At a Glance: Unit Summary: DNA contains all the genetic code of an organism and it is responsible for the traits being passed from one generation to the next. This unit will examine how DNA stores information. It will also examine difference between DNA and RNA. Curriculum framing questions: Unit Questions What is DNA and why is it important? What is RNA and why is it important? Essential Question What contains genetic information and allows it to pass from one generation to the next? Content Questions Grade: 9th Subject: Biology Topics: DNA, RNA and protein synthesis. Higher order thinking skills: investigation and analyzing. Key learning: DNA structure and function, RNA structure and function and protein synthesis. Time-needed: 3 weeks; meeting block odd/even days= 7- 85 minute lessons. Things you need: Assessment Standards Resources What does the structure of DNA look like? Standards alignment: How and why does DNA replicate? These standards apply to the unit. What is protein synthesis? How is a gene used to make proteins in a cell? Assessment Processes Many different types of formative assessment are used throughout the unit to evaluate student learning. These assessments will be used to evaluate progress and gage student readiness to progress within the unit. Instructional Procedures Day 1: Introduce the concept of DNA. Use the following warm up activity: ask the students to write down 3 answers to the question…what are living things made of? Then discuss this with the students by having the students come up with relationships between the answers. This may look like a web but will give the 1. Creativity and innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. c. Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues SB2. Students will analyze how biological traits are passed on to successive generations. a. Distinguish between DNA and RNA. b. Explain the role of DNA in storing and transmitting cellular information. SCSh1. Students will evaluate the importance of curiosity, honesty, openness, and skepticism in science. a. Exhibit the above traits students a connection to many things that they have learned in the past. Then ask the students: You may have learned that half of the genetic information of a human being comes from the mother and half from the father. What is this genetic information? (It is DNA.) Next give the students the from cell to DNA worksheet and have the students go to the website: This is a video that will let them answer the questions on the worksheet and then after the video the students can use a book to finish any questions that are left. Then have the students use this self-guided tutorial as an introduction to DNA shape: The students should then answer questions in the DNA packet that is overreaching for the unit. As a wrap-up activity have the students write what they believe to be the answer (after this activity) to the essential question and turn it in as a ticket out the door. Day 2 Introduce RNA. Do a power point that has students taking guided notes about RNA, replication, transcription and translation. Do Strawberry DNA extraction lab with students. Introduce overreaching research project- making a poster about new research in the DNA field. Research online and through databases. Day 3 Have students take a pre-assessment (10 question quiz) for data to see if the students are progressing with the material as expected and see if remediation is needed. Then have students do a lab activity about replication, transcription and translation using this website: Finally have a class discussion about the central dogma= DNA- RNA –Proteins. Day 4 Do a transcription, translation worksheet and take up for a grade. Have students take the packet of work from the pre-assessment and do remediation as needed on an individual student basis as indicated by the quiz from day 3. Day 5 Have the students do DNA-RNA- Protein lab. Have the students use the DNA-RNA- Protein sequences to send messages to their friends. Day 6 Have student fill out a concept map about DNA, RNA and proteins. Have the student answer the essential question after finishing the concept map. Finish the day with a jeopardy game on the smart board Day 7 Review Test Prerequisite Skills Computer skills Research skills Differentiated Instruction Have the students appointed to a specific task in the group to ensure that the confusion is to a minimum. Provide labs and worksheets that are clear and not overly crowded.