Instructions for the Adventure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Please use headphones throughout the adventure. Click to begin and click to move to each new slide. Look for these red words on the slides- they include special directions for each activity! Pay close attention to the activities and try to learn as much as you can. Have fun! A way to make your writing more… What is a synonym? A quick refresher course on synonyms: A “synonym” is a word that means the same thing (or close to the same thing) as another word. For example: Cold and Chilly are synonyms because they both mean similar things. Another example: Beautiful and Gorgeous are synonyms. Question for you: which of these following words are a synonym for sad? Click on the answer that best fits. Joyful Unhappy Lucky Sorry, that’s wrong. Click here to try again! That’s correct – good job! Let’s move on. Click anywhere to keep going! Activity One: Synonyms You and a new friend are talking about all the words people could use in place of a common, everyday word. You and she decide to play a game: she will list off words that are all fun synonyms of a simple word, and you have to guess the common synonym they all have. Click to begin listening to her! What is the common synonym for all these words? Click on the answer that is the best fit. You can (at any time) click on the sound button to listen to the words again. ① Pretty ② Good ③ Correct Sorry, that’s wrong! Click here to go back and try again. Listen carefully! That’s correct – good job! Let’s move on. Synonyms Activity; Part 2 What is the common synonym for all these words? Click on the answer that is the best fit. You can (at any time) click on the sound button to listen to the words again. ① Nice ② Ugly ③ Bad Sorry, that’s wrong! Click here to go back and try again. Listen carefully! That’s correct – good job! Let’s move on. What is an antonym? A quick refresher course on antonyms: An “antonym” is a word that means the opposite of another word. For example: Happy and Sad are antonyms because they are opposites of each other. Another example: Imaginary and Real are antonyms. Hint: Antonyms are only words that are opposites by definition, not just things that don’t generally go together. For example, Silly and Sad are not antonyms. They do not generally go together, but they are not opposites. Question for you: which of these following words are a antonym for boring? Click on the answer that best fits. Tedious Unpleasant Interesting Sorry, that’s wrong! Click here to go back and try again. Think carefully! That’s correct – good job! Let’s move on. Activity Two: Antonyms For this activity, you will watch the following video and try to decide if the words used are antonyms or not. You will get to watch the whole video once, and then after that you will answer the questions about each pair with the pictures from the video to help you remember what you saw. Click either “yes” or “no” at the top of the slide to answer. Enjoy the video and good luck! Click anywhere to continue. Antonyms: Yes or No? Toasty Warm Freezing Cold Sorry, that’s wrong! Click here to go back and try again. Think carefully! That’s correct – good job! Let’s move on. Antonyms: Yes or No? Teacher Student Sorry, that’s wrong! Click here to go back and try again. Think carefully! That’s correct – good job! Let’s move on. Antonyms: Yes or No? Joyful Miserable Sorry, that’s wrong! Click here to go back and try again. Think carefully! That’s correct – good job! Let’s move on. Antonyms: Yes or No? Language Arts Mathematics Sorry, that’s wrong! Click here to go back and try again. Think carefully! That’s correct – good job! Let’s move on. Congratulations! You have finished today’s lesson on synonyms and antonyms. Pat yourself on the back and give your brain a kiss! For the next class, please brainstorm ideas of how synonyms and antonyms can be helpful while writing fivesentence paragraphs. Click anywhere to exit. Have a wonderful day! - Miss Otteson Resources/References All sound bytes and images used from Microsoft Media Video created by Victoria Otteson using Microsoft Media ClipArt Music from “Our Family Photo Album: The Antonyms” video citation: Matthews, Morgan. (2013). Something New on Instrumentals for Artists/Projects [MP3 file] Standards & Grade Level Grade Level: 4th Subject Area: English/Language Arts Topic: Synonyms and Antonyms Indiana Common Core Standard: EL.4.1.2 Apply knowledge of synonyms (words with the same meaning), antonyms (words with opposite meanings), homographs (words that are spelled the same but have different meanings), and idioms (expressions that cannot be understood just by knowing the meaning of the words in the expression, such as couch potato) to determine the meanings of words and phrases.