Case study: Miranda v. Arizona


Background of the case…

Background of the case…

 1966

Background of the case…

 1966

 Decade of Civil Rights culmination

Background of the case…

 1966

 Decade of Civil Rights culmination

 Lyndon B. Johnson

Background of the case…

 1966

 Decade of Civil Rights culmination

 Lyndon B. Johnson-> after JFK

Background of the case…

 1966

 Decade of Civil Rights culmination

 Lyndon B. Johnson-> after JFK

 Civil Rights Act 1964

Background of the case…

 1966

 Decade of Civil Rights culmination

 Lyndon B. Johnson-> after JFK

 Civil Rights Act 1964

 Voter Rights Act 1965

Ernesto Arturo Miranda

Deciding the case…

Deciding the case…

 5-4 decision

Deciding the case…

 5-4 decision

 Justices Clark, Harlan, Stewart, and White dissented, finding no historical support for the application of the clause to police interrogation and rejecting the policy considerations for the extension put forward by the majority. Miranda v. Arizona, 384

U.S. 436 , 499 , 504, 526 (1966). Justice White argued that while the Court's decision was not compelled or even strongly suggested by the Fifth Amendment, its history, and the judicial precedents, this did not preclude the Court from making new law and new public policy grounded in reason and experience, but he contended that the change made in Miranda was ill-conceived because it arose from a view of interrogation as inherently coercive and because the decision did not adequately protect society's interest in detecting and punishing criminal behavior. Id. at 531-45.



 47:50-50:00

Miranda DBQ:

Miranda DBQ:

Document k

Simultaneous case rulings…


Simultaneous case rulings…

 Vignera v. New York-

Simultaneous case rulings…

 Vignera v. New York-

 Westover v. United States-

Simultaneous case rulings…

 Vignera v. New York-

 Westover v. United States-

 California v. Stewart-

Simultaneous case rulings…

 Vignera v. New York-

 Westover v. United States-

 California v. Stewart-

Miranda’s Final Result-

What Rights do we have again?

What Rights do we have again?

 4 th

What Rights do we have again?

 4 th

 5 th

What Rights do we have again?

 4 th

 5 th

 6 th

What Rights do we have again?

 4 th

 5 th

 6 th

 8 th

What Rights do we have again?

 4 th

 5 th

 6 th

 8 th

 14 th

What Rights do we have again?

 Do these relate to Miranda? How?

What Rights do we have again?

 Do these relate to Miranda? How?

 Do ALL citizens enjoy equal protection under the law?

What Rights do we have again?

 Do these relate to Miranda? How?

 Do ALL citizens enjoy equal protection under the law?

 In what circumstances?

What Rights do we have again?

 Do these relate to Miranda? How?

 Do ALL citizens enjoy equal protection under the law?

 In what circumstances?

 Why?
