Project Management

Mission Statement
A clear, memorable, and concise AIVR mission statement for
your program. Most mission statements are under 16 words.
American Diabetes Association: To prevent and cure
diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected
by diabetes. (16)
Wounded Warrior Project: To honor and empower
wounded warriors. (6)
TED: Spreading Ideas. (2 )
Management Process
Project Cycle
Identify resources and assign responsibility
for key project objectives.
Review proposal goals, objectives & proposed
Understand what competencies are needed,
available, and plan to close the gap.
Are your goals and objectives measurable?
What constraints do you have? (staff, contractors,
money, or other resources).
Managers’ Roles
Gallup’s research shows that great managers do not just define the job, but
define success on the job.
If Staff knows what exactly is expected of them, they can deliver to
these expectations.
Great managers care about their people. Work to make sure they have the
competences and motivation to assure that they function efficiently.
Great managers don’t lose touch with employees,
vendors, customers or what they have to do.
“Start with the end in mind. ” Stephen R. Covey,
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People:
Project Options & Actions
What actions do need to take to achieve this?
“Encourage consumer feedback by solving
problems identified.”
Think of as many different project options and
ideas as possible. Take a sheet of paper and write
more and more ideas, just as they come to your
When we share ideas try not to judge or analyze.
Aligning Policy & Procedures
4 Main Components
O Financial Management
O Staff
O Service Delivery
O Resources
AIVR Fiscal Management
O Gaps Draw downs, preparing and
Budgeting/ preparing and monitoring
Program ledger and general ledger
Establish relationship with fiscal Staff
Community resources/Cost
sharing/Duplication of services
Drawdown Basics
 Follow the procedure from your Tribal Finance Office
 Have the appropriate signatures
 Spend money in a timely manner
 Timely submittals with proof of submittals
 Notified when the drawdown is received
 Add the dollar amount to your program ledger
Sample Drawdown
O See handout
O Ideally your grant budget is accurate
O Use your budget to allocate your costs
O Make sure the appropriate staff have a copy
O Use the amount in each line item to set up your program
O If you are going to underspend or overspend a line item, a
budget amendment is necessary
Sample budget
O See handout
General Ledger
O Make sure your starting ledger matches your grant award and your
indirect cost rate is accurate (if applicable)
O General ledger should be available at least monthly
O Reconcile your general ledger to your program ledger monthly (much like
balancing your checkbook)
O If you find expenses that are not yours, notify your finance person
immediately (they make mistakes)
O Make sure at the end of the year to go back and review for completeness
and that all your expenses are charged to the appropriate year.
Program Ledger
 Each individual program should keep an in house ledger or set of books.
 Make sure your starting ledger matches your grant award. Should start a
new one each Oct. 1.
 As soon as purchase orders/obligations are complete, expenses should
be posted to your ledger.
 All drawdowns should be recorded as soon as received.
 Reconcile your program ledger to the general ledger monthly (much like
balancing your checkbook) It should also include staff salaries.
 Make sure at the end of the year to go back and review for completeness
and that all your expenses are charged to the appropriate year.
NOTE: All purchase orders should be computerized, numbered, sequential
and coded to the appropriate line item in the general ledger, And KEEP
 Spend your money timely, some programs take their client money and
divide it by the quarter, some divide by the number of clients that they
must serve, and make adjustments when necessary.
Working with Fiscal Staff
O Very important that you maintain a good working relationship
with your Fiscal staff
Make them aware of allowable costs
Send them Edgar if they don’t have it. Most Tribal finance offices
have OMB-A87
Make sure they give you timely responses to questions and make
sure they notify you when drawdowns come in.
If all else fails, speak to them personally
Allowable Costs
"Approval or authorization of the
awarding or cognizant Federal
agency" means documentation
evidencing consent prior to
incurring a specific cost.
RSA is charged with administering
formula and discretionary grant
programs evaluating, monitoring,
and reporting on the effectiveness
of vocational rehabilitation and
other related programs for
individuals with disabilities.
If such costs are specifically
identified in a Federal award
document, approval of the
document constitutes approval of
the costs.
Email RSA with questions on the
Workforce Investment Opportunity
Act 2014
Staff Management
The Manager is the backbone of the team: supervising the staff, making
decisions, overseeing the expenditures, leading the team, and preparing
reports, handling complaints, keeping their boss informed, and possibly
carrying a case load.
The Counselor is responsible for: treating the consumers with respect,
meeting with the consumers and creating a workable IPE, and ensuring
their success.
Job Developer: meets with local businesses to create jobs, works within the
Tribe to help place consumers, and helps with creation of small business
for consumers to become self employed, and promotes the program to the
Administrative Assistant: greets the public, does accounting
responsibilities, orders materials and supplies, keeps consumer files, etc.
Staff Duties
The Staff should all know their duties and have a copy of their complete upto-date job description and goals for the year so that there are no surprises
on their annual evaluation
 Create a team atmosphere and foster the team relationship
 Make sure that the team is involved in decision making whenever possible
 Reward your team for their hard work and dedication
 Follow the your personnel policy and treat everyone fairly
 Handle discipline problems promptly
Team Work —the combined action of a
group of people, especially when effective
and efficient.
Service Delivery
No set of rules will apply in all situations, however
compliance with rules, regulations and laws
regarding services to consumers is everyone's
This would include the Program Director, Manager,
Fiscal Staff; TVR Staff, the program evaluator and
The consumers must always be treated with respect
and every effort made to ensure they get the service
that they need. Records, meetings, etc. should
always be confidential.
Consumer services
TVR grants should be consumer-focused; program policies should have
clear objectives on serving consumers. Facilities and equipment
IPE’s should have definitive timelines and measurable outcomes. PE
activities should include leveraging funds with State VR and/or filling
resource gaps with other funding sources.
Templates for IPE creation are on the TVR Circle website
EDGAR Requirements
EDGAR § 80.30 (applicable to state, local, and tribal governments) requires
that a grantee obtain prior approval from ED for changes to key persons
identified in the application and for changes in the project director or
principal investigator in research projects regardless of whether those
individuals were identified in the application.
EDGAR §§ 74.25 and 80.30 appear to give ED program officials the
authority to review and approve requests to change the scope or objectives
of a discretionary grant. However, ED does not permit changes to the scope
or objectives of a grant except in rare cases where the competition for the
grant was not truly competitive.
Compliance with the mandates of Section 504
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. § 794
obligates recipients of federal financial assistance to ensure that
persons with disabilities have equal access to their programs, services,
activities, and facilities.
 Grant Award &
Successful Proposal,
Budget & Objectives
Rehab Act & Edgar
OMB Circular A-87
Tribal Policies (Personnel
and Fiscal)
Program policies and
TVR Circle
Lou Adams TVR Circle Coordinator
Free online training (TACE & ADA)