Teacher: CORE AP Statistics Year: 2014-15 Month: All Months Course: AP Statistics UNIT I: EXPLORING AND UNDERSTANDING DATA (PART A) ~ Lesson 1: Stats Start Here (Introduction) Lesson 2: Data Lesson 3: Displaying and Describing Categorical Data Standards Essential Questions S-IC.1-Understand statistics as a What is (are) process for making inferences about statistics, and how population parameters based on a does this course random sample from that relate to life? population. S-MD.1-(+) Define a random variable What is (are) data, for a quantity of interest by assigning and how should a numerical value to each event in a data be analyzed? sample space; graph the corresponding probability distribution using the same graphical displays as for data distributions. Assessments Skills Content Lessons Resources Intro Quiz 1A 10/1/2014 gain a general understanding of what statistics are and how the course will progress statistics data variation Lesson 1: Stats Start Here (Introduction) Textbook - Stats: Modeling The World (Pearson) pgs. 2-6 Quiz 2A identify and describe the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How of data, or recognize when some of this information has not been provided content data data table case population sample variable units categorical variable quantitative variable Lesson 2: Data Pearson Text pgs. 7-19 Quiz 2B identify the cases and variables in any data set Lesson 2 Test identify the population from which a sample was chosen classify a variable as categorical or quantitative, depending on its use S-IC.1-Understand statistics as a process for making inferences about population parameters based on a random sample from that population. S-ID.5-Summarize categorical data for two categories in two-way frequency tables. Interpret relative frequencies in the context of the data (including joint, marginal, and conditional relative frequencies). Recognize possible associations and trends in the data. What are different Quiz 3A methods of displaying and Quiz 3B describing categorical data, Lesson 3 Test and what are the advantages of each method? identify (for any quantitative variable) the units in which the variable has been measured (or note that they have not been provided) recognize when a variable is categorical and choose an appropriate display for it frequency table Lesson 3: Pearson Text pgs. distribution Displaying and 20-43 examine the association between categorical variables by comparing conditional area principle Describing and marginal percentages bar chart Categorical Data pie chart summarize the distribution of a categorical variable with a frequency table categorical data display the distribution of a categorical variable with a bar chart or a pie chart condition contingency table make and examine a contingency table marginal distribution conditional distribution make and examine displays of the conditional distributions of one variable for independence two or more groups segmented bar chart Simpson's paradox describe the distribution of a categorical variable in terms of its possible values and relative frequencies describe any anomalies or extraordinary features revealed by the display of a variable describe and discuss patterns found in a contingency table and associated displays of conditional distributions UNIT I: EXPLORING AND UNDERSTANDING DATA (PART B) ~ Lesson 4: Displaying and Summarizing Quantitative Data Lesson 5: Understanding and Comparing Distributions Lesson 6: The Standard Deviation as a Ruler and the Normal Model Standards Essential Questions Assessments Skills S-ID.1-Represent data with What do different Quiz 4A plots on the real number line displays of distribution (dot plots, histograms, and show us about the Quiz 4B box plots). center and spread of S-ID.2-Use statistics real-life quantitative Lesson 4 Test appropriate to the shape of data, such as the data distribution to earthquake compare center (median, magnitudes? mean) and spread (interquartile range, standard deviation) of two or more different data sets. S-ID.3-Interpret differences in shape, center, and spread in the context of the data sets, accounting for possible effects of extreme data points (outliers). Content identify an appropriate display for any quantitative variable distribution histogram guess the shape of the distribution of a variable by knowing something about the data gap stem-and-leaf plot select a suitable measure of center and a suitable measure of spread for a variable dotplot based on information about its distribution shape center know the basic properties of the median spread mode know the basic properties of the mean unimodal (bimodal, multimodal) know that the standard deviation summarizes how spread out all the data are around uniform the mean symmetric tails understand that the median and IQR resist the effects of outliers, while the mean and skewed standard deviation do not outliers median understand that in a skewed distribution, the mean is pulled in the direction of the range "skewness" relative to the median quartile interquartile range display the distribution of a quantitative variable with a stem-and-leaf display, a (IQR) dotplot, and/or a histogram percentile 5-number summary compute the mean and median of a set of data mean resistant compute the standard deviation and IQR of a set of data variance standard deviation describe the distribution of a quantitative variable in terms of its shape, center, and spread Lessons Resources Lesson 4: Displaying and Summarizing Quantitative Data Pearson Text pgs. 44-79 Lesson 5: Understanding and Comparing Distributions Pearson Text pgs. 80-103 describe any anomalies or extraordinary features revealed by the display of a variable S-ID.1-Represent data with How can comparing Quiz 5A plots on the real number line distributions and (dot plots, histograms, and looking at patterns Quiz 5B box plots). over time help us S-ID.3-Interpret differences in achieve a greater Lesson 5 Test shape, center, and spread in understanding of the context of the data sets, topics like climate and accounting for possible effects ecology? of extreme data points (outliers). describe summary measures in a sentence select a suitable display for comparing groups understand that how data is grouped can affect what kinds of patterns and relationships are likely to be seen boxplot outlier far outlier select groupings to show the information that is important for analysis be aware of the effects of skewness and outliers on measures of center and spread select appropriate measures for comparing groups based on their displayed distributions comparing distributions comparing boxplots time plot understand that outliers can emerge at different groupings of data and they deserve special attention recognize when it is appropriate to make a timeplot make side-by-side histograms on comparable scales to compare the distributions of two groups make side-by-side boxplots to compare the distributions of two or more groups describe the differences among groups in terms of patterns and changes in their center, spread, shape, and unusual values make a time plot of data that have been measured over time compare the distributions of two or more groups by comparing their shapes, centers, and spreads describe trends and patterns in the centers and spreads of groups--especially if there is a natural order to the groups, such as time discuss patterns in a timeplot in terms of both the general trend of the data and the changes in how spread out the pattern is be cautious about assuming that trends over time will continue into the future describe the distribution of a quantitative variable in terms of its shape, center, and spread describe any anomalies or extraordinary features revealed by the display of a variable describe patterns over time shown in a timeplot S-ID.2-Use statistics How can standard Quiz 6A appropriate to the shape of deviation and the the data distribution to normal model help us Quiz 6B compare center (median, when comparing data mean) and spread that does not have the Lesson 6 Test (interquartile range, standard same units, like deviation) of two or more Olympic events? different data sets. S-ID.3-Interpret differences in shape, center, and spread in the context of the data sets, accounting for possible effects of extreme data points (outliers). discuss any outliers in the data, noting how they deviate from the overall pattern of the data understand how adding (subtracting) a constant or multiplying (dividing) by a constant standardizing changes the center and/or spread of a variable standardized value recognize when standardization can be used to compare values shifting understand that standardizing uses the standard deviation as a ruler rescaling recognize when a normal model is appropriate normal model calculate the z-score of an observation parameter compare the values of two different variables using their z-scores statistic use the normal models and the 68-95-99.7 rule to estimate the percentage of observations falling within 1, 2, or 3 standard deviations of the mean z-score find the percentage of observations falling below any value in a normal model using a standard normal normal table or appropriate technology model Lesson 6: The Standard Deviation as a Ruler and the Normal Model Pearson Text pgs. 104-134 check whether a variable satisfies the near normal condition by making a normal probability plot or a histogram know what z-scores mean explain how extraordinary a standardized value may be by using a normal model nearly normal condition 68-95-99.7 rule normal percentile normal probability plot UNIT II: EXPLORING RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN VARIABLES ~ Lesson 7: Scatterplots, Association, and Correlation Lesson 8: Linear Regression Lesson 9: Regression Wisdom Lesson 10: Re-expressing Data Standards S-ID.6-Represent data on two quantitative variables on a scatter plot, and describe how the variables are related. S-ID.8-Compute (using technology) and interpret the correlation coefficient of a linear fit. Essential Questions Assessments Skills How can scatterplots be Quiz 7A used to suggest an association between Lesson 7 Test two variables when observing weather patterns? recognize when interest in the pattern of a possible relationship between two quantitative variables suggests making a scatterplot Content Lessons Resources scatterplots Lesson 7: Scatterplots, Association, and Correlation Pearson Text pgs. 146-170 outlier identify the roles of the variables and understand the placing of the response variable (y-axis) and explanatory variable (x-axis) response variable know the conditions for correlation and how to check them explanatory variable know that correlations are between -1 and +1, and that each extreme indicates a x-variable perfect linear association y-variable understand how the magnitude of the correlation reflects the strength of a linear association as viewed in a scatterplot correlation coefficient know that correlation has no units know that the correlation coefficient is not changed by changing the center or scale of either variable understand that causation cannot be demonstrated by a scatterplot or correlation make a scatterplot by hand (for a small set of data) or with technology compute the correlation of two variables read a correlation table produced by a statistics program describe the direction, form, and strength of a scatterplot identify and describe points that deviate from the overall pattern use correlation as part of the description of a scatterplot be alert to misinterpretations of correlation understand the dangers of suggesting causal relationships when describing correlations lurking variable S-ID.6b-Informally assess the fit of a function by plotting and analyzing residuals. S-ID.6c-Fit a linear function for a scatter plot that suggests a linear association. How can a linear Quiz 8A regression be used to Quiz 8B describe a relationship between two variables, Lesson 8 Test like protein and fat content of items on a fast food menu? identify response (y) and explanatory (x) variables in context model understand how a linear equation summarizes the relationship between two variables linear model Lesson 8: Linear Regression Pearson Text pgs. 171-200 Lesson 9: Regression Wisdom Pearson Text pgs. 201-221 predicted value recognize when a regression should be used to summarize the linear relationship between two quantitative variables residuals judge whether the slope of a regression makes sense least squares examine data for violations of the "straight enough condition" that would make it regression to the inappropriate to compute a regression mean understand that least squares slope is easily affected by extreme values have an understanding of residuals and the least squares criterion use a plot of residuals against predicted values to check the "straight enough condition", the "does the plot thicken? condition", and the "outlier condition." regression line (line of best fit) slope intercept understand how the standard deviation of the residuals, se, measures variability around the line find a regression equation from the summary statistics for each variable and the correlation between the variables se R2 find a regression equation using statistics software, and find the slope and intercept values in the regression output table use regression to predict a value of y for a given x compute the residual for each data value and display the residuals write a sentence explaining what a linear equation says about the relationship between y and x, basing it on the fact that the slope is given in y-units per x-unit understand how the correlation coefficient and the regression slope are related describe a prediction made from a regression equation, relating the predicted value to the specified x-value S-ID.6a-Fit a function to the data; use functions fitted to data to solve problems in the context of the data. Use given functions or choose a function suggested by the context. Emphasize linear, quadratic, and exponential models. How can residuals, high- Quiz 9A leverage points, and influential points affect Lesson 9 Test regression models in marketing situations? write a sentence interpreting se as representing typical errors in predictions understand that linear models and linear regression cannot be used if the underlying relationship between the variables is not itself linear understand that data used to find a model must be homogeneous extrapolation outlier know the danger of extrapolating beyond the range of the x-values used to find leverage the linear model, especially when the extrapolation tries to predict into the future influential point understand that points can be unusual by having large residual or by having high leverage lurking variable understand that an influential point can change the slope and intercept of the regression line look for lurking variables whenever considering the association between two variables understand that a strong association does not mean that variables are causally related display residuals from a linear model by making a scatterplot of residuals against predicted values, and know what patterns to look for in the picture look for high-leverage and influential points by examining a scatterplot of the data understand how fitting a regression line with and without influential points can add to the understanding of the regression model look for high-leverage points by examining the distribution of the x-values, and understand how they can affect a linear model include diagnostic information such as plots of residuals and leverages as part of a report of a regression report any hig-leverage points report any outliers, and consider reporting analyses with and without outliers to assess their influence on the regression include appropriate cautions about extrapolation when reporting predictions from a linear model S-ID.9-Distinguish between correlation and causation. S-ID.6a-Fit a function to the data; use functions fitted to data to solve problems in the context of the data. Use given functions or choose a function suggested by the context. Emphasize linear, quadratic, and exponential models. How can re-expressing Quiz 10A data sometimes lead to more useful regression Lesson 10 Test models in real-life situations such as calculating fuel efficiency? discuss possible lurking values recognize when a well-chosen re-expression may help to improve and simplify an re-expression analysis ladder of powers understand the value of re-expressing data to improve symmetry, to make the scatter around a line more constant, or to make a scatterplot more linear recognize when the pattern of the data indicates that no re-expression can improve the structure of the data re-express data with powers, and find an effective re-expression for data using statistics software or a calculator reverse any of the common re-expressions to put a predicted value or residual back into the original units describe a summary or display of a re-expressed variable, making clear how it was re-expressed and giving its re-expressed units describe a regression model fit to re-expressed data in terms of the re-expressed variables Lesson 10: Reexpressing Data Pearson Text pgs. 222-244 UNIT III: GATHERING DATA ~ Lesson 11: Understanding Randomness Lesson 12: Sample Surveys Lesson 13: Experiments and Observational Studies Standards Essential Questions Assessments S-IC.2-Decide if a specified How can a simulation Quiz 11A model is consistent with results model help us to from a given data-generating investigate real-life Lesson 11 Test process, e.g., using simulation. random events, such as S-MD.6-(+) Use probabilities to casino games? make fair decisions (e.g., drawing by lots, using a random number generator). S-IC.3-Recognize the purposes of and differences among sample surveys, experiments, and observational studies; explain how randomization relates to each. S-IC.5-Use data from a randomized experiment to compare two treatments; use simulations to decide if differences between parameters are significant. How can a random Quiz 12A sample be used to help tell us important Quiz 12B information about an entire population, such Lesson 12 Test as is used in surveys? Skills recognize random outcomes in a real-world situation Content random generating random recognize when a simulation might usefully model random behavior in the numbers real world simulation simulation perform a simulation by many different means (computer, calculator, dice component spinner, table of random numbers) trial response variable describe a simulation so that others can repeat it discuss the results of a simulation study and draw conclusions about the question being investigated know the basic concepts and terminology of sampling Lessons Resources Lesson 11: Understanding Randomness Pearson Text pgs. 255-267 population Lesson 12: Sample sample Surveys recognize population parameters in descriptions of populations and sample survey samples bias randomization understand the value of randomization as a defense against bias sample size census understand the value of sampling to estimate population parameters from population statistics calculated on representative samples drawn from the population parameter sample statistic understand that the size of the sample (not the fraction of the population) representative determines the precision of estimates simple random sample (SRS) draw a simple random sample from a master list of a population, using a sampling frame computer or a table of random numbers sampling variability stratified random know what to report about a sample as part of an account of statistical sample analysis cluster sample multistage sample report possible sources of bias in sampling methods systematic sample pilot recognize voluntary response and nonresponse as sources of bias in a voluntary response sample survey bias convenience sample under coverage nonresponse bias response bias Pearson Text pgs. 268-291 S-IC.3-Recognize the purposes of and differences among sample surveys, experiments, and observational studies; explain how randomization relates to each. S-IC.5-Use data from a randomized experiment to compare two treatments; use simulations to decide if differences between parameters are significant. S-IC.6-Evaluate reports based on data. What kind of valuable Quiz 13A information can be found through Quiz 13B experiments and observational studies in Lesson 13 Test relation to student success in school? recognize when an observational study would be appropriate identify observational studies as retrospective or prospective, and understand the strengths and weaknesses of each method explain the four basic principles of sound experimental design--control, randomize, replicate, and block recognize the factors, the treatments, and the response variable in a description of a designed experiment observational study Lesson 13: Experiments and retrospective study Observational Studies prospective study experiment random assignment factor understand the essential importance of randomization in assigning treatments to experimental units understand the importance of replication to move from anecdotes to general conclusions response experimental units level understand the value of blocking so that variability due to differences in attributes of the subjects can be removed treatment understand the importance of a control group and the need for a placebo treatment in some studies principles of experimental design understand the importance of blinding and double-blinding in studies on statistically human subjects, and be able to identify blinding and the need for blinding significant in experiments control group design a completely randomized experiment to test the effect of a single factor blinding design an experiment in which blocking is used to reduce variation single-blind use graphical displays to compare responses for different treatment groups double-blind properly report the results of an observational study placebo compare the responses in different treatment groups to assess whether the placebo effect differences are larger than could be reasonably expected from ordinary sampling variability blocking properly report the results of an experiment matching understand that the description of an experiment should be sufficient for another researcher to replicate the study with the same methods designs confounding report on the statistical significance of the result in terms of whether the observed group-to-group differences are larger than could be expected from ordinary sampling variation Pearson Text pgs. 292-316 UNIT IV: RANDOMNESS AND PROBABILITY (PART A) ~ Lesson 14: From Randomness to Probability Lesson 15: Probability Rules Standards Essential Questions Assessments S-CP.1-(+) Define a random How can the Quiz 14A variable for a quantity of observation of random interest by assigning a phenomena (such as Quiz 14B numerical value to each event with traffic patterns) in a sample space; graph the lead us to some very Lesson 14 Test corresponding probability consistent and distribution using the same predictable outcomes? graphical displays as for data distributions. S-CP.8-(+) Apply the general Multiplication Rule in a uniform probability model, P(A and B) = P(A)P(B|A) = P(B)P(A|B), and interpret the answer in terms of the model. S-CP.9-(+) Use permutations and combinations to compute probabilities of compound events and solve problems. S-MD.7-(+) Analyze decisions and strategies using probability concepts (e.g., product testing, medical testing, pulling a hockey goalie at the end of a game). S-MD.1-(+) Define a random variable for a quantity of interest by assigning a numerical value to each event in a sample space; graph the corresponding probability distribution using the same graphical displays as for data distributions. How can an understanding of the general rules of probability lead us to more accurate predictions of realworld events? Quiz 15A Skills Content understand that random phenomena are unpredictable in the short term, but show long-run regularity Lessons random Lesson 14: From phenomenon Randomness to trial Probability recognize random outcomes in a real-world situation outcome event know that the relative frequency of a random event settles down to a value sample space called the (empirical) probability Law of Large Numbers know the basic definitions and rules of probability independence probability recognize when events are disjoint and when events are independent, and empirical probability also understand the difference theoretical probability use the facts about probability to determine whether an assignment of personal probability probabilities is legitimate The Probability Assignment Rule know how and when to apply the Addition, Multiplication, and Complement Rule Complement Rules disjoint (mutually exclusive) use statements about probability in describing a random phenomenon Addition Rule legitimate probability use the terms "sample space", "disjoint events", and "independent events" assignment correctly Multiplication Rule independence assumption understand the concept of conditional probability as redefining the Who of General Addition Lesson 15: concern, according to the information about the event that is given Rule Probability Rules Quiz 15B understand the concept of independence Lesson 15 Test conditional probability know how and when to apply the General Addition and Multiplication Rules find probabilities for compound events as fractions of counts of occurrences in a two-way table make and use a tree diagram to understand conditional probabilities and reverse conditioning General Multiplication Rule independence (used formally) tree diagram make a clear statement about a conditional probability that conveys how the condition affects the probability avoid making statements that assume independence of events when there is no clear evidence that they are in fact independent Resources Pearson Text pgs. 324-341 Pearson Text pgs. 342-365 UNIT IV: RANDOMNESS AND PROBABILITY (PART B) ~ Lesson 16: Random Variables Lesson 17: Probability Models Standards S-CP.2-(+) Calculate the expected value of a random variable; interpret it as the mean of the probability distribution. S-CP.3-(+) Develop a probability distribution for a random variable defined for a sample space in which theoretical probabilities can be calculated; find the expected value. S-CP.4-(+) Develop a probability distribution for a random variable defined for a sample space in which probabilities are assigned empirically; find the expected value. S-CP.5a-Find the expected payoff for a game of chance. Essential Questions Assessments Skills How are Quiz 16A probability models and Lesson 16 Test random variables used by insurance companies to determine the cost of insurance premiums? recognize random variables Content Lessons Resources random variable Lesson 16: Random Pearson Text Variables pgs. 366-387 understand that random variables must be independent in order to determine discrete random the variability of their sum or difference by adding variances variable find the probability model for a discrete random variable continuous random variable find the mean (expected value) and the variance of a random variable probability model use the proper notation when working with population parameters expected value determine the new mean and standard deviation after adding a constant, multiplying by a constant, or adding or subtracting two independent random variables variance standard deviation interpret the meaning of the expected value and standard deviation of a random variable in the proper context changing a random variable by a constant adding or subtracting random variable S-CP.5-(+) Weigh the possible outcomes How can the Quiz 17A know how to tell if a situation involves Bernoulli trials Bernoulli trials Lesson 17: Pearson Text of a decision by assigning probabilities to different types Probability Models pgs. 388-404 payoff values and finding expected of probability Lesson 17 Test choose whether to use a geometric or a binomial model for a random variable geometric probability values. models be involving Bernoulli trials model S-CP.5b-Evaluate and compare strategies used in on the basis of expected values. Bernoulli trials know the appropriate conditions for using a geometric, binomial, or normal binomial probability to reach model model reasonable approximations find the expected value of a geometric model 10% condition in real-world situations? calculate geometric probabilities success/failure condition find the mean and standard deviation of a binomial model calculate binomial probabilities, perhaps approximating with a normal model interpret means, standard deviations, and probabilities in the Bernoulli trial context UNIT V: FROM THE DATA AT HAND TO THE WORLD AT LARGE (PART A) ~ Lesson 18: Sampling Distribution Models Lesson 19: Confidence Intervals for Proportions Essential Questions Standards S-IC.1-Understand statistics as a process for making inferences about population parameters based on a random sample from that population. S-ID.4-Use the mean and standard deviation of a data set to fit it to a normal distribution and to estimate population percentages. Recognize that there are data sets for which such a procedure is not appropriate. Use calculators, spreadsheets, and tables to estimate areas under the normal curve. S-IC.1-Understand statistics as a process for making inferences about population parameters based on a random sample from that population. S-ID.4-Use the mean and standard deviation of a data set to fit it to a normal distribution and to estimate population percentages. Recognize that there are data sets for which such a procedure is not appropriate. Use calculators, spreadsheets, and tables to estimate areas under the normal curve. Assessments Skills What can a Quiz 18A sampling distribution Lesson 18 Test model tell us about poll results given to different samples of adults in the U.S. population? understand that the variability of a statistic depends on the size of the sample understand that the Central Limit Theorem gives the sampling distribution model of the mean for sufficiently large samples regardless of the underlying population Content Lessons Resources sampling distribution model Lesson 18: Sampling Distribution Models Pearson Text pgs. 412-438 Lesson 19: Confidence Intervals for Proportions Pearson Text pgs. 439-458 sampling variability sampling error demonstrate a sampling distribution by simulation use a sampling distribution model to make simple statements about the distribution of a proportion or mean under repeated sampling sampling distribution model for a proportion Central Limit Theorem interpret a sampling distribution model as describing the values taken by a statistic in all possible realizations of a sample or randomized experiment under sampling distribution the same conditions model for a mean How can the Quiz 19A understand confidence intervals as a balance between the precision and the standard error interpretation certainty of a statement about a model parameter of a confidence Lesson 19 Test confidence interval interval and understand that the margin of error of a confidence interval for a proportion standard error changes with the sample size and the level of confidence one-proportion zin sample interval proportions examine data for violations of conditions that would make inference about a help to give us population proportion unwise or invalid margin of error a better understanding construct a one-proportion z-interval critical value of an entire population? interpret a one-proportion z-interval in a simple sentence or two UNIT V: FROM THE DATA AT HAND TO THE WORLD AT LARGE (PART B) ~ Lesson 20: Testing Hypotheses About Proportions Lesson 21: More About Tests and Intervals Lesson 22: Comparing Two Proportions Standards S-IC.1-Understand statistics as a process for making inferences about population parameters based on a random sample from that population. S-ID.4-Use the mean and standard deviation of a data set to fit it to a normal distribution and to estimate population percentages. Recognize that there are data sets for which such a procedure is not appropriate. Use calculators, spreadsheets, and tables to estimate areas under the normal curve. Essential Questions Assessments Skills How can we Quiz 20A create and test hypotheses about Lesson 20 Test the effectiveness of money spent on advertising a product on television? Content Lessons state the null and alternative hypotheses for a one-proportion z-test null hypothesis know the conditions that must be true for a one-proportion z-test to be appropriate, and know how to examine data for violations of those conditions alternative hypothesis Lesson 20: Testing Pearson Text Hypotheses About pgs. 459-479 Proportions identify and use the alternative hypothesis when testing hypotheses two-sided (twotailed) alternative understand how to choose between a one-sided and two-sided alternative hypothesis, and be able to explain the choice one-sided (onetailed) alternative perform a one-proportion z-test P-value write a sentence interpreting the results of a one-proportion z-test interpret the meaning of a P-value in nontechnical language one-proportion ztest Resources S-IC.1-Understand statistics as a process for making inferences about population parameters based on a random sample from that population. S-ID.4-Use the mean and standard deviation of a data set to fit it to a normal distribution and to estimate population percentages. Recognize that there are data sets for which such a procedure is not appropriate. Use calculators, spreadsheets, and tables to estimate areas under the normal curve. How can Quiz 21A understand that statistical significance does not measure the importance or hypothesis testing magnitude of an effect, and recognize when others misinterpret statistical and awareness of Quiz 21B significance errors help us to better understand Lesson 21 Test understand the close relationship between hypothesis tests and confidence the risks intervals associated with the side effects of identify and use the alternative hypothesis when testing hypotheses prescription drugs? understand how the critical value for a test is related to the specified alpha level alpha level statistically significant Lesson 21: More About Tests and Intervals Pearson Text pgs. 480-503 significance level type I error type II error understand that the power of a test gives the probability that it correctly rejects power a false null hypothesis when a specified alternative is true effect size understand that the power of a test depends in part on the sample size complete a hypothesis test for a population proportion interpret the meaning of a P-value in nontechnical language understand that the P-value of a test does not give the probability that the null hypothesis is correct know that a null hypothesis is not "accepted" if it cannot be rejected, but rather it is only "failed to be rejected" for lack of evidence against it S-IC.1-Understand statistics as a How can the Quiz 22A state the null and alternative hypotheses for testing the difference between two variances of Lesson 22: process for making inferences about analysis of two population proportions independent random Comparing Two population parameters based on a population Quiz 22B variables Proportions random sample from that proportions give examine data for violations of conditions that would make inference about the population. us better Lesson 22 Test difference between two population proportions unwise or invalid sampling distribution S-ID.4-Use the mean and standard information than of the difference deviation of a data set to fit it to a one proportion in understand the formula for the standard error of the difference between two between two normal distribution and to estimate the investigating independent sample proportions proportions population percentages. Recognize of traffic that there are data sets for which accidents? find a confidence interval for the difference between two proportions two-proportion zsuch a procedure is not appropriate. interval Use calculators, spreadsheets, and perform a significance test of the natural null hypothesis that two population tables to estimate areas under the proportions are equal pooling normal curve. write a sentence describing what is said about the difference between two two-proportion zpopulation proportions by a confidence interval test write a sentence interpreting the results of a significance test of the null hypothesis that two population proportions are equal interpret the meaning of a P-value in nontechnical language, making clear that the probability claim is made about computed values and not about the population parameter of interest know that a null hypothesis is not "accepted" if it fails to be rejected Pearson Text pgs. 504-522 UNIT VI: LEARNING ABOUT THE WORLD ~ Lesson 23: Inferences About Means Lesson 24: Comparing Means Lesson 25: Paired Samples and Blocks Standards Essential Assessments Skills Questions S-IC.1-Understand statistics as a process for making inferences about population parameters based on a random sample from that population. S-ID.4-Use the mean and standard deviation of a data set to fit it to a normal distribution and to estimate population percentages. Recognize that there are data sets for which such a procedure is not appropriate. Use calculators, spreadsheets, and tables to estimate areas under the normal curve. How can Quiz 23A statistical inferences Quiz 23B about the mean help Lesson 23 Test us when investigating data relating to traffic safety? Content Lessons know the assumptions required for t-tests and t-based confidence intervals Student's t examine data for violations of conditions that would make inference about the population mean unwise or invalid degrees of freedom (df) Lesson 23: Pearson Text Inferences pgs. 530-559 About Means understand that a confidence interval and a hypothesis test are essentially equivalent one-sample tinterval for the mean compute and interpret a t-test for the population mean using a statistics package or working from summary statistics for a sample compute and interpret a t-based confidence interval for the population mean using a statistics package or working from summary statistics for a sample Resources one-sample ttest for the mean explain the meaning of a confidence interval for a population mean understand that a 95% confidence interval does not trap 95% of the sample values interpret the result of a test of a hypothesis about a population mean know not to "accept" a null hypothesis if it cannot be rejected, rather "fail to reject" it S-IC.1-Understand statistics as a process for making inferences about population parameters based on a random sample from that population. S-ID.4-Use the mean and standard deviation of a data set to fit it to a normal distribution and to estimate population percentages. Recognize that there are data sets for which such a procedure is not appropriate. Use calculators, spreadsheets, and tables to estimate areas under the normal curve. S-IC.1-Understand statistics as a process for making inferences about population parameters based on a random sample from that population. S-ID.4-Use the mean and standard deviation of a data set to fit it to a normal distribution and to estimate population percentages. Recognize that there are data sets for which such a procedure is not appropriate. Use calculators, spreadsheets, and tables to estimate areas under the normal curve. How can we Quiz 24A use statistical Lesson 24 Test inference to compare the means of two independent groups, such as battery life of different brands? How can we Quiz 25A use a paired t-test to Lesson 25 Test analyze the data from subjects before and after a treatment? understand that the P-value of a test does not give the probability that the null hypothesis is correct recognize situations in which we want to do inference on the difference between the means of two independent groups examine data for violations of conditions that would make inference about the difference between two population means unwise or invalid recognize when a pooled-t procedure might be appropriate and explain why to use a two-sample method anyway two-sample t methods Lesson 24: Comparing Means Pearson Text pgs. 560-586 two-sample tinterval for the difference between means pooling perform a two-sample t-test using a statistics package or calculator interpret a test of the null hypothesis that the means of two independent groups are equal recognize whether a design that compares two groups is paired pooled-t methods paired data find a paired confidence interval paired t-test perform a paired t-test paired-t confidence interval interpret a paired t-test interpret a paired t-interval Lesson 25: Pearson Text Paired pgs. 587-608 Samples and Blocks UNIT VII: INFERENCE WHEN VARIABLES ARE RELATED ~ Lesson 26: Comparing Counts Lesson 27: Inferences for Regression Standards Essential Questions Assessments Skills S-IC.1-Understand statistics as a How can chi-square Quiz 26A process for making inferences tests give an overall about population parameters idea of whether an Quiz 26B based on a random sample from observed distribution that population. differs from a Lesson 26 Test hypothesized one? Content Lessons Resources recognize when a test of goodness-of-fit, a test of homogeneity, or a test of independence would be appropriate for a table of counts Chi-square model Lesson 26: Pearson Text cell Comparing pgs. 618-648 Chi-square statistic Counts understand that the degrees of freedom for a chi-square test depend on the dimensions Chi-square test of of the table and not on the sample size goodness-of-fit Chi-square test of display and interpret counts in a two-way table homogeneity Chi-square test of use the chi-square tables to perform chi-square tests independence Chi-square component compute a chi-square test using statistics software or a calculator standardized residual two-way table examine the standardized residuals to explain the nature of the deviations from the null contingency table hypothesis interpret chi-square as a test of goodness-of-fit in a few sentences interpret chi-square as a test of homogeneity in a few sentences interpret chi-square as a test of independence in a few sentences S-IC.1-Understand statistics as a How are inferences Quiz 27A understand that the "true" regression line does not fit the population data perfectly, but process for making inferences for regression used to rather is an idealized summary of that data about population parameters make reasonable Quiz 27B based on a random sample from assumptions about examine data and a y vs. x for violations of assumptions that would make inference for that population. collected data? Lesson 27 Test regression unwise or invalid S-ID.7-Interpret the slope (rate of change) and the intercept examine displays of the residuals from a regression to double-check that the conditions (constant term) of a linear required for regression have been met model in the context of the be careful in checking for failures of the Independence Assumption when working with data. data recorded over time S-ID.6c-Fit a linear function for a scatter plot that suggests a test the standard hypothesis that the true regression slope is zero linear association. state null and alternative hypotheses find a confidence interval for the slope of a regression based on the values reported in a standard regression output table summarize a regression in words state the meaning of the true regression slope, the standard error of the estimated slope, and the standard deviation of the errors interpret the P-value of the t-statistic for the slope to test the standard null hypothesis interpret a confidence interval for the slope of a regression conditions for inferences Lesson 27: Pearson Text in regression Inferences pgs. 649-682 for residual standard Regression deviation t-test for the regression slope confidence interval for the regression slope