13 colonies

New England
Middle Colonies
Southern Colonies
13 Colonies Vocabulary
Puritan- a religious group not trying to
separate from the Church of England, but
making religious practice pure.
Common- an open area where sheep and
cattle graze; village green.
Specialize- to work at one kind of job and do
it well.
Charter-an official paper in which certain rights
are given by a government to a person or
Town meeting public office- an assembly in
the New England colonies in which male
landowners could take part in government.
Industry- all the businesses that make one kind
of product or provide one kind of service.
 Export- a product that leaves a country.
 Import- a product brought into a country.
 Triangular trade route- a shipping route that
linked England, the English colonies in North
America, and the west coast of Africa, forming an
imaginary triangle in the Atlantic Ocean.
 Naval store- a product that is used to build and
repair a ship.
Brainpop video and quiz
Introduction to the 13 Colonies
Explain reasons for colonization of
 Define characteristics of each colony
 Describe new economies of each colony
 Identify contributions of key individuals
Objectives for the New England Colonies.
New England Colonies
The United States began with the 13 colonies
along the Atlantic coast of North America.
◦ Most colonies were founded in the early 1600’s to the
◦ The first colonists, people coming from another country,
were people from Spain in the 1500’s. They founded
colonies in Mexico.
◦ The first permanent colony in what is now the U.S. from
England was the Jamestown Colony in Virginia in
◦ Captain John Smith was a strong leader for the
colonists, but one day he was captured by the Powhatan
◦ Pocahontas was the chief’s daughter. She saved John
Smith’s life by stopping her father from killing him.
Early United States
Many early colonists left Europe in search of religious
freedoms, desire for land, $$$ opportunity and in
hopes of a new life.
 New England settlers first began with Pilgrims, a
person who makes a journey for religious reasons, in
the Plymouth colony in what is now Massachusetts.
◦ The first Thanksgiving P.168.
Later came the Puritans, a religious group that
wanted to make their religious practices more pure,
in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
 New Englanders made a living by farming, fishing,
hunting whales, or building ships.
 New England colonies were Connecticut, Rhode
Island, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire.
New England
Know the location of the 13 colonies and where
they are located. This will be on the final test.
 Color code the 13 colonies and keep as a study
guide in your Social Studies folder.
 The Mayflower Compact was an agreement
signed by the Pilgrims to have “just and equal
laws” that would be for the common good of the
people for the colony. Take a look at page 167.
 Write your own compact that is for your class.
Put this in your output page.
 What rules would you like to see your classmates follow?
 Make a list of the rules and explain how this compact will
benefit your classmates in a paragraph..
“ The Fields, most beautiful,
yield such Crops of Wheat,
And other things most
excellent to eat.”
- Richard Frame, A Short Description of
Pennsylvania, 1692
The Middle Colonies
Middle Colonies included: New York,
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and
The Dutch were the first settlers into the
Middle Colonies. They were from the
Netherlands and Sweden.
They welcomed people from other countries,
however Jews were not allowed to work
certain jobs or freely practice religion.
English settlers arrived later
The Middle Colonies
◦ King Charles II of England declared war
against the Dutch, but the Dutch refused to
fight and gave up their land.
◦ New Netherland was split into present-day
New Jersey and New York in 1664.
New Netherland Becomes New
Land was sold at a low cost and the Quakers, a
religious group, were the first to start a colony in
New Jersey.
William Penn was the proprietor, or owner, of
what is now Pennsylvania and Delaware.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania had many
diverse, or different, backgrounds.
The General Assembly provided a legislature,
which was a group of people that make laws for
the colony.
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and
The Great Awakening, a movement that called
for a rebirth of religious ways of life, spread
through the English colonies during the 1730’s
and 1740’s.
New York and Philadelphia were the
largest cities in the colonies.
 Port cities were important centers of
trade and manufacturing.
The Middle Colonies
In the output page you will be completing
a worksheet called, “Excerpt from A Short
Description of Pennsylvania”
 This is a document from a DBQ.
 Analyze the information and the quote.
 Answer all three questions in complete
“Heaven and earth never agreed to frame a
better place for man’s habitation.”
- John Smith, on Chesapeake Bay, 1607
Southern Colonies
Southern Colonies include: Maryland,
Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina,
and Georgia.
◦ The first Southern colonists were wealthy
◦ They started large one-crop farms called
◦ Later Germans, Scots, and Scots-Irish have smaller
farms farther inland.
Colonists had many hard choices to make
Many young people at this time wanted a
better life.
◦ Colonists had to decide to leave for the new world
or stay with their family. (This is opportunity
Southern Colonies
Let’s say I LOVE to watch the Ellen Showbut Mrs. Byrne invited me to a party. If I
choose to watch Ellen- I am giving up the
party… If I choose the party… I am giving
up Ellen.
Example of Opportunity Cost
These colonies relied heavily on agriculture.
Coastal port cities were busy with ships bringing
slaves over and leaving with cotton, tobacco, and
other crops.
The ships went through the triangular trade
route, and profits began to rise as they
continued to do well with their crops.
◦ Plantation crops included tobacco, rice, and indigo, a
blue dye.
◦ Indentured servants agreed to work there. They are
people who agree to work for another person without
pay for a certain length of time in exchange for passage
to North America.
◦ Slaves were not granted freedom like the indentured
servants. They made up 40% of the population.
Profit was made through…
Virginia becomes the largest English
colony in North America by 1700.
 In 1712, Carolina was split into North
Carolina and South Carolina due to
their population growth. 1/3 of the
original Carolina was not settled.
 The 1/3 that was not settled in the
Carolinas became Georgia.
Virginia, North Carolina, South
Carolina, and Georgia
The following people were important to the
colonization of America.
◦ John Smith – English explorer and leader of the
Jamestown settlement that saved its people from
◦ William Penn – Proprietor of Pennsylvania
through a charter from King Charles II
◦ Roger Williams – Forced to leave Massachusetts
and was the Founder of Providence.
◦ Anne Hutchinson – Left Massachusetts because
of her religious beliefs. She helped settle Rhode
Island Colony.
◦ James Oglethrope – Englishman who was given a
charter to settle Georgia.
Important People through the
settlement of the 13 Colonies
In the output page you will be completing
a worksheet called, “Illustration of a
Southern Plantation.”
 This is a document from a DBQ.
 Read the beginning paragraph and
analyze the illustration.
 Answer the two questions in complete
13 Colonies Map – know the separation of the
Vocabulary words
New England Colonies – Pilgrims, Puritans,
first permanent Colony
Middle Colonies – first settlers, New
Netherland, William Penn, Port cities
Southern Colonies – Plantation crops,
difference between indentured servants and
slaves, largest English Colony, 1/3 of the
Carolinas became Georgia
Test Review – You need a clean
sheet of paper and a pencil.
Brainpop video and quiz
Final look at the 13 Colonies