Art Lesson plans Specific SOL: See below Focus Review PreAssessment: Kindergarten Guided Practice: Discuss using finger prints to make a picture Students will create a picture using prints of their finger tips to create carious insects such as a caterpillar and then create a nature habituate for the insedct to live in. Objective The student will be able to: Create a picture using prints of their fingers Independent Activity: The students will produce a project on their own following the directions given for the assignment. Evaluation/ Assessment Homework Students for Enrichment or Support Completed project. Oral quizzing and questioning Evaluating artwork Direct observation while students are working Students can expand their drawings by adding detail. Instructional Strategies Activating prior knowledge Identifying similarities/ difference Summarizing and note taking Reinforcing effort/providing recognition Homework and practice Nonlinguistic representations Cooperative learning Setting objectives/providing feedback Generating and testing hypotheses Cues, questions, advance organizers Differentiation Structured small groups Other ___________________ English SOL Social Math Science Studies SOL SOL SOL K.1 The student will create works of art that represent personal solutions to art problems. K.2 The student will demonstrate self-expression through creation of works of art. K.2 K.11 K.3.3 The student will identify and use line and line characteristics—straight/curved, thick/thin, long/short, vertical/horizontal, and diagonal; K.3.4 The student will identify and use shape—circle, square, triangle, rectangle, and oval K.4 K.11 K.11 K.5 The student will make a work of art that depicts a specific animal or plant. K.8 K.8 The student will identify spatial relationships—left, right, top, bottom, side, center, front, back, over, and under. K.11 The student will demonstrate motor skills in painting, pasting, gluing, folding, cutting, modeling, printing, and stamping. K.12 K.11 K.12 The student will identify people who make art as artists (e.g., painters, sculptors, printmakers, architects, graphic designers). K.13 The student will identify the purposes for creating works of art. K.1,K.2 K.6 K.8 Art Lesson plans Specific SOL: See below, Focus Review PreAssessment: Fifth Grade Guided Practice: Objective Student will create a landscape painting using single point perspectiv e Independent Activity: Evaluation/ Assessment Homework Show examples of Renaissance artwork exhibiting linear perspective. Ask students what is the common denominator between these works, are they painted abstract or realistically, what makes them appear realistic? Do they show depth? Define linear perspective and explain how it was created by Renaissance artists who were hoping to achieve more realism in their painting. Go over the definitions involved - horizon line, vanishing point, convergence lines, etc. Fold paper in half length wise and then fold from corner to corner diagonally in both directions Have students work lightly at first draw in the horizon line and the vanishing point and the diagonals. Have students create a street in the center of the paper and then draw buildings non one side of the street using the diagonals and the rulers and on the other side they can draw trees or street light using the diagonals . Trace over all the lines with permanent marker a Then paint using water colors Students will create a work of art depicting a person a tree and a house Completed project. Oral quizzing and questioning Evaluating artwork Direct observation while students are working Students can expand their drawings by adding detail. Students for Enrichment or Support Instructional Strategies Activating prior knowledge Identifying similarities/ difference Summarizing and note taking Reinforcing effort/providing recognition Homework and practice Nonlinguistic representations Cooperative learning Setting objectives/providing feedback Generating and testing hypotheses Cues, questions, advance organizers Differentiation Structured small groups Other ___________________ Visual Arts SOL En g. 5.1 The student will synthesize information to produce works of art. 5.7 5.5 The student will use the principles of design, including proportion, rhythm, balance, emphasis, variety, contrast, and unity, to express ideas and create images. Soc.S ci. Math Sci. USI.3 5.6 The student will develop ideas for works of art by brainstorming, conducting research, and making preliminary sketches. 5.6 5.10 The student will use linear perspective in a work of art 5.13 5.11 The student will emphasize spatial relationships in works of art. 5.15 5.12 The student will express ideas through artistic choices of media, techniques, and subject matter. 5.8 5.17 The student will describe and discuss various commercial art careers (e.g., product designer, fashion designer, graphic artist, and photographer). 5.8 Art Lesson plans Specific SOL: See below Focus Review PreAssessment: Second Grade Guided Practice: Discuss forms and how they are different from shapes. Have students draw an oval Then two straight lines down the sides, then an oval at the bottom similar to the oval at the top. Have students draw in a straw showing how light is refracted through water. And using a cone create a drink umbrella. draw a cube next to the glass as an ice cube melting. Draw a sphere and explain how the three dimensional effect can only be achieved by shading. Draw a line across the paper to create a table. Draw a pyramid in the back ground discuss size relationships when drawing in more details. Objective Students will create a picture usuing forms placed together Independent Activity: Evaluation/ Assessment Homework Students for Enrichment or Support The students will produce a project on their own following the directions given for the assignment. Completed project. Oral quizzing and questioning Evaluating artwork Direct observation while students are working Students can expand their drawings by adding detail. Instructional Strategies Activating prior knowledge Identifying similarities/ difference Summarizing and note taking Reinforcing effort/providing recognition Homework and practice Nonlinguistic representations Cooperative learning Setting objectives/providing feedback Generating and testing hypotheses Cues, questions, advance organizers Differentiation Structured small groups Other ___________________ Visual Arts SOL English SOL Social Math Science Science SOL SOL SOL 2.1 The student will investigate various solutions to a single visual arts problem. 2.21 2.2 The student will incorporate unanticipated results of art-making into works of art. 2.3 The student will use literary sources to generate ideas for works of art. 2.1 2.7 2.4.2 The student will identify and use shapes—geometric and organic 2.22 2.5 The student will use environmental themes and historical events as inspiration for works of art. 2.2 2.9 The student will identify and use a variety of sources for art ideas, including nature, people, images, imagination, and resource materials. 2.1 2.10 The student will create a three-dimensional work of art, using a variety of materials. 2.12 The student will recognize the careers related to the media they have studied. 2.20 2.11 2.13 The student will compare the art, artifacts, and architecture of other cultures with that of their own culture. 2.1 2.15 The student will identify art from other cultures, including Ancient Egypt, Ancient China, and American Indians (First Americans). 2.2 2.19 The student will interpret ideas and feelings expressed in personal and others’ works of art. 2.11 Art Lesson plans Specific SOL: See Below Review painting procedures and introduce watercolor resist techniques. Focus Review PreAssessment: Fourth Grade Guided Practice: Objective The student will be able to: Produce a resist painting depicting an animal in its environme nt Independent Activity: Evaluation/ Assessment Homework Students for Enrichment or Support Will do a step by step iguana Student will create a individual setting for their iguana and then go over the iguana with sharpie markers. The students will then paint in their drawing with water based paint. The student will be able to: Produce a paper cut out painting depicting a silhouetted landscape at sunset. Completed project. Oral quizzing and questioning Evaluating artwork Direct observation while students are working Students can expand their drawings by adding detail. Instructional Strategies Activating prior knowledge Identifying similarities/ difference Summarizing and note taking Reinforcing effort/providing recognition Homework and practice Nonlinguistic representations Cooperative learning Setting objectives/providing feedback Generating and testing hypotheses Cues, questions, advance organizers Differentiation Structured small groups Other ___________________ Visual Arts SOL English SOL 4.1 The student will research and generate ideas for creating works of art, using discussion. 4.1 4.3 The student will create a work of art that uses themes, ideas, and art forms from the past. Social Math Science Science SOL SOL SOL VS.1 4.4 The student will identify and use the characteristics of color, including hue, tint, shade, and intensity. 4.1 4.8 The student will identify positive and negative space in works of art. 4.2 4.12 The student will compare and contrast abstract and realistic works of art. 4.1 4.18 The student will analyze works of art based on visual properties. 4.2 4.19 The student will compare and contrast abstract, representational, and nonrepresentational works of art. 4.21 4.21 The student will support the selection of a work of art, using appropriate art vocabulary. 4.6 4.24 The student will discuss how personal beliefs influence responses to works of art. 4.1 4.25 The student will formulate questions about works of art. 4.6 4.26 The student will select a preferred work of art from among others and defend the choice, using appropriate art vocabulary. 4.2 Art Lesson plans Specific SOL: See Below Focus Review PreAssessment: Discuss mask and their properties. Discuss their roles in various cultures throughout time. discuss how the trunk is thick on the bottom and as the tree grows and gets higher, the branches get small and thinner. I encourage the kids to think of the tree as an upside down “Y”. demonstrate how to add branches with the crayon, concentrating on making the branches narrower as they grow away from the trunk. Next, have the student’s create “bark” by using either the black or brown crayon. Adding the snow. With a small paintbrush, have the students paint big swathes of white paint Guided Practice: across the bottom of the paper, going right over the tree trunk.. Next, have the student’s paint small clumps of “snow” in the pockets of the tree branches. Have students paint something red on their picture. It could be a scarf for a snowman, a red First Grade fox, a cardinal, whatever they want. adding snowflakes. My technique for splatter painting is to use a medium sized brush, dipped in white paint. Then, holding it about 2″ above the painting, tap with a finger. Objective Students will create a winter scenne Independent Activity: The students will produce a project on their own following the directions given for the assignment. Evaluation/ Assessment Homework Completed project. Oral quizzing and questioning Evaluating artwork Direct observation while students are working Students for Enrichment or Support Students can expand their drawings by adding detail. Instructional Strategies Activating prior knowledge Identifying similarities/ difference Summarizing and note taking Reinforcing effort/providing recognition Homework and practice Nonlinguistic representations Cooperative learning Setting objectives/providing feedback Generating and testing hypotheses Cues, questions, advance organizers Differentiation Structured small groups Other __________________ Visual Arts SOL 1.1 The student will recognize and discuss various solutions to a single art problem. English SOL Social Math Science Science SOL SOL SOL 1.11 1.3.4 The student will identify and use shape—geometric and organic 1.16 1.5 The student will create art from real and imaginary sources of inspiration. 1.2 1.6 The student will use past experiences and simulated situations as subject matter in works of art. 1.1 1.7 The student will demonstrate the ability to recognize size relationships. 1.19 1.8 The student will develop eye/hand coordination by drawing and constructing. 1.16 1.10 The student will demonstrate motor skills by weaving, tearing, and folding. 1.6 1.11 The student will recognize and describe how art is an integral part of one’s own culture. 1.13 The student will identify American cultural symbols and events depicted in art. 1.12 1.2 Art Lesson plans Specific SOL: See below Focus Review PreAssessment: Third Grade Guided Practice: Objective Students will fold cut and glue paper into a visual represent ation of a mask Independent Activity: Discuss mask and their properties. Discuss their roles in various cultures throughout time. Students fold a piece of construction paper and cut out a half of a circle. This will be the base for their mask. Students will cut out various shapes to represent the facial features of their mask and attach them in the appropriate places. Student will use at least two colors for each feature making one slightly smaller than the other to create contrast and interest. The studnt mask will also contain three d aspects. Students will name and identify their mask representation. Students will complete their project in the allotted time frame following the directions in the guided practice Evaluation/ Assessment Homework Students for Enrichment or Support Completed project. Oral quizzing and questioning Evaluating artwork Direct observation while students are working Students can expand their drawings by adding detail. Instructional Strategies Activating prior knowledge Identifying similarities/ difference Summarizing and note taking Reinforcing effort/providing recognition Homework and practice Nonlinguistic representations Cooperative learning Setting objectives/providing feedback Generating and testing hypotheses Cues, questions, advance organizers Differentiation Structured small groups Other ___________________ Visual Arts SOL Eng. Soc.Sci. Math 3.1 The student will identify innovative solutions used by artists to solve visual problems. 3.2 The student will use various art processes and techniques to produce works of art that demonstrate craftsmanship. 3.3 3.9 3.4.3 The student will identify and use positive and negative space; 3.4.4 The student will identify and use balance—symmetry and asymmetry; 3.20 3.4.5 The student will identify and use pattern—extend the sequential structure, using motifs 3.24 3.5 The student will compare, contrast, and use organic and geometric shapes in works of art. 3.18 3.12 The student will identify and discuss common characteristics in various art careers (e.g., painter, sculptor, illustrator, visual art teacher). Sci. 3.8