abortion the removal of a foetus from the womb before it can survive assisted suicide providing a seriously ill person with the means to commit suicide euthanasia the painless killing of someone dying from a painful disease immortality of the soul the idea that the soul lives on after the death of the body near-death experience when someone about to die has an out of body experience non-voluntary euthanasia ending someone’s life painlessly when they are unable to ask, but you have good reason for thinking they would want you to do so paranormal unexplained things which are thought to have spiritual causes eg ghosts, mediums quality of life the idea that life must have some benefits for it to be worth living reincarnation the belief that, after death, souls are reborn in a new body resurrection the belief that, after death, the body stays in the grave until the end of the world when it is raised sanctity of life the belief that life is holy and belongs to God voluntary euthanasia ending life painlessly when someone in great pain asks for death Controversial things that people argue over Matters of Life and Death Part 1 - Sanctity of Life All Christians agree life is sacred or holy because: Given by God (Gift) People made in God’s image Jesus became human Means human life special Thou shall not kill (6th commandment) Euthanasia (an easy, gentle death) Voluntary – when someone requests it Assisted Suicide – when a seriously ill person is GIVEN THE MEANS to take their own life ALL CHRISTIANS ARE AGAINST IT BECAUSE: Sanctity of Life arguments Only God can give and take life Doctors should save life Take better care of dying Hospices: doctors trained to ease suffering But… MANY Christians say it’s okay to Switch off life support machines when patients are brain dead (PVS) – called nonvoluntary Euthanasia because they can’t request it. God has already taken the life of brain-dead patients Give life shortening drugs to relieve pain Not perform expensive operations to extend life (not strive to keep alive) SOME Christians say it is wrong to Switch off life support machines as only God can take life. 1967 Abortion Act: 2 doctors must agree: Abortion -mother’s mental or physical health may be affected -or the baby may be born severely disabled 1990 Act: Illegal after 24 weeks unless the mother’s life at risk or the baby. Roman Catholics It’s wrong (Sanctity of Life arguments) Life begins at conception Murder (6th commandment = Thou shall not kill) POPE says it’s a sin (against God’s will) Liberal Protestants It is undesirable, but allowable Lesser of two evils Christ said ‘Love your neighbour’ Remove suffering Life doesn’t begin at conception (viability?) NON-RELIGIOUS ARGUMENTS FOR AND AGAINST ABORTION Woman’s right to choose Foetus part of woman’s body Back street abortions Adoption alternative Women can suffer later The foetus has a right to life. Part 2 - Life after death The mind/soul is separate from the body Religions all teach there’s LAD (Life After Death) Paranormal (unexplained things like ghosts, mediums and near-death experiences) God and the Bible (if you believe in them you’ll probably believe in LAD Death means the end so LAD’s a contradiction The mind/soul is just a part of the brain when the body dies no part of us lives on No scientific proof of the paranormal No evidence of a spiritual world Holy books and religion contradict each other All Christians think the soul is immortal and lives on after Death. The resurrection of Jesus proves there is LAD Why do Christians believe in life after death? (LAD) Evidence of the Paranormal (ghosts, NDE, Mediums etc) The Bible talks about Heaven, Hell and Judgement Day. The Christian Church and all their leaders say there is LAD. How do beliefs about LAD affect the life of a Christian? Christians believe if they have been faithful Christians they will go to heaven. So Christians will try and live a good life by following the Bible and the teachings of the church. WORSHIP GOD EACH SUNDAY FEED THE HUNGRY LOVE GOD PRAY EVERYDAY OBEY GOD’S COMMANDS & DON’T SIN BEING A GOOD SAMARITAN LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR GIVE TO CHARITIES LIKE CHRISTIAN AID The Causes of World Poverty Natural Disasters Many LEDCs (Less Economically Developed Countries) like BANGLADESH are in areas where there are regular FLOODS, EARTHQUAKES etc Debt Many LEDCs owe massive DEBTS to the BANKS of RICH COUNTRIES for money they borrowed in the PAST for RELIEF and DEVELOPMENT. The interest they pay on these loans could have been spent on development Causes - cont UNFAIR TRADE Many LEDCs survive by growing more PROFITABLE crops like COFFEE and TEA. This farmland cannot then be used to GROW FOOD. WARS LEDCs often suffer from WARS caused by CORRUPT LEADERS or TRIBAL DIVISION. This can create REFUGEES who flee from their homes and need SHELTER and FOOD. How is Christian Aid trying to remove world Poverty? HOW??? SPEAKING OUT Christian Aid CHALLENGES governments to ACT on BEHALF of poor people and campaigns for every poor community to have their basic human rights. Eg. they were involved in the MAKE POVERTY HISTORY campaign DISASTER AND EMERGENCY Christian Aid has a disaster fund to deal with natural Disasters. They give emergency aid eg. Food, blankets, shelter and they raise funding through appeals. How and why Christian Aid is trying to remove world Poverty…(continued) DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES Christian Aid works with over 600 partner groups to help long-term development. Eg. May support small businesses in a country that make water pumps so improving the lives of the makers and buyers of these machines. •Jesus taught that people should help the poor. •The Bible says money should be used to help others. Why is Christian Aid trying to end world poverty? •On the Sermon on the Mount Jesus taught that Christians should share their possessions to help the poor. •The Golden Rule for Christians is to treat other people the way you would like to be treated. If we were poor we’d want help too! How has an issue about matters of life and death been presented in the media? Programme: Reg Crew's Last Day Channel: ITV Issue: Euthanasia Summary of programme: Reg Crew's Last Day was a documentary about Reg Crew a retired factory worker from Liverpool who was suffering from motor neurone disease. The documentary is about how Reg and his family travelled to Switzerland in order to end Reg's life at an assisted suicide clinic ran by Dignitas. How was the issue presented? It gave the viewer understanding and empathy about the issue. It gave arguments for and against euthanasia. It was dealt with in a sensitive way. It raised some religious views about euthanasia. Was the programme fair to religious people and religious beliefs? Yes because… No because… It raised some religious It did not give many religious reasons why euthanasia arguments against is wrong, the presenter euthanasia. Eg. 6th says some say the commandment, Sanctity of life doctor is ‘playing etc. God’ Reg says his life isn’t worth They did not say living any more. Christians anything to offend would disagree with this as religious beliefs they still they would say every life is emphasised the value of sacred so valuable and worth life. (Reg says he’s saving. not tired of life just The doctor says he’s not tired of living) playing God – Christians The issue was dealt with would disagree. sensitively. The documentary was onesided as the aim was to make euthanasia legal in the UK. Should the media be free to criticise religion? No they shouldn’t because… The media could offend religious people. This could lead to protests and violence. Religious views are believed to be from God so the media should not criticise these beliefs. Criticising religion can stir up religious hatred and violence. Yes they should because… Religious leaders use the media to make statements so the media should be able to criticise them. Freedom of expression is a basic human right. Life and death issues are important to everyone. If the media are not able to criticise people wont get the full picture.