Final Exam REVIEW ppt

Ms. Amorin
Grade 12
English 4
Format of Final Exam
 Poem: multiple choice questions, open ended
question response
 Multiple choice questions from
content/lessons covered in class (many are
“play” related)
 Résumé format questions (multiple choice)
 Works Cited format (MLA)
 Part 1- POETRY
 Reading and analyzing poetry
 Consider the “Elements of Poetry” from
previous class notes:
 Subject
 Narrator
 Diction
 Tone
 Rhythmical devices
 Literary devices
 Values/ Theme
Literary Terms
 Simile- compare two seemingly unalike
nouns using the words "like" or "as".
 Onomatopoeia- spelling out a sound
 Alliteration- repetition of initial consonant
 Metaphor- compare two seemingly unalike
nouns without "like" or "as".
Literary Terms
 Symbol- An object or idea that represents
something with significance.
 Personification giving human-like qualities to an
object or idea.
 Theme-the author's central purpose; message to
audience which exemplifies a lesson
 Hyperbole- is an extreme exaggeration used for
humor or to make a point.
Part 2:
Open- Ended Question
Thoroughly answer open-ended questions using specific
examples and “quotes” from reading selection or lines in
poetry as supportive evidence. Keep the following tips in
R- Re-state the stem in your own words (include
author and “title” of reading selection)
 A- Answer all the bullet questions (one paragraph
for each bullet written in complete sentences)
 C- Cite information (use supporting details from the
reading selection to support response; include
“quotes” from reading)
 E- Edit and end response. Sum up ideas or draw a
connection at the end (relating new to known)
Model Open-Ended (format)
 STEM- (re-state in own words; include Title and author)
 “Quantity, Not Quality” examines the misuse/ overuse of technological
advances. Therefore, the “gift” the father
 had given his daughter was not as helpful as he had expected it to be.
 Bullet QUESTIONS (answer in complete sentences; one paragraph for each
bullet. Include specific examples from selection and “quotes” as
supportive evidence)
 What is the “gift” the author says her father gave his children?
Why does the author see her father’s actions as a gift?
Add a closing (Either wrap up main points from bullet questions or draw a
connection (relating new to known)
Part 3:
Literary terms READING*
 Existentialism- philosophy that emphasizes
personal responsibility and an indifferent
world (the idea of “existence”- one’s worth)
 Ex.) The Stranger or Hamlet
 Protagonist- main character (“good guy”) who
has a character flaw that ruins/ defects their
character/ reputation
 Ex.) Othello
 Antagonist- “bad guy” who works against the
protagonist- (opposes the protagonist)
 Ex.) Iago or King Claudius
Literary terms READING* cont...
 FOIL- Characters that share several
similarities yet one character
contrasts from the other character
based on a specific character trait
 Ex.) Hamlet/ Fortinbras
 Soliloquy- when a character reveals
their inner thoughts, feelings, and
intentions to a silent audience
 Ex.) Iago in Othello
Elements of a Play*
(keep Shakespeare plays in mind)
 Exposition- the background information
in a literary piece (time, location, setting,
 Exciting force- is the moment that
follows the introduction of a drama and
initiates the rising action; reveals the
essence of the plot
Ex.) In Hamlet, the exciting cause is the Ghost's announcement
of his murder to Hamlet, followed by a command to take
revenge; the exciting force is Hamlet's resolution to avenge his
father's murder.
Elements of a Play*
(keep Shakespeare plays in mind)
 Climax- a decisive moment that is of maximum
intensity or is a major turning point in a plot.
 Falling action- the part of a literary plot that
occurs after the climax has been reached and
the conflict has been resolved.
Ex.) In Othello, the truth about Iago’s villainy is exposed by
Emilia when she understands the symbolism behind what the
handkerchief was used for.
 Resolution- the conclusion; the end result;
the lesson to be learned
Elements of a Play*
(keep Shakespeare plays in mind)
 IRONY- The use of words to express something different from and often
opposite to their literal meaning; contradiction
 Situational irony- irony involving a situation in which actions have an
effect that is opposite from what was intended, so that the outcome is
contrary to what was expected.
 Verbal irony- a person says or writes one thing and means another, or
uses words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of the literal
 *Dramatic irony- when the words and actions of the characters of a work
of literature have a different meaning for the reader than they do for the
 Ex.) Prince Hamlet insults Polonius indirectly (rat- weasel); the
reader understands the idea that is being conveyed, but the
character does not
 Ex.) Prince Hamlet “acting mad” throws off characters; the reader
knows this but other characters do not
Tragic hero
 A tragic hero is a heroic main character
(protagonist) of a tragedy whose life is brought
to ruin due to a character flaw.
 A character flaw is an admirable quality that
turns into an imperfection. When “used”
inappropriately, it can lead to the downfall of
both the main character and others in his/ her
ex.) loyalty, trust, jealousy, love, etc…
William Shakespeare
 Born and died on same day- April 23
 Known as best English writer in history
(plays and poems)
 Recognized for works such as Hamlet,
Othello, Taming of the Shrew, and
Romeo and Juliet
 Wrote his works in the Elizabethan time
Part 4:
Writing a Résumé
 Look over notes and models given in class
(*different components for different sections)
 See “RÉSUMÉ” Power Point on E-Board from
class lessons
 Critical components of a résumé include:
Work Experience*
MLA Citations
 What does MLA stand for?
Modern Language Association
 How does one properly cite research/ quotes,
statistics, etc… using an in-text citation??
Ex.)_____________ (Martell 4).
 (Author’s last name and pg 3 in parenthesispunctuation after citation)***
OR Ex.)_______________ (College Life 21).
 (Title of article- italicized or in “quotes” if author
is unavailable with pg. #)
 Website article Model
 Author’s last name, First. “Title of Article.” Title of Website
Copyright date. Date of visitation to website.
<web address>
 Ex.)
Lawson, Katie. “January is Volunteer Blood
Donor Month.” American Red Cross 24
Jan. 2006. 13 March 2011.
 Book Model
 Author’s last name, First. Title of Book. Location
of Publication: Publisher, Copyright date.
 Garcia, Maria. The Truth Behind Columbus’s
Voyage. Brooklyn, New York; Marcellus
Enterprises, 2010.
(50 points)
 Review NOTES/ quizzes, class
assignments on:
 Hamlet*
 Othello*
 And short stories from Textbook Units
(Review- characters, setting, plot,
conflict, climax, falling action, tragedy)
Format of Final Exam
 Poem: multiple choice questions, open ended
question response
 Multiple choice questions from
content/lessons covered in class (many are
“play” related)
 Résumé format questions (multiple choice)
 Works Cited format (MLA)
Best Wishes in the future! Work hard
and be motivated to succeed!
Fortune Favors the Bold! CHS