Application: The Pigeonhole Principle

Application: The
Pigeonhole Principle
Lecture 37
Section 7.3
Wed, Apr 4, 2007
The Pigeonhole Principle
Pigeon version: If you put n pigeons into m
pigeonholes, and n > m, then at least at
least two pigeons are in the same
 Mathematical version: If A and B are finite
sets and |A| > |B| and f : A  B, then f is
not one-to-one.
If a drawer contains 10 black socks and 12
blue socks, how many socks must you
draw at random in order to guarantee that
you have two socks of the same color?
A bag of jellybeans contains dozens of jelly
beans of each of 8 different colors. How
many jellybeans must we choose in order
to guarantee that we have at least two
jellybeans of the same color?
 To guarantee three of the same color?
 To guarantee four of the same color?
The PowerMod function
Define the PowerMod() function as
PowerMod(n, a, m) = na mod m.
 Then the sequence of numbers
PowerMod(3, i, 7), 0  i  10,
must contain at least one repeated value.
If we choose 6 distinct integers from 1 to 9,
at least one pair of them adds to 10.
 Why?
If we choose 6 distinct integers from 1 to 9,
at least two pairs of the chosen integers
have the same total.
 Why?
How many integers must we choose from 1
to 99 in order to guarantee that at least two
distinct pairs of them will have the same
Functions of Finite Sets
Theorem: Let A and B be finite sets with |A|
= |B| and let f : A  B. Then f is one-toone if and only if f is onto.
 Proof:
Suppose that f is not onto.
 Let f(A) be the set {f(a) | a  A}.
 Then f : A  f(A) and |f(A)| < |A|.
Functions of Finite Sets
By the mathematical version of the
pigeonhole principle, there are at least two
distinct members a1, a2  A with the same
image in f(A).
 That is, f(a1) = f(a2) for some a1  a2.
 Thus, f is not one-to-one.
 By the contrapositive, if f is one-to-one,
then f is onto.
Functions of Finite Sets
We also need to prove that if f is onto, then
f is one-to-one. (Exercise)
The Locker Problem
A hallway has 1000 lockers, numbered 1
through 1000.
 We have 1000 students, numbered 1
through 1000.
 For each k from 1 to 1000, we send student
#k down the hallway, with instructions to
reverse the open/closed status every kth
locker door, beginning with locker #k.
The Locker Problem
After all the students are done, which
lockers doors will be open?
 Did it matter in which order the students
were dispatched?
The Locker Problem
Suppose we have only 10 doors and 10
 We wish to leave open doors 2, 4, 5, 8, 9,
and no others.
 Which students do we send down the
hallway so that in the end only doors 2, 4,
5, 8, and 9 are open?
The Locker Problem
Clearly, we must not send student #1 down
the hallway.
 Thus, clearly, we must send student #2
down the hallway.
 That will leave open doors 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.
 Thus, clearly, we must not send student #3
down the hallway.
The Locker Problem
Thus, clearly, neither should we send
student #4 down the hallway.
 Thus, clearly, we must send student #5
down the hallway.
 That will leave open doors 2, 4, 5, 6, 8.
 Thus, clearly, we must send student #6
down the hallway.
The Locker Problem
Thus, clearly, we must not send students
#7 or #8 down the hallway.
 Thus, clearly, we must send student #9
down the hallway and we must not send
student #10 down the hallway.
The Locker Problem
Given an arbitrary subset D of the 1000
locker doors, is it possible to send some
subset S of the 1000 students down the
hallway with their instructions such that in
the end, only the doors in set D are open?
The Locker Problem
Let A be the set of choices of which
students to send down the hallway.
 Let B be the set of choices of which locker
doors to be left open in the end.
 How many elements are in A and B?
The Locker Problem
Let f : A  B by defining f(A) = the set of
doors left open when the students in A are
sent down the hallway.
 If we can show that f is one-to-one, then it
follows that it is onto.
 How can we show that f is one-to-one?