İZMİR UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES ENG 104 PROJECT- FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE Have the technological advances observed in the second half of the 20th century impacted architecture in a positive way? Compare architecture in the 1950s and the 2000s (with the aspect of digital tools, building materials, sustainability, architectural design, etc.). (400-600 words) The organization of the whole essay should be as follows: - Outline/ sources - Introduction - Body Paragraph 1 - Body Paragraph 2 - Conclusion - Reference Page Objectives of the Project: - to write a well-organized opinion (compare-contrast) essay that includes an appropriate introductory paragraph involving the use of suitable introduction technique(s) and the definition of a key term or terms, a clear and precise thesis statement, appropriate body paragraphs that individually develop one main idea thoroughly through relevant supporting details, examples, explanations, reference to statistical information and/or citations, and an appropriate concluding paragraph, while also focusing on essay format (title, margin, indenting, spacing), unity, coherence and cohesion, - to research a topic to build knowledge to generate ideas and to locate credible ideas and statistical evidence to support these. - to make notes of the important points of a reading text / article by distinguishing between main points and supporting details, - to draft / outline an essay, - to paraphrase input from a written source, - to synthesize information from a variety of oral / written sources, - to select and purposefully presenting related and accurate information from a variety of sources, D-P-043/2 Page 1 / 4 03.02.2016 İZMİR UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES - to practise basic APA style reference and in-text citation to support claims with evidence. Steps: Week 1: DATE: Tuesday Groups: 23.02.2016/ Wednesday Groups: 24.02.2016 - The students are given detailed information about process and assessment of the essay in class. - The essay question is analyzed, the purpose for the essay is clearly established and the key words as well as sites for advanced search are highlighted. - Possible points of comparison / contrast are elicited to guide students. - Students are asked to build their background knowledge on the topic by searching for articles/reports on the issue. They will choose at least two academic sources to cite in their essay. - For the following week, they are asked to: a. fill in the outline provided and to clearly indicate in the outline which ideas they will support through in-text citation and where exactly in the essay they will do that. b. highlight the relevant parts in the articles/reports and in the margin clearly indicate the idea that the highlighted section will support. Week 2: DATE: Tuesday Groups: 01.03.2016/ Wednesday Groups: 02.03.2016 Submission of the sources + outline: Submissions are accepted during class hours; late submissions are NOT accepted. Week 3: DATE: Tuesday Groups: 08.03.2016/ Wednesday Groups: 09.03.2016 - The sources and the outline are returned to the students with detailed written feedback. - IN CLASS DISCUSSION (1 hour): There will be a discussion with the students about the sources, outlines and general mistakes including peer discussion. D-P-043/2 Page 2 / 4 03.02.2016 İZMİR UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES - The students are instructed to revise their sources and outline if needed and write the reference page, the introduction and body 1 paragraph for the following week. Week 4: DATE: Tuesday Groups: 15.03.2016/ Wednesday Groups: 16.03.2016 Submission of the sources + outline + reference page + the introduction + body paragraph 1: Submissions are accepted during class hours; late submissions are NOT accepted. Week 5: DATE: Tuesday Groups: 22.03.2016 / Wednesday Groups: 23.03.2016 - The sources, the outline, reference page, the introduction and body paragraph 1 are returned to the students with written feedback. - The students are instructed to revise the introduction and body paragraph 1 for the following week. Week 6: DATE: Tuesday Groups: 29.03.2016/ Wednesday Groups: 30.03.2016 Re-submission of the sources + outline + reference page + introduction + body paragraph 1: Submissions are accepted during class hours; late submissions are NOT accepted. Week 7: DATE: Tuesday Groups: 12.04.2015/ Wednesday Groups: 13.04.2016 - Introduction and body 1 paragraphs are returned to the students with written feedback. - The students are instructed to write body 2 paragraph and conclusion for the following week. Week 8: DATE: Tuesday Groups: 19.04.2016/ Wednesday Groups: 20.04.2016 Submission of the sources + outline + reference page + introduction + body paragraph 1 + body paragraph 2 + conclusion: Submissions are accepted during class hours; late submissions are NOT accepted. D-P-043/2 Page 3 / 4 03.02.2016 İZMİR UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES Week 9: DATE: Tuesday Groups: 26.04.2016/ Wednesday Groups: 27.04.2016 - Body paragraph 2 and conclusion are returned to the students with written feedback. - The students are instructed to revise body 2 and conclusion paragraphs for the following week. Week 10: DATE: Tuesday Groups: 03.05.2016/ Wednesday Groups: 04.05.2016 Submission of the whole essay: Submissions are accepted during class hours; late submissions are NOT accepted. Week 11: DATE: Tuesday Groups: 10.05.2016/ Wednesday Groups: 11.05.2016 The whole essay is returned to the students with written feedback. The final grades are announced. The instructors will keep the essays. Important Notes: - Late files will not be accepted. - Plagiarism or any form of collusion is unacceptable. Please warn the students in advance. - Project announcement and due dates are the same for all classes. - The papers are graded according to the rubric. The students purchase the rubric from the copy center announced. - Upon receiving their graded papers, students must sign the project sheet on which they see their grades. - The process should be supported by conferencing during office hours. - Feedback is to be written for each draft. - It is optional to ask for the email for the essays from the students. D-P-043/2 Page 4 / 4 03.02.2016