World e-Book Library Catalogs and Collections Features

World e-Book Library Catalogs and Collections
• 2,000,000 eBooks full length, unabridged PDF eBooks,
eDocuments, and References, available to you.
• + 23,000 Audio-Books.
• 65,000 Illustrations, Graphics, Maps, and Pictures
• One Search Engine
• OPAC to integrate into Library’s search engine
• Patrons download without restrictions
• Unlimited simultaneous users per title.
Alphabetical List of e-Book and e-Document Collections
Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts Collection
The Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts is a collection of digital documents. The scope of
documents in the collection includes items from American literature, English literature, and
Western philosophy (706 PDF eBooks)
Asian Classics Input Project
A Thousand Books of Wisdom, the fifth major release of data by the Asian Classics Input Project.
ACIP staff around the world have spent literally tens of thousands of hours over the past ten years
to prepare for you the library of wonderful books found here. (4,300 PDF and TXT eBooks, 412
A.U. Press Collection
The Air University Press provides publication design and editorial support to the Air War College
and Air Command and Staff College for the Maxwell and Wright Flyer series papers, respectively.
(310 PDF eBooks)
Author's Community Collection
The Author's Community Collection is a collection of contemporary authors. The collection
contains a wide variety of genres and interests. (387 PDF eBooks)
Baen Library Collection
BAEN BOOKS, the number one publisher of military science fiction, once again gives away the
store to please the readers. (74 eBooks)
Blackmask Online Collection
Blackmask Online Collection includes 15,000 PDF eBooks, beautifully digitally formatted classic
works of world literature. All the works can be browse by subject. All files are included in the WPL
eBook search engine. A Selected Title List has been created. (14,675 eBooks)
BuddhaNet: Buddhist Information and Education Network
BuddhaNet™ is the result of a vision to link up with the growing worldwide culture of people
committed to the Buddha's teachings and lifestyle, as an on-line cyber sangha. In this way, an
ancient tradition and the information superhighway will come together to create an electronic
meeting place of shared concern and interests. (1,123 PDF eBooks)
Census Bureau Department Documents
The publications in this area are a resource guide to the programs and services of the Census
Bureau. Each area features an introduction that will provide key information about the censuses,
surveys, and other programs that are the sources of data products. All files are included in the
WPL eBook search engine. (31,580 PDF eBooks and eDocuments)
Center on Religion and Democracy, University of Virginia
The Center on Religion and Democracy is a politically nonpartisan research center at the
University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia, committed to addressing the complex relationship
between religion and democratic culture. Although the Center’s principal goal will always be the
pursuit of knowledge through objective, nonpartisan scholarship, such a quest should hardly be
merely academic. It is our commitment to help bridge the gap between theory and practice, to
make the critical insights and resources of this center available to everyone concerned with the
challenges of the day. (326 LIT eBooks)
Children's eBook Collection
Compiled from scans of original children's books. The World Public Library Children's eBook
Collection is a selected list of the most popular children's books, "My First Book Collection." Many
of these titles are considered all time classics. We hope you and your family enjoy the collection.
(1280 PDF eBooks)
CIA's Electronic Reading Room
CIA's FOIA & Other Information Access Collection: Electronic Reading Room Collection provides
the public with an overview of access to CIA information, including electronic access to previously
released documents (133 PDF eBooks and 4,264 html pages/images)
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Classic Christian books in electronic format, selected for your edification. There is enough good
reading material here to last you a lifetime, if you give each work the time it deserves! (253 PDF
eBooks, 37 LIT eBooks)
Classic Chinese Literature Collection
PGCC Classic Chinese Literature Collection includes some of the most influential Chinese
literature of the ages. All files are encoded with Big-5 character set. (199 TXT eBooks)
Classic Literature Collection
The World eBook Library’s Classic Literature Collection shelves over 10,000 works of literature, in
many languages. In our collection you will find many of the classic works by the greatest authors
of history, from the early Greek philosophers and story tellers, such as Plato, Aristotle, and Homer
to the great playwrights, such as Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare, as well as
British romantic poets, like William Wordsworth, John Keats, Lord Byron, and Percy Shelley, plus
American writers up to 1923, such as Nathaniel Hawthorn, Herman Melville, Edgar Allen Poe,
Jack London. The World eBook Library’s Classic Literature Collection is for users of all ages,
classic adventure/ghost stories such as Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley’s Frankenstein, Henry
James’ Turn of the Screw, Washington Irving’s The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Louis Stevenson’s
Treasure Island, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Frank Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and The
Magic of Oz. All files are included in the WPL eBook search engine. (10,823 PDF eBooks)
Coradella Collegiate Bookshelf, The
The Coradella Collegiate Bookshelf is a collection of high-quality eBooks that celebrates the
marriage of electronic publishing excellence and classic literature. Includes classic literary texts
and historic documents that appear most frequently on required reading lists for college
preparatory and undergraduate degree programs. (207 PDF eBooks)
Center For World Indigenous Studies (CWIS)
CWIS FWDP Collection guiding principle is to promote access to knowledge and ideas, reduce
the possibility of conflict, increase the possibility of cooperation, and democratize relations
between peoples, nations, and states. (550 PDF eDocuments)
Department of Commerce Collection
Department of Commerce Collection ePublications covers a range of topics: Economic Analysis,
Trade, Technology, Patents and Trademarks, Telecommunications and information, ExportRelated Assistance and Market Information. The Organizational and Management Excellence
section of the report focuses on overall DOC efforts to achieve our part of the President’s
Management Agenda, ensuring that we are a citizen-centered and results-oriented organization.
(2,203 PDF eDocuments)
Department of Energy Collection
DOE is leading the effort to address the challenge of Global Climate Change through innovative
programs and cutting edge technologies. The DOE collection contains publications on a wide
variety of energy information, addressing topics such as energy savings tips, Researchers,
Climate Changes, Market Trends, Energy Sources, Health, Safety and Security, Science and
Technology. (145 PDF eBooks)
DjVu Editions Classic Literature Collection
The Djvu Collection offers about 250 eBooks. Each eBook was designed for an optimal eBook
readership experience. The Djvu eBooks are available in either a PDF format or a Djvu format.
The Djvu format is an innovate way to read eBooks through your Internet browser. (250 PDF
DTIRP Publications Collection
Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty
Under a growing number of arms control treaties and agreements, the United States has agreed
to grant foreign inspection teams unprecedented levels of access to U.S. sites and facilities
associated with treaty-related inspection and over flight activities. As a community outreach
program, the DTIRP combines and focuses multi-agency intelligence, counterintelligence, security
expertise, and treaty inspection experience to form top notch teams of knowledgeable experts
ready to provide security awareness and assistance to facilities facing arms control inspections.
All 240 eBooks and eDocuments are included in the World Public Library Collections. You can
find the title you are looking for by using our comprehensive full text search engine. (240 PDF
e-Asia Collection
The e-Asia Collection contains approximately 1800 LIT and PDF eBooks. By building a collection
of digitized e-books and a database of full text web resources, e-Asia strives to contribute to the
research and scholarship of East Asia. While the e-Asia project is based largely on resources held
at the University of Oregon Library, its purpose is neither to duplicate nor displace printed
traditional materials. (1800 LIT and PDF eBooks) Collection is de beste site voor Engelse en Nederlandse eBooks. Wij hebben ook gratis
Nederlandse eBooks en ons aanbod van Nederlandse en Engelse titels wordt regelmatig
uitgebreid. Alle betalingen worden afgehandeld door Bibit, waardoor de veiligheid van uw
transactie wordt gegarandeerd. (7 PDF eBooks, 20,000 eBooks available at
eBooksBrasil Collection
Todos os livros desta estante podem ser lidos também com o Adobe® Reader, Acrobat Reader
(qualquer versão) ou qualquer programa que leia pdf. Não foram produzidos com produtos da
Adobe®. É que a Adobe Brasil só vende as versões educacionais para instituições de ensino,
que, como todos sabem, disponibilizam na rede estantes fartas de ebooks;) - Como, ainda, a
versão full continua fora de cogitação para a produção de livros para download gratuito na
eBiblioteca e não usamos softwares piratas, só estaremos incluindo nesta estante as
colaborações dos usuários e pdfs produzidos com o excelente pdf995. (418 PDF eBooks)
Ebooks Libres & Gratuits
Au programme... : ebooks gratuits * livres électroniques gratuits
Notre but est la création et la publication d'ebooks - ou livres électroniques - gratuits, à partir de
textes libres de droit ; nous sommes un groupe francophone international, de nombreux pays
étant représentés par nos membres. Ce groupe est un lieu d'échanges et de débats, et nous
permet ainsi de mieux nous organiser pour l'édition et la publication des ebooks. Tous ceux qui
sont intéressés par les ebooks sont invités à nous rejoindre. (287 PDF eBooks)
Economics Publications Collection
ll 5,435 PDF eBooks and eDocuments are included in the World Public Library Collections. The
Collection is comprised from three su-bcollections: Archive for the History of Economic Thought
(312 Titles), United Farm Workers (39 Titles), and the World Bank Collection (5,084 titles). You
can find the title you are looking for by using our comprehensive full text search engine. Below is
a list of the most popular titles in the Economics Publications Collection. (5,435 PDF Publications)
Educational Resource Collection
The World eBook Library Department of Education Library: Online Educational Resource
Collection supports teachers, students, and parents in meeting their educational challenges. The
Online Educational Resource Collection contains reports, worksheets, studies, articles, eBooks,
and a variety of other publications that support and strengthen the learning experience. (6,268
PDF eBooks)
Environmental Awareness Library Collection
Assessment of Global Environmental Changes
An essential e-document collection of reports and research about our environment. This collection
contains many of the primary EPA source reports that the scientific community uses to base its
findings. (15,722 PDF eBooks and eDocuments)
Etana: Ancient Near Eastern Archives
The civilizations of the ancient Near East produced the world's earliest written texts -- in
hieroglyphs, cuneiform, and alphabets-- with which they described the first empires, recorded the
first legal codifications, preserved the first love songs, and registered the first contracts, among
states or individuals. Not surprisingly, these cultures elicited broad curiosity among later
civilizations, our own not excepted, resulting in a flood of evaluation, scholarly or otherwise. While
the discovery of new texts always leads to new evaluation, it is remarkable how assessments
arrived at decades ago continue to be of much value, not only because they often carry editions of
original documents, but because they contain insights minted freshly after first exposure to major
documents. (1552 PDF files)
Export and Trade Publications
International and United Nation Export and Trade eDocument Collection has 880 PDF eBooks
and eDocuments. Federal Trade Commission Collection 9,372 PDF eBooks and eDocuments
Federal Aviation Administration, The
Associate Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation Collection
The Federal Aviation Administration: Associate Administrator for Commercial Space
Transportation Collection is an archive of publications and reports from the Office of the Associate
Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation (AST), the Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA), the Commercial Space Transportation (OCST), and the Department of Transportation
(DOT). Since 1996, AST has issued site operator licenses to five such spaceports: California
Spaceport at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Spaceport Florida at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station,
the Virginia Space Flight Center at Wallops Island, Mojave Airport in California, and Kodiak
Launch Complex on Kodiak Island, Alaska. The first launch from a licensed, non-federal facility
was that of NASA's Lunar Prospector aboard a Lockheed Martin Athena 2 on January 6, 1998,
from Spaceport Florida. (341 PDF eDocuments and eBooks)
Federal Depository Library
The World Public Library Federal Depository Library Collection contains the following subcollections: House Ways and Means Committee Prints 108-6, 2004 Green Book, House Ways
and Means Committee Prints Browse 108th Congress eDocument Collection. All files are included
in the WPL eBook search engine. (445 PDF files)
Government Accountability Integrity Reliability Office Collection
The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) is an independent, nonpartisan agency that
works for Congress. GAO is often called the "congressional watchdog" because it investigates
how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars. This collection provides a brief abstract of
the contents, reports, testimony, legal products, featured issues that evaluate how well
government policies and programs are working, investigations into allegations of illegal and
improper activities, and issuing of legal decisions and opinions. (6,620 PDF eBooks and
Government Printing Office Collection
The US Government Printing Office’s core mission, Keeping America Informed, dates to 1813 to
2005. Congress determined the need to make information regarding the work of the three
branches of government available to all Americans. This is the inherent function of government
which GPO carries out for Federal agencies on behalf of the public. The GPO is the Federal
government’s primary centralized resource for gathering, cataloging, producing, providing and
preserving published information in all its forms. (9,032 PDF GOP eBooks and eDocuments and
8,764 General Government Publications. Total 17,796 PDF files)
Himalayan Academy Sacred Hindu Literature Collection
365 enlightenment lessons from a mystical master, revealing the depths of raja yoga, the clear
white light, the states of mind and the ultimate spiritual destiny of everyone. The collection
features some of the most beautiful eBooks in our holdings. (6 HTML eBooks)
Hungarian Literature Collection
Magyar irodalmi gyűjtemény. Mind a 998 elektronikus könyv és dokumentum megtalálható a
World Public Library (A világ elektronikus könyvtára) gyűjteményében. A keresett könyvet a teljes
szövegre kiterjedő keresőszolgáltatásunkkal találhatja meg. (998 PDF eBooks)
International Law Library
Contains the following publication collections: Department of Justice Collection, Central
Intelligence Agency Declassified Collection, Department of Energy Collection, Briefing Archive
Collection, Herring Archive Collection, Office of Justice Programs Collection. Office of Justice
Programs and the Department of Justice Publications Collection: Funding, Training, Programs,
Statistics and Research - About: The Justice System, Law Enforcement, Courts, Prosecution,
Indigent Defense Juvenile Justice, Corrections/Managing Offenders, Crime Victims, Violence
Against Women, Family Violence, Fighting Crime, Technology to Fight Crime, Terrorism &
Domestic Preparedness, Substance Abuse & Crime Community-Based Programs, American
Indian & Alaska Native Affairs, Hot Topics Firearms & Crime, and Competitive Sourcing.
(2,896 PDF eBooks, eArticles, and eDocuments)
Islamic eBook Collection
This collection of Islamic religious books was compiled to help spread the wisdom of Islam to the
world. Recently, world events have created a misperception regarding the beliefs of the nation of
Islam. (68 PDF and LIT eBooks)
Japanese eBook Collection
The Japanese Classic Literature and Education Publications Collection contains several thousand
of the greatest classic literature of Japan. The collection also contains selected editions of
publications produced for the Board of Education of Japan. (4008 PDF and PDF eBooks and
Literary Works, The Sound of
Recited, performed, and made into downloadable MP3 audio files for your enjoyment.
These entertaining and educational audio performances are made for you to download absolutely
free, without copyright infringement. They are encoded in the popular MP3 format for quick
download speeds and good sound. Enjoy listening to them at your leisure. (104 MP3 eBooks)
Logos Group Collection: WORDTHEQUE
Word by word Multilingual Library
The Wordtheque is a world language collection shelving works in 104 different languages. This
collection contains multilingual novels, technical literature and translated texts. All files are
included in the WPL eBook search engine. (37,380 eBooks)
Medical Document Collection
Medical Publications Collection: Department of Health and Human Services and Center for
Disease Control and Prevention
The World Public Library Medical Document Collection is an archive to assist all people, and
especially those at greater risk of health disparities, will achieve their optimal lifespan with the
best possible quality of health in every stage of life. The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) is one of the 13 major operating components of the Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS), which is the principal agency in the United States government for
protecting the health and safety of all Americans and for providing essential human services,
especially for those people who are least able to help themselves. World Health Organization
(11,845 eDocuments).The United Nations public health arm. Monitors disease outbreaks,
assesses the performance of health systems around the globe 47,004 eDocuments. (58,849
Mathematics Collection
The World Public Library Mathematics Collection contains 510 essential mathematical works. All
of the eBooks have been beautifully digitally re-mastered from its original. All 510 files are
included in the WPL search engine. A separate title list can be generated by using the search
engine results page. . (510 PDF eBooks)
Military and Armed Forces Library
Military and Armed Forces Library Collection contains the combined collections of all branches of
the US armed forces. These collections provide general information, historical documents, future
projects, declassified documents, and critical statistical analysis. This is the single largest publicly
accessible online military library ever compiled. (16,079 eBooks and eDocuments)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
The NASA Publications Collection
NASA Publication Collection is an archive of the most fascinating information one has ever
discovered. The World Public Library NASA Collection contains reports, summaries, new
releases, and publications about NASA's Solar System Missions, Deep Space Missions, Earth
Observing Missions, Humans in Space, and Earth Observing Stations. (1,636 eBooks and
National Oceanographic Data Center Collection
NODC and NOAA Collection contains publications in scientific journals (peer reviewed), NOAA
NESDIS Atlases reports, data and project announcements, IOC Workshop Reports for the
Oceanographic Data Archaeology and Rescue Project (GODAR). (1,160 PDF eDocument and
Project for the New American Century, The
The Project for the New American Century intends, through issue briefs, research papers,
advocacy journalism, conferences, and seminars, to explain what American world leadership
entails. It will also strive to rally support for a vigorous and principled policy of American
international involvement and to stimulate useful public debate on foreign and defense policy and
America's role in the world. All 210 eBooks and eDocuments are included in the World Public
Library Collections. You can find the title you are looking for by using our comprehensive full text
search engine. Below is a list of the most popular titles in The Project for the New American
Century Publication Collection. (210 PDF eDocument and eBooks)
Poets' Collection
The World Public Library Poetry Collection shelves over 8,000 of the most popular English poems
ever composed, spanning over five hundred years. (1300 PDF Poetry files)
Physics Publication Collection
The World Public Library Physics Collection contains 263 conversations regarding the nature of
physics. All 263 files are included in the WPL search engine. A separate title list can be generated
by using the search engine results page. (263 PDF Poetry files).
Project for the New American Century, The
The Project for the New American Century intends, through issue briefs, research papers,
advocacy journalism, conferences, and seminars, to explain what American world leadership
entails. It will also strive to rally support for a vigorous and principled policy of American
international involvement and to stimulate useful public debate on foreign and defense policy and
America's role in the world. (210 PDF eArticles)
Project Gutenberg Consortia Center Collection
Project Gutenberg is the Internet's oldest producer of classic electronic books containing over
18,000 eBooks. All files are included in the WPL eBook search engine.
Project Madurai Library Collection
The project has managed to release more than 200 important Tamil texts so far without any
funding from any agency, government or private. Project Madurai is a collection of ancient Tamil
texts, out of print books, and contemporary authors. Government of Tamil Nadu brought the works
of around 25 20th Century authors into the public domain including Bharathiyar, Bharathidasan,
Kalki, Pattukottai Kalyanasundaram and others. And there were writers like Jeyakanthan and
Vairamuthu who voluntarily gave permission to the project to convert some of their works into etexts. Today, the project covers even the works of expatriate Tamil authors from places like
Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka and other countries. (200 HTML and 81 PDF eBooks)
PSU's Electronic Classics Series
Great Literary Works in PDF Penn State's Electronic Classics
The PSU's Electronic Classics Series Site was created and is maintained by Jim Manis. These
files include original work published in hard copy by the Pennsylvania State University and
classical works of literature in English. (1,088 PDF eBooks)
Public Libraries International Network Publications
Use of Internet-based and digital media continues to increase. In order to retain and enhance their
central role as information brokers, public libraries need to keep pace with the rapid development
of information and communications technologies and develop short-term solutions. Public libraries
have always been dedicated to education and learning. This function now has to be redefined.
Public libraries must provide access to electronic information media and empower citizens to
make effective use of this information. (22 PDF eBooks)
An Online Repository of Works Printed in English Between the Years 1477 and 1799.
Renascence Editions is an effort to make available online works printed in English between the
years 1477 (when Caxton began printing) and 1799. These texts have been produced with care
and attention, but are not represented by the publisher as scholarly editions in the peer-reviewed
sense. (164 HTML eBooks)
Sacred Religious Text Collection
A Collection of the World's Myths, Legends, Religions, and Sacred Works.
The Sacred Religious Text Collection are the works that changed the world. It is a limited
collection and is currently being developed. However, it includes some of the most important
scholarly and theological works in the history of human kind. (653 PDF eBooks)
Shadow Forest Authors Collection
SFA mission is to get books where they are needed. Authors and supporters standing together to
make a difference, our humble shadows speaking volumes. What do SFA Authors and Supporters
contribute? SFA authors donate copies of their titles to our beneficiaries, who places books in
SFA supporters can Adopt an author or authors, purchasing their titles to be donated to our
beneficiary. (22 PDF eBooks)
Sheet Music Collection
Sheet Music Collection is complied from various popular sheet music publishers, such as
Tufvesson Sheet Music Collection and the International Music Scores Library Project / Petrucci
Music Library. Here you can find 6,889 from Tufvesson and 20,774 scores from IMSLP. (27,663
PDF Scores)
Swami Center Collection: Divine way of Spiritual Heart
Modern Hesychasm
Contemporary knowledge about God, Evolution, and the meaning of life. Mythology of spiritual
self-perfection. A collection of works by Vladimir Antonov, Ph.D. The collection includes works in
English, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Russian. (89 PDF eBooks)
Technical eBook Collection
Most Internet users will, at one point, need assistance and consult with a technical reference. The
Technical Manuals and eBooks Collection of technical references are many of the most
commonly requested references on the Internet. (4,458 PDF eBooks)
Technology Administration eBook Collection
NTIS is the federal government's central source for the sale of scientific, technical, engineering,
and related business information by or for the US government and complementary materials from
international sources. TA & OTP Reports is a series of studies of global industrial research and
development, broadband demand, venture capital for technology, emerging technologies such as
nanotechnology, among other topics. All files are included in the WPL eBook search engine.
(2,705 PDF eBooks)
Tony Kline Collection: Poetry in Translation
The Tony Kline Collection presents modern high-quality translations of classic texts by famous
poets as well as original poetry and critical works. (63 PDF eBooks)
Transportation Security Administration Publications Collection
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was created in response to the terrorist attacks
of September 11, 2001. TSA’s collection is publications of the protections of the nation’s
transportation systems, ensuring the freedom of movement for people and commerce. In
February 2002, TSA assumed responsibility for security at the nation’s airports and by the end of
the year had deployed a federal work force to meet challenging Congressional deadlines for
screening all passengers and baggage. (161 PDF eBooks)
United Nations Library
The United Nations Publications, Documents, and Reports host one of the most complete
collections on international treaties, acts, and global assessment research reports ever
assembled. The United Nations Library contains Four distinct sub-collections: International Aid
and Funding Collection (5,699 PDF Publications), International Disarmament Documents
Collections (5,624 PDF eDocuments), Food and Agricultural Organization Collection, (19,065
PDF eDocuments, and UN Documents and Publications Collection, containing UN News, UN
Overview information, UN Conference information, and other UN information resources. All files
are included in the WPL eBook search engine. (A total of 37,252 PDF ePublications)
Unification News Library
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification's publication Unification News is one of the
best periodicals for discovering what is being done around the world to promote peace on earth.
Select an issue from the most current to January 1993. Unification News .pdf files are about 8
Megabytes -- they take a long time to download. (184 PDF ePublications)
United States Department of the Treasury Collection
The United States Treasury Department is entrusted with a broad range of duties and functions.
In addition to monetary functions such as budgets, taxes, and currency production and circulation,
Treasury also oversees critical functions in enforcement, economic policy development, and
international treaty negotiation. (5,167 PDF ePublications)
Victorian Prose Archive, The
Rare Books and Editions of Scholarly Interest. The Victorian Prose Archive is a collection of eight
canonical authors of this genre. (22 PDF eBooks)
White House ePublication Collection
This collection includes policies, news releases, briefings, proclamations, speeches, reports, and
handbooks. (2,293 PDF eDocuments)
Dr. Widger's Library
A collection of copyright-expired and generally out-of-print books from Dr. Widger personal library
which he has personally scanned, proofed and submitted to Project Gutenberg. (72 HTML
eBooks: 11,459 html and image files)
Women Writers Collection
Women Writers Collection is a collection of texts by women writing in English from the
seventeenth century through the nineteenth century. All files are included in the WPL eBook
search engine. (A total of 103 PDF ePublications)