Focus on Sedimentary Environments Roger J Suthren Excerpts from Case Study Template Author Details: – Roger J Suthren – Geology (BMS), Oxford Brookes University – e-mail: Acknowledgments: – FILTER Team – Mike Sanders (LTSN-GEES) Links – free-standing version of resource – resource within FILTER database – Case study document (Word file) Biography • Senior Lecturer in Geology at Oxford Brookes University. • My teaching includes sedimentology, volcanology, geological fieldwork and environmental geology. • My research: various aspects of sedimentology and volcanology. • I have a particular interest in the use of computer-aided learning in the earth sciences, and in teaching and learning issues related to science education. Publications and projects are listed on my web page: My use of the Web - supporting a ‘traditional’ course, not replacing it Example of previous work Examples: on-line lectures Thumbnails link to online slides & captions Example of previous work Resource Title • Focus on Sedimentary Environments: • The study of depositional processes and environments at scales from the landscape to the microscope. Abstract • The author's aim was to produce a series of short, image-intensive, virtual field trips, to 'zoom in' on a variety of modern and ancient sedimentary environments. • Students' understanding and observational skills are tested through online tests and feedback. • The individual field trips are free-standing, and intended to be linked from a variety of online resources: example My views on virtual field & laboratory work • Web resources can never replace real field or laboratory experience • Understanding outcrops in the classroom: virtual field trips to places which would be impossible to visit; reasons include: – disability – distant or dangerous locations – ‘time travel’ • considerable potential for enhancing traditional methods Virtual fieldwork and virtual beer • Some important elements are missing! • Not very thirstquenching • But provides much additional information – where to find beer – how it is made… • Virtual fieldwork has similar limitations Teaching Context • Subject Area: Earth Sciences; Geology; Sedimentology; Sedimentary Environments • Tutorial Type: Case studies; CAL exercises; quizzes; virtual field trips • Audience: Undergraduate 1st and 2nd year Teaching Context... • Prior Experience: Prerequisite courses and skills: at least first year Introduction to Geology, Ancient Environments or a similar course where hand specimen description of sediments and sedimentary rocks has been practised. • Best suited to students who have studied some sedimentary petrology (including microscope work), and have some experience of studying sedimentary rocks in the field. • Time: 30 to 45 minutes for each of the 10 virtual field trips Learning Outcomes • Describing and interpreting sedimentary features in the 'field'. • Applying schemes for the description of sediments and sedimentary rocks. • Recognizing the products of physical, chemical and biological processes which act in sedimentary environments. • Appreciating the importance of organisms in sedimentation, and identifying the main groups of such organisms. • Using "the present as the key to the past” (or v.v.) - demonstration of modern and ancient examples for comparison Technical Context & Requirements • Hardware: – standard PC. – Flatbed scanner (I used a Canon Canoscan 2400U) – with transparency hood for scanning thin sections in transmitted light) – Field photos: Digital camera: Olympus C240L; 35mm film cameras – Micrographs: Nikon Coolpix mounted on petrological microscope; Nikon 35mm camera/microscope Technical Context & Requirements • Image processing software: – PaintshopPro 7.0 – U-Lead Photo Explorer 6.0 (batch image renaming etc.) – MGI PhotoVista to stitch overlapping images into panoramas – David Elsmore’s tool for viewing scrolling panoramas on the Web without plugins • example 1 example 2 • hot spots can be added to make clickable image maps Technical Context & Requirements... • Resources are written in standard html using Macromedia Dreamweaver 4.0 • Interactivity, mainly in the form of quizzes is introduced using: – standard JavaScript behaviours available in Dreamweaver: e.g pop-up answers – and the Dreamweaver Coursebuilder extension: quiz example Background • I chose the topic largely to support my 2nd year module in Sedimentology, particularly those parts dealing with carbonate environments, but with the intention that the resources could be much more widely used in Earth and Environmental Science courses. • My students do not have the opportunity to visit modern carbonate environments (e.g. Florida, Caribbean) as part of their course. • I have been fortunate to be able to visit such places, and have collected images and samples over several years. Background... • The virtual field trips provide a medium for passing on this experience to students. • I want them to get a feeling (albeit second-hand) for what the environments and the sediments look like, so the resource relies heavily on images rather than text. • This project follows on from, and is inspired by, a recent cross-disciplinary Virtual Fieldwork project at Brookes: Development and creation • I first spent some time developing a common template for all of the field trips. I have also made this template available for other users: • I then selected 6 or more images for each field trip, showing the environment at different 'magnifications', from general views down to microscopic levels. • Each image was saved in 3 different sizes: – thumbnail (100 pixels wide or high): examples – 'standard' (600 pixels): example – high resolution (up to ~ 1500 pixels): example Development and creation... • For each image: – I wrote a brief description – designed interactive exercises to encourage students to extract information from the images – the type of information available is different at the different 'magnification' levels. • The Search and Replace (across selected files or an entire website) feature in Dreamweaver was particularly valuable when asked to make modifications (such as removal of headers) to all pages by the FILTER team. Image Selection • Most of the images used are my own film or digital images from fieldwork and holidays. Shell scanned on flatbed scanner Sand thin section on flatbed scanner with slide hood Image Selection • Most of the images used are my own film or digital images from fieldwork and holidays. • I acquired new images during the project using a flat bed scanner to scan rock and fossil samples and thin sections, as well as photographs • photomicrography - digital and film Limestone thin section: digital photomicrograph Image Selection • Most of the images used are my own film or digital images from fieldwork and holidays. • I acquired new images during the project using a flat bed scanner to scan rock and fossil samples and thin sections, as well as photographs • photomicrography - digital and film • All third party images used are public domain images from bodies such as NASA and the US Geological Survey • no copyright issues Image Selection... • 600 pixel wide or high 'standard' images provide sufficient detail and quality for most exercises • I have also provided an optional high-resolution version of each image (typically 150 to 400 kb). Potentially slow downloads are outweighed by ability to see a high degree of detail when necessary. • Where images need further explanation, I have sometimes provided this by creating a second, annotated version of the image. This is often made available to the user as a JavaScript rollover: example 1 example 2 • Image manipulation is explained in image logs Problems and solutions • The main technical problem encountered was with JavaScript Coursebuilder interactions. • This extension to Dreamweaver is not entirely bug free, and sometimes produces unexpected results. These problems were relatively easily resolved once they had been discovered. • There are other packages available to produce online quizzes, such as Hot Potatoes and Respondus, but each has its own problems, and none is perfect. Problems and solutions... • Before writing a similar resource, I would spend some time working with several such tools to find which best suited my purposes • version 6 of Hot Potatoes appears more adaptable than previous versions, where it was difficult to include quizzes as part of normal, editable html pages • From the same software stable, Quandary appears to be a very powerful tool for providing interaction and assessment in web pages. Example (incomplete). Quandary screenshot Constructing a ‘decision point’ in a quiz on one of the Caswell Bay VFT images. Quandary automatically creates the html for the image insertion. Quandary screenshot Interactive map view, showing links, of the thin-section identification quiz based on a Caswell Bay image red lines link forwards to a selection of answers; blue lines refer backwards from incorrect answers Problems, solutions, evaluation... • I found adding metadata to the FILTER database straightforward, and any bugs were quickly removed by Howard Richardson. • Howard's willingness to modify the database at very short notice to make it more useable was particularly welcome. He provided helpful and prompt technical support throughout the project. • No pedagogical problems have been identified so far, but the resources have not yet been used extensively with students • The resource has been submitted for online review to DLESE, a digital library. All reviews are welcome - go to the resource and click the DLESE button! How to duplicate • My resource template is freely available at • could be used for any subject or case study where studying images at different magnifications is important: – either a single image seen at different resolutions – or, as in most of my examples, related images at different scales. • I spent ~ one week constructing the template • Each of the 10 field trips took 2-3 days to construct. • Finding, selecting and manipulating suitable images is time consuming, and may take longer than actually constructing the resources. Recommendations • Many different materials may be scanned using a standard flat bed scanner • a cheap and cheerful microscope • often an excellent replacement for much more expensive macrophotography equipment Anton Kearsley & Roger Suthren Flat objects, e.g. polished rock surfaces 3-D objects coral refined copper Loose sediments or soils volcanic ash Helping students to see what’s there granite Access to rare or fragile samples insect in amber Overviews of microscope slides on a scanner with transparency hood limestone thin section Recommendations... • When scanning transparent materials, the illumination may be too bright. • This can be corrected by using a neutral density filter on top of the sample. • To simulate plane- and crosspolarized light, as in a polarizing microscope, place a thin sheet of Polaroid between the sample and the scanner glass and (for cross-polarized light) another on top, with its polarization direction at right angles to that of the first. Metadata My standard procedure for describing geological images : – geographical location (from country level down to location name, with co-ordinates if possible); – geological age (using the standard nomenclature for periods and ages: e.g. Carboniferous, Jurassic, Pleistocene, modern…); – concise description of what may be seen in the image, with background information as appropriate – terminology: widely used schemes naming fossils, minerals, and rock types – consistency partly achieved by use of Grab feature in image template web form, to repeat metadata from previous images Metadata examples • Image creation log for view photo • Image creation log for scanned sample