Semester 1 MAT111 Mathematics I (4 0 4) Real numbers. Functions

Semester 1
MAT111 Mathematics I (4 0 4)
Real numbers. Functions, graph of functions. Limits and continuity. Differentiation, chain rule, implicit
differentiation. Applications of derivatives, mean value theorem, indeterminant forms, curve sketching.
FIZ111 Physics I (3 2 4)
Vectors, kinematics, Newton's laws of motion, work and energy, Conservation of energy, Linear momentum and
its conservation, Rotation of rigid bodies about a fixed axis, Angular momentum and its conservation.
PLT101 Air Transportation (4 0 4)
Outlines air transportation industry with its strategical and operational aspects. Describes how the air
transportation system relates to airlines, airports, civil aviation authorities and air navigation services. Provides
insight into current trends an issues in civil aviation, such as aviation safety and security, law and new technology.
TRD101 Turkish I (2 0 2)
Importance of language and its place in a nation’s life, language-culture relationship. Definition of grammar,
function of grammar and departments of grammar. Phonetics: sounds and audio features of Turkish. Morphology;
formal properties of Turkish (roots-adds). Words and word phrases. General information about composition,
subject, perspective, ideas, main and ancillary ideas, paragraphs, intellectual order. Written expression,
paragraph, the content and types (entrance, development and conclusion paragraphs). Expression forms,
explanatory, descriptive, argumentative, narrative expression. Written expression; petition writing, quoting,
footnotes and bibliography writing. Oral expression; speech and speech types (prepared speeches, panel, and
discussion policies). Literary types; artistic (poetry, short stories, novels, theater and intellectual (articles,
paragraphs, essays, criticism, interviews…). Reading and studying the works that about literature and idea world.
Analyzing an editing text (story, novel, theater).
ATA101 History of Turkish Revolution I (2 0 2)
The aim of the revolution and related topics, the decline and fall of Ottoman Empire, the first world war, Mondros
and Sevres agreements, Mustafa Kemal and the organization of the national struggle, the last Ottoman
Parliament and the proclamation of Misak-I Milli, the establishment of Turkish Grand National Assembly.
ENG101 English I (Speaking Skills) (2 2 3)
Academic vocabulary and technical terminology, training for listening, active speaking and correct pronounciation
of English language.
Semester 2
FIZ112 Physics II (3 2 4)
Charge and matter, the electric field, Gauss law, electrostatic potential, capacitance, current and resistance
electromotive force and circuits, The magnetic field, Ampére's law, Faraday's law, Inductance, Magnetic
properties of matter.
MAT112 Mathematics II (4 0 4)
Integration, fundamental theorem integral calculus. Application of definite integrals; area between curves,
volumes calculation, lengths of plane curves, area of surfaces of revolution. Transcendental functions;
exponential functions, logarithms, hyperbolic functions. Techniques of integration.
PLT111 Aerodynamics (3 0 3)
This course provides basic knowledge that is essential for pilot training. It introduces students to fundamental
aerodynamics that will be needed as they progress in their training. Aerodynamic forces and moments, physical
properties of air flow, definitions and classifications of flow types.
TRD102 Turkish II (2 0 2)
The place of Turkish language among the world languages, alphabets that Turks are used. The historical
development of Turkish language, dialects of Turkish language. Turkish’s syntax features, sentence analysis
studies. Etymology, Semantics I (basic meanings, connotations) and Sense Events (meaning contraction,
meaning expansion, meaning shift), Words’ meaning relationship. Semantics II, metaphors, transfers ( name
transfer, phrase transfer) words, idioms, proverbs, slogans and terms. Expression (language) mistakes and
applications. Oral expression, speech and speech types (panel, discussion principles). Written expression;
business letters, minutes, report and news writing techniques. Ways to improve thinking in the paragraph,
identification, sampling, comparison, utilization of numerical data, producing a witness. Literary types; artistic(
poetry, short stories, novels, theater) and intellectual (articles, paragraphs, anecdotes, essays, criticism, travel,
biography, memoirs, letter…) Reading and studying the selected sample texts from the literature and idea world.
Reviewing a scientific text.
ATA102 History of Turkish Revolution II (2 0 2)
The national war of independence, Eastern and Western fronts, Mudanya Agreement and the end of Sultanate,
Lausanne Peace Conference and the establishment of the republic, The new republic, The opposition and
progressive republican party, The renovations in education and culture, The Mousul question, The experiment of
multiparty system- liberal republican party.
ENG102 English II (Speaking Skills) (2 2 3)
Academic vocabulary and technical terminology, training for listening, active speaking and correct pronounciation
of English language.
Semester 3
PLT201 Air Law I (2 0 2)
International agreements and organisations, airworthiness of aircraft, aircraft nationality and registration marks,
personnel licensing, rules of the air, procedures for air navigation services/aircraft operations, air traffic services,
control services, aerodromes, aerodrome lighting and signs, aerodrome obstacles and emergency services,
search and rescue, security, aircraft accident and investigation.
PLT203 Aircraft General Knowledge I (3 0 3)
Airframes and Systems: Fuselage, wings and stabilising surfaces, basic hydraulics, landing gear, aircraft wheels,
tyres and brakes, flight control systems, aircraft pneumatic systems, pressurisation systems, ice and rain
protection, emergency equipment, aircraft oxygen equipment, smoke detection, fire detection and protection,
aircraft fuel systems.
PLT205 Meteorology I (3 0 3)
The structure of atmosphere, its constituents and properties, temperatures, atmospheric pressure, density, the
international standard atmosphere (ISA), altimetry, altitude, elevation, flight level, winds, measurement of winds,
turbulence, humidity, cloud formation and precipitation, rain, air masses and fronts.
PLT207 Flight Performance and Planning (2 0 2)
Introductory level flight performance and planning information. Take off, landing, cruise, stability, loading.
PLT209 Human Performance and Limits I (2 0 2)
Fundamental human physiology and health; effects of pressure, eye and vision, ear and hearing, balance and
motion sickness, toxic hazards. Fundemantal phsycology; stress, attention, the learning process, decision making
and response selection.
PLT211 General Navigation I (3 0 3)
General navigation, navigation fundamentals, solar system, Kepler’s laws, earth’s orbit, the shape of the earth,
time basics, poles and equador, latitude, longtitude, distance on the earth, convergency, basic direction on the
earth, magnetism and compass, topographical maps and charts, types of projection
PLT213 Operational Procedures I (2 0 2)
ICAO Annex 6, JAR OPS requirements, operator certification ans supervision requirements, operational
procedure requirements, all weather operations requirements, low visibility operations requirements, instruments
and equipment, communications and navigation equipment, navigational requirements, fire and smoke.
PLT215 Communication I (2 0 2)
Definitions, abbreviations, categories of messages, general operating procedures, principal terms, transmission of
letters and numbers, transmission of time, techniques, standard words and phrases, call signs, direction finding,
radio test procedures, transfer of communications, readback, radar procedures, weather information
PLT217 Principles of Flight I (2 0 2)
Overview, definitions, the physical properties of the air, dynamic pressure, air speed, speed of sound, basic
aerodynamic theory, the principle of continuity, Bernoulli’s theorem, streamlines, subsonic airflow, aerofoil, two
dimensional airflow, aerodynamic force coefficient, the basic lift equation, the lift curve, velocity-dynamic pressure
relationship, introduction to drag characteristics, effect of weight on minimum flight speed, flight at high lift
conditions, three dimensional airflow, wings, wing terminology, wing tip vortices, wake turbulence, ground effect,
drag, parasite drag, induced drag, effect of lift on parasite drag, aeroplane total drag, stall
Semester 4
PLT202 PPL Flight (1 6 4)
Private Pilot License flight training; first stage of 215 hours flight training of commercial pilot license training with
45 hours flight including 10 hours solo flight.
PLT204 Aircraft Technical Training (1 2 2)
Hands-on technical training about aircraft components such as airframe, wings, stabilizers, hydraulics, landing
gear, tires, breaks, control systems, engine, propellers.
PLT206 Simulator Training (1 4 3)
FNPTII simulator training for PPL (Private Pilot License) stage. Includes learning simulators, simulator flight of 5
PLT208 Night Flight (1 4 3)
5 hours flight training in the darkness of night starting before dusk , comprising 3 aerodrome tour for every hour of
PLT210 PIC Flight I (1 4 3)
Pilot in command flight (PIC). Student pilots will fly solo taking command of flight after 15 hours flight in control of
instructors. Every solo flight will comprise a tour of 3 aerodromes.
Semester 5
PLT301 Air Law II (5 0 5)
International agreements and organisations, airworthiness of aircraft, aircraft nationality and registration marks,
personnel licensing, rules of the air, procedures for air navigation services/aircraft operations, air traffic services,
control services, aerodromes, aerodrome lighting and signs, aerodrome obstacles and emergency services,
search and rescue, security, aircraft accident and investigation.
PLT303 Aircraft General Knowledge II (3 0 3)
Electrics and electronics; direct current electrics, alternating current electrics, basic radio propagation. Direct
current electrics; basic principles, switches, circuit protection and capacitors, batteries, magnetism, generators,
alternators, motors, aicraft electrical power systems. Alternating current electrics; alternators, transformers, AC
motors. Basic radio propagation; basic principles, oscillators, antennae.
PLT319 Flight Instruments (2 0 2)
Characteristics and general definitions, indicators, measurement devices, aircraft magnetism, navigation systems,
communication systems, automatic flight and control systems, warning and recording systems, power plant and
systems monitoring instrumentations.
PLT313 Operational Procedures II (2 0 2)
Instruments and equipment, airplane maintenance, transoceanic and polar flight, operations and procedures,
pressurisation failure, windshear and microburst, wake turbulence, security, emergency and precautionary
landings, fuel jettison, transport of dangerous goods by air, contaminated runways.
PLT307 Flight Performance (3 0 3)
General principles of flight, take-off, climb and descent, cruise, landing, single engine class B aircraft, multiengined class B aircraft, class A aircraft
PLT305 Meteorology II (5 0 5)
Pressure systems, global climatology, area climatology, icing, windshear, thunderstorms, tornados, visibility,
observations and forecasts, weather reports, weather charts, satellite observations, local winds and weather in
PLT309 Human Performance and Limits II (4 0 4)
Introduction, the circulatory system, oxygen and respiration, the nervous system, ear, hearing and balance, the
eye and vision, flying and health, stress, information processing, human error, the learning process, behaviour
and motivation, cognition in aviation, sleep and fatigue, individual differences and interpersonal relationships,
communication and co-operation, man and machine, decision making and risk, incident reporting
PLT321 Mass and Balance (3 0 3)
Definitions and general terminology, mass and balance theory, factors affecting mass and balance, loading, mass
values for crew, mass values for passengers and baggage, JAR Ops1 requirements, mass and balance
Semester 6
PLT317 Principles of Flight II (4 0 4)
High lift devices; take-off and landing speeds, flaps, trailing edge flaps, leading edge high lift devices. Airframe
contamination; types of contamination, effect on the aircraft, effect on instruments and controls, airframe aging.
Stability and conrol; static stability, dynamic stability. Controls; control balancing, aerodynamic balance, power
assisted flying controls, mass balance, longitudinal control, lateral control, spoilers, speed brakes, trimming. Flight
mechanics, high speed flight (supersonic), limitations, windshear, propellers.
PLT311 General Navigation II (6 0 6)
Fundementals of navigation calculations, definitions, symbols, units, conversions, time-speed-distance
calculations, velocity vectors, air speed and ground speed, calculation of wind velocity, topographical maps, map
reading, navigation techniques, pilot navigation, timing by speed adjustments, IFR and VFR, flight management
PLT312 Radio Navigation (6 0 6)
Introduction, doppler, VDF, NDB and ADF, VOR, ILS, MLS, radar theory, ground ATC radars, airborne weather
radar (AWR), secondary surveillance radar (SSR), DME, area navigation systems, EFIS, global navigation
satellite systems (GNSS), LORAN C, DECCA
PLT304 Aircraft General Knowledge III (3 0 3)
Introduction to powerplant, lubrication system, cooling, ignition, fuel system, mixture, carburettors, engine icing,
performance and power augmentation, propellers, air inlets, compressors, combustion chambers, the turbine
assembly, the exhaust system, thrust, gearboxs and accessory drives, auxilliıary power units (APU) and engine
PLT314 Flight Safety I (2 0 2)
Students pilots will be trained for flight safety in every stages of flights according to the requirements of training
period and aerodrome specific characteristics. And they will be tested after immediately with emergency quiz
PLT322 Flight Planning and Monitoring (3 0 3)
General flight rules, definitions, procedures before flight, flight plans and passenger manifests, air information
publications (AIP), NOTAM (notices to airmen), location indicators, aerodrome flight information service,
aerodrome traffic information service, meteorological information, navigation aids and warnings, aerodrome
categorisation, aerodrome communication facilities, aerodrome radio navigation and landing aids, fuel policy and
planning, fuel monitoring in flight, air traffic services routes, common civil aviation applications, abbreviations
PLT310 PIC Flight II (0 6 3)
PIC (Pilot in Command) solo flight of 65 hours after finishing PPL (Private Pilot License) training.
Semester 7
PLT423 Aviation English (2 0 2)
English skills training necessary for all the aspects of flight communications and aviation. Targeting to increase
grammar knowledge, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency and interactions of the students, developing the very
specific skills described in the ICAO Level 4 Language Profile of English.
PLT414 Flight Safety II (3 0 3)
Students pilots will be trained for flight safety in every stages of flights according to the requirements of training
period and aerodrome specific characteristics. And they will be tested after immediately with emergency quiz
PLT403 IR (Instrument Rating) (4 0 4)
Theoretical training of Instrument Rating (IR) after finishing PPL and PIC flight trainings. Describes instruments
required for IR such as VOR, ADF, GPS, ILS.
PLT415 Communication II (3 0 3)
General operating procedures, phraseology, communications failure, emergencies, distress procedures, urgency
procedures, medical transports, unlawful interference, VHF propagation; VHF propagation characteristics, factors
affecting VHF propagation, effective range of VHF,radio frequency bands, IFR communications; callsigns, level
reporting, position reporting, communications failure under IFR, selective calling, IFR flight profile, NDB approach
PLT406 IR Simulator Training (1 6 4)
Simulator flight training for IR including VOR, ADF, and GPS tracking, ILS and localizer descend.
Semester 8
PLT402 CPL Flight (0 4 2)
Flight training for Commercial Pilot License using abilities gained by finishing IR flight training. Comprises also
simulator flights.
PLT416 IR Flight (0 4 2)
Flight training for IR including VOR, ADF, and GPS tracking, ILS and localizer descend.
PLT418 ME/IR Flight (0 4 2)
Flight training for adaptation to multi-engine (ME) aircrafts. Comprises also 5 hours simulator flights.
Departmental Elective Courses (FALL)
PLT501 History of Aviation (3 0 3)
Aviation history explained with scientific and technological breakthroughs, global effects of aviation and its
developments, historical aspects in the process creating modern aviation of today.
PLT503 Airline Management (3 0 3)
Global and local civil aviation industry, regulations, laws, development of airlines, airline models, relationship
between airlines and aerodromes, airline management and marketing of services, air transportation aggreements,
rights, competition, collaboration, alliances, fleet planning, scheduling, cargo transportation, agencies and
distribution channels
PLT505 Lessons Learned From Transport Airplane Accidents (3 0 3)
The lessons from accidents play an important role in the process to continue improving aviation safety. Aviation
accidents, especially most historically significant, policy shaping accidents and lessons learned from them will be
explained and discussed during the course.
Departmental Elective Courses (SPRING)
PLT502 Turkish Civil Aviation (3 0 3)
Turkish civil aviation explained with historical aspects including important pioneers and contributors. Describes
developments in Turkey chronologically until todays globally acting Turkish aviation industry. And finally position
of Turkish aviation industry in the world.
PLT504 Preparations for Worklife (2 0 2)
Worklife in aviation industry, which pilot students will face after their graduation. Expectations of the industry from
professional air transportation pilots. Work environments and working conditions for pilots. Carrier paths and