EE599-2 Audio Signals and Systems Noise Kevin D. Donohue Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Kentucky Quantization Noise Signal amplitudes take on a continuum of values. A discrete signal must be digitized (mapped to a finite set of values) to be stored and process on a computer/DSP Analog Signal Discrete-time Signal Digital Signal Coder Quantizer xa (nT ) xˆ (n) xˆ (nT ) 11 10 01 00 Quantization Noise Signal amplitudes take on a continuum of values. A discrete signal must be digitized (mapped to a finite set of values) to be stored and process on a computer/DSP Analog Signal Discrete-time Signal Digital Signal Coder Quantizer xa (nT ) xˆ (n) xˆ (nT ) 11 10 01 00 Quantization Error and Noise xa (t ) Analog xa (nT ) ˆ Discrete x(nT ) Digital Quantization has the same effects as adding noise to the signal: q (nT ) xa (nT ) xˆ (nT ) xa (nT ) q (nT ) xˆ (nT ) Intervals between quantization levels are proportional to the resulting quantization noise. For uniform quantization, the interval between signal levels is the maximum signal amplitude value divided by the number of quantization intervals. 11 10 01 00 Quantization Noise Original CD clip Tell Me Ma - with 6 bit quantization 0 -20 -40 Quantization Noise Energy -60 dB quantized at 16 bits (blue) -80 -100 and quantized at 6 bits (red) -120 -140 1 10 2 10 3 10 Hertz 4 10 5 10 Quantization Noise Analysis • Assume q (n) is a uniformly distributed (amplitude), white, stationary process that is uncorrelated with the signal • Show that the signal to quantization noise ratio for a full-swing range (FSR) sinusoid, quantized with B bit words is approximately: SNR q 6 B 1.8 dB Room Noise For noise generated inside a room will have a frequency dependent propagation, absorption and refection. Thus the room will have a filtering effect on the sound. Sound impinging on surfaces in the room will be absorbed, reflected, or diffused. Absorption Heat Transmission Direct Sound Reflection Specular Reflected Sound Diffusion Direct Sound Diffuse Scattered Sound Direct Sound Reflection Absorption Effects Reflected and reverberant sounds can become distractions and annoyances. The use of absorbers on reflective surfaces can cut down the reverberation effects in rooms. The model for a signal received at a point in space from many N reflections is given as: r (t ) n s (t n ) n 1 where n is scaling that represents the attenuation of each reflected signal due to propagation through the air and absorption at each reflected interface and n is the time delay associated with the travel path from the source to the receiver. The signal in the frequency domain is given by: N n exp( j 2f n ) R( f ) S ( f ) n 1 Reverberant Sound Travel RF1 EF1 EF2 S D L RF2 EF3 EF4 RF3 The near or direct field (D) The free or early field (EF1 and EF2) The reverberant or diffuse field (RF1 to RF3) Decay of Reverberant Sound Field Sound Level Direct Sound Reverberation 60 dB Time Initial Time Delay Gap Reverberation Time The time it takes for the reverberant sound field to decay by 60dB has become a standard way to characterize room acoustics. Room Reverberation Time For a space with many randomly distributed reflectors (typically large rooms) reverberation time (RT60 ) is defined as the amount of time for the sound pressure in a room to decrease by 60 dB from its maximum. The time is statistically predicted from the room features with the Sabine equation: RT 60( f ) .161 V N S a ( f ) 4m( f )V i i i 1 where V is the volume of the room in cubic meters Si is the surface area of the ith surface in room (in square meters) ai is the absorption coefficient of ith surface m is the absorption coefficient of air. Discuss: The relationship between absorption, volume, and RT. Room Response to White Noise Input Data collected and spectrogram computed by H.L. Fournier Note frequency dependence on of decay time. Example Given the simulated reverb signal compute the RT60. Find the autocorrelation function and try to estimate the delays associated with the major scatterers. % Create reverb signal [y,fs] = wavread('clap.wav'); % Read in Clap sound % Compute autocorrelation function of envelop and look for peaks % to indicate delay of major echoes % Apply simulated reverb signal maxlag = fix(fs*.5); yout1 = mrevera(y,fs,[30 44 121]*1e-3,[.6 .8 .6]); [ac, lags] = xcorr(env-mean(env), maxlag); taxis = [0:length(yout1)-1]/fs; figure(2) % Compute envelope of signal plot(lags/fs,ac) env = abs(hilbert(yout1)); xlabel('seconds') figure(1) ylabel('AC coefficient') plot(taxis,20*log10(env+eps)) % Plot Power over time % Compute autocorrelation function of raw and look for peaks to hold on % indicate delay of major echoes % Create Line at 60 dB below max point and look for intersection point [ac, lags] = xcorr(yout1, maxlag); mp = max(20*log10(env+eps)); plot(lags/fs,ac) mp = mp(1); xlabel('seconds') dt = mp-60; ylabel('AC coefficient') plot(taxis,dt*ones(size(taxis)),'r'); hold off; xlabel('Seconds') ylabel('dB'); title('Envelope of Room Impulse Response') figure(3) Room Modes The air in a (small) rectangular room has natural modes of vibration given by: 2 2 c p q r f 2 L W H 2 where c is the speed of sound in the room p, h, and r are integers 0,1,2, …., and L, W, and H are the length, width, and height of the room.