Group Presentation Assignment * Mythology Fall 2004


ENGL481 Group Presentation Assignment

This assignment counts as 20% of your final grade.

ASSIGNMENT – o o o o o

One of the goals of this course is to introduce you to a smattering of the large body of texts composed by northern Europeans in Old and Middle English during the Middle Ages (approx. 800-1500).

Additionally I want you to track these documents, ideas, and cultural concepts to our contemporary late twenty and early twenty-first century culture. Often what we believe we know about the Middle Ages is a result of medievalism, the incorporation and adaptation of these early texts to serve the needs, interests, and cultural context of another society.

To increase our understanding of how medieval texts and culture has shaped and influenced our contemporary world and worldview, each group will present contemporary artifacts of medievalism-films, images, stories, commercials, games—that illustrate this incorporation of medieval themes into our popular culture. Each group will provide this information in a creative and informative presentation that last about 15-20 minutes.

Use as much of your individual and group creativity as possible when preparing this presentation. Use the individual talents of your group. If you are artists, draw; if you are actors, act; if you are filmmakers, make a video; if you are gamers, play a game.

I prefer that you use power point as an addition rather than

the feature of your presentation. However remember that you are providing a learning experience for the class, so make your presentations clear and informative.

Plan to visit with me either in my office or after class, a week

before your presentation, so that we can discuss the information you are presenting and your plan/handout, etc.

Turn in the following documents as a group on the day of your

presentation. Fold your team evaluations to preserve confidentiality, and then place all team documents as well as a copy of your visual presentation, if available, in a group folder or envelope.

 Each team member student will turn in a statement and evaluation of your individual contribution to the group, and confidential evaluations of your team members.

(These forms are available on the class blog.)


 A group bibliography of your sources formatted in MLA style.

 A copy of your handout and e-copy of your presentation materials if possible.

The formal presentation will count as 60% of your grade, and your individual contribution will count 40%.


To expand and understand the relevance of these texts written centuries ago to our everyday world. To expand our ideas and open our eyes to the medievalisms that permeate our culture and to consider why they are still a part of our western cultural consciousness. o

To encourage collaboration between group members to produce an exemplary presentation.

 PROCEDURE o You will need to be selective in order to keep your presentation to the time limit. A 20-min clip from a film will not fulfill the assignment. In addition to providing a short clip or images or some other contemporary artifact that relates to your medieval text, explain how you chose this particular artifact(s) and why you believe they are representative of medievalism. o

Today, groups will meet Monday to exchange information and survey your group’s talents, ideas, etc. Each group should choose a chairperson and a secretary to help coordinate the various aspects of the project. I’ll set up a post on the blog were you can post this information – group members and officers.


Start thinking now about allusions/adaptations of medieval themes in pop culture. Make a folder, or bookmark ideas as they come up. Even if you are not scheduled to present until near semester’s end, go ahead and start thinking. Don’t wait until the last minute and try to throw something together. Your grade and the class will suffer. o I expect your team to contact me with any problems, questions, or, especially, any difficulties among your group members. It is not my intention for one or two people to do all the work. If a group member is not participating or if a group member takes over, please contact

me immediately.

 PRESENTATION o Although your team may decide to divide the project up along topic lines, the individual topics should be combined into one seamless



Create a visual aid--electronic (PPT or video), material (model, costume, diorama), role playing, puppets, etc. Group members have used television-based ideas such as “The Tonight Show,” “Entertainment

Tonight,” “Nightly News,” “The Bachelor,” “Behind the Music,” etc. to present their topics. I’m sure you can come up with unique and creative ideas for your group. o In the process of creating your presentation, be careful to include

basic information about your topic. Occasionally groups get so caught up in the creativity of their presentation that they lose sight of the purpose and neglect to provide the necessary information to the class. o All group members take an active role in the presentation rather than limiting the speakers/presenters to one or two members.

 Please provide a 1-2 page handout for each student in the class.

Do not simply print out your electronic presentation but create an informative outline or list of important information.

 The handout should provide the basic information about your topic and the ways you have seen it incorporated or presented in our culture today.


The Grading Rubric will be posted on Class Blog and will provide specific presentation expectations. I will grade each person individually and base the grade on his or her oral presentation, associated visual aids and written evaluations. The person who puts together the PPT or posters for the presentation will of course receive more credit than the person who shows up and reads a script someone else wrote, while wearing a costume someone put together for him or her. o

A bullet-point power point or transparency presentation simply read aloud by a student will not receive an A, and as I mentioned before, a clip without context and analysis will also not receive a grade higher than C. Instead incorporate your information into a whole presentation that includes a well-planned “explanation of how/why the idea has remained or been changed in our culture. I want you to be familiar enough with your information to ‘tell’ without reading your notes.

o I am looking for accurate, detailed information presented in a creative venue. The group presentations have become a highlight of my literature classes, highly anticipated by class members as they wait to see what the next group will do or say—or bring to eat


o o

Currently we have 24 students plus the professor, so you’ll need to make 25 copies of the handout.

Previous students have created newsletters, newspapers, magazines, scrolls, children’s activity books, menus, etc.

 INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTION o Summarize your part of the presentation in a paragraph. o o o o o

Include a statement of your individual responsibilities. Don’t be modest. If you put together the PPT, say so. If you found and downloaded all the pictures for your group or read six different children’s books or watched four movies, trying to find just the right one to illustrate your (or another group member’s) topic, say so.

Include a personal evaluation of your contribution to the group project (form on Class Blog.)

Explain what you learned from this project.

Attach your speaking notes, outline, and your individual contribution to the handout and visual aid. (I will return these.)

Provide an annotated bibliography of at least three sources using

MLA or APA format. (One for each group) o Hand in evaluations of each of your team members or folded over and stapled shut to ensure confidentiality. (Evaluation forms are available on the class blog.) Be honest. If your team worked well together, say so. If there were problems, explain. Sometimes one or two members end up doing most of the work. If this happened, explain who did the work and why.) Were you unable to participate because someone else took over the group and did all the work his or herself? Say so. I cannot grade appropriately without specific feedback from the group members. o I expect group members to treat one another courteously and kindly. Any inappropriate or abusive behavior toward other group members, verbally or written, will result in severe grade penalty for the person behaving inappropriately. If you have personality conflicts within the group, solve them like adults or bring them to me.

 PRESENTATION PACKET – Due day of presentation o

Place in pocket folder or large envelope:

Electronic copy of presentation – flash drive, e-mail, CD or

DVD. Indicate if you want CD or DVD returned

Copy of presentation notes, outline for each team member

Copy of class handout

Individual contribution statement and paragraph

Individual annotated bibliography

Individual personal evaluation
