University of California at Berkeley Modeling of CMP David Dornfeld CMP researchers: Jihong Choi, Sunghoon Lee, Dr. Hyoungjae Kim, Dr. Dan Echizenya Department of Mechanical Engineering University of California Berkeley CA 94720-1740 Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 University of California at Berkeley Overview • Background on modeling • Review of work to date • Some new developments • pattern/feature sensitivity • pad design Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 2 LMA University of California at Berkeley New Book on Modeling Chemical Mechanical Planarization (CMP) “Integrated Modeling of Chemical Mechanical Planarization for Sub-Micron IC Fabrication: From Particle Scale to Feature, Die and Wafer Scales,” J. Luo and D. A. Dornfeld Written by researchers at UC-Berkeley, this monograph reviews CMP modeling literature (from Preston to present day efforts) and develops, with a strong emphasis on mechanical elements of CMP, an integrated model of CMP addressing wafer,die and particle scale mechanisms and features. Special emphasis is on abrasive sizes, distributions and resulting material removal rates and uniformity resulting over all scales. 175 Figures and 14 tables ISBN 3-540-22369-x Springer-Verlag 2004 For information: Or contact: Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 3 LMA University of California at Berkeley Chemical Mechanical Planarization CMP Team in FLCC Dornfeld, et al Doyle, et al Talbot, et al Chemical Phenomena Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 Mechanical Phenomena Interfacial and Colloid Phenomena LMA University of California at Berkeley Scale Issues in CMP Mechanical particle forces Particle enhanced chemistry Material Removal Active Abrasives Pores, Walls Tool mechanics, Load, Speed Chemical Reactions critical features nm mm µm 5 Mechanism wafer dies From E. Hwang, 2004 Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 Pad Grooves Layout Scale/size LMA University of California at Berkeley CMP Process Schematic F : down force Oscillation conditioner w w : wafer rotation slurry feed Retainer ring Backing film head Wafer Carrier Wafer table pad w p :pad rotation Electro plated diamond conditioner Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 Pore Wall Pad Abrasive particle Typical pad 6 LMA University of California at Berkeley An overview of CMP research in FLCC Cu CMP [oxidizer], [complexing agent], [corrosion inhibitor], pH … Bulk Cu CMP Barrier polishing W CMP Oxide CMP Poly-Si CMP Bulk Cu slurry Barrier slurry W slurry Oxide slurry Poly-Si slurry Abrasive type, size and concentration Doyle Chemical reactions Dornfeld model Talbot Pad asperity density/shape Mechanical material removal mechanism in abrasive scale Physical models of material removal mechanism in abrasive scale Pattern Topography Pad mechanical properties in abrasive scale MIT model Pad properties in die scale Models of WIDNU Slurry supply/ flow pattern in die scale Wafer scale pressure NU Wafer scale velocity profile Pad design Models of WIWNU Small dishing & erosion Reducing scratch defects Reducing ‘Fang’ Reducing slurry usage Uniform pad performance thru it’s lifetime Longer pad life time Wafer bending with zone pressures Slurry supply/ flow pattern in wafer scale Pad groove Better planarization efficiency Better control of WIWNU Smaller WIDNU model design goal Ultra low-k integration Fabrication technique Fabrication Test E-CMP Pad development Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 LMA University of California at Berkeley The 4-component system • Hypotheses: – all polishing processes can be described as a 4 component system; – Understanding the components and their interactions (pair-wise, triplets, etc) provides a structure to catalog our knowledge (and ignorance) “Granule”? Lap (rigid) Deliberately sought a word that covers the range of particles used without implying anything about size, hardness, or removal Workpiece Carrier fluid Granule Lap mechanism: mm to nm size range; from hard (diamond) to Platen soft (rouge); Pad } Source: 86. Evans, J., Paul, E., Dornfeld, D., Lucca, D., Byrne, G., Tricard, M., Klocke, F., Dambon, O., and Mullany, B., “Material Removal Mechanisms in Lapping and Polishing,” STC “G” Keynote, CIRP Annals, 52, 2, 2003. Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 8 LMA University of California at Berkeley Six possible pair-wise interactions • • • • • • Fluid-workpiece Workpiece-pad Workpiece-granule Granule-pad pad-fluid Fluid-granule Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 9 LMA University of California at Berkeley Three-way interactions (triplets) • • • • Workpiece-fluid-granule Workpiece-fluid-pad Workpiece-granule-pad Fluid-pad-granule Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 10 LMA University of California at Berkeley Stribeck Curve and Characteristics of slurry film thickness Polishing pad Direct contact Film thickness Slurry Wafer Direct contact Semi-direct contact Hydroplane sliding Elastohydrodynamic Hydrodynamic lubrication lubrication Semi-direct contact Boundary lubrication Hydroplane sliding Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 Hersey number(= ViscosityVelocity ) Pressure Stribeck curve 11 LMA University of California at Berkeley Gap effects on “mechanics” Eroded surface by chemical reaction --- softening Silicon wafer Delaminated by brushing ‘Small’ gap Abrasive particle Polishing pad Pad-based removal Silicon wafer ‘Big’ gap Abrasive particles Slurry-based removal Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 Polishing pad 12 LMA University of California at Berkeley Idealized CMP ‘Softened’ surface by chemical reaction Silicon wafer Abrasive particle Polishing pad Pad asperity Mechanical Aspects of the Material Removal Mechanism in Chemical Mechanical Polishing (CMP) Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 13 LMA University of California at Berkeley Interactions between Input Variables Four Interactions: Wafer-Pad Interaction; Pad-Abrasive Interaction; Wafer-Slurry Chemical Interaction; Wafer-Abrasive Interaction Velocity V Vol Chemically Influenced Wafer Surface Abrasive particles in Fluid (All inactive) Wafer Abrasive particles on Polishing pad Pad asperity Contact area with number N Active abrasives on Contact area Source: J. Luo and D. Dornfeld, IEEE Trans: Semiconductor Manufacturing, 2001 Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 14 LMA University of California at Berkeley Framework Connecting Input Parameters with Material Removal Rate Basic Equation of Material Removal: MRR= N Vol N Slurry Abrasive Weight Concentration C Average Abrasive Size Xavg Xavg Vol g Fraction of Active Abrasives X avg-a Fraction of Active Abrasive: 1-((g-Xavg)/ ) where g is the minimum size of active abrasives Proportion of Active Abrasives Pad Topography & Pad Material Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 Abrasive Size Distribution 15 Force F & Velocity Active Abrasive Size Xavg-a Wafer Hardness Hw / Slurry Chemicals & Wafer Materials Down Pressure P0 LMA University of California at Berkeley Experimental Verification of Pressure Dependence of Material Removal Rate (MRR) MRR= N Vol= K1 {1-(1K2P01/3)}P01/2. Ke1 (K1=84148, K2= 0.137) Advantage over Preston’s Eq. MRR= KePV+ MRR0: What input variables and how they influence Ke is predicable Ke2(K1=8989, K2= 0.3698) SiO2 CMP Experimental Data from Zhao and Shi, Proceedings of VMIC, 1999 Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 16 LMA University of California at Berkeley Abrasive Size Distribution Dependence of MRR: Particle Size Distribution [1] Five Different Kinds of Abrasive (Alumina) Size Distributions for Tungsten CMP Abrasive Size X (Log Scale) 1. Bielmann et. al., Electrochem. Letter, 1999 Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 17 LMA Normalized Material Removal Rate University of California at Berkeley Relationship between Standard Deviation and MRR Based on Model Prediction 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Xavg= 0.29um Xavg=0.38um Xavg=0.60um Xavg=0.88um Xavg=2um Size influenced Std dev influenced 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 Standard Deviation (10-6m) Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 18 LMA University of California at Berkeley Pattern-Density Dependency Model pad pad MRR oxide oxide Up Area K/density Time K Down Area 0 InterLevel Dielectric Case (single material) Source: MIT Same Pattern Density Different Orientations Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 19 LMA University of California at Berkeley Framework of a CMP Topography Evolution Model Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 20 LMA University of California at Berkeley Dishing and Erosion in Copper Damascene Process Trench SiN SiO2 Via (a) (b) (c) (d) Fabrication steps in dual damascene process (a) deposition of SiN, SiO2 and etching trenches and vias in SiO2 (b) deposition of barrier layer (c) copper fill (d) CMP and deposition of SiN (courtesy of Serdar Aksu) Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 LMA University of California at Berkeley Definition of Feature-Scale Topography S Hcu H Oxide Erosion e Copper Thinning Wox Wcu Hox= Hox0 H= Copper Dishing d=S Hox (a) (b) (a) Feature scale topography before dielectric material is exposed and (b) feature scale topography after dielectric material is exposed Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 22 LMA University of California at Berkeley Models of Polishing Pad E E E 1 E2 (a) (b) Linear Elastic and Linear ViscoElastic Models E1 2 (d) (c) Separated Models of Pad Bulk and Asperities Kd Kf Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 23 LMA University of California at Berkeley Three Stages of Wafer-Pad Contact S=S0 H=Hcu0+Hox0 Df Hcu0 1 Hox0 Only upper part of step is in contact Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 H= Hstage1 S1=Df1 2 Erosion e 3 Two different Both upper and bottom parts of step materials are removed is in contact simultaneously LMA 24 Dishing d University of California at Berkeley Simulation Results of Step Height Evolution for Different Pattern Density 500 400 350 300 400 350 250 200 300 200 150 100 100 50 50 0 20 40 60 100 120 140 80 Polishing Time t (second) 160 180 0 200 Planarization time (sec) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Polishing Time t (second) 160 180 Planarization time (sec) Linear Elastic Pad Linear Viscoelastic Pad Wcu = 100 microns Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 250 150 0 PDi= PDi= PDi= PDi= PDi= PDi= PDi= PDi= PDi= 450 Step Height S (nm) 450 Step Height S (nm) 500 PDi= 0.1 PDi= 0.2 PDi= 0.3 PDi= 0.4 PDi= 0.5 PDi= 0.6 PDi= 0.7 PDi= 0.8 PDi= 0.9 25 LMA 200 University of California at Berkeley Copper Dishing as a Function of Pattern Density using commercial pads Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 26 LMA University of California at Berkeley Copper Dishing as a Function of Selectivity Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 27 LMA University of California at Berkeley Effect of Pattern Density - Planarization Length (PL) High-density region Global step Low-density region ILD Metal lines Planarization Length Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 28 LMA University of California at Berkeley Modeling of pattern density effects in CMP Effective pattern density Planarization length (window size) effect on “Up area” a=320um < Test pattern > a=640um a=1280um < Post CMP film thickness prediction at die-scale > Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 < Effective density map > 29 LMA University of California at Berkeley Die scale modeling of topography evolution during CMP Contact wear model Initial pressure distribution MRR model Topography evolution Iteration with time step Contact wear model New pressure distribution Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 LMA University of California at Berkeley Feature level interaction between pad asperities and pattern topography PAD Z(x,y) Z_pad Reference height (z=0) Z ( x , y ) Z _ pad F ( x, y) Kp (asperity _ density) (PDF ( z dz) PDF ( z)) (Z ( x, y) z) 0 F _ tent F ( x, y)dxdy die No No dz F_tent > F_die ? Yes Z(x,y) ++Z_pad z F_tent < F_die ? Yes --Z_pad Z_pad Z_pad Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 31 LMA University of California at Berkeley Chip level interaction between pad and pattern topography k2 k1 r PL k1k 2 Kpad k2 k1 k 2 MIT model : approximation of contact wear model w 4(1 2 )qr w(r ) E 40um Pattern 40um 40um x 40um cell Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 32 2 0 r2 1 sin 2 d 2 PL w(i, j ) PD(i, j ) PDE w(i, j ) i, j i, j LMA University of California at Berkeley Simulation result 20% 33% 50% 100% 50% t=0 sec t=10 sec t=20 sec t=30 sec t=40 sec t=50 sec 33% 20% t=60 sec Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 t=70 sec t=80 sec LMA University of California at Berkeley Pattern orientation effect on on copper dishing Ti SiO2 Cu Si Kinetic analysis of sliding direction during process time pad rpm = wafer rpm pad rpm < wafer rpm Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 34 LMA University of California at Berkeley Pad Characterization (SEM, x150) 100µm (White light Interferometer, x200) • Ra = 12.5µm • Rz = 96.7µm 45µm -45µm 100µm 300µm 500µm • Pore diameter : 30~50 µm • Peak to Peak : 200~300µm 200~300µm Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 35 LMA University of California at Berkeley Pad modeling Peak to Peak 200~300 µm Pores 40~60µm Asperity: Real contact area 10~50 µm 1. Reaction Region (10~15 µm) 2. Transition Region 3. Reservoir Region Simplified Pad Model Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 36 LMA University of California at Berkeley 3 Dimensional analysis Reaction region Transition region Reservoir region Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 37 LMA University of California at Berkeley 2D and 3D image of reaction region 2 dimensional image (w/o pressure) 3 dimensional image (w/o pressure) • Contact area : 10-50µm • Spherical or conical shape edge • Ratio of real contact area : 10-15% • Stress concentration when compressed Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 38 LMA University of California at Berkeley Reaction region – ILD CMP 10 µm 10 – 50 µm Over polishing Small asperity ILD Reaction region (asperity) wafer 50 µm Defects of a conventional pad • Over polishing on recess area Large asperity Rounding ILD • Smoothing, not planarization wafer Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 39 LMA University of California at Berkeley Reaction region – Cu CMP Stress concentration Cu-CMP defects (due to stress concentration in conventional pad) Pad asperity wafer wafer Pressure Fang Dishing Erosion Avg. contact pressure Nominal pressure wafer Position Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 40 LMA University of California at Berkeley Pad degradation New In 3minutes In 5minutes In 7minutes Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 41 LMA University of California at Berkeley Design rules for a pad Design rules for a pad Macro scale Stacked layer (Hard/soft) Slurry channel Micro scale Nano scale Constant contact area Compatible features to abrasive Constant re-generation of nano (width:10-50um) The ratio of real contact area scale surface roughness (13-17%) Conditioning-less CMP High slurry efficiency Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 42 LMA University of California at Berkeley A pad design based on the rules Channel Nano scale features Hard Layer 50-200µm 50-70µm (i.e. high stiffness) Soft Layer (i.e. low stiffness) Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 43 LMA University of California at Berkeley Expectations ILD CMP Pad Advantages • Conditioning-less process • High planarity & good uniformity in ILD CMP Wafer • Without stress concentration • Less defects in Metal CMP Cu CMP Pad Wafer Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 44 LMA University of California at Berkeley Design of new pads Type 1 – Without slurry guidance Type 2 – With slurry guidance 50µm Slurry flow direction 20µm Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 45 LMA University of California at Berkeley Simulation result Type 2 Type 1 • Area : 4.3^-10 m2 • Flow rate : 3.93^-11 kg/sec • Area : 4.294^-10 m2 • Flow rate : 3.24^-10 kg/sec 8 times more flow rate On contact area Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 46 LMA University of California at Berkeley Pad fabrication 1. Master 2. Silicone Rubber 3. Silicone Rubber 4. Hard Layer Casting Mold Casting 5. Soft Layer Casting 6. Demolding New pad Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 47 LMA University of California at Berkeley Performance of a new pad – Planarity in ILD CMP 20% 20um/80um 50% 50um/50um Polishing machine ILD pattern (MIT mask Version 1.0) Experiment condition IC1000/SUBA400 New pad Pad 60rpm Wafer 3inch wafer (12-100% density,1.7µm SiO2) 0.77µm 30rpm SiO2 D-7000 (Cabot Co.) 1.7µm Slurry 100ml/min Pressure 1.6psi Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 1.6psi 2.7psi Si wafer 48 LMA University of California at Berkeley Density 20% - under same pressure:1.6psi Newpad Pad (1.6psi) New 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 -0.2 -0.4 Position(um) New In 3min In 7min In 12min In 17min Relative Stepheight(um) Relative Stepheight (um) IC1000/SUBA400 (1.6psi) IC1000/SUBA400 0.4 0.2 0 1000 1100 1200 1300 1500 -0.2 -0.4 Position(um) New In 3min In 15min • Time : 17minutes • Time : 40minutes • Over Polishing : 2200Å • Over Polishing : 400Å High removal rate Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 1400 In 20min Good planarity 49 LMA In 40min University of California at Berkeley Density 20% - under different pressure:1.6psi &2.7psi IC1000/SUBA400 (1.6psi) New pad (2.7psi) New Pad (2.7psi) 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 0.4 0.2 0 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 -0.2 -0.2 -0.4 Relative Step Height(um) Relative Stepheight (um) IC1000/SUBA400 Position(um) New In 3min In 7min In 12min In 17min -0.4 Position(um) New In 10min • Time : 17minutes • Time : 20minutes • Over Polishing : 2200Å • Over Polishing : 800Å In 20min Good planarity & removal rate Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation, 2005 50 LMA 1500