of the Menahga Police Department may charge the student with possession
of an illegal substance.
Chemicals, Possession With Intent to Distribute or Sell Participating in the selling or distributing,
or intending to sell or distribute, any narcotic or controlled substance where sale or distribution is
prohibited by Minnesota or federal law.
 1st Offense: Expulsion
Gross Insubordination, Disruptive or Disrespectful Behavior
Students will be referred to the administration. The Principal will place the student in the Menahga High
School Success Plan. Students will only be allowed to access the program three (3) times throughout the
school year. On a fourth referral, the student will be suspended for five (5) days. This suspension may be
reduced to three (3) days if the student and his/her parents/guardians attend a family outreach session
with the Principal. A fifth referral will result in a five (5) day suspension at which time the
Administration will explore the possibility of alternative placement.
Inappropriate Dress and/or Behavior at Activities where Menahga is a Participant
1st offense: warning
2nd offense: Two (2) week suspension from Menahga activities.
Any serious behavior resulting in a removal from a high school activity will result in a two (2)
week suspension from Menahga school activities.
Inappropriate Language Directed at a Staff Member
Any student who uses inappropriate language towards a staff member will result in a one (1) day
suspension from school.
Inappropriate Public Displays of Affection
1st Offense: Verbal warning.
2nd Offense: Verbal warning with a parent contact for both parties involved.
Any Subsequent Offenses: Menahga High School Success Plan.
Possible Consequences for Sexual, Racial Religious, Harassment or Violence, Hazing,
Alcohol/Tobacco/Chemical Use or Weapon Violations:
 Detention/Suspension/Expulsion;
 Parent/Guardian notification/conference;
 Notification of legal authorities.
Racial, Religious, Sexual Harassment and Violence
Participating in or conspiring with others to engage in acts that injure, degrade, intimidate or disgrace
other individuals, including indecent exposure, and words or actions that negatively impact an individual
or group based on their race, cultural or religious background, their sex or any disabilities they may have
(refer to detailed policy in the Menahga School District policy manual.)
The school district will act to investigate all complaints, either formal or informal, verbal or written. The
school district will discipline any student or employee who violates this policy.
Students are requested to complete a “Harassment Complaint Form” to provide documentation of any
racial, religious or sexual harassment. These forms are available from the Administration.
 1st Offense: Verbal warning with a written report filed.
2nd Offense: Four (4) day suspension which may be reduced to a two (2) day suspension with
completion of Chemical/Violence Deterrence Program.
3rd Offense: Four (4) day suspension; during this time we will explore expulsion or alternative
Any self-defense or retaliation will be dealt with by the violence policy. Students are encouraged to
remove themselves from the situation as quickly as possible and get help from a staff member.
Tobacco Products
Possessing or using tobacco and/or tobacco products in district buildings, on district grounds, in district
vehicles or at district events.
 1st Offense: One (1) day out-of-school suspension. A member of the Menahga Police Department
will charge the student with possession of tobacco.
 2nd Offense: Two (2) day out-of-school suspension, student will be charged with possession of
tobacco. The student will be referred to the Citizens Concerned for Youth Program.(CCY)
 3rd Offense: Three (3) day out-of-school suspension, student will be charged with possession of
tobacco, during this time we will explore expulsion or alternative placement
Verbal Harassment or Threats (Student-to-Student Harassment/Bullying)
Threatening or harassing, directly or indirectly, with the intent of terrorizing or cause emotional distress
to another person.
 1st Offense: Verbal warning with a written report filed.
 2nd Offense: Four (4) day suspension which may be reduced to two (2) day suspension with
completion of Chemical/Violence Deterrence Program.
 3rd Offense: Four (4) day suspension; during this time we will explore expulsion or alternative
Violence (Physical or Aggravated Assault)
Acting with intent to cause fear in another person or immediate bodily harm, or intentionally inflicting or
attempting to inflict bodily harm upon another person.
 1st Offense: Five (5) day suspension which may be reduced to 3 day suspension with completion of
Chemical/Violence Deterrence Program.
 2nd Offense: Five (5) day suspension; during this time we will explore expulsion or alternative
In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 121A.61 Menahga High School has developed
the following discipline policy. Our school discipline policy is built on the philosophy that the student is
responsible for his/her behavior. A set of expectations for reasonable and safe behavior in the classroom,
lunchroom, hallways, restrooms, etc. has been developed. These expectations are discussed in each
classroom when school begins. These are the basic expectations of all students:
Respect yourself, others and property;
Be on time and be prepared;
Contribute positively in class;
Complete assignments.
A student will be removed from class, an activity, etc. and may be assigned the Menahga High
School Success Plan (MHSSP) /suspension when his/her behavior is interfering with the learning or
safety of others. Examples of behaviors that constitute a referral to MHSSP/suspension include but are
not limited to:
Physical display of aggression;
Disrespect to others / property;
Chemical (drug, tobacco, or alcohol) use;
Harassment of others;
Misuse of technology (web sites, chat rooms, email);
It is the goal of the secondary school to create a “refuge” for our students. Therefore, we will
continue to work to create and maintain a bully free/harassment free environment through prevention and
intervention. We will continue to educate students and staff on the meaning and effects of
bullying/harassment. An act of bullying, by either an individual student or a group of students, is
expressly prohibited on school district property or at school-related functions. This policy
applies not only to students who directly engage in an act of bullying but also to students who, by
their indirect behavior, condone or support another student’s act of bullying. This policy also
applies to any student whose conduct at any time or in any place constitutes bullying that
interferes with or obstructs the mission or operations of the school district or the safety or
welfare of the student, other students, or employees. The misuse of technology including, but not
limited to, teasing, intimidating, defaming, threatening, or terrorizing another student, teacher,
administrator, volunteer, contractor, or other employee of the school district by sending or
posting e-mail messages, instant messages, text messages, digital pictures or images, or website
postings, including blogs, also may constitute an act of bullying regardless of whether such acts
are committed on or off school district property and/or with or without the use of school district
resources. Apparent permission or consent by a student being bullied does not lessen the
prohibitions contained in this policy. The High School Staff has implemented an anti-bullying
Please refer to the school district policy 514m for more details.
Teachers reserve the right to require students to attend a classroom detention after school or
after the student has eaten lunch during the lunch period for inappropriate behavior. The teacher will
establish the date and time based on the type of inappropriate behavior displayed by the student.
This program will be required for any student who is referred to the administration because of
gross insubordination, disruptive or disrespectful behavior. The principal will place students in the
Menahga High School Success Plan.
Individuals will be shaping behaviors through intensive behavioral programming, targeting
deficiencies in the areas of anger management, appropriate choice making, respect of self and others,
and developing self-control through personal accountability.
It is our intention to provide students a forum where they can take ownership in their negative
choices and take accountability through a conversation with another student or staff member in which
they have an issue. Students will leave the Menahga High School Success meeting with a plan to take
accountability for their action(s). Some students may also receive a Letter of Expectation to help them
formally understand what is expected of them at Menahga High School.
The existence of an In-School Behavior Program does not eliminate the possibility of suspension as
a disciplinary measure. Suspension may be a penalty imposed after a student has been placed in the
Menahga High School Success Plan for repeated offenses. Repeated or severe violations of school
policy; conduct which poses a threat to the safety of pupil, personnel, or school property; or noncompliance with Menahga High School Success Plan regulations may all be reasons for suspension from
regular school attendance.
Grounds and procedure for suspension will be determined by the principal and will be conducted
in accordance with the Minnesota Pupil Fail Dismissal Act (M.S. 127.26 - 127.39). The district shall
make reasonable efforts to notify the parents of the suspension by telephone as soon as possible following
suspension. In the event a student is suspended without an informal administrative conference on the
grounds that the student will create an immediate and substantial danger to surrounding persons or
property, the written notice shall be served upon the student and the student’s parent/guardian within 48
hours of the suspension. Written notice will include grounds for suspension, a brief statement of the facts,
a description of the testimony, a readmission plan and a copy of Minnesota Pupil Fail Dismissal Act
(M.S. 127.26 - 127.39). Service by mail is complete upon mailing.
Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivisions 1 and 3, the pupil may be suspended pending the
school board’s decision in the expulsion or exclusion hearing; provided that alternative educational
services are implemented to the extend that suspension exceeds five days.
The principal will assemble an appeals board if he/she deems necessary. Students who are
concerned about a specific disciplinary action or student conduct violation may consult with their
parents, teachers, and/or student support services staff to informally resolve the concern. If the concern
cannot be resolved using these informal channels, advisors may appeal their concerns through the
channels listed in the appeals process shown below.
Superintendent or Designee
Board of Education
The appearance of a student is primarily the responsibility of the individual and the
parent/guardian. MHS students are expected to maintain an appearance that is not distracting to others,
disrespectful to others, or disruptive to the educational process and should reflect good judgment and
good taste. Student attire must comply with standards of health and safety. For example, state law
requires that shoes must be worn in public buildings.
Examples of prohibited attire include, but are not limited to the following:
Coats, caps, hats, hoods worn up, scarves, visors, bandanas (or anything on the head, except headbands)
during the instructional day;
Sunglasses (exception: outdoors);
Chains extending beyond belt loop closest to pocket;
Clothing or hairstyles depicting gang symbols, look-alike gang symbols or gang hand gestures;
Halter tops, tube tops, short shorts, short skirts, or clothing that is profane or advertises alcohol or
tobacco products and detrimental to the purpose or conduct of the school will not be permitted.
Students must cover the four (4) B’s: back, bottom, bosom, and belly.
No visible under garments – boxers/underwear/bras
Clothing with revealing holes or cutouts;
Roller blades, shoes with roller blades or skateboards;
Baggy pants worn below waist level;
When a student’s appearance violates the Dress Code, the student will be required to modify
his/her attire or be sent home to change if necessary. Additional consequences may be imposed, at the
discretion of administration. In exercising discretion to discipline and/or impose other consequences on
students violating this Dress Code, administration shall take into account the age of the student, District
821's student discipline policy, and whether the violation occurred during the instructional day while
school is in session or in connection with a school-related activity.
All staff have the authority and responsibility to enforce the dress code.
Schedule changes will be allowed up to the first Friday of the semester. Courses cannot be
dropped after this date without instructor’s approval. All course changes must go through the academic
advisor or principal.
In order to be prepared for an emergency evacuation of the school, drills are conducted on a
periodic basis. We attempt to impress upon the students the importance and seriousness of this safety
precaution. It is hoped that continual practice in evacuation of a building will ensure rapid and orderly
evacuation when an emergency should arise. The statewide tornado drill is held every year in the month
of April for all students to practice protection procedures.
Spectators are to remain seated during the event.
If you leave the building, you will not be allowed back inside without repaying.
Spectators are to reflect good sportsmanship.
Educational field trips may be taken by classes during the school year under the teacher's
direction. Parents may be asked to assist with these field trips. When trips are made in school buses
outside of school district boundaries, parents will be notified. Students are required to have written
permission from a parent or guardian prior to going on a field trip. Permission will not be granted over
the telephone. Field trip permission forms are to be completed and returned to the office by Friday of the
first week of attendance in the high school. Signed permission forms will be recognized as permission
granted until the student is no longer in attendance.
All students are scheduled for a 30-minute lunch period. Students must eat in the cafeteria. It is
expected that students bus their own dishes and keep the lunchroom neat and orderly.
Food services will include breakfast and hot lunch. The board will approve the prices set for
school breakfast, lunch and the price of milk.
Students are not to share their meal account numbers.
Lactose reduced milk will be provided to any student upon the written request by the
It is the intention of the school board to operate a food service program at a break-even point.
Money for meals is due in advance. All families will be notified of this policy in the first issue of the
newsletter, as well as with each statement mailed out. Payment for all meals should be paid for in
It is important that parents/guardians sign up for free or reduced meals before school starts or at
any time their income or household size changes. Those qualifying not only help our lunch program, but
help fund other general fund programs. Applications are available from the office. Please call the office
if you would like assistance in completing the form. Applications do not carry over from year to year.
“In accordance with federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is
prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.” To
file a complaint, write USDA, Director, Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence
Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 or (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202)
720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
All organizations need written approval from the principal, prior to their sale. This is to prevent
overlapping sales, duplication, and recognition of the worthiness of the fundraiser. Forms may be
obtained in the office. A copy of fund raisers approved will be provided to the Superintendent.
Students in Grades 7-12 will be required to pass all required courses. A student failing a class
will be scheduled into the next grade at the end of the year, but must repeat any required classes before
credit is given. Required courses must receive a passing grade before the next level course may be taken.
In order to receive credit for a class, a student’s overall average must be 70% or higher.
Graduation exercises are a voluntary event that is offered to students. Graduates are expected to
wear appropriate dress and attire for the program or will be denied the opportunity to participate.
Students who have completed the requirements for graduation at Menahga High School will be allowed
to participate in the graduation exercises, which is subject to administrative discretion.
In order to participate in graduation commencement, students must wear the gown, mortarboard,
honor cord, tassel, and stoll chosen by the graduation committee. The graduation committee will consist
of senior class members, senior class advisors and the high school principal. Students who do not follow
the previously mentioned dress expectations, will not be allowed to participate in commencement
Students in grades 9 through 12 are required to achieve the mandatory amount of credits listed
below to graduate from Menahga High School. 14 of these credits will come from required courses and
the remaining credits will come from elective classes. Students in the graduating class of 2013 and
beyond will be required to achieve 27 credits.
Minnesota state law, and part of Federal legislation called No Child Left Behind requires that 8th,
10 and 11th graders complete Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAIIs). Test scores are shared
with parents. It is essential that parents/guardians make every attempt to assure student attendance on
testing days.
Students are not permitted in the halls while class is in session unless a teacher accompanies
them or they have a hall pass from a staff member.
Hazing activities of any kind are inconsistent with the educational goals of District 821 and are
prohibited at all times. Hazing means committing an act against a student, or coercing a student into
committing an act, that creates a substantial risk of harm to a person, in order for the student to be
initiated or affiliated with a student organization or for any other purpose.
School principals are the persons responsible for receiving reports at the building level. The
school district will act to investigate all complaints of hazing and will discipline or take appropriate
action against any student, teacher, administrator, volunteer, contractor, or other employee of the school
who is found to have violated school policy or law. This policy applies to behaviors that occur on or off
school property and before, during and after school hours.
MSHSL consequences are in addition to school district consequences for students who engage in
A health record on each student is required by the state. A physical and/or dental exam is not
required for school entrance, however it is highly recommended. A Medical Emergency Card needs to be
completed for each student and is kept on file. Please inform the office of any changes in address,
telephone numbers, or emergency information. This card is vital to reaching parents in an emergency.
We also ask that a Health Questionnaire be completed for each student. This informs us of any
medical problems, allergies, etc. to better care for your child. If you have any special concerns, please
feel free to call the health office.
The school provides a part time nurse and health aide to assist students with health related
concerns. Please contact the school with any information that may be helpful regarding your child’s
health needs. In the event a student becomes ill during the school day and needs to go home, it is the
responsibility of the parent/guardian to pick up the student.
Homebound instruction is available for any student who is out of school due to illness (either at
home or in the hospital) for an extended period. It is a valuable service offered to our students to ensure
they do not fall too far behind their classmates due to an extended illness. Please contact the school
office if you have any questions regarding homebound instruction.
Menahga High School will create an A and a B honor roll at the end of each quarter. Eligible
students will be placed on the honor roll based on the final grades earned in that quarter. A student with
a failing grade in any class will not be eligible for the honor roll. Students must be full time students at
Menahga High School in order to be listed on the Menahga High School Honor Roll.
A student having compiled a scholastic average of 3.60 or higher during grades 9 through 12 will
be designated an honor student. A student must have attended Menahga High School facility grades 9-12
at some time during their high school career to be included as a Senior Class Honor students. The
students designated as honor students will receive recognition in the area newspapers and on the
Commencement Program. Honor status will be calculated after 1st semester final grades have been
submitted. The senior graduation committee will consider honor students as commencement speakers.
All seniors have the option to participate on the committee.
Minnesota State School Law requires that prior to a child’s initial enrollment in school in this
state, the parent shall submit to the principal one of the following statements:
A statement signed by a physician that the child has received immunization against Red Measles,
German Measles or Rubella and Mumps, 4 Polio, 5 DTP, and 3 Hepatitis B immunizations as approved
by the state board of health and that such immunizations are currently effective.
A parent may substitute a statement in lieu of the doctor’s, which shall indicate the month, day,
and year of each immunization given.
A statement signed by a physician, that the physical condition of the child is such that
immunization would seriously endanger his/her life or health, or that lab tests indicate adequate
immunity exists.
A notarized statement signed by the child’s parent or guardian that he/she is conscientiously
exempting the child from immunization(s).
A child must be excluded from school if the immunizations are not completed by the specified time
period or a notarized conscientious exemption is not on record in the health office.
Computers in all our classrooms have access to the Internet. Students and staff are responsible
for appropriate behavior while using Internet access or school computer networks. Network use is a
privilege, not a right, and can be removed. Review and agreement to school district policy will be
required before student use is allowed. Violations of policy will be handled in accordance with school
disciplinary procedures and include loss of computer use. Signed permission forms will be recognized as
permission granted until the student is no longer in attendance at Menahga Public School. Menahga
Public Schools internet use policy includes monitoring the online activities of minors and must provide
for educating minors about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on
social networking websites and in chat rooms and cyber bullying awareness and response.
For excused absences, a student will be allowed two school days for each day absent to complete
assignments. Arrangements need to be made with the teachers.
Students are responsible for library books they check out.
Refer to 516m in the district policy book.
Please pay by check whenever possible. The school is not responsible for valuables that are lost,
damaged, or stolen at school. Radios, tape players, cameras, expensive watches, jewelry and large sums
of money should not be brought to school. If they are brought, they are the responsibility of the student.
Students taking on-line courses will be working in the Online Learning Lab. Students may enroll
in on-line courses that are approved by the Minnesota Department of Education.
Students are not permitted to leave the school premises during the lunch period without permission from
the high school office. Seniors in good standing academically and behaviorally (principal’s discretion)
will be issued Gold Passes. The Passes allow seniors to go downtown during lunch period on the
following conditions:
 Seniors who have met a 2.75 grade point average or principal’s discretion. The beginning of the
school year grade point average will be determined by a student’s spring GPA.
 Not received an Out of School Suspension at anytime during the current semester
 Not on the “No Pass List” or tardy for a 5th hour class.
 Not on the second phase of the “Conflict Recovery Plan”
 Not more than 3 daily-unexcused absences per quarter or principal’s discretion
Students must have a signed parent permission slip for privileges to begin. Students must pick up
their Gold Pass to the high school office and sign out before leaving the building and leave through door
#1. When returning, students return their passes and sign in to the high school office. Failure to follow
these regulations will result in the loss of Gold Pass privileges. Gold pass privileges can be revoked at
Students leaving campus without privileges will enter into the Menahga High School Success
Plan. Students are not permitted to use vehicles during the school day, including the noon period, without
permission from the office. Seniors must turn in the written permission form signed by a parent or
guardian in order to use a vehicle during the noon period.
Two conferences will be scheduled each year. Check the school calendar for dates and times.
You may contact teachers at anytime throughout the year with questions or concerns or to schedule an
individual time to meet.
Except for seniors with Gold Pass privileges and a signed written permission form on file in the
high school office, students are not permitted in vehicles during the school day without permission from
the high school principal.
Students are permitted to park in a school district location as a matter of privilege, not of right.
Students must drive safely and follow the speed limit. Any student deemed not driving safely may have
their parking privileges removed.
Parking will be in designated student parking. It shall be a violation of this policy for students to
store or carry contraband in motor vehicles in a school district location. The interiors of motor vehicles
of students in school district locations, including glove box or trunk compartments, may be searched
when school officials have a reasonable suspicion that the search will uncover a violation of law or
school policy. If a search yields contraband, school officials will seize the item and may turn it over to
legal authorities. A student found violating this policy would have parking privileges removed.
Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds at any time during the school day without
permission from the high school office. Failure to follow the proper procedure will be considered a
violation of district policy and disciplinary action will follow.
Passes must be obtained from the office.
Passes must be presented to and signed by the teacher of the last class the student has before
Students are to sign off in the log when leaving and upon return to school.
The pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America will be recited daily, at the
end of 2 hour when the daily announcements are read. Anyone who does not wish to participate in
reciting the pledge of allegiance for any personal reasons may elect not to do so. Students and school
personnel must respect other persons' rights to make that choice. Students will be instructed in proper
etiquette toward, correct display of, and respect for the flag, as well as in patriotic exercises. Recitation
of the pledge of allegiance by students and instruction of students are provided in this policy are required
by statute.
Posters or signs shall not be placed in the building without permission from the principal.
Posters shall be neat and beyond reproach in subject matter, grammar, spelling etc. Posters are to be
removed by the individuals who posted them the day following the event or function.
Approved posters may be displayed in the following areas:
Designated bulletin boards, hallway;
Individual rooms and showcases with the permission of the teacher.
Academic reports are available on Family Access at any time. Parents may request a paper copy
of their child’s midterm and quarterly report each quarter. A paper copy will be sent home of each child’s
final report card.
When school is dismissed early for inclement weather or other emergency reasons, all extracurricular
activities will be cancelled. All students are to go home. When school is called off in the morning and
conditions improve, the administration may approve practice, or team participation in local, subsection
or section activities. Students will not be penalized for missing practice due to weather conditions or
other emergency closings. We have a school messenger system that will notify each family using the
phone numbers or email address you load into that system. You must update your own family profile.
The following stations are the only ones that will also be notified of our school closings:
WCCO (Cable Channel 4); KSAX (Cable Channel5); KARE 11 (Cable Channel 11); WDAY (Cable
Channel 12); FOX 9 KMSP (Cable Channel 18); WCCO (830 AM); KPRM (870 AM);KWAD (920 AM);
KJJK (1020 AM); KBRF (1250 AM); KMSP (1420 AM); KXKK (92.5 FM);KSKK (94.7 FM); KJJK 96.5
FM); KDKK (97.5 FM); KPRW (99.5 FM); KZCR (Z-103.3FM); KKWS (105.9 FM)
In making our judgment, we always check with the weather stations, radio, TV and personally drive
roads. As a parent or guardian, you have the right to decide whether or not your child should attend
school in inclement weather. No penalties are assessed by your keeping your children home; however
they will still have to make up the work they missed on that particular day. We ask that you still call in
their absence by 8:30 am.
School is in session from 8:20 a.m. – 3:11 p.m. Students are asked not to arrive before 8:00 a.m.,
as supervision does not begin before this time. School buses arrive at 8:00, which gives students time to
eat breakfast.
The school is responsible for students from the time they get on the school bus or (for non-bus
students, when they arrive at school) until the time they step off the school bus after school (for non-bus
students, once they leave the school grounds). Because of legal and safety considerations, students are
not permitted to leave the school premises during the school day without permission from the high school
High school students are to enter and exit through the main high school doors.
Our school contracts annually to have pictures taken during the school year. Information
regarding prices, times, and dates will be distributed. You are not obligated to purchase any pictures;
the school simply offers the services.
A student must have attended Menahga High School grades 9-12 at some time during their high
school career to be included in the Senior High School picture section of the yearbook.
On Menahga, on Menahga,
Fight right on to fame.
We've got spirit, we've got might
Go, fight, win, all right!
Rah, rah, rah!
On Menahga, on Menahga,
Victory's sure this time.
So fight braves, fight, fight, fight to win this game.
The school conducts periodic screenings including vision, hearing, scoliosis, lice, and Early
Childhood Screening. Teachers also observe the classroom behavior of students to note any indications
of visual or hearing deficiency. Please know that these are only screenings and if indicated, should be
followed by medical examination for diagnosis.
*Refer to 502m in the ISD #821 district policy book.
All social activities should be sponsored for a specific purpose. All events must be approved by
the adviser and the principal and must be properly chaperoned. School activities during the school week
must end by 10:00 p.m. or earlier. No activities may be held without proper supervision. All dances must
be approved by the principal. Dances will be closed door. Once a person has entered, he/she may not
leave and reenter. Guests at school dances must receive prior approval from the principal. Forms may
be obtained in the office. This permission must be requested by 3:30 on the day prior to the dance or
social activity. All guests from other schools must not be older than 21 the day of the dance. Students of
Menahga are responsible for their guest being aware of and abiding with the school rules and policies.
It is the secondary principal’s duty to be proactive in keeping the school safe and enforcing ISD
#821 policy; therefore in the event the school has reasonable suspicion of inappropriate activity during
the school day or outside school hours, administration will investigate. The investigation may include
individual interviews, locker/personal belongings search, personal vehicle searches, urine analysis or
drug screening, 3rd party interviews, and involvement from outside governmental agencies.
Parents/guardians may or may not be contacted during this process. If a student refuses to cooperate
with the investigation, they will be suspended until the completion of the investigation or until notified by
the principal.
The school provides a directory to those who request it from the central, high school or
elementary offices. The directory includes first and last name, address, date of birth, telephone number,
student grade and other miscellaneous information. Students and parents have the option to remove their
name and information from the directory by contacting the high school office. If you do not formally
remove your name by contacting the school, your name and information will remain in the directory.
Student information will be removed in a timely fashion upon written formal request.
The District considers names and birthdates of students eligible for special education as
directory information and will share the information with DHS (Minnesota Department of Human
Services) to determine which students are currently enrolled in a Minnesota Health Care Program. If a
parent / guardian does not wish for directory information to be shared, you may opt out by contacting
Ariana Wright at the school.
All permanent student records, e.g. transcripts, health records, IEP's, are on file and available
upon request. Parents/guardians, and students are allowed to inspect and review official student records,
files and data including all material in the cumulative record. An appointment must be made through the
office by those eligible to examine records. A written request stating the records to be reviewed is
required. Students needing any of these documents may secure them by filling out a request form in the
office or by calling 564-4141 x320.
Menahga Secondary School may offer summer school session on site for students who need
developmental, remedial, or make-up work in basic skills, and academic courses. Summer school is a
privilege to students and not a right.
When students are in school, engaging in school-sponsored activities, or traveling to and from
school on school buses, they are responsible to the school, and the school is responsible for them. School
personnel assigned to their supervision serve in loco parentis.
The Board expects all students to be under assigned adult supervision at all times when they are
in school, on school grounds, traveling under school supervision, or engaging in school-sponsored
activities. School personnel assigned this supervision are expected to act as reasonable, prudent adults
in providing for the safety of the students in their charge.
In keeping with this expected prudence, no teacher or other staff member will leave his/her
assigned group unsupervised except if an arrangement has been to take care of an emergency.
During school hours, or while engaging in school-sponsored activities, students will be released
only into the custody of parents or other authorized persons.
The Menahga Public School District does not discriminate against any student on the
basis of his or her disability and allows equal access to and participation in its programs and
activities. The District also does not discriminate against anyone because he or she is associated
with someone who is disabled. In addition, it is the District’s responsibility to identify and
evaluate students who, within the intent of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, need
specially designed instructional or physical accommodations so those students may receive free
appropriate public education.
Inquiries regarding compliance with Section 504 may be directed to the district 504
Dan Stifter
Menahga Public School
For this policy, a student who may be eligible within the intent of Section 504 is one who:
 Is eligible to attend the District’s schools under federal and
Minnesota law; and
 Has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one
or more major life activities, including learning.
Students may be eligible for services under the provisions of Section 504 even though they do
not require services pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Students
who are identified as individuals with exceptional needs under IDEA criteria will have their
rights and obligations determined by that law.
All district students are provided with bus safety instruction during the first week of school and
are required to demonstrate understanding of bus safety lessons.
District 821 has established formal bus policies, rules, and regulations. Riding the bus is a
privilege; thus, students are expected to behave in the same manner as in the classroom. Behavior
problems will be addressed by the driver, including temporary suspension of riding privileges. The
driver, transportation director, and high school principal will address serious and persistent situations.
Offenses that are dangerous or destructive will result in immediate suspension and may include
notification of legal authorities. Students damaging school buses will be held liable for the damages.
Failure to initiate payment will result in loss of riding privileges until damage is paid for.
Late buses run at 5:15 p.m. as announced. Students must sign up in the office prior to 12:30 p.m.
If you have not signed up for the bus through the office, you may not be permitted to ride the late bus.
The late bus is intended for students who are participating in a sport practice or activity or receiving
assistance from a teacher. Any student riding for reasons other than school activities may lose future
riding privileges and/or receive detention.
Students may not be interrupted during school hours by outside calls and messages except in the
case of an emergency. If it is necessary to reach your child, dial 564-4141 ext 2. The high school
secretary will relay your message.
It is suggested that parents/guardians wishing to contact a classroom teacher be prepared to
leave a message requesting the teacher to contact them. Except during preparation time, teachers are not
available to come to the telephone during the school day.
Minnesota Academic Standards provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate mastery of
subject material and earn course credit.
A student who has gained conceptual knowledge and skills necessary to pass a course may elect
to earn credit for the course by successfully completing the test out procedure for the course.
Application for test-out must be made to the high school principal or academic advisor by May
15th for the first semester and November 15th for second semester. Parent signature must accompany the
A student may attempt to test-out of any given course only once. If the student fails any portion
of the exam, they must enroll in and pass the course to receive credit in that course.
The test-out will consist of a written exam, but may include lab work, presentations, problem
solving, and submission of portfolios, performance and/or demonstrations.
Tests and answer keys will be secured in the office. Tests will not be returned to the student.
The same criteria will be used to determine whether or not the student passes the exam (and,
thus, the course) as would be used to determine whether or not a student would pass the course if they
were enrolled in it. Criteria for passing the comprehensive exam must not be more stringent than the
criteria for passing a course.
Exams must be passed with a 70% to establish credit. Students will earn a grade based on the
district adopted grading scale.
It is the policy of ISD 821 not to discriminate on the basis of sex in admission to or employment
in its educational programs or activities, as required by Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments.
Inquiries regarding compliance with Title IX may be directed to the Title IX Coordinator or OCR.
Dan Stifter
Menahga Public School
218-564-4141 ext. 321
All visitors including parents/guardians are required to report to the main office when entering
the building to sign in and pick up a visitor identification label. Visitor identification labels are issued
during the school day 8:30 a.m. to 3:10 p.m. for a pre-approved appointment only. Student visitors are
not allowed to accompany MHS students to their classes. Anyone violating this policy could be charged
with trespassing.
The contributions and tasks that can be performed by volunteers are many and varied. Parent
volunteers will be used in the capacity they feel most comfortable. Please contact high school principal if
you are interested in volunteering at school. All volunteers will be subject to a background check.
It is the policy of ISD 821 to maintain a learning and working environment that is free from
threats or harmful influence of any person(s) or group(s), which exhibit and promote violence and
disruptive behaviors. Minnesota Statutes and the Federal School Safety Act states that students who
bring a weapon to school, or any item that is intended to be used as a weapon against another person,
will be subject to immediate suspension. Law enforcement officials will be notified if so needed.
Possession: Students and student visitors, are forbidden to knowingly or voluntarily possess,
store in an area subject to one’s control, handle, transmit, or use an instrument that is considered a
weapon in school, on school grounds, at school activities, on school busses or vehicles, or entering upon
or departing from school premises, property or events. Possession of a weapon includes a look-alike
weapon that is used with the intent to intimidate or cause or create fear in another because of the
similarity in appearance of the look-alike weapon to the actual weapon that is prohibited by these rules.
The prohibition applies to all school-owned, leased, or contracted vehicles.
Weapons: “Dangerous Weapon” means any firearm, whether loaded or unloaded, or any device
designed as a weapon and capable of producing death or great bodily harm, any combustible or
flammable liquid or other device or instrumentality that, in the manner it is used or intended to be used, is
calculated or likely to produce death or great bodily harm.
The following are examples of dangerous weapons but are not limited to:
Guns of all types including air, pellet, BB, and stun gun;
Knives of all types;
Clubs, numb chucks, blackjacks, lead pipe, and throwing stars;
Metal knuckles;
Darts, chains, or unauthorized tools;
Explosives, including firecrackers, smoke bombs or other chemicals;
Any other device or instrument used to intimidate, threaten, or inflict harm.
Weapon or Look-Alike Weapon, (Including firearms), Possession
Possessing any device or instrument designed as a weapon and capable of producing severe bodily harm,
or in the opinion of the principal is intended to look like a device or instrument capable of producing
severe bodily harm, or any other device, instrument or substance, which, in the manner in which it is used
or intended to be used, is calculated or likely to produce severe bodily harm.
Offense: Any of or combination of the consequences listed below.
 Detention/Suspension/Expulsion;
 Parent/Guardian notification/conference;
 Notification of legal authorities.
While the school district takes a “Zero Tolerance” position on the possession, use or distribution of
weapons by students, the superintendent may use discretion in determining whether, under the
circumstances, a course of action other than the minimum consequences specified above is warranted. If
so, other appropriate action may be taken, including consideration of a recommendation for lesser
***Anything of civil consequence will be reported to local law enforcement***
Please notify the office at least three days prior to withdrawing your student when moving out of
our school district. You are asked to indicate the last date of attendance and the name of the new school
Senior yearbook pictures are to be a picture that are upper body/head photos only. This photo will
also be the photo used for the senior composite class photo. Senior yearbook pictures will not be accepted
if they contain the following:
 Props such as cars/vehicles/boats/tractors, musical instruments, sports
equipment, etc..
 Hats, costumes, or accessories
 Weapons of any kind, including rifles, shotguns, knives, etc..
 Group photos, such as with babies, grandparents, other relatives, or pets
Student Memorial - A memorial page in the MHS yearbook will be available for purchase for
students who have passed away, the student must have been a part of the graduating class in order to
be a part of the memorial page. The cost of the page will not be paid by the Menahga Public School
District. The cost will be determined by the add cost of the yearbook add pages of the given year.
Competencies, Strategies, Understandings, Values, Pathways to Success
Our Objectives:
Menahga Public Schools has moved forward with our technology initiatives. This
initiative will provide students in grades 9 -12 and all certified staff with an iPad. In addition,
students in grades K – 8 will have access to iPads. This Menahga High Five Initiative ties
directly to our mission statement as a district:
The mission of Menahga School District #821, is to provide opportunities for all students to
become life-long learners with the necessary competencies, skills, understandings, and
value to contribute to and succeed in a changing society.
We have realized that today’s students need different sets of skills than have been required
in the past. We also need to develop students who are equipped with the strategies necessary to
succeed in the 21st Century. Students must build on their problem solving, critical thinking,
communication and technological skills. It is our goal that students are able to find, synthesize,
communicate information and collaborate with the global community.
Student Responsibility
 Students are expected to use the iPad appropriately for educational purposes.
 Students are expected to have their iPads in school each day. Forgetting an iPad or having a
dead battery will not be an acceptable reason for failing to complete school work or turn
assignments in on time. Repeated failure to bring the iPad to school or failing to charge the
battery may result in the loss of home privileges for the student.
 Students are responsible to download to the iPad any necessary documents and/or
materials as directed by their teachers. If a family does not have wireless access at home,
student must do this before school, during the day, or after school.
 Students may load music and photos to their District-owned iPad, as long as all content
complies with the Acceptable Use Policy of Menahga Public Schools. Students may
personalize the device on loan from Menahga Public Schools as long as it does not contain
inappropriate music or photos, which may result in the loss of use of the iPad and/or other
disciplinary actions. The use of music on the iPad during instructional time will be at the
discretion of the classroom teacher.
 Each student in grades 9 – 12 will create and manage their own iTunes/Apps account. The
Menahga School District will purchase specific apps for students. Students will be able to
download these apps using a redemption code provided by the District. The District
anticipates that students may also have a desire to personalize their iPad. Students will be
allowed to purchase age appropriate apps and download music etc. that falls within the
guidelines of the Menahga Public Schools Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy 524.
The student and or the parent will be responsible for the cost of the personal apps. If it is
determined that inappropriate apps or programming has been loaded on the District owned
iPad, disciplinary actions may be taken. The iPads will be restored to the school set
software. This could result in the loss of the personal apps etc. that have been added to the
iPad. If this becomes a continual issue, the student will lose the privilege of bringing the
iPad home. If the personal apps create storage issue or problems with the functions of the
iPad, the personal apps will be removed from the device.
Students will be encouraged to use their school provided Google Docs accounts to save
materials. If students do not have access to the internet, materials will need to be saved on
the iPad while they are at school or from other Wi-Fi networks.
Students are discouraged from printing and encouraged to use email and cloud-storage
solutions. If items need to be printed options will be provided to the students at that time.
If students choose to set a pass code, they must use their lunch code as the password.
Parent Expectations
 Parents are required to complete a Parent iPad orientation.
 The Menahga Public School District asks parents for support in communicating with their
students about appropriate content and help monitor the use of the iPads at home.
 Parents are encouraged to have their students charge their iPads in a common family room,
not the student’s bedroom. Parenting experts recommend parking iPads (and all electronic
devices) at night to discourage late night unmonitored use and sleep deprivation.
 Parents must fill out and sign the Parent/Student agreement form and the iPad Protection
 Parents are encouraged to become familiar with the iPads and help ensure the use of
technology to advance the educational opportunities for your child.
 Parents are to help ensure that only the student and the parents use the school-assigned
Terms of the iPad Loan
 iPads will be distributed at the discretion of the District Administration upon the completion
of the Parent/Student Agreement form and a signed iPad Protection Plan.
 Legal ownership remains with the District. The use of a district owned iPad is a privilege
extended to students and is conditional upon the compliance of the requirements of the
Districts Acceptable Use Policy and all other District policies.
 All student iPads and accessories will be checked in at the end of each school year at a date
determined by the district. Students will be issued the same iPad that they returned the
previous year.
 Students who for whatever reason no longer continue enrollment in the Menahga Public
Schools will return the iPad and all accessories when the enrollment ends.
 The District reserves the right to repossess the iPad and accessories at any time if the
student does not fully comply with the terms of the Handbook. The District may also
choose to limit or withdraw the use of privileges for failure to comply.
Failure to return the iPad in a timely manner when required/requested to do so may result
in the involvement of law enforcement.
The School owned iPads will be subject to regular monitoring by teachers, administration,
and/or technology staff. Users have no expectations of privacy when using Menahga Public
Schools’ equipment or technology systems.
If technical difficulties arise with an iPad or if non-conforming content is discovered, the
iPad will be restored by the technical staff of Menahga Public Schools. If an iPad is restored,
the District is not responsible for any content lost during that process.
Each iPad has to identifying labels, which must not be removed or altered in any fashion.
The use of iPads during instructional times is governed by classroom teachers. Failure to
follow instructions of the teacher may result in disciplinary action.
Students must attend at least one class on site at Menahga Public schools and be in grades 9
– 12 to have access to a School owned iPad.
General Care Instruction
 iPad screens should only be cleaned with a soft, clean cloth. Chemical cleaners or liquids,
including water, should not be used on the iPads.
 Charging cables/cords should be inserted and removed carefully to prevent damage. This
should be done by grabbing and using the plug ends rather than pulling the cords. The
charging cord should be plugged into the wall outlet before connecting the iPad. When
disconnecting, remove the cable from the iPad before pulling the cord from the wall outlet.
 IPads must be kept in the protective cases at all times.
 Students should never put weight on the iPads, stack items on top of them, or wedge them
tightly into a backpack or case.
 IPads should not be exposed to temperature extremes. Students should not leave the iPad
in any location where temperatures fall below freezing or exceeds 95 degrees. If the iPad is
cold, it must be allowed to warm up to room temperature before use. An iPad exposed to
direct sunlight or to high temperatures may overheat during use and must be allowed to
cool down before use.
 Liquids, food and other debris will damage iPads. IPads should not be in an area
when/where students are eating or drinking. IPads are not allowed in the cafeteria areas
during breakfast and or lunch.
 iPads are not allowed in locker rooms.
 Battery life is shortened by using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, a high screen brightness, and video.
Students need to learn how to manage these settings and apps to improve battery
 It is best for the batteries to be “run down” the first 5 times they are charged and to do so
periodically with your iPad. By doing this it will extend the life of the battery.
 Students must use the screen protectors on the iPad screens.
Protection Plan
 Families must choose or determine which of the School provided protection plan options
they will use to protect the school owned iPad.
o Option 1
Provide the district proof of your own insurance, your home owners
insurance may cover it, check with your agent to be sure
o Option 2
o School provided insurance plan – for $40.00 dollars a year the district will provide
repairs to the iPad if it is determined that the issue had not been created as an act
of vandalism or an intentional act by the student/family. This is a non-refundable
expense. Each time this plan is utilized the families will need to pay $40 to get back
on the plan. There will be a family cap of $120.00 per year. Payment in this plan this
spring will also cover the students next year. This plan will allow for one
replacement iPad should the technology staff determine that is required. Before a
2nd replacement iPad is issued the parent/guardian will need to pay for the cost of
an iPad
o Option 3
 Families can chose to provide a check to the District for the cost of the iPad
and accessories, when the iPad is returned in good working condition the
money will be refunded to the family
Security and Theft Prevention
 The iPad may only be used by the student to whom it is assigned or by the parents of the
student. The student must not loan it to another student.
 The student is responsible for the security of the iPad at all times. The iPad should never be
left unsecured! When not with the student, the iPads should be secured and stored in a
locked location out of view. During after-school activities and or away events, students are
still responsible for securing the iPad.
 Students should keep personal information about themselves and others off the iPad.
Password security for the network system must be maintained as should the privacy of
locker combinations. Lockers are not to be rigged to bypass the ability to lock your lockers.
It is the responsibility of the student to keep his or her information secure.
Damage, Theft, Repair
 Damage or hardware issues must be reported immediately using the WEBFORM linked on
the Menahga Public School Website and by calling 218-564-4141 ext. 321. For cases of
hardware failure or accidental damage, a loaner will be provided for the student throughout
the repair/replacement process. There may be a delay if there are no loaners available.
 Students/parents are responsible for the full cost of any willful, negligent or intentional
damage to the iPad. Failure to pay for willful, negligent or intentional damage may result in
legal consequences.
 Theft must be reported immediately to the school Principal and or technology coordinator.
Students/parents will be required to fill out a theft report through the school administrative
team. The report will be available online on the school web site.
 The iPads contain software that can be activated to track and help recover iPads. The
District will work with law enforcement to track missing or lost iPads. There is no guarantee
that these efforts will recover lost or stolen iPads.
Connecting to the District Network
 Students who own iPads may use these in school in place of a District owned devices subject
to the following conditions:
o The iPad must be available for school use by the student every day.
o The student/family is willing to provide the same apps, including any paid apps that
are provided on the school iPads and required for the student’s coursework. There
may be licensing agreements that prevent the school from installing content
purchased by the school account on devices not owned by the district.
o The District is not responsible for and cannot provide technical support for
personally owned devices.
 Any personally-owned iPads that are brought into the District must be brought to the
Technology coordinator to be registered before it is allowed onto the school network. This
is for network security purposes and for Internet content filtering.
 The district is not responsible for the loss or theft or damage of any personally-owned
devices that are brought to school.
Student Name:____________________________________________ Grade:___________
Parent Name(S): ___________________________________________________________
Student Agreement
I will take care of my school district assigned iPad and accessories.
I will always have my device in its secured case.
I keep my iPad secure at all times.
I will not loan my iPad to anyone.
I will bring it to school charged and ready for use each day.
I will not dissemble, repair, hack or subvert the security of the iPad.
I will not install apps without permission of Menahga Public Schools technology staff.
I have read and I understand the Menahga Public Schools High Five iPad agreement.
I agree to abide by all of the Menahga School policies governing the use of my iPad, both in school and at
I understand that my iPad is subject to inspection by Menahga staff at any time and the iPad is the property
of the Menahga Public Schools.
I understand that I am responsible for any intentional or negligent damage to the iPad.
In the event of loss or theft, I will file a report with the appropriate law enforcement within 24 hours.
I will immediately file a report with Menahga Public Schools in the event of loss/damage/equipment
I will return the iPad, case and cables in good working order as directed by the Menahga Public School
District. I understand the replacement costs are as follows:
a. iPad
b. case
c. charger
I will review the Menahga Public Schools High Five iPad agreement with my parent/s
I agree to the stipulations set forth in this document as well as the Menahga Public Schools High Five iPad
agreement, the Acceptable Use Policy and the Menahga Public Schools Handbook.
Student Signature
1. I have read and understand all terms of the Menahga Public Schools High Five iPad agreement, the
Acceptable Use Policy and the Menahga Public Schools Handbook and agree to let my child participate in
the iPad Program.
2. I have discussed the MHS Procedures for the iPad program with my child and will support the school in
guiding my child in using the iPad at home as an instructional tool.
3. I understand that I responsible for monitoring my child’s activity on any home Internet access.
Parent Signature