Blizzard Bag 2

Academic/Career & Technical Related/Demonstration Lesson
Stoddard Dare
Date Blizzard Bag #2
Social Studies
Period 1st, 3rd, 5th & 8th
State Indicator/Competency:
3. Issues can be analyzed through the critical use of information from public records, surveys,
research data and policy positions of advocacy groups.
Instructional Objective(s):
1. Students will be able to identify two pieces of research data that either support or refute
the use of the Death penalty with 80% accuracy
2. Students will be able to formulate an opinion paragraph that includes two pieces of
research data with 80% accuracy
Death Penalty Opinion Paragraph
Method of Instruction:
Online Research
Short Essay
 The instructor will distribute the Death Penalty Opinion Paragraph instructions to
each student
 The instructor will provide the following instructions to the class:
o The class will be researching and writing an opinion paragraph on the Death
o Students must follow the instructions and outline of the handout:
1. Conduct research to find data about the death penalty.
a. Use research and statistics that support one side of the death
penalty argument
b. You must include at least two pieces of data to support your
c. Do not include opinion as data/research
2. Use your research information to formulate your opinion on whether
you support or are opposed to the death penalty.
3. Write an opinion paragraph following the outline below.
Opinion Paragraph Outline
1) Topic Sentence:
a. State whether you agree or disagree with the death penalty.
b. Make a clear statement, pick one side or the other
2) State first piece of data that supports your position
a. Clearly state the data (be clear in your research)
b. State the source of your information (according to the ………..)
c. Explain why this piece of research supports your position
3) State second piece of data that supports your position
a. Clearly state the data (be clear in your research)
b. State the source of your information (according to the ………..)
c. Explain why this piece of research supports your position
4) Conclusion
a. Summarize your position
1. List two pieces of research data that either support or refute the use of the Death penalty
2. Formulate an opinion paragraph that includes two pieces of research data
Death Penalty Opinion Paragraph – 10 points
Name _______________
Social Studies Blizzard Bag #2
Death Penalty Opinion Paragraph
Students will write an opinion paragraph taking a stance on the Death Penalty.
Conduct research to find data about the death penalty.
a. Use research and statistics that support one side of the death penalty argument
b. You must include at least two pieces of data to support your position
c. Do not include opinion as data/research
Use your research information to formulate your opinion on whether you support or are
opposed to the death penalty.
Write an opinion paragraph following the outline below.
Opinion Paragraph Outline
Topic Sentence:
a. State whether you agree or disagree with the death penalty.
b. Make a clear statement, pick one side or the other
State first piece of data that supports your position
a. Clearly state the data (be clear in your research)
b. State the source of your information (according to the ………..)
c. Explain why this piece of research supports your position
State second piece of data that supports your position
a. Clearly state the data (be clear in your research)
b. State the source of your information (according to the ………..)
c. Explain why this piece of research supports your position
a. Summarize your position