American Government & Law Michael Thurston Room 131 UNIT ONE: THE PHILOSOPHICAL AND HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS OF AMERICAN GOVERNMENT & LAW CHARTING THE UNIT Utility & Jeremy Bentham Natural Rights Philosophy & John Locke Immanuel Kant’s answer to Bentham & Locke Influences on the Constitution Why the Articles of Confederation Suck The Framers and the Framing The National Debate Ancient World (Aristotle) England Colonies Declaration of Independence State Constitutions The Federalist Papers!! Ratification THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government,…” NATURAL RIGHTS PHILOSOPHY John Locke “State of Nature” The scenario: Six questions – EXPLAIN each answer! 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Upon arrival would there be any government or laws? Would anyone have the right to govern? Would you have any rights? If so, what? What might stronger or smarter people try to do? What would the weaker or lesssmart try to do? What would life be like? JAMES MADISON “If men were angels there would be no need of government.” IMMANUEL KANT (1724-1804) The Critique of Pure Reason The Metaphysics of Morals Rejects both Bentham and Locke All people have dignity All people are capable of reason and choosing freely the right thing to do. IMMANUEL KANT Bentham was half right Pleasure and pain are NOT our masters Kant is more concerned with freedom and morality What is freedom? Do what ever you want? Libertarian viewpoint The Netherlands IMMANUEL KANT Are you choosing freely? Are you a slave to your desires? Are you choosing for the right reasons? Are you acting out of your own reason? KANT’S CONCEPTION OF FREEDOM To act freely = to act autonomously To act according to a law I give myself Opposite = heteronomy Acting according to desires NOT chosen by me To act freely is not to choose the best means to an end, but rather to choose the end for its own sake IMMANUEL KANT KANT’S CONCEPTION OF MORALITY Morality lies not in the consequences or even in the results – but in the motive Do the right thing for the right reason The only motive that matters = DUTY Opposite of duty = inclination DUTY VS. INCLINATION 1) Shopkeeper 2) Better Business Bureau 3) Cheating at Winslow High School ACCORDING TO KANT… You are truly free ONLY if: Duty > Inclination INFLUENCES ON THE CONSTITUTION * European Philosophy State Constitutions Classical Republicanism WHAT IS A CONSTITUTION? Simple definition: A set of customs, traditions, rules, and laws that sets forth the basic way a govt. is organized and operated. Using this definition…every nation has a constitution What can you find out by reading one? Having a constitution does NOT mean a nation has a constitutional government Higher power must be obeyed by ALL – including those in power CHARACTERISTICS OF A CONSTITUTION – ACCORDING TO THE FOUNDERS Natural Rights Protection of rights Private domain Difficult to change Federalism LIMITED So…rights protected by limiting government & distribution of power (organizational protection) “Give all the power to the many, they will oppress the few. Give all the power to the few, they will oppress the many.” “There are two passions which have a powerful influence on the affairs of men. These are ambition and avarice; the love of power and the love of money.” Alexander Hamilton Ben Franklin From the nature of man, we may be sure that those who have power in their hands…will always, when they can…increase it.” George Mason Michael Thurston Winslow High School WRITING PAPERS PROCESS Paper assigned Reading / gathering info Outline & pre-write Write & rewrite! Use the week! Finalize & turn in…on time BASICS Don’t use ‘I’ White paper…TNR…size 12 Impress me with insight, not special effects MLA format, citing sources within the text THE SET-UP Decide on thesis first, then build around it Structure: Introduction Lead-in Underlined thesis Methods of proof sentence SET-UP Structure Body Explanation of methods Your insights! Prove your understanding Be cogent Refute other side if appropriate Conclusion THESIS & METHODS Thesis: a single provable statement. Methods: The ammunition to prove my thesis Example: John F. Kennedy’s religion played no role in the Election of 1960. The “Delaware press conference”, the West Virginia primary, and final vote count according to religious affiliation show this to be the case. HAPPY CONSTITUTION DAY!!!!! ARISTOTLE & TELOS CLASSICAL REPUBLICANISM Civic virtue Moral education Small uniform communities Shared experience Today? COLONIES STATES Ancient world…England…Enlighte nment…Colonies…Declar ation of Independence… New states = “state of nature” After the Revolution states create their own constitutions NEW STATE CONSTITUTIONS Six Common Basic Ideas: 1. Higher law & natural rights (and declarations of other rights - VA) 2. Social contract 3. Popular sovereignty 4. Representation & the right to vote 5. Legislative supremacy 6. Checks & balances Massachusetts is a little different THE ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION A STUDY OF FAILURE If the Founders were so bright… Two problems influenced the document: 1. 2. Fear of a strong national government Fear that some states would dominate others THE WAKE UP CALL Shay’s Rebellion SAY SOMETHING NICE What were the achievements?? 1. 2. 3. 4. TIME FOR A CHANGE Winning a revolution European diplomacy Northwest ordinance Public education THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION 55 delegates George Washington James Madison George Mason Alexander Hamilton Ben Franklin James Wilson Who was not there? THE VIRGINIA PLAN Madison made sure it was the basis for discussions at the Convention Major recommendations: Federal system 3 branches Bicameral legislature MUCH more powerful central government THE NEW JERSEY PLAN William Paterson Legislature with increased powers Executive & judicial branches THE CONSTITUTION IS WRITTEN…NOW IT HAS TO BE RATIFIED Very different = some real fear Examples: Ben Franklin George Mason Federalists Anti-Federalists THE ANTI-FEDERALIST POSITION Should have been open to the public Undermines a republican form of government Central govt. = too powerful “necessary & proper” clause An army during peace time???? NO BILL OF RIGHTS!?!?!? THE FEDERALIST POSITION Most change in government = by accident or force…ours = reflection and choice Good government = effective government THE FEDERALIST PAPERS James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay 85 Essays Publius Valerius writing to Solon 1-14: Argument for Union 15-22: Defects of Articles 23-36: Need for strong govt. 37-51: General characteristics 52-83: Branches 84 & 85: Conclusion YOUR FEDERALIST POSTER MUST INCLUDE: One image that captures the theme. A slogan that does the same. 5 quotes that you can explain. Federalist 39: The Conformity of the Plan to Republican Principles This Constitution conforms to the standard of our ancient heroes! “The proposed Constitution, therefore, even when tested by the rules laid down by its antagonists, is, in strictness, neither a national nor a federal Constitution, but a composition of both.”